Welcome to EEP and BEEPS

Welcome to Fall 2023, BEEPS

BEEPS Group    and Webpage LINK

Join the Berkeley Environmental Economics and Policy Students - BEEPS  Group -  @calBEEPS Instagram. BEEPS (Berkeley Environmental Economics and Policy Students) is a UC Berkeley student organization for undergraduates of the Environmental Economics and Policy major and minor to network, socialize, and prepare for post-graduation. We aim to connect current and prospective EEP students with their peers, professors, alumni, and relevant industry professionals. 

What does BEEPS do during the school year?   In addition to providing students with academic resources, BEEPS also hosts a variety of events that are open to all students. These events include: Navigating the EEP major/minor; Professional development; Grad student, faculty research; UC Berkeley alumni panels; Community building socials.

BEEPS is planning on having a speaker event soon and a firm's night the first week of April. Official dates are to be determined soon, but in the meantime there are also a couple of resources for people to look follow for the most up to date information! These include: 

How do I get involved with BEEPS?    BEEPS events are open to all students! To learn more about our plans for the semester, our first general meeting, and to receive more updates on events, join our slack channel and newsletter! 

If you are a current EEP student or alumni, stay in touch via the BEEPS LinkedIn page!

If you wish to be added to the EEP alumni list where you receive job news, and other EEP-related events let us know by contacting any of the department faculty members.

Past BEEPS Events - Spring 2024

Date: Monday, February 26th,   Time: 7-8 pm   Location: Dwinelle 197

Our first speaker series of the semester will feature Professor Max Auffhamer, a distinguished figure in the field of environmental economics and sustainable development. Currently serving as a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research and a Professor at Berkeley Environmental Economics, Professor Auffhamer's expertise spans international sustainable development, with significant contributions as a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).


Alumni Speaker Series in previous Semesters

Faculty Speaker Series

Recording of March 20, 2023 Faculty Talk

Graduate Student Panel

Hello all! BEEPS is excited to announce that we will be hosting a graduate student panel on Monday, March 13th from 7:30-8:30 PM in Dwinelle 183. Our confirmed panelists include:
Ishana Ratan, a PhD candidate in the Political Science Department at UC Berkeley, and a Project Director at the Berkeley APEC Study Center. Her research centers upon the international political economy of renewable energy Leila Safavi, a PhD candidate for the department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and graduate student researcher at the Energy Institute at Haas School of Business. Tiana Wilson-Blindman, a JD Candidate at Berkeley law and Environmental Justice Consultant for Ecology Law Quarterly. Kevin Ong, an MBA Candidate and Environmental Specialist at Recology.   We will also be having pizza outside of Dwinelle starting from 7:15! Join us to find out more about the various graduate degrees/pathways you can pursue as an EEP student. We hope to see you all there!

BEEPS Fall 2022

On November 14th, BEEPS will be hosting a networking event, where we will be inviting EEP alumni, graduate students, and other professionals to talk about their experience working and researching in the environmental sector, and their pathways post-grad EEP. Some of the speakers we’ve confirmed include Michael Quiroz (energy analytics at EBCE), Kipper Berven (environmental law at Harvard), Joel Ferguson (ARE at Berkeley), Maria Otero (senior portfolio analyst at Sunpower), Sarah Xu (policy associate at Brightline Defense), Ines Robo (analyst at Cornerstone Research), and Madeleine Wong (Customer success at Higg).  Want to learn more about the different career pathways after EEP? Join us for our ‘Networking with BEEPS!’ event hosted by BEEPS (Berkeley Environmental Economics and Policy Students) on November 14th from 7-8:30 PST. We will be inviting EEP alumni, graduate students, and other professionals to talk about their experience working and researching in the environmental sector, and their pathways post-grad EEP. We'll have speakers from backgrounds such as consulting, non-profit, energy policy, environmental law, and environmental economics research. You’ll have the opportunity to network with our speakers 1:1 in breakout rooms!  BEEPS is a student organization that aims to provide resources, events, and professional development support for students who are interested in the Environmental Economics and Policy major.

To join us, please RSVP at https://forms.gle/w8AASEXGotUuczjy6. After you submit this form, we will email you a google calendar invite with the zoom link. We hope to see you there!

BEEPS Speaker Series, Spring 2022

Come network with EEP faculty and learn more about the environmental economics field! We’re excited to have Professor Max Auffhammer at our next in-person event! Professor Auffhammer is a professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resources and is a George Pardee Jr. Professor of International Sustainable Development. His research focuses on environmental and resource economics, energy economics, and applied econometrics. In addition to teaching EEP C1, he is a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research in the Energy and Environmental Economics group, a Humboldt Foundation Fellow, and a lead author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). He will be talking about past and recent publications, and discuss tips on how to enter research and explore EEP as an undergrad. There will be a chance to chat and ask questions at the event! This event will be held on Monday, April 4, 7-8PM in-person in Dwinelle 187. All students are welcome to attend!


Interested in empirical research? Want to learn more from our EEP faculty? Professor Sofia Villas-Boas is a Professor in the Department of Agricultural and Resources who is currently teaching EEP C118 (Introductory Applied Econometrics). Her research interests lie in industrial organization, consumer behavior, food policy, and environmental regulation. Her recent work estimates the effects of policies on consumer behavior, such as a bottled water tax, a plastic bag ban, and a soda tax campaign and its implementation. She will also be presenting on past publications (which you can access here), and discussing tips on how to apply econometric analysis into your research. There will be a Q&A session at the end! This event will be held on Monday, March 7, 7-8PM on Zoom. All students are welcome to attend!


BEEPS Alumni Talk Series Spring 2022

Interested in entering the environmental policy field? Recent EEP grad (and former BEEPS organizer!!) Sarah Xu will be speaking at our first external event next Monday (2/7) 7-8PM on Zoom! Sarah is a policy associate at Brightline Defense working on environmental and local issues. Some of Sarah’s projects include planning for California’s offshore wind future and data analysis for the Brightline Air Quality Monitoring Program. She has worked at Brightline Defense previously as a Summer 2020 Policy Fellow. If you are interested in learning more about Sarah's EEP pathway and post-grad work, you can attend the event here. 

BEEPS Career Serries - Fall 2021

Interested in energy and public policy, clean energy, and/or public service? UC Berkeley and Duke alum, Igor Tregub, is currently a senior policy advisor at California Solar and Storage Association, and a committee member for Clean Energy for Biden North California. He’ll talk about his career pathway and how you can apply your EEP knowledge in the energy and public policy field! This event will be on Monday (11/15) 8-9PM (in-person) at Dwinelle 182! We’ll have a Q&A session at the end of the event! All UC Berkeley students are invited to attend! Here is also the link to the Facebook event.

BEEPS Graduate Student Series - Fall 2021

Interested in development economics, sustainable development, and/or how to enter graduate school in EEP? Joel Ferguson, PhD Candidate from UC Berkeley’s Agricultural and Resource Economics (ARE) Graduate Program will talk about his pathway to ARE, doing research in development economics and economic geography, and some tips for how you can apply your EEP knowledge in graduate school! This event will be in-person on Monday (11/8) 8-9PM at Dwinelle 182! We’ll have a Q&A session at the end of the event! All UC Berkeley students are invited to attend!

EEP Alumni SERIES- Fall 2021


List of Previous EEP Seminar Series and EEP Alumni Series

EEP alumni Guest Speakers in EEP 118 Lectures - Spring 2021

Guest Speakers always at 10:40 until end of each Lecture (11:00 am) as follows:
Lecture 20 April 6: Renee Serota - Law School, how to prep honors thesis
Lecture 21 April 8: Tyler Jacobson, Research,  pre Doctoral applications, prep and what to expect
Lecture 22 April 13: Michael Colvin, Policy careers
Lecture 23 April 15: Sammy Gold, research and RD design paper 
Lecture 24 April 20: Scott Kaplan, Graduate school, academia, undergrad courses to take
Lecture 25 April 22 Alex Berry: Econ One - careers in Economics consulting
Lecture 26 April 27 Michelle Nacouzi - industry and venture capital careers 

BEEPS is hosting an event on April 13 from 6-7pm with Ted Lamm and Katie Segal from the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) at Berkeley Law and was hoping if you could share it with the EEP students mailing list. Ted and Katie are going to share their research on Trump's environmental rollbacks, give an overview of CLEE, and talk about their paths to environmental law and policy careers. I have included the event description below and linked the Callink event here.    
"Title: CLEE Seminar Series: Environmental Rollbacks Project, Center for Law, Energy, & the Environment, and Environmental Law & Policy Careers .   Ted Lamm and Katie Segal will be joining BEEPS on April 13th to talk about their ongoing research project tracking the reversal of Trump Administration environmental rollbacks, overview of the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE) at Berkeley Law, and environmental law and policy careers!

Ted Lamm is Senior Research Fellow in the Climate Program at CLEE. Ted’s research focuses on California climate change law and policy and the relationships between other areas of policy and the achievement of California’s climate change-related goals. His recent work has centered on climate change, insurance and financial risk; electrical grid decarbonization and resilience; and electric vehicles and transportation policy. Prior to joining CLEE, Ted practiced both environmental law and corporate law in New York City.  Katie Segal is a Climate & Ocean Research Fellow at the Center for Law, Energy & the Environment (CLEE). Her past work has focused on climate and energy policy and she is especially interested in U.S. state-level policy. Prior to joining the CLEE team, Katie worked at Harvard’s Belfer Center for Science & International Affairs as a research assistant for the Arctic Initiative, focusing on environmental issues facing the changing Arctic region.

This presentation will be followed by a Q&A. All UC Berkeley students are invited to attend! This graduate student seminar series is put on by the UC Berkeley Rausser College of Natural Resources (RCNR) and the Berkeley Environmental Economics and Policy Students (BEEPS).   Zoom link: https://berkeley.zoom.us/j/94762688512


BEEPS is holding an event April 6 at 6pm. Don't know what you want to do when you graduate? Exploring different career opportunities? Come hear from CNR Alumni, Katie Lee and Emily Yan about their post-grad experiences and how they navigated their time at UC Berkeley to set themselves up for success!  https://fb.me/e/3Hc7BCPih


BEEPS is holding a seminar event next Tuesday, March 9 at 6-7PM with graduate student James Sayre. He'll be presenting his research, "The Promise of Crop Substitution Programs: Make Avocados, Not Drugs." 

The Facebook link is https://fb.me/e/X2bgjgDN

Learn about ongoing research in environmental and agricultural economics with BEEPS!
James Sayre, PhD Candidate in Agricultural and Resource Economics at UC Berkeley, will give a talk on their recent research ("The Promise of Crop Substitution Programs: Make Avocados, Not Drugs") on crop substitution programs and their relation to illegal drug production.
James' research interests are in international trade and development, and agriculture, and natural resources. James’ research combines novel sources of data (namely remote sensing methods and spatial tools) and quantitative modeling to answer applied questions like the feasibility of policies intended to lead rural farmers away from producing drugs.
This presentation will be followed by a Q&A. All UC Berkeley students are invited to attend!


Join us Feb 9, 2021 at 6 pm PST to hear from EEP Alumni and former Peer Advising Leader at CNR , Kipper Berven on his path to water policy research and Harvard Law School!
More information and RSVP can be found here: https://fb.me/e/1QwCDAVuh

Jan 26,  AT 6 PM PST    BEEPS Infosession and Meet & Greet :  Come meet other EEP students and hear what BEEPS is planning for this semester and how you can get involved! BEEPS is open to all years and all interested students at UC Berkeley!



Interested in Finance?  TUE, NOV 17 AT 7 PM, Alumni Series: Elizabeth Guan, KPMG

Join us on November 17th from 7 to 8PM for another EEP Alumni Series. EEP Alumni Elizabeth Guan, a Tax Associate at KPMG, will give a short presentation on their career pathway followed by Q&A! All UC Berkeley students are invited to attend!

Learn more about this event at: https://www.facebook.com/events/407280920431253


Tuesday, November 10, 2020 at 7 PM PST – 8 PM PST
Public · Hosted by Berkeley Environmental Economics and Policy Students - BEEPS
Online Event
Eva Lyubich, PhD Candidate in Economics at UC Berkeley and a Graduate Student Researcher at the Energy Institute at Haas, will give a talk on their recent research followed by a Q&A. All UC Berkeley students are invited to attend!
Black households have higher residential energy expenditures than white households in the US. This residential energy expenditure gap persists after controlling for income, household size, home-owner status, and city of residence. It decreased but did not disappear between 2010 and 2017, and it is fairly stable in levels across the income distribution, except at the top. Controlling for home type or vintage does not eliminate the gap, but survey evidence on housing characteristics and available appliances is consistent with the gap being driven at least in part by differences in housing stock and related energy efficiency investments.
This seminar series is put on by the UC Berkeley Rausser College of Natural Resources (RCNR) and the Berkeley Environmental Economics and Policy Students (BEEPS).
RSVP for this event via CalLink for the Zoom Information! https://callink.berkeley.edu/event/6564959 


Zach Bleemer, PhD Candidate at UC Berkeley in the Department of Economics, will give a talk on their recent research followed by a Q&A on October 27th. All UC Berkeley students are invited to attend!
Learn more about this event at  LINK


Alumni Lunch Chats! Monday, October 19, 2020 at 12 PM PDT – 12:30 PM PDT

Public · Hosted by Berkeley Environmental Economics and Policy Students - BEEPS

Online Event
Introducing Alumni Lunch Chats!
Come meet EEP alumns in a casual setting, learn about their post-graduation career paths, how they’ve put their EEP degree to use, and more!
This week: Joanna Rui Jiang ’16. Ask her about graduating early, climate change policy, and business analytics.
Zoom Linkhttps://berkeley.zoom.us/j/99183515562 


Interested in venture capital and consulting? Come hear from EEP alumni, Michelle Nacouzi, about their career path on October 20th at 7pm!  Link     www.facebook.com/events/557623945008843       

EEP Alumni Series: Venture Capital and Consulting Michelle Nacouzi, EEP'14, Investor at Northzone VC October 20th 7-8pm Berkeley Rausser College Natural Resources beeps'


Berkeley Environmental Economics and Policy Students - BEEPS

Want to learn more about graduate school and graduate school admission? Come hear from James Sears, PhD Candidate in the Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics on Tuesday, October 6th at 7pm!  LINK


Berkeley Environmental Economics and Policy Students - BEEPS

Despite the United States Clean Air Act, there is still a persistent and disproportionate negative burden of air pollution in low-income communities. Come out to Professor Meredith Fowlie's talk to learn more and the impacts of California's clean air policy efforts.
More information can be found: LINK
You can also RSVP here: