Ten alumni from the incoming class of 1979 gathered in the department to discuss research and careers. Among those who arrived in Berkeley from various parts of the world were Claudia Parliament, Jeffrey T. LaFrance, Lorenzo Mejia, Kostas Stamoulis, Ramon Espinel, Yacov Tsur, Roy Allen, J. Edward Taylor, Tom Reardon (not in photo), and Harry de Gorter.
Congratulations to 2024 AERE Fellow Max Auffhammer
Colleagues describe Max's pathbreaking scholarship and his committment to fostering a welcoming culture to those new and underrepresented in the field as some of the many reasons for his much deserved recognition as an AERE Fellow.
"Upscaling Innovations to Control Climate Change"
This is the title of the monthly blog entry by Energy and Biosciences Institute (EBI) executive committee member and ARE Distinguished Professor David Zilberman. EBI provides industrial sponsors access to world-class, collaborative research facilities across the energy, chemical, material sciences, data sciences, engineering, and agriculture sectors. You can read more of the EBI Zilberman blog here.
Joe Shapiro Receives UC Berkeley's Bakar Fellows Spark Award
The Bakar Fellows Program at UC Berkeley fosters entrepreneurship in the STEM+ fields and the Spark Award is designed to accelerate faculty-led research to tangible, positive societal impact through commercialization. Congratulations Joe!
Solar Plus Batteries ‘Cheaper than New Coal’ for Meeting China’s Rising Demand
ARE Adjunct Professor Jiang Lin and co-author Fredrich Kahrl address China’s climate and energy policies in their recent Carbon Brief guest blogpost. Carbon Brief is a UK-based website covering the latest developments in climate science, climate policy and energy policy.
ARE Faculty and Students Take a Central Coast Field Trip
ARE graduate students and faculty visited California's central coast to learn about strawberry production, lettuce processing, and water management. The group traveled to the Pajaro and Salinas Valleys on April 29th. Thanks to our hosts: Pajaro Valley Water Management Agency, Good Farms, and Taylor Farms.
Congratulations to ARE's 2024 Doctorate Graduates!
Congratulations and warm wishes to the 2024 ARE PhD recipients. Pictured are faculty and graduates at Monday's May 13th graduation commencement ceremony, l-r: Dept Chair Jeremy Magruder, Sofia Villas-Boas, Meredith Fowlie, Pierre Biscaye, Daniel Agness, Jedediah Silver, Leila Safavi, Michelle Chen, '23 ARE graduate Joel Ferguson and Ethan Ligon.
Latest Issue of the ARE Update Now Available
This issue of the ARE Update features an article co-authored by Professor Max Auffhammer and ARE alumnus '23 Wei Guo, and a faculty profile on Assistant Professor Alexandra Hill.
2024 Environmental Economics & Policy Honors Recipients
Congratulations to EEP Honors students Peter Flo Grinde-Hollevik, Enzo Cremers, Jessica Liu, Sarah Ng, Malena Buffagni, Lanie Goldberg, and Shannon Paulson.
Additional congratulations to both Peter Flo Grinde-Hollevik (advised by Professor Duncan Callaway) and Lanie Goldberg (advised by Professor Sofia Villas-Boas) who also each received the 2024 Spring semester Melis Medal in Social Sciences.
Voices in Development: Building In-Country Partnerships in Development Economics
ARE Professor Francis Annan recently participated in the above titled Yale Economic Growth Center podcast. Joined by Christopher Udry and Rohini Pande, the podcast focused on cross-border collaborations for policy-relevant research. You can listen here.
Rural Electrification and Economic Development
In the VoxDev article, "Does rural electrification cause economic development?" ARE alumni '17 Fiona Burlig and '18 Louis Preonas discuss their forthcoming Journal of Political Economy article, "Out of the darkness and into the light? Development effects of rural electrification," regarding the economic benefits of expanding electricity access.
Private Input Suppliers as Information Agents for Technology Adoption in Agriculture
New research in the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics is co-authored by a ARE faculty Alain de Janvry and Elisabeth Sadoulet, and ARE alumni '14 Kyle Emerick and '23 Eleanor Wiseman. Read more about the article here.
Utility-caused wildfires are becoming a national problem
A New York Times article about utility-caused wildfire ignitions references the findings of a recent Energy Institute working paper co-authored by ARE professor Meredith Fowlie
Wind turbines have little effect on US property values
The values of homes within a wind turbine’s viewshed drop only slightly and temporarily, according to a new PNAS study co-authored by Maximillian Auffhammer.
Mapping waters of the U.S. using new tools
ARE PhD candidate Simon Greenhill and ARE alumna '21 Caltech Asst. Professor Hannah Druckenmiller speak with Resources for the Future podcast (Resources Radio) host Daniel Raimi about their work using machine learning to predict Clean Water Act regulation.
Int'l Smposium to Converge Food-Energy-Water Research for Net Zero Development, March 18 – March 20, 2024
ARE Distinguished Professor David Zilberman is chairing the 12-member scientific committee helping to organize the conference. For more information, visit the conference website.
Honoring Peter Berck
The recently published Springer Link ebook Sustainable Resource Development in the 21st Century is a collection of essays assembled by editors Jeff Perloff, David Zilberman and Cyndi Spindell Berck in memory of S.J. Hall Professor of Forest Economics and Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Berkeley, Peter Berck.
Want to preserve groundwater? Tax it.
Research by ARE Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension Ellen Bruno found that groundwater demand in California’s Pajaro Valley shrank in response to long-term price increases.
Alum’s Wines Named to Wine Enthusiast’s 2023 Top 100 List
Jim Bundschu (BS '66 Agricultural Economics) revitalized his family’s 100-year-old vineyards. Today, his winery's sustainable, organic wines are receiving highest honors.