- Primary Field: Agricultural Economics
- Secondary Fields: Environmental and Energy Economics, Empirical Industrial Organization
"Short-Term Impact of the Trade War on U.S. Agricultural Commodities Futures Prices" - Working Paper, May 2024 (draft available on request)
"Diverging climate response of corn yield and carbon use efficiency across the US" - with Nicola Falco, Nivedita Patel, Yuxin Wu, and Haruko Wainwright. Published at Environmental Research Letters, June 2023.
- Ph.D., Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley (Expected May 2025)
- M.S., Applied Economics and Management, Cornell University, 2019
- B.S., International Economics & Trade, University of International Business and Economics, 2017
J-PAL KCAI Full-scale Randomized Evaluations (2024)
PEDL Climate Change Exploratory Research Grant (2024)
UC Berkeley Opportunity Lab Fellowship (2024)
AAEA PC52 Post Conference Workshop Travel Grant (2024)
Giannini Mini-Grant (2020-2024)
CEGA Development Economics Challenge Grant (2023)
Katherine S. and James K. Lau Graduate Fellowship in Climate Equity (2023)
J-PAL ATAI Pilot Grant (2022)
J-PAL K-CAI Pilot Grant (2021)
UC Berkeley Graduate Remote Instruction Innovation Fellowship (2020)
UC Berkeley Graduate Division Power Top-Off Awards (2019)
Giannini Foundation for Agricultural Economics Exploratory Research Grant (2019)
National Scholarship (2016)
University of International Business and Economics First-class Scholarship (2013-2017)
- Introductory Applied Econometrics, Aprajit Mahajan, Graduate Student Instructor, UC Berkeley, Fall 2023
- Intermediate Microeconomics, Jeffrey Perloff, Graduate Student Instructor, UC Berkeley, Spring 2021
Jeffrey Perloff
Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley
Email: jperloff@berkeley.edu
Phone: (510) 390-4720Joseph Shapiro
Associate Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley
Email: joseph.shapiro@berkeley.edu
Phone: (510) 859-4551Brian Wright
Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley
Email: bwright@berkeley.edu
Phone: (510) 642-3345Aprajit Mahajan
Associate Professor, Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley
Email: aprajit@gmail.com
Phone: (510) 664-7163
207 Giannini Hall, Agricultural & Resource Economics
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, California 94720
Email: shuoy@berkeley.edu
Phone: (626) 241-3271
Personal Website: https://shuoy528.github.io/shuoyu/
Professor Maximilian Auffhammer
Tel: (510) 643-5472
Professor Sofia Villas-Boas
Tel: (510) 409-4341
Diana Lazo
Tel: (510) 642-3345