ARE Professors of the Graduate School, Elisabeth Sadoulet and Alain de Janvry, ARE alumni Guojun He '14 and Shaoda Wang '19, and co-author Qiong Zhang, publish research in the current issue of the American Economic Review.
ARE Alumnus Kwabena Donkor Featured in ABC News Report on Tipping
Watch the ABC News Video featuring ARE alumnus '20 and Stanford University Professor in the Graduate School of Business, Kwabena Donkor.
Charles Taylor Wins the 2022 Wallace E. Oates Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award
Congratulations to S.V. Ciriacy-Wantrup postdoc Charles Taylor!
Behavioral Agricultural Economics
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy has published a paper by ARE Professor David Zilberman, alumnus '01 David Just, and co-authors addressing the overlap of general and agricultural economics with psychology, sociology, anthropology, and political science and how the rise of behavioral economics has steered the field toward the other social sciences. Read the article here.
Current Issue of the JAAEA Includes Research from Scott Kaplan and David Zilberman
ARE alumnus '21 Scott Kaplan and Professor David Zilberman's research article "Estimating worldwide benefits from improved bananas resistant to Fusarium Wilt Tropical race 4," assesses the economic welfare implications of developing and introducing a gene-edited banana with resistance against an emerging plant disease, Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cubense Tropical race 4, on global banana production.
A New Study Suggests that Concerns about Renewables are Overblown
ARE Adjunct Professor Jiang Lin has co-authored an article with Michael Boyle, director of the electricity program at Energy Innovation, addressing the topic of clean energy transition. Their article has been published in the Chinese magazine Sixth Tone.
"Generic Aversion and Observational Learning in the Over-the-Counter Drug Market"
Sofia Villas-Boas' recent research with Mariana Carrera is forthcoming in American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. Professor Villas-Boas is pictured here with the research team: Professor Villas-Boas (left), Professor Carrera (right), and their two UC Berkeley EEP undergraduate research assistants.
ARE Alumni Published In Current Issue of American Economic Journal: Applied Economics
ARE alumni Kyle Emerick '13, Judd Boomhower '15 and Patrick Baylis '16 have their research published in the current issue of the AEJ: Applied.
EEP Major Jack Weaver Named RCNR Honors Student for Fall 2022
Jack Weaver joined three other RCNR students to be named honors recipients for the Fall 2022 semester. Jack presented his honors thesis titled "The Crisis at the Salton Sea: An Econometric Analysis of Property Values and Demographic Disparities in the Coachella and Imperial Valleys with Sociological Applications."
The Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Seasonal Agricultural Workers
Kwabena Donkor, ARE Alum '20 and Assistant Professor of Marketing in Stanford Graduate School of Business, publishes new research in Journal of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association with ARE Professor Jeffrey Perloff.
"Closed Labs, Cancelled Classes: Inside the Largest Strike to Hit US Higher Education"
The Bristish daily newspaper, The Guardian, features an article addressing the UC Strike.
Clean Air Act dramatically cut vehicle air pollution, but equity a concern
ARE professors Joe Shapiro and James Sallee are co-authors of a new study on reduced vehicle emissions and remaining challenges for pollution reduction in low-income communities.
Tapping the Superpowers of Biology
Professor David Zilberman has spent decades researching the potential of the bioeconomy to address climate change, increase agricultural productivity, and reduce land use. Read more about how he and other Rausser College researchers are advancing the bioeconomy in Breakthroughs magazine.
The Latest Issue of ARE Update is Now Available Online!
ARE Professor Max Auffhammer writes "Putting a number on the economic damage from the emissions of greenhouse gases is a difficult undertaking. Recent advances in statistical methods, exponentially growing computing power, and the ever-increasing availability of detailed data on climate-sensitive sectors of the economy have led to significant new insights, which will affect regulation at the federal and global level." Read more from his ARE Update article here.
"Mandatory Energy Efficiency Disclosure in Housing Markets"
This is the title of ARE alumna '14 Erica Myers' recently published research in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. You can read Professor Myers' article here, as well as the research of ARE affiliated Professor Severin Borenstein, who also published in this issue of AEJ: Policy.
ARE Faculty and Three Alumni Publish in the Current Issue of the AER
Published by the American Economic Association, the American Economic Review is among the nation's oldest and most respected scholarly journals in the economics profession. Read the recent research of ARE Professor Marco Gonzalez-Navarro, Alumna '18 Ceren Baysan, and Alumni '19 Erin M. Kelley and Gregory Lane, here.
Make a Donation to the Lauren McCluskey Foundation
The Lauren McCluskey Foundation was established to honor the spirit and legacy of an outstanding student-athlete by supporting charitable work in three areas: college campus safety, amateur athletics, and animal welfare. Make a donation today.
Who (Besides the EI Blog) Pays Attention to Electricity Prices?
A new study finds a large household response to electricity prices in the long run. Read more of Meredith Fowlie's EI blog here.
Jill J. McCluskey is ARE Alumna of the Year 2022
ARE is very pleased to announce that alumna '98 Professor Jill McCluskey is the third recipient of the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Alumni of the Year Award. Professor McCluskey will present a seminar entitled “How Women Saved Agricultural Economics and Other Ideas from a Berkeley Graduate” at ARE's Friday Seminar on October 14th, followed by a reception to recognize and celebrate her achievement and excellence in the profession.
Remembering ARE CE Specialist Emeritus Tim Wallace
A memorial was held September 29th, 2022 for Luther T. "Tim" Wallace, a Cooperative Extension Specialist in our department who passed away on May 14, 2021 at the age of 92.