SIEPR- Giannini Data Center
Affiliate The Gilbert Center Link
Breakthroughs Article Recycling Centers project .
Google Scholar Page .
- " Identification of Supply Models of
Manufacturer and Retailer Oligopoly
Pricing,", Economics Letters, 90,
N. 1, 132-140
, Link , 2006, CUDARE
Working Paper 993 , joint with Rebecca
- "Effects of Sales on Brand
Loyalty," Journal of agricultural &
Food Industrial Organization: Link ,
Vol 4: No.1, Article 5, 2006, CUDARE
Working Paper 1011,joint with Rui Huang and Jeffrey
- "Got Organic Milk? Consumer Valuations of
Milk Labels after the Implementation o f the USDA Organic
Seal", Journal of Agricultural &
Food Industrial Organization: Link
, Vol 5: No. 1, Art 4, 2007, and CUDARE
Working Paper 1024, joint with Kristin
- "Vertical Relationships Between
Manufacturers and Retailers: Inference With L imited
Data," The Review of Economic
Studies, 2007, Vol. 74, 2, pp. 625-652. The definitive
version is available at
. Supplement: Simple 2
by 2 Model .
- "Learning, Forgetting and
Sales" , CUDARE
Working Paper 1020 , joint with J. Miguel
Villas-Boas, Management Science, 54 (11): 1951-1960,
Link November 2008.
- "Consumer and Market Responses to Mad-Cow
Disease " , CUDARE
Working Paper 1023 , joint with Wolfram Schlenker,
2009. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 91 (4):
Online Appendix , Data used are stored at the
SIEPR-Giannini Data Center
- Patterns of Pass-through of Commodity
Price Shocks to Retail Prices , joint with P. Berck,
E Leiptag, and Alex Solis, CUDARE
Working paper 1082, 2009, American Journal of
Agricultural Economics, 91 (5):1456-1461, Papers and
- "Revisiting the Income Effect: Gasoline
Prices and Grocery Purchases," ,
joint with Dora Gicheva and Justine Hastings,
2010, American Economic Review, P& P,Vol.
100 (May 2010) Issue 2: 480-484 ,CUDARE
Working Paper 1044 , NBER Working
paper 13614 , 2007 , Wall Street
Journal Economics Blog, Dec 3 2007 .
- Expert Opinion and the Demand for
Experience Goods: An Experimental Approach, joint
with James Hilger and Greg Rafert, 2011, Review of
Economics and Statistics, 93 (4): 1289-1296, CUDARE
Working paper 1049, 2010.
- Tracking the LIBOR Rate, joint with
George Judge and Romy Abrantes-Metz, 2011. Applied
Economics Letters, 18 (10):893-899Link,
Working Paper 1108 .
- " Short on shots: Can calls on
self-restraint be effective in managing the scarcity of
flu vaccines, and what do they reveal about behavior
, joint with Alain deJanvry and
Elisabeth Sadoulet, 2010 Journal of Economic Behavior &
Organization, 76: 209-224 CUDARE
Working PAper 1013.
- "Can information costs affect consumer
choice? Nutritional labels in a supermarket
experiment," joint with Kristin
Kiesel, International Journal of Industrial Organization,
31 (2013): 153-163.
Working Paper 1060 , 2010.
- "Nutritional Labeling and Consumer
Choices ," joint with Kristin
Kiesel and Jill McCluskey, Annual Review of Resource
Economics, vol3: 141-158, 2011,
- Are consumers Color Blind? An Empirical
Investigation of a Traffic Light Advisory for Sustainable
Seafood, joint with Eric Hallstein, Journal of
Environmental Economics and Management 66 (2013) 52-71,
Link to published paper
- Empirical Evidence on the Role of Non
Linear Wholesale Pricing and Vertical Restraints on Cost
Pass-Through, joint with Celine Bonnet and Pierre
Dubois, CUDARE Working
paper 1089 , 2009, CEPR link 2010 .Review of
Economics and Statistics, May 2013, 95(2): 500-515
Link .
- "An Information Theoretic Approach To
Understanding The Micro Foundations of Macro
Processes.", Judge, G. and S. B. Villas-Boas,
Theoretical Economics Letters, Vol. 3 (1), 2013. Link available
here .
- "Big Data in Firms and Economic
Research," Villas-Boas, S. B., 2014.Applied Economics and
Finance, Vol. 1 (1): 67-72.
- "A Note on the Tripple Difference in
Economic Models.", Berck, P. and S. B. Villas-Boas,
Applied Economics Letters, 2015.
Link available here .
- "Buyer Power through Producer
Differentiation,", joint with Claire
Chambolle, 2015, International Journal of Industrial
Organization, Volume 43, November 2015, Pages 56-65
- "Store Choices of Poor
Households,", joint with Rebecca
Taylor, 2016, American Journal of Agricultural Economics,
Link ,98(2): 513 - 532; doi: 10.1093/ajae/aaw009
- "Is Benford's Law a Universal Behavioral
Theory?, joint Jenny Fu and George Judge, 2015,
Econometrics, 2015, 3 698-708;
doi:10.3390/econometrics3040698, Link
- "An Analysis of Asymmetric Consumer Price
Responses and Asymmetric Cost Pass-Throught in the French
Coffee Market,, 2016. Bonnet, C. and S. B.
Villas-Boas, TRANSFOP Working
paper N. 10, 2013." European Review of Agricultural
Economics, Volume 43, Issue 5, December: 781-804.
Link first published online March 2, 2016
doi:10.1093/erae/jbw001 .
- "Measuring Consumer Responses to a Bottled
Water Tax Policy.", Berck, P., J. Moe-Lange, A.
Stevens, and S. B. Villas-Boas, 2016, Working Paper
Link, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 98
(4): 981 - 996;
Link .
LSE Blog .
- Allain , M-L, C.
Chambolle, S. Turolla, and S. B. Villas-Boas, "The impact of
Retail Mergers on Food Prices: Evidence from France," Link to CUDARE
working paper., Journal of Industrial Economics, Volume 65,
Issue 3, September:469 - 509. DOI:
- Heredia-Colaco, V., R. C. Vale, S. B.
Villas-Boas "Does Fair Trade Breed Contempt? A Cross-Country
Examination on the Moderating Role of Brand Familiarity and
Consumer Expertise on Product Evaluation.," Journal of Business
Ethics, Journal
of Business Ethics, (2017).
- Villas-Boas, S. B., Jenny Fu, G. Judge.
2015."Benford's Law and the First Significant Digit
Distribution of Economic Behavioral Micro Data," Physica A:
Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 486 (2017) 711 -
Link .
- Fu, Q., Villas-Boas, S. B., and G. Judge.
2018."Does China Income FSDs follow Benford? A Comparison
between Chinese Income First Significant Digit Distribution
with Benford Distribution," China Economic Journal. (2018)
Link .
- "Safe or Not? Consumer Responses to Recalls
with Traceability", Toledo, C. and S. B. Villas-Boas, 2019
Link ,
Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy, Volume41,
Issue3: 519-541.
Hallstein , E., J.
Hilger, A. Stevens, and S. B. Villas-Boas, 2018. "Estimating
Consumers' Willingness to Pay for Environmental
Sustainability Labeling." CUDARE Working
Paper Environment and Resource Economics,
73: 307-332.
Publication Link .
- "Effects of Peer Comparisons on
Low-Promotability Tasks: Evidence from a University Field
Experiment." Sofia B. Villas-Boas, E. Deakin, B. Taylor, 2019,
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Link to
publication , and Link to Working
Paper , Volume 158:351-366.
- "Entropy Based China Income Distributions and
Inequality Measures." Sofia B. Villas-Boas, Q. Fu, G. Judge,
2019,China Economic Journal RCEJ. 2019 Link to
publication , Volume 12, Issue 3:
- Krovetz, H., R. Taylor, and S. B. Villas-Boas,
2019. ``Willingness to Pay for Low Water Footprint Foods during
Drought,'' in Agricultural Productivity and Producer Behavior,
Wolfram Schlenker ed., NBER, Chapter 8, The University of
Chicago Press, Publication Link and
SSRN link, , and
NBER working
paper , Link CUDARE working
- Villas-Boas, S. B., C. Bonnet, and J Hilger,
2020. ``Reduced Form Evidence on Belief Updating Under
Asymmetric Information - Consumers' Response to Wine Expert
Opinions,'' European Review of Agricultural Economics,
Link to Publication Vol 47 (5), December 2020: Pages 1668-1696, Working Paper Link
- Bonnet, C., J. Hilger, S. B. Villas-Boas, 2021.
"Random Utility Models, Wine, and Experts," American Journal of
Agricultural Economics, Vol 103 (2), March: Pages 663 - 681. Publication Link , Working Paper
Link .
Peter Berck, Marshall Blundell, Gabriel Englander, Samantha Gold, Shelley He, Janet Horsager, Scott Kaplan, Molly Sears, Andrew Stevens, Carly Trachtman, Rebecca Taylor, and Sofia B. Villas-Boas, 2021. "Recycling Policies, Behavior and Convenience: Survey Evidence from the CalRecycle Program." Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy, Vol 43 (2), June 2021: Pages 641-658. Publication Link .
Campbell, Nica, Jackie Copfer, and Sofia B. Villas-Boas, 2022. "Preferences for Sustainability and Supply Chain Essential Worker Conditions: Survey Evidence during COVID-19" Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy, Vol 44 (4): December 2022, Pages 1637-1659. Link to Publication , and CUDARE
Working Paper ,
Link Online Appendix, Press Release, Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy, Link.
Carrera, Mariana P., S. B. Villas-Boas, 2023.
"Generic aversion and observational learning in the
over-the-counter drug market ." American Economic Journal - Applied, 15 ( 3) JULY: 380--410, Link to Pub , Link to Working
White, J., Scott Kaplan, Sanjay Basu, Kristine A. Madsen, Dean Schillinger, and Sofia B.
Villas-Boas, 2023.
''Impact and cost-effectiveness of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes in Oakland, 2015-2019.'' PLOS Medicine, 20(4): e1004212 (2023), Link .
Neuhofer, Zachary T., Lusk, Jayson L., and Sofia B.
Villas-Boas, 2023.
''Can a Sustainability
Facts Label Reduce the Halo Surrounding Organic Labels?'' Applied Economic Perspectives
and Policy 1-- 31. Link
Englander, G., A. W. Stevens, R. L.C. Taylor, and S. B. Villas-Boas. ``The impact of ecolabels and green taxes on market outcomes,'' in Blue Planet Law , Maria da Gloria Garcia e Antonio Cortes
editors, Springer Nature
Springer-Verlag GmbH, Germany, 2023.
Villas-Boas, S. B., S. A. Kaplan, J. White, R. Hsia, 2023.
''Trends in depression risk before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.'' PLOS ONE, Link.
Villas-Boas, S. B., S. A. Kaplan, J. White, R. Hsia, 2023.
''Patterns of US Mental Health-Related Emergency Department Visits During the COVID-19 Pandemic.'' JAMA Network Open., Link Commentary .
Braun, Mark and Villas-Boas, Sofia. 2023 "Pollution and Fatal Traffic Accidents in California." Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy, March, 46(1): 360--385 Link to Paper .
Villas-Boas, S.B., S. Kaplan, J. White, R. Y. Hsia. 2023. "Adolescent Total and Mental
Health-Related Emergency Department Visits During the COVID-19 Pandemic." JAMA
Network Open, 2023;6(10):e233646, Link to Publication.
- Scott Kaplan, Justin White, Sanjay Basu, Kristine Madsen, Dean Schillinger, and Sofia B. Villas Boas. 2024. "The impact of sugar-sweetened beverage taxes on purchased volume, price pass-through, and cross-border shopping: evidence from a multi-city synthetic control approach". JAMA Health Forum, 5(1), Link to Media Coverage .
Berck, Peter; Sears, Molly; Taylor, Rebecca; Trachtman, Carly ; Villas-Boas, Sofia. 2024. "Reduce, Reuse, Redeem: Deposit-Refund Recycling Programs in the Presence of Alternatives." Ecological Economics
Volume 217, March 2024, 108080, Link to Publication..
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
(2020). A Consumer Food Data System for 2030 and Beyond.
Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. NAS Panel Report
JAMA Health Forum Paper, US News , CNN , and NPR are among the many media sources reporting on the findings of the research. See also HERE .
Daily Cal ,
SF Chronicle and US World News & World Report and NBC Bay Area News, April 18, 2023 ,
about PLOS Medicine Paper ``Impact Soda Taxes in Oakland.''
COVID-19 Mobility and Social Distancing Changes in
the US and Reopening Evidence, June 15, 2020,
Paper Brief , and CUDARE Working Paper, NABE Talk
Breakthrough Soda Wars piece
Economist on
Libor Paper
Chicago Booth Review on Generic Purchases
Water Tax Blog LSE
Seafood NOAA News
Sea Grant News piece
Cardinali, Becky; Lusher, Lester ; Taylor, Rebecca; Villas-Boas, Sofia. "Stigma Goods, Self-Checkout Adoption, and Changes in Purchasing Decisions."
CUDARE Working Paper
- Fu, Q. , Z. Fang, Sofia B. Villas-Boas, and
George Judge, " An Investigation of the Quality of Air Data
in Beijing ", Link.
- Kiesel, K., L. Smialkova, S. B. Villas-Boas,
Michael L. Anderson, "Empowering through Taste and Food
Education: The Impact of a Schoolbased Intervention on Students
Food Preferences",
- Duran-Micco, Elisa, David McLaughlin, Jeffrey
M. Perloff, Tiffany Shih, and Sofia B. Villas-Boas, 2020. "Does
Greater Variete Increase or Decrease Sales? Evidence from a
Super Market Chain Quasi-Experiment".
Kyle Emerick, Rebecca L. Taylor, Timothy Park,
and Sofia B. Villas-Boas, "The Foreclosure Crisis and Consumer
Expenditures: Evidence from over 2 Billion Grocery
Jessica Rider, Peter Berck, and Sofia B.
Villas-Boa, "Eating Healthy in Lean Times- The Relationship
between Unemployment and Grocery Purchasing Patterns
Hamilton, S., E. Ligon, D. Sunding, and S. B.
Villas-Boas,``The Impact of AB32 on the Competitiveness of
California Food Processing Industries''
The Sideways Effects of Wine, joint with Frederico
Identification of Pass-Through, joint with Rebecca
Cross-Category Effects, Multimarket Contact and
Strategic Pricing
Environmental Regulation and Arbitrage in
Wholesale Gasoline, joint with Justine
Last updated 2024-2025