"Cap-and-Trade starts with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions," states ARE Professor Meredith Fowlie. Read and listen to this NPR report featuring comments from Professor Fowlie.
‘Catastrophic’ Honeybee Losses Threaten California’s Almond Crop
A San Francisco Chronicle article features comments by Professor Aaron Smith, the Gordon Rausser Distinguished Chair in Agricultural and Resource Economics.
It’s Game on for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Export
What will this mean for U.S. consumers and the climate? Read more of Meredith Fowlie's blog here.
Tax Credit Proposed to Offset Cost of Farmworker Overtime
ARE Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension Ali Hill's 2023 analysis in ARE Update titled "California’s Overtime Law for Agricultural Workers: What Happened to Worker Hours and Pay?" is featured in the above titled article in AgAlert.
Many Liberal Tesla Drivers Are Now Sporting Anti-Musk Bumper Stickers
ARE Professor Jim Sallee was interviewed for this Cap Radio segment.
Be the Light
March 13th, 2025 is Cal's Big Give, a 24-hour campus-wide fundraising effort, and we are encouraging ARE friends and alumni throughout the world, to show support for ARE and *Give Big*.
Is US Farmland Better Used for Corn Ethanol or Solar Power?
Analysis from an EI blog post by ARE Professor Aaron Smith was featured in a recent article in Straight Arrow News.
Electric Vehicles and the Inflation Reduction Act
Research by ARE faculty member Joe Shapiro and co-authors was featured in a recent article in The Guardian: "Elon Musk’s journey from climate champion to backing EV-bashing Trump."
Sofia Berto Villas-Boas Appointed Next Chair of ARE
ARE is pleased to announce that Sofia Berto Villas-Boas has agreed to serve as the Chair of the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, effective July 1, 2025.
Remembering Jerry Siebert
Jerry passed away on August 4, 2024. The ARE community remembers Jerome (Jerry) Siebert, an Extension Specialist Emeritus and longtime colleague in the Department of Agricultural Economics at U.C. Berkeley.
Adapting the US Federal Crop Insurance Program for Climate Change: Critical Lessons for Policy Design
In his recent article published in the ARE Update, Assistant Professor Francis Annan presents a descriptive framework that sheds light on alternative policy redesign for climate resilience, with implications for ongoing discussions around the Farm Bill.
Costly Wildfires Imperil Utilities Accused of Causing the Spark
ARE Professor Meredith Fowlie was interviewed for this above titled article published in The Washington Post.
Thirsty Skies, Arid Land
ARE Assistant Professor of Cooperative Extension Ellen Bruno was interviewed for this Ambrook Research article regarding drought. Ambrook Research is a journalistic outlet that covers issues in modern agriculture. They publish original research and stories on topics that affect farmers, the agriculture industry, and the public.
How Climate Change is Reshaping Home Insurance in California — and the Rest of the U.S.
ARE Professor Meredith Fowlie is featured in this NPR report regarding climage change impact on home insurance throughout the U.S.
Big Oil and Big Ag are Teaming Up to Turn Cow Poop into Energy — and Profits. The Math Doesn’t Add Up
ARE Professor Aaron Smith is interviewed and his research referenced in the above titled article published in the current edition of Vox.
Tesla Failed to Meet Its EV Sales Goals and Wall Street's Expectations
ARE Professor Joe Shapiro's research referenced in the above-titled article published in Quartz.
UCLA Faces Critical Weather Warning as Fire in Pacific Palisades Nears 3,000 Acres
"A fire in the Pacific Palisades – which began burning about six miles from UCLA on Tuesday morning – has since reached more than 2,900 acres, but it does not pose a risk to campus at this time, said UCLA Office of Emergency Management spokesperson Seán Devine."
Adapting the U.S. Federal Crop Insurance Program for Climate Change: Critical Lessons for Policy Design
This is the title of ARE Professor Francis Annan's article in the current issue of ARE Update. Prof. Annan "present(s) a descriptive framework that sheds light on alternative policy redesigns for climate resilience, with implications for ongoing discussions around the Farm Bill."
Job Candidate Yuen Ho's Research Featured In Cornell University Blog
Yuen Ho is an ARE PhD candidate currently on the job market. Her research lies at the intersection of development economics, behavioral economics, and firms. You can find her JMP here. Read about Yuen's research at Cornell's Economics that Really Matters blog.