The field of economics intersects in complex ways with systemic inequality and racism. As a community of economists, we acknowledge that we can inadvertently propagate – or proactively work to mitigate – these problems through the choices we make as researchers, teachers, mentors, communicators, and colleagues.
The Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics is committed to ensuring that everyone in our community feels supported and valued. We strive to create a diverse and inclusive classroom culture, intellectual community, and social environment. Through our research and public engagement, we are committed to addressing racism and inequality in its many forms.
Acting on these commitments is a work in progress. This webpage summarizes some of our ongoing efforts and initiatives to promote equity and inclusion.
ARE Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee
The DEI committee coordinates and steers department-wide efforts to promote and support diversity, equity, and inclusion. These initiatives include efforts to:
- Recruit and support a more diverse faculty and student body
- Strengthen our capacity to mentor and support underrepresented groups
- Encourage and support undergraduates of underrepresented backgrounds and identities
- Improve the representativeness and inclusiveness of our pedagogy
The DEI committee comprises three faculty members and graduate student cohort representatives. This committee oversees initiative-specific sub-committees. The committee meets regularly and more frequently as needed. Please let Jeff Perloff or Ali Hill know if you are interested in participating in the ARE Diversity Committee. The current committee includes:
1st Year Student Representatives
BEE Liaisons
Department Culture, Operations, and Graduate Student Support Subcommittee Liaison
Research and Pedagogy Subcommittee Liaison
Admissions and Recruitment Subcommittee Liaison
Undergraduate Outreach Subcommittee Liaison
Faculty Equity Advisors: Alexandra Hill and Jeff Perloff
Department Chair: Jeremy Magruder
Guidance for a Constructive Culture of Exchange in ARE Seminars
Building on recent discussions at the AEA meetings and elsewhere on the culture of seminars in our profession, and informed conversations with our faculty and students we have established these 'best practices' to help ensure that our department seminars promote an open and vibrant exchange of ideas.
Other resources that provide ideas and suggestions for creating an inclusive and supportive climate include:
- Economists for Equity at Berkeley (BEE)
- UC Berkeley Principles of Community
- AEA Best Practices for Economists
- Diversifying Economic Quality: A Wiki for Instructors and Departments
- ARE's 2017 Equity and Inclusion Plan
- How You Can Work to Increase the Presence and Improve the Experience of Black, Latinx, and Native American People in the Economic Profession, by Amanda Bayer, Gary A. Hoover, and Ebonya Washington.