Adjunct Professor
ARE mourns the loss of our colleague and friend Leo Simon:
My research interests range from theoretical game theory to simulation modeling to applied political economy. One recent theoretical paper introduced a new class of incomplete information games, called aggregation games, designed for modeling situations in which a group of agents must take a collective decision based on the aggregate of group members' private information. Another recent paper, combining simulation modeling with theory, developed an algorithm which locates a pure-strategy equilibrium for the classic two-player, two-stage Hotelling price-quantity game.
My recent work in political economy applies a game-theoretic model of multi-issue, multi-player negotiations developed in collaboration with Gordon Rausser. We have recently completed a study of water resource allocation across subbasins of the Adour Basin of Southern France. One current application studies the current negotiations over the Water Transfer Agreement between IID and SDCWA in Southern California. Another compares the political economics of agri-environmental policy formation in Europe and the US, and the role played by the WTO in these two regions.
Doctor of Philosophy, Economics, Princeton University, USA
Master of Science, Economics, London School of Economics, UK
Master of Science, International Relations, London School of Economics, UK
Bachelor of Arts (First Class Honors), Political Science, University of Melbourne, Australia Concert Diploma of Music, Pianoforte Performing, University of Melbourne, Australia
Gordon Rausser and Susan Stratton Sayre and Leo Simon. Property Rights and Water Transfers: Bargaining Among Multiple Stakeholders. Strategic Behavior and the Environment, 1(1):1–29, 2010.
Jadwiga Ziolkowska and Leo Simon. Environmental Benefits, Challenges and Valuation of Biofuels Policy. Journal of Biofuels, 1(1):57–66, 2010.
Georges Casamatta and Gordon Rausser and Leo Simon. Optimal Taxation with Joint Production of Agriculture and Rural Amenities. Resource and Energy Economics, 33(3):544–553, 2011.
Pierre M´erel, Leo Simon., and Fujin Yi. A Fully Calibrated Generalized CES Programming Model of Agricultural Supply. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(4):936, 2011.
Jadwiga Ziolkowska and Leo Simon. Environmental Implications of Biofuels -Theoretical and Empirical Analysis for the EU and US. Journal of the Japan Institute of Energy, 20(2):177–181, 2011.
Carmen Marchiori and Susan Stratton Sayre and Leo Simon. Bargaining and Devolution in the Upper Guadiana Basin. Environmental and Resource Economics, 51(3):453–470, 2012.
Gordon Rausser and Susan Stratton Sayre and Leo Simon. Local Negotiation withHeterogeneous Groundwater Users. Strategic Behavior and the Environment, 2(1):61–82, 2012.
Carmen Marchiori, Susan Sayre, and Leo Simon. On the Implementation and Performance of Water Rights Buyback Schemes. Water Resources Management, pages 1–18, 2012.
Larry Karp and Leo K. Simon. Participation Games and International Environmental Agreements: a Nonparametric Model. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 65:326–344, 2013.
Jadwiga Ziolkowska and Leo Simon. Recent developments and prospects for algae based fuels in the US. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 29:847–853, 2014.
Antony Millner, Helene Ollivier, and Leo Simon. Policy experimentation, Political Competition, and Heterogeneous Beliefs. Journal of Public Economics, forthcoming, 2015.
Jadwiga Ziolkowska and Leo Simon. Environmental Effects and Implications of Biofuels in the EU and US Theoretical Framework and Empirical Analysis. In Labar, K.; Petrick, M.; Buchenrieder, G., editor, Challenges of Education and Innovation for Agricultural Development, Studies on the Agricultural and Food Sector in Central and Eastern Europe:56, pages 79–88. 2010.
Rachael Goodhue, Leo K Simon, and Susan Stratton. The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and the Political Economy of California Water Allocation. In Delworth Gardner and Randy Simmons, editor, Aquanomics: Water Markets and the Environment, chapter 11, pages 281–320. The Independent Institute, Oakland, CA, 2012.