In a special seminar on Thursday September 29, Mr. Habib Asadullah, a rural economics advisor at the California Department of Food & Agriculture, discussed CDFA's current programs, policy priorities, and future vision.
Gordon Rausser Published Book Review of Nordhaus' "Spirit of the Green" in the JEL
The Spirit of Green: The Economics of Collisions and Contagions in a Crowded World by 2018 Nobel Laureate William D. Nordhaus "has provided a timely response to the increased public attention on global warming and the emerging environmental 'green' movement." You can read the complete Journal of Economic Literature book review by ARE Professor Gordon Rausser here.
“Energy Saving May Kill: Evidence from the Fukushima Nuclear Accident”
ARE alumnus '14 Guojun He and current ARE graduate student Takanao Tanaka are having their research addressing an outcome of the Japanese government's launching of large-scale energy-saving campaigns, to reduce electricity consumption in response to the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident, published in the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics.
More Boo In CO2
A new paper suggests Carbon Dioxide causes thrice the damages previously used by the US government. Read Max Auffhammer's latest EI blog addressing the findings in the paper to be published in Nature entitled "Comprehensive Evidence Implies a Higher Social Cost of CO2."
Jiang Lin Publishes Op-Ed in Project Syndicate
The Project Syndicate article "A Big Payoff from US-China Climate Coordination," addresses new research that shows both countries could decarbonize their grids by 80% between now and 2035.
Open Positions in ARE
ARE is currently recruiting for an Assistant Professor in Agricultural and Resource Economics, and an Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension—Economics of Diversity and Equity.
ARE Graduate Student Elena Stacy New Co-President of BEE
Cal graduate students Elena Stacy (ARE) and Nithya Nagarathinam (GSPP) are the new co-presidents of Economists for Equity at Berkeley (BEE) for the 2022-2023 Academic Year. Congratulations Elena and Nithya!
It’s Still Hot, But Summer is Over in Europe
And a tough winter is coming. Read Max Auffhammer's recent EI Blog.
The Latest Issue of ARE Update Is Now Available
Two of the three articles in this issue were written by ARE faculty and students. View the full issue: ARE Update Vol. 25, No. 6, Jul/Aug 2022.
Max Auffhammer Steps Into Role as Vice Chair of the Academic Senate
ARE Professor Maximilian Auffhammer has begun his term as the Vice Chair of the Berkeley Division of the Academic Senate for the 2022-23 academic year.
"China Can Cut Short-Lived Climate Pollutants Up to 40%"
This Electricity Markets and Policy article by ARE Adjunct Professor Jiang Lin addresses the results of a new study led by researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), which finds potential for China to cut emissions of these short-lived gases by up to 40% in 2030.
ARE Welcomes Student Cohort 2022
ARE is very pleased to welcome Rajdev Brar, Yazen Kashlan, Scott Kjorlien, Thor Larson, Prema Sai Narasimhan, Sarah O'Brien, Bora Ozaltun, Bobing Qiu, Garrison Schlauch, Max Snyder, and Cassandra Turk.
On Inflation, Climate, and Compromise
Can the Inflation Reduction Act tackle climate change and inflation at the same time? Read more of Meredith Fowlie's recent EI blog here.
Berkeley ARE Welcomes Francis Annan
We are very pleased to announce that Francis Annan is joining our faculty this Fall. He completed his PhD at Columbia University in 2018 and for the past four years has been an Assistant Professor of Economics, Risk, and Insurance at the J. Mack Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University. Professor Annan's research spans the fields of development, environment and public economics.
Voluntary Green Power to the Rescue?
Can the private sector lead on climate while Washington dithers? ARE Associate Professor Jim Sallee addresses this question in his recent EI Blog.
Adaptation and Adverse Selection in Markets for Natural Disaster Insurance
ARE Assistant Professor Katherine Wagner published research in the current issue of American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. Read Professor Wagner's article here.
Thibault Fally and Ben Faber Publish Research in the Recent Issue of Review of Economics Studies
Read the B. Faber and T. Fally Review of Economics Studies article entitled "Firm Heterogeneity in Consumption Baskets: Evidence from Home and Store Scanner Data."
Cleaning Up the Dirtiest Mode of Transport is Hard, But Worth It
Max Auffhammer addresses maritime ship traffic in his recent Energy Institute Blog titled 'Dirty Boats.'
ARE Alum '16 Obie Porteous' Publishes Research in the Journal of International Economics
As Assistant Professor in Economics at Middleburry College in Vermont, Obie Porteous does research in the fields of International Trade and Development Economics, with a focus on sub-Saharan Africa.
New Research Published by ARE Professor Jeremy Magruder and ARE Alum '19 John Loeser, et al.
A new research article entitled "Factor Market Failures and the Adoption of Irrigation in Rwanda," by Maria Jones, Florence Kondylis, John Loeser and Jeremy Magruder, has been published in the current issue of the American Economic Review.