EEP classes offer the opportunity to explore aspects of economics and political institutions that affect the development and management of natural resources and the environment. The focus includes both renewable resources such as food, forests, and water, and resources in fixed supply such as land and minerals. The classes adopt a problem-solving approach to these issues.

The core requirement for the major is micro-economic theory and the economics of resources and the environment. These core courses are supplemented by other courses that apply the methods of social science to resource problems.

The major is structured to ensure that students obtain a sufficient background in the natural and physical sciences. It also supplies training in basic mathematics, statistics, econometrics, and economics to be able to approach resource-related issues in an effective and practical manner.


  • Consult the Course Catalog for the EEP Course Descriptions, instructors, and requirements.


  • The Plan of Study can be found here.

  • If you think you might want to pursue graduate school, particularly in economics, consider taking Math 1A/B and 53 rather than 16A/B. As you progress in your degree and remain interested in graduate studies, you should then take Math 54 and 104. More advice for PhD in Economics HERE


  • More Econometrics after EEP 118? Check out the following suggestions
    • Econ 140 (topics like in Econ 141 and in EEP118)
    • Econ 141 (topics like in EEP 118, more math intensive)
    • Econ 142 (public policy focused, also listed as POL SCI C131A/PUB POL C142)
    • Econ 143 (after EEP 118 with more advances methods, requires EEP 118 or equivalent)
    • Econ 148 (Data Sciences for Economists)
    • Econ 171 (Dev Econ applied class , requires EEP118 or equivalent)
    • Econ 174 (global poverty and impact evaluation, EEP req or equivalent)
    • PubPol 240B  masters level class (only MPP first, non MPP waitlisted, see catalog)