Uber and Traffic Fatalities. Forthcoming, Review of Economics and Statistics. Replication materials. (Joint with Lucas Davis)
Does telecommuting reduce trip-making? Evidence from a U.S. panel during the COVID-19 pandemic. 2024. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice. 180. (Joint with Hassan Obeid, Mohamed Amine Bouzaghranea, and Joan Walker)
As the Wind Blows: The Effects of Long-term Exposure to Air Pollution on Mortality. 2020. Journal of the European Economic Association. 18(4): pp.1886-1927. Replication materials.
An Empirical Test of Hypercongestion in Highway Bottlenecks. 2020. Journal of Public Economics. 187: 104197. Replication materials. (Joint with Lucas Davis)
The Effect of Influenza Vaccination for the Elderly on Hospitalization and Mortality: An Observational Study With a Regression Discontinuity Design. 2020. Annals of Internal Medicine. 172(7): pp. 445-452. (Joint with Carlos Dobkin and Devon Gorry)
Physical activity and weight following car ownership in Beijing, China: quasi-experimental cross sectional study. 2019. BMJ. 367: l6459. (Joint with Fangwen Lu and Jun Yang)
School Meal Quality and Academic Performance. 2018. Journal of Public Economics. 168: 81-93. Replication materials. (Joint with Justin Gallagher and Elizabeth Ramirez Ritchie)
How to Beat the Traffic. 2017. Science. 357(6346): pp. 36-37.
Learning to Manage and Managing to Learn: The Effects of Student Leadership Service. 2017. Management Science. 63(10): pp. 3246-3261. (Joint with Fangwen Lu)
The Benefits of College Athletic Success: An Application of the Propensity Score Design with Instrumental Variables. 2017. Review of Economics and Statistics. 99(1): pp. 119-134. Replication materials.
Superstitions, Street Traffic, and Subjective Well-Being. 2016. Journal of Public Economics. 142: pp. 1–10. (Joint with Fangwen Lu, Yiran Zhang, Jun Yang, and Ping Qin)
Peer Effects in Microenvironments: The Benefits of Homogeneous Classroom Groups. 2015. Journal of Labor Economics. 33(1): pp. 91–122. (Joint with Fangwen Lu)
Subways, Strikes, and Slowdowns: The Impacts of Public Transit on Highway Congestion. 2014. American Economic Review. 104(9): pp. 2763–2796. Replication materials.
Pounds That Kill: The External Costs of Vehicle Weight. 2014. Review of Economic Studies. 81(2): pp. 535–571. (Joint with Max Auffhammer)
The Effect of Health Insurance on Emergency Department Visits: Evidence from an Age-Based Eligibility Threshold. 2014. Review of Economics and Statistics. 96(1): pp. 189–195. (Joint with Carlos Dobkin and Tal Gross)
Learning from the Crowd: Regression Discontinuity Estimates of the Effects of an Online Review Database. 2012. Economic Journal. 122(563): pp. 957–989. (Joint with Jeremy Magruder)
The Effects of Promotions on Heart Disease: Evidence from Whitehall. 2012. Economic Journal. 122(561): pp. 555-589. (Joint with Sir Michael Marmot)
The Effect of Health Insurance Coverage on the Use of Medical Services. 2012. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. 4(1): pp. 1–27. (Joint with Carlos Dobkin and Tal Gross)
Are Restaurants Really Supersizing America? 2011. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 3(1): pp. 152–188. (Joint with David Matsa)
Multiple Inference and Gender Differences in the Effects of Early Intervention: A Reevaluation of the Abecedarian, Perry Preschool, and Early Training Projects. 2008. Journal of the American Statistical Association. 103(484): pp. 1481-1495.
Safety For Whom? The Effects of Light Trucks on Traffic Fatalities. 2008. Journal of Health Economics. 27(4): pp. 973-989.
Real-world Effectiveness of the Influenza Vaccine in Children. Revision requested, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. (Joint with Carlos Dobkin, Devon Gorry, and Hung-Fu Tseng)
Health Insurance and Access to Care for the Near Elderly. Revision requested, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy. (Joint with Carlos Dobkin, Nicole Maestas, and Liam Rose)
Highly Powered Analysis Plans. (Joint with Jeremy Magruder)
Bounds, Benefits, and Bad Air: Welfare Impacts of Pollution Alerts. Revision requested, Economic Journal. (Joint with Minwoo Hyun and Jaecheol Lee)
Split-Sample Strategies for Avoiding False Discoveries. (Joint with Jeremy Magruder)
Stata code to compute “optimus” index from Highly Powered Analysis Plans:
Type in Stata:
net install optimusindex, from(
Disclaimer: We appreciate hearing about any problems you encounter with the code, but it is unlikely that we can provide any direct support. This code is still in “beta” form.
Stata code to compute “sharpened” False Discovery Rate (FDR) adjusted q-values
Stata code to compute False Discovery Rate (FDR) adjusted q-values
R code to compute “sharpened” False Discovery Rate (FDR) adjusted q-values
R code to compute False Discovery Rate (FDR) adjusted q-values
(FDR q-values are described in Multiple Inference and Gender Differences in the Effects of Early Intervention: A Reevaluation of the Abecedarian, Perry Preschool, and Early Training Projects)