Main » Ag Econ Web Resources
Free Agricultural & Environmental Economics data on the web;
selected by the GFL staff; see our Library Databases page for additional data resources.
- Agricultural Personnel Management Program (APMP)--Portal for information on farm employment, management and policy issues. Maintained by UCB Department of Agricultural & Resource Economics. --- WARNING ---
The APMP site has been hacked, damaged, and infected with malicious code. It will be offline pending reconstruction on a more secure platform. We are sorry for this interruption in service and the inconvenience it may cause you. - California Agricultural Commissioners' Reports--Crop and livestock reports available from each county in California, look for links to publications. Dates vary. A full collection of print copies of these (1910-) are available in the Giannini Library.
- California State Budget--From the California Department of Finance. Available from 2000-
- California Statistical Abstract--From the California Department of Finance. Summary data on social, economic, and physical aspects of the State. The contributor of data for each table is listed at the bottom. 2000- available online, current and earlier editions available in print in the GF Library HA 261 .A3.
- Cost and Return Studies--Published by UC Cooperative Extension at UC Davis, cost of production studies for various crops grown throughout California. The ARE Library at UC Davis is digitizing this collection.
- Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, (DANR)--A statewide network of University of California researchers and educators including faculty and Cooperative Extension specialists conducting agricultural research and transferring this knowledge directly to farmers. DANR publications may be ordered through their online catalog.
- Economic Indicators--From the California Department of Finance. A bimonthly summary of economic trends and data relating to the State of California.,1998-
- Economic Research of Interest to Agriculture--Bibliography of Giannini Foundation Members publications from 1929-1999.
United States-Federal
- Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC)--From the USDA/NAL, a voluntary alliance of ~60 members (primarily government agencies and universities) offering quick and reliable access to quality agricultural information.
- Agricultural Statistics--From USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Online version of the annual publication, Agricultural Statistics 1994-
- Agriculture Fact Book 2001-2002--From the USDA. Basic facts about U.S. agriculture.
- Attache Reports--From USDA/Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS). Statistical commodity reports from American Embassies around the world.
- BEA--U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis--Part of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce. Publishes the Survey of Current Business and other economic accounts data for the U.S. economy.
- Bureau of labor statistics (USBLS)-- Includes CPI, PPI, Employments & earnings, unemployment, productivity, and employee compensation.
- Census of Agriculture--From the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS). Conducted every 5 years. Pdf's from 1840-
- Econmagic--Time series data 200,000 data files, with charts and excel files for each. Primarily US data some broken down by state. Useful for forecasting.
- Economic Research Service(ERS)--The economic research unit of the USDA. Publishes Economic Research Reports, and Outlook reports available online back to 1996.
- Fruit & Vegetable Market News portal--From USDA, Agricultural Marketing Service(AMS). Data on United States fruit and vegetable markets including daily and weekly prices.
- Government Documents Center, University of Michigan Library--Links to U.S. government documents/statistics relating to current news headlines.
- Economics, Statistics and Market Information System (ESMIS)--Joint project of the USDA and Cornell University Mann Library. Approximately 2500 reports and datasets on U.S. and international agriculture.
- Encyclopedia of the Earth--High quality wiki based collection of articles by scholars, professionals, educators, and experts who collaborate and review each other's work. Institutional contributors include the National Council for Science and the Environment and the 2007 Nobel Prize winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO)--Publishers of the FAOSTAT database and other publications on agriculture and international development. See the Economic and Social Development Dept for economic analysis.
- Global Agricultural Trade System (GATS) -- U.S. foreign agricultural trade data(from the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service. GATS includes international agricultural, fish, forest and textile products trade statistics from 1989 to present.
- Intra-University Consortium of Social & Political Research (ICPSR)--Searchable archive of social science data from Universities worldwide. Founded in 1962, this is one of the most extensive collections of data sets available. UC is a member institution, so UC users have free access to all of the data.
- International Food and Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)--Conducts research on food policy and publishes reports, part of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research(CGIAR)
- International Household Survey Network (ISHN)--Microdata from developing countries. Includes a searchable catalog of surveys and a microdata management tool kit.
- Statistical Agencies (International)--Page from the US Census Bureau with links to statistical agencies of foreign countries. Quick and easy way to get to these sites!
- UC DATA--UC Berkeley's principal archive of social science data. Part of the Survey Research Center. Provides access to data and support for research using all types of numeric social science data.
- UCATLAS--UC Atlas of Global Inequality--Interdisciplinary, interactive, GIS website from UC Santa Cruz. Provides online teaching tools. Includes data, maps, and graphs to analyze information.