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The Online Catalog of the
Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics
Orpha lists materials in the Giannini Foundation Library acquired since 1987, see the card catalog in the Library for earlier materials. Orpha also includes thousands of links to web accessible materials in Agricultural and Environmental Economics.
Orpha: Catalog Search.
To see the full report of a record, click "Full" in the last column. To see a full display of all the records in a search, at the time the tabular format is displayed, use the droplist at the top left corner and change to "WebLongRept".
If you have questions or comments, e-mail: Susan Garbarino, Librarian,
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U.C. Berkeley - Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy
Copyright (C) 2000 by the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics Library, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy, Agricultural Experiment Station, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley. All rights reserved.
Last update: April 4, 2008.