Yeeun Moon Wins the 2021 Spring Melis Medal in the Honors Symposium of the Rausser College of Natural Resources

May 07, 2021

In her senior thesis, Moon studied sustainability and the expansion of drug production in Mexico by estimating the impact of opium poppy and marijuana production on the rates of deforestation. 

"This study focuses on quantifying the relationship between the increase in opium production and tree cover changes in the last two decades in Mexico and evaluate whether this relationship is plausibly causal, i.e. whether it is likely that drug production caused observed deforestation. Other outcomes of interest include exploring whether the threat of enforcement of poppy eradication across opium poppy producing regions leads to increased deforestation, and how the land cover of poppy fields change in future years once they have been eradicated."

Congratulations to Yeeun!