Professor David Sunding gives a lecture on water resources at Homecoming 2014. Photo: Shoey Sindel
ARE's news section includes the voices of our faculty, who are often consulted by the media as experts on topics that impact the public, ARE graduate student and ARE alumni news and research, campus news releases, and external news coverage related to our research.
From energy and land use to climate change, and culture, the societal relevance of topics studied in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics resonate in the news.
Events (department seminars)
Regular departmental seminars and a torrent of College and campus events make UC Berkeley an endlessly stimulating and horizon-broadening environment in which to study.
To view schedules of ARE and ARE-affiliated seminars taking place, click on the links below.
- ARE's Event page
- The Energy Institute's Environmental & Energy Economics Seminar page
- ARE's Environmental Resource Economics & Environmental Energy Economics (ERE&EEE) Seminar schedule
- Leo K. Simon Agriculture & Natural Resource Seminar
The ARE Friday Seminar meets on Fridays from 12:10 to 1:30 PM in 241 Giannini Hall. If you are interested in being added to this seminar mailing list contact D. Lazo.
The ERE /EEE Seminar meets on Wednesdays from 12:00-1:00pm in 141 Giannini Hall, with the exception of Job Talk presentations by job candidates during the job market season in the Fall. These job market presentations are scheduled 12:10-1:30pm. If you are interested in being added to this seminar mailing list contact Aaron Watt.