Main » Library Databases
- Proxy Server instructions --Instructions for UC users for how to access subscription databases from off campus.
- Citation and Document managers--A nice summary of features of the various software available to UC users, Refworks, Endnote and Zotero. From the UCB BioScience and Natural Resources Library.
- Journal Quick Links and eTOCs sign ups -- Browse our list of journals that are available online, link to journals site to search for the articles you want. Sign up directly with publishers to receive eTOCs to stay on top!
Library Databases
These are the databases subscribed to by the UC Libraries that are most frequently used by ARE researchers, see the UC Berkeley Libraries' electronic resources directory for a complete listing of databases available to UCB users.
- Agricola--Lists the holdings in the National Agricultural Library as well as indexing journals, books and government publications in agriculture and related fields.
- Annual Reviews--Collections of scholarly review articles in a variety of fields, series of interest to ARE include Environment & Resources, Economics, and Resource Economics.
- Business Source Complete--Scholarly business database,indexing for journals back to 1886. Fulltext of many articles with additional fulltext sources such as author profiles, financial data, books, monographs, reference works, book digests, conference proceedings, case studies, investment research reports, industry reports, market research reports, country reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses and more.
- CAB Abstracts--Indexes the international agricultural literature. Covers topics such as biodiversity, biotechnology, environmental pollution, natural resources, forestry, and environmental policy. An archive of literature from 1910-1972 is included.
- CEIC Global Database--A database of over 400,000 economic time series covering a growing list of countries in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Data items include: National Accounts, Industrial, Sales, Construction-Property, Demographic-Labor, Domestic and Foreign Trade, Stock Markets, Banking, Inflation, Monetary, Forex, Investment, Tourism, and Transport/Telecom. Access is limited to specific computers in the Library Data Lab, the Business Library, and the Center for Chinese Studies Library.
- China Data Online--Monthly & annual economic statistics for China, arranged by regions and categories. Includes macroeconomic, population, census and financial data of more than 568 industrial sectors. Also includes industrial and marketing surveys and an atlas of China. Links to China Data Center at the University of Michigan.
- Commodity Price Statistics Online -- Now => UNCTADstat --Monthly free-market prices and price indices from 1960- for selected commodities; grouped with all United Nations Conference on Trade and Development,UNCTAD databases.
- Dissertations and Theses (Dissertation Abstracts)--Access to the full text of all dissertations from UC since 1997. The first twenty-four pages from all other dissertations are available. Indexes all dissertations back to 1861. This is the authoritative source for information about doctoral dissertations. Copies of dissertations may be ordered for a fee from this database.
- EconLit--Indexes economic journals, book chapters, and working papers. Covers 1969-
- Ejournal lookup--Directory of journals available electronically to UCB users, searchable by title and category. For complete information on a title, search Melvyl.
- Environmental Sciences and Pollution Management (ESPM)--Indexes scholarly content in the environmental sciences including ecology, agricultural biotechnology, energy, climate, pollution, and water resources.
- Eurostat--Publications and statistics for the European Union with economics, population, agriculture, trade, transportation, and environmental data. Some state and city level data. UCB patrons only.
- Factiva--News from more than 9,000 sources in 22 languages, including local, national and international newspapers, business magazines, trade publications, and news wires. Includes The Wall Street Journal (1979-present), the Financial Times, Dow Jones, Reuters and the Associated Press.
- FAOSTAT--International time series data on food production, agricultural trade, forest products, and fisheries from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The free version of the database allows for limited downloads of up to 4000 records. For unlimited and "bulk" downloads a userid and password are required. Ask in the GF Library for assistance.
- Global Financial Data (GFD)--Financial and economic data including: long-term historical indices on stock markets, Total Return data on stocks, bonds, and bills, interest rates; exchange rates, inflation rates, bond indices, commodity indices and prices, consumer price indices, gross domestic product, individual stocks, sector indices, treasury bill yields, wholesale price indices and unemployment rates. Covers over 200 countries. Data is available in ASCII or Excel.
- GreenFILE--Indexing and some full text access to scholarly and popular literature on the human impact to the environment. Covers topics in agriculture, education, law, health and technology, such as global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy and recycling.
- Historical Statistics of the U.S. (HSUS)--Comprehensive Historical US statistics primarily drawn from census data. Coverage varies by subject with some data going back to 1790. Users may download tables in Excel or CSV, and manipulate the data in other ways.
- Indiastat--Statistical data from Indian government and private sources: finance, agriculture, health, housing, transportation, and many other areas. Includes census data. Note: userid and password required. Please inquire at any Library Reference Desk for assistance.
- International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)--a non-governmental International Organization concerned with dam engineering, ICOLD publishes the World Register of Dams. For access to this database, ask a Giannini Library Staff member.
- International Financial Statistics (IFS)--From the IMF; data on exchange and interest rates, balance of payments, government finance, national accounts, prices, foreign reserves, and much more.
- JSTOR--Multidisciplinary electronic archive of selected scholarly journals. JSTOR is not a current issues database. Depending on the title, there is 1-5 year gap between the current issue and the back issues available in JSTOR.
- LexisNexis Academic--Fulltext from international, national, local newspapers and wire services; radio & television transcripts, and trade journals in business, medicine and law. Translations from foreign-language sources, as well as news services like the Associated Press, Agence France Press, El Pais and Xinhua (New China) News Agency.
- LexisNexis Statistical--Searches government statistical sources listed in the American Statistics Index (ASI; 1973-present), Statistics Reference Index (SRI; 1980-present), and Index to International Statistics (IIS; 1983-present). Some fulltext.
- NTRL; National Technical Reports Library--Full text of federally funded technical reports from the National Technical Information Service. Publications from Department of Agriculture, Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency are included.
- SourceOECD--Statistical data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
A Preliminary Version of the successor of SourceOECD is now available: OECD iLibrary. While not all planned features are available, we think you will find its usability to be much improved. More features, support information and other improvements will be added over the coming months. Try OECD iLibrary today. - Springer ebooks--20,000 Springer e-books from every scientific discipline and many social sciences. Fulltext 2005-2009.
- STAT-USA--STAT-USA Office Closed September 30, 2010.The STAT-USA/Internet website and our syndication services are no longer available as of October 1, 2010.
- UC-elinks Citation linker--Put in as much information as you have for a citation and find if there is an electronic copy available through the UC libraries.
- Ulrich's Periodical Directory--Directory of 250,000 serials published worldwide covering all subjects. Search here to find where a publication is indexed.
- Commodity Trade Statistics Database (COMTRADE)--Trade data by commodity from 130 countries. For many countries, data goes back to 1962. (Some users report problems using this database with Firefox.)
- Web of Knowledge (SSCI)--Web of Science includes the Social Science Citation Index and the Science Citation Index. Cited reference searching, unique to ISI databases, lets you determine how many times a particular article has been cited.
- World Bank e-library--Fulltext of 4,500 World Bank publications.
- WorldCat--Combined catalog of over 1 billion items in over 10,000 libraries worldwide. This is the free version. There is also a subscription version which gives more information about the item.
- World Development Indicators (WDI)--From the World Bank. Time series data (1960-present) for 207 countries. Allows you to chart and map data as well as create reports.