Chancellor's Professor
Solomon Hsiang directs the Global Policy Laboratory at Berkeley, where his team is integrating econometrics, spatial data science, and machine learning to answer questions that are central to rationally managing planetary resources--such as the economic value of the global climate, how the UN can fight wildlife poaching, the effectiveness of treaties governing the oceans, and whether satellites and AI can be combined to monitor the entire planet in real time.
Hsiang earned a BS in Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science and a BS in Urban Studies and Planning from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and he received a PhD in Sustainable Development from Columbia University. He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Applied Econometrics at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) and a Post-Doctoral Fellow in Science, Technology and Environmental Policy at Princeton University.
Hsiang is currently the Chancellor's Professor of Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley, a Co-Director at the Climate Impact Lab, Research Associate at the NBER, a National Geographic Explorer, and an Andrew Carnegie Fellow.
Ph.D. Sustainable Development (2011), Columbia University, with distinction
B.S. Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Science (2006), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, thesis awarded Goetze Prize
B.S. Urban Studies and Planning (2006), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, thesis awarded Outstanding Thesis Award
Reply to: Temporal displacement, adaptation and the effect of climate on suicide rates Burke, M, F Gonzalez, P Baylis, S Heft-Neal, C Baysan, S Basu, S Hsiang, Nature Climate Change (2020) DOI: 10.1038/s41558-020-0792-2
Destructive Behavior, Judgment, and Economic Decision-making Under Thermal Stress Almås, I, M Auffhammer, T Bold, I Bolliger, A Dembo, S Hsiang, S Kitamura, E Miguel, R Pickmans, NBER Working Paper No. 25785 (2019)
Valuing the Global Mortality Consequences of Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation Costs and Benefits Carleton, T, A Jina, M Delgado, M Greenstone, T Houser, S Hsiang, A Hultgren, R Kopp, K McCusker, Kelly, I Nath, J Rising, A Rode, HK Seo, J Simcock, A Viaene, J Yuan, Jiacan, A Zhang, Becker Friedman Institute Working Paper (2019)
Non-economic factors in violence: Evidence from organized crime, suicides and climate in Mexico Baysan, Burke, Gonzalez, Hsiang, Miguel, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization (2019) DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2019.10.021
The Distribution of Environmental Damages Hsiang, S, P Oliva, WR Walker, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy (2019) DOI: 10.1093/reep/rey024
Strengthened scientific support for the Endangerment Finding for atmospheric greenhouse gases Duffy, P, C Field, N Diffenbaugh, S Doney, Z Dutton, S Goodman, L Heinzerling, S Hsiang , D Lobell, L Mickley, S Myers, S Natali, C Parmesan, S Tierney, AP Williams, Science (2019) DOI: 10.1126/science.aat5982
Spatial Correlation, Trade, and Inequality: Evidence from the Global Climate Dingle, J, K Meng, S Hsiang, NBER Working Paper No. 25447 (2019)
An Economist’s Guide to Climate Change Science Hsiang, S, R Kopp, Journal of Economic Perspectives (2018) DOI: 10.1257/jep.32.4.3
Accounting for Unobservable Heterogeneity in Cross Section Using Spatial First Differences Druckenmiller, H, S Hsiang NBER Working Paper No. 25177 (2018)
Estimating the global agricultural effects of geoengineering using volcanoes Proctor*, J, S Hsiang*, J Burney, M Burke, W Schlenker, Nature (2018) DOI: 10.1038/s41586-018-0417-3 (* equal contribution)
Warming increases suicide rates in the United States and Mexico Burke, M, F Gonzalez, P Baylis, S Heft-Neal, C Baysan, S Basu, S Hsiang, Nature Climate Change (2018) DOI: 10.1038/s41558-018-0222-x
The Marginal Product of Climate Deryugina, T, S Hsiang, NBER Working Paper No. 24072 (2017)
Conflict in a Changing Climate Carleton, T, S Hsiang, M Burke, European Physical Journal Special Topics (2016) DOI:10.1140/epjst/e2015- 50100-5
See more publications on Professor Hsiang's CV.