In Memoriam: Yair Mundlak
We are saddened to note the death of Professor Yair Mundlak, one of our department’s most distinguished graduates and one of the leaders of the field of agricultural economics. He completed his M.S.
Delinking Land Rights From Land Use: Certification And Migration In Mexico
Over the period 1993 to 2006, Mexico engaged in a massive land reform program, giving individual land certificates to 3.5 million households cultivating 52% of the country’s agricultural land.
Why Do Fewer Agricultural Workers Migrate Now?
The share of agricultural workers who migrate within the United States has fallen by approximately 60% since the late 1990s.
ARE Faculty And Alums Recognized At AAEA Meetings In San Francisco
Congratulations to UC Berkeley/ARE faculty and alumni who were recognized for their achievements in research at the 2015 AAEA Awards & Fellows Recognition Ceremony, San Francisco, CA, July, 2015. For a complete list of awards, please see the
Fally Appointed NBER Faculty Research Fellow
Fally Appointed NBER Faculty Research Fellow
Professor Thibault Fally has been appointed Faculty Research Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), in the International Trade and Investment group (ITI). Find more information on ITI’s members, research agenda and recent working papers.
Professor Fowlie Appointed To The Class Of 1935 Chair
Professor Meredith Fowlie has been appointed to the Class of 1935 Endowed Chair in Energy. The Class of 1935 Chair was established at UC Berkeley to foster basic research in the field of energy, with emphasis on the production of energy from renewable resources.
James Sallee To Join ARE faculty
James Sallee to join ARE faculty
We are very pleased to announce that James Sallee will be joining our department as an assistant professor of environmental and resource economics.
How To Make The Clean Power Plan Affordable
In this Scientific American story, associate professor of agricultural and resource economics Meredith Fowlie weighs in on the Obama administration's proposed Clean Power Plan.
Innovation Gives Users A Say In Energy Consumption
Individual users and organizations will now be able to know where their electricity comes from and choose sources they support, thanks to a new technology developed by a team led by ARE graduate student Gavin McCormick.
Corporate-Funded Academic Inventions Spur Increased Innovation, Analysis Says
Academic research sponsored by industry has a strong track record of leading to innovative patents and licenses, challenging assumptions that corporate support skews science toward inventions that are less useful to society than publically funded research, a new analysis says.
Why Are Climate Change Experts Worried About The Future?
ARE economists consider the worldwide human and economic toll of climate change. Their outlook makes them worry for their kids' future.
Yelp Ratings Give Restaurants A Boost
Every wonder whether those crowd-sourced reviews online actually make a difference in a business’s bottom line? For restaurants, the answer is an unequivocal yes, according to a new study by UC Berkeley economists.
Remaking America’s Urban Water Systems
With a budget of nearly $40 million over five years, Re-inventing the Nation’s Urban Water Infrastructure, or ReNUWIt, is the largest project on urban water ever funded by the NSF.