Main » CUDARE List IV
CUDARE WORKING PAPER 800 (1996) – 999 (2005)
801 G.C. Rausser and A.A. Small. "Alternative trade and support strategies for CAP integration." January, 1997. $10.50
806 E. Moretti and J.M. Perloff. "Use of public assistance and private aid by legal and unauthorized immigrants who work in agriculture." October, 1996. $9.00
807 A. de Janvry, E. Sadoulet and B. Davis. Rev. 2 "NAFTA and agriculture: an early assessment." Rev. April, 1997. $8.00 (In Investigacion-Economica; 57 (221), July-Sept. 1997, p.13-60 with title "El TLC y la agricultura: Evaluacion inicial", Spanish with English summary)
808 A. Heiman, D. Zilberman and D. Purohit. "Demonstrations and money-back guarantees: market mechanisms to reduce uncertainty." December, 1996. (In Journal of Business Research, v.54:1, Oct. 2001, p. 71-84)
809 A. Heiman and D. Zilberman. "Learning, forgetting, and the diffusion process of food and agricultural products." December, 1996. $5.50
810 A. Heiman and D. Zilberman. "Modeling money-back guarantees as options." December, 1996. $6.50
811 A. Heiman and D. Zilberman. "The economics of demonstration." Strong December, 1996. $6.75
813 A.C. Fisher Investment under uncertainty and option value in environmental economics. February, 1997. (In Resource and Energy Economics, v.22:3, July 2000, p.197-204)
814 P. Winters, A. de Janvry, E. Sadoulet and K. Stamoulis. "The role of agriculture in economic development: visible and invisible surplus transfers." April, 1997. (In Journal of Development Studies, v.34:5, June 1998, p.71-97)
815 A. de Janvry, N. Key and E. Sadoulet. "Agricultural and rural development policy in Latin America: new directions and new challenges." March, 1997. $11.25
817 L.S. Karp, S. Sacheti and J. Zhao. "Common ground between free-traders and environmentalists." November, 1997. (In International economic review, v.42:3, Aug. 2001, p.617-647)
818 L.S. Karp, J. Zhao and S. Sacheti. Rev. "The long-run effects of environmental reform in open economies." January, 2000. (In Journal of environmental economics and management, v.45:2, March 2003, p.246-264)
819 G.C. Rausser and A.A. Small. Rev. 2 "Valuing research leads: bioprospecting and the conservation of genetic resources." Rev. April, 1999. (In Journal of Political Economy, v.108:1, Feb. 2000, p.172-206)
821 E. Ligon and U. Narain. "Government management of village commons: evaluating joint forest management." March, 1997. (In Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, v.37:3, May 1999, p.272-289)
822 G.C. Rausser, L.K. Simon and J. Zhao. "Information asymmetries, uncertainties, and cleanup delays at superfund sites." December, 1997. (In Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, v.35:1, Jan. 1998, p.48-68)
823 K.T. van 't Veld. "The judgment proof opportunity." July, 1997. $8.75
824 E. Ligon. "Risk-sharing and information in village economies." September, 1997. (In Review of Economic Studies, v.65(4):225, Oct. 1998, p.847-864)
825 E. Ligon, J.P. Thomas and T. Worrall. "Informal insurance arrangements in village economies." September, 1997. (In Review of Economic Studies, v.69(1):238, Jan. 2002, p.209-244 with title: Informal insurance arrangements with limited commitment: theory and evidence from village economies)
826 E. Ligon. "Panel data and Euler equations." September, 1997. $5.00
827 E. Ligon and U. Narain. "Computing the equilibria of dynamic common property games." September, 1997. $6.25
828 T. Conley and E. Ligon. "Economic distance, spillovers, and cross-country comparisons." February, 1998. (In Journal of economic growth, v.7:2, June 2002, p.157-187 with title "Economic distance and cross-country spillovers")
832 A. Zellner and H. Ryu. "Alternative functional forms for production, cost and returns to scale functions." February, 1998. $10.00
833 J. Tobias and A. Zellner. "Further results on Bayesian method of moments analysis of the multiple regression model." February, 1998. $9.00
834 A. Zellner, J. Tobias and H.K. Ryu. "Bayesian method of moments (BMOM) analysis of parametric and semiparametric regression models." February, 1998. $8.75
835 L. Karp. "Nonpoint source pollution taxes and excessive tax burden." March, 1998. $6.50
839 G.C. Rausser, L. Simon and J. Zhao. "Cleanup delays at hazardous waste sites: an incomplete information game." April, 1999. $9.50
840 B. Hueth and E. Ligon. "Producer price risk and quality measurement." May, 1998. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.81:3, Aug. 1999, p.512-524)
841 L. Karp and T. Paul. "Unemployment and the "Labour-Management Conspiracy"." May 22, 1998. (In Economic Journal, v.110:460, Jan. 2000, p.113-135)
842 A. Fisher and M. Hanemann. "The impact of global warming on agriculture: rethinking the Ricardian approach." June 18, 1998. $5.00
844 A. de Janvry, N. McCarthy and E. Sadoulet. "Endogenous provision and appropriation in the commons." January, 1998. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.80:3, Aug. 1998, p.658-664)
845 N. McCarthy, A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Land allocation under dual individual: collective use in Mexico." June, 1997. (In Journal of Development Economics, v.56:2, Aug. 1998, p.239-264)
846 P. Winters, A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Family and community networks in Mexico-U.S. migration." June, 1998. (In Journal of Human Resources, v.36:1, Winter 2001, p.159-184)
847 B. de la Briere, A. de Janvry, S. Lambert and E. Sadoulet. "Why do migrants remit? An analysis for the Dominican Sierra." June, 1998. (In Journal of Development Economics, v.68:2, August 2002, p. 309-328 with title "The role of destination, gender, and family composition in explaining remittances: an analysis for the Dominican Sierra")
848 R. Murgai, P. Winters, E. Sadoulet and A. de Janvry. "Localized and incomplete mutual insurance." June, 1998. (In Journal of Development Economics, v.67:2, Apr. 2002, p.245-274)
849 A. de Janvry, R. Murgai and E. Sadoulet. "Rural development and rural policy." June, 1998. (In HANDBOOK OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS, v.21, chapter 31. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2002, p.1593-1658)
850 N. McCarthy, E. Sadoulet and A. de Janvry. "Common pool resource appropriation under costly cooperation." June, 1998. $5.25
851 N. Key, C. Munoz-Pina, A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Social and environmental consequences of the Mexican reforms: common pool resources in the Ejido sector." June, 1998. $18.50
852 A. de Janvry, E. Sadoulet and W. Wolford. "The changing role of the state in Latin American land reforms." June, 1998. (In ACCESS TO LAND, RURAL POVERTY, AND PUBLIC ACTION, ed. by A. de Janvry, G. Gordillo de Anda, J-P. Platteau, and E. Sadoulet. NY: Oxford univ. pr., 2001, p.279-303)
853 A. de Janvry, E. Sadoulet, B. Davis, K. Seidel and P. Winters. "Determinants of Mexico-U.S. migration: the role of household assets and environmental factors." May, 1997. $10.25
854 L. Karp and S. Sacheti. "Dynamics and limited cooperation in international environmental agreements." July, 1997. $8.50
855 M. Hoel and L. Karp. Rev. "Taxes versus quotas for a stock pollutant." March, 1999. (In Resource and Energy Economics, v.24:4, November 2002, p.367-384)
856 L. Karp. "A neoclassical view of trade liberalization." July, 1997.
857 L. Karp and I.H. Lee. "Learning-by-doing and the choice of technology: the role of patience." July, 1998. (In Journal of Economic Theory, v.100:1, Sept. 2001, p.73-92)
858 R.E. Goodhue, G.C. Rausser and L.K. Simon. Rev. "Processor placements and producer incentives: analyzing broiler chicken production contracts." February, 2000.
859 R. Lyons, R. Goodhue, G. Rausser and L. Simon. "A dynamic model of the food processing sector in the new market economies of Central Europe." May, 1998. $5.00
860 P. Berck, J. Geoghegan and S. Stohs. "A strong test of the Von Liebig hypothesis." October, 1998. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.82:4, Nov. 2000, p.948-955)
861 A. Golan, E. Moretti and J.M. Perloff. "An information based sample-selection estimation model of agricultural workers' choice between piece-rate and hourly work." December, 1998. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.81:3, Aug. 1999, p.735-741)
862 J.T. LaFrance. "The structure of U.S. food demand." December, 1998. $9.75
863 J.T. LaFrance. "Inferring the nutrient content of food with prior information." December, 1998. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.81:3, Aug. 1999, p.728-734)
864 J.T. LaFrance. "U.S. food and nutrient demand and the effects of agricultural policies." January, 1999. $16.50
865 A. Zellner. "Keep it sophisticatedly simple." January, 1999. $8.50
866 A. Zellner. "Some recent developments in Bayesian statistics and econometrics." September, 1998. $5.00
867 A. Zellner. "Discussion of Papers presented at 1999 ASSA meeting in New York by (1) Foster and Whiteman, (2) Golan, Moretti and Perloff, and (3) LaFrance." January, 1999. $5.00
868 A. Zellner and C.-k. Min. "Forecasting turning points in countries' output growth rates: a response to Milton Friedman." February, 1998. $5.00
869 A. Zellner and J. Tobias. "A note on aggregation, disaggregation and forecasting performance." April, 1998. $5.00
870 M. Hoel and L. Karp. Rev. "Taxes and quotas for a stock pollutant with multiplicative uncertainty." Rev. March, 1999. (In Journal of Public Economics, v.82:1, Oct. 2001, p.91-114)
871 L. Karp. Rev. "Fundamentals versus beliefs under almost common knowledge." Revised October, 1999. $8.50
872 L. Karp and X. Liu. "Valuing tradeable CO2 permits for OECD countries." December, 1998. $10.50
873 J.T. LaFrance. Rev. "Duality theory for the household." June, 2000. $21.75
874 I. Adelman and B.N. Song. "The Korean financial crisis of 1997-98." February, 1999. $5.25
875 O. Hochman and G.C. Rausser. "Zoning as a control of pollution in a spatial environment." January, 1999. $14.00
877 J.J. McCluskey and G.C. Rausser. "Stigmatized asset value: Is it temporary or permanent?" June, 1999. $8.25
879 J.J. McCluskey and G.C. Rausser. Rev. "Estimation of perceived risk and its effect on property values." February, 2000. (In Land Economics, v.77:1, Feb. 2001, p.42-55)
880 G. Rausser, S. Scotchmer and L. Simon. "Intellectual property and market structure in agriculture." April, 1999. $12.00
881 L. Corral, A.C. Fisher and N.W. Hatch. "Price and non-price influences on water conservation: an econometric model of aggregate demand under nonlinear budget constraint." April, 1999. $9.50
882 C. Alexander, R.E. Goodhue and G.C. Rausser. "Do incentives matter? Product quality and contract incentives in processing tomatoes." May, 1999. $5.00
883 S.R. Templeton, C. Brown, G.E. Goldman, S.J. Yoo and V.S. Pradhan. "An analysis of the horticultural economy in California." May, 1999. (In HortScience, v.35:6, Oct. 2000, p.987-992)
884 P. Berck and J. Lipow. "Managerial reputation and the 'Endgame'." May, 1999. (In Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, v.42:2, June 2000, p.253-263)
885 J.T. LaFrance. "An econometric model of the demand for food and nutrition." May, 1999. $9.00
887 I. Adelman. "Fallacies in development theory and their implications for policy." May, 1999. $7.50
888 I. Adelman and A.E. Yeldan. "The end of the developmental state?" A general equilibrium investigation on the sources of the Asian crisis within a multi-region, intertemporal CGE model. May, 1999. $5.25
889 I. Adelman. "Editorial: Financial crises-causes, consequences and remedies." May, 1999. (In Choices; magazine of food, farm and resource issues, 2nd qtr, 1999, p.1)
890 I. Adelman. "The role of government in economic development." May, 1999. $7.00
891 J.T. LaFrance. "Integrability of the linear approximate almost ideal demand system." June, 1999. $5.00
892 L. Karp and J. Zhang. "Regulation of stock externalities with learning." September, 1999. $11.50
893R L. Karp and T. Paul. "Intersectoral Adjustment and Policy Intervention: the Importance of General Equilibrium Effects." August, 2002. $10.00
895 P. Favard and L. Karp. "How many cake-eaters? Choette, on a du monde a diner!" August, 1999. $7.75
897 L. Karp and X. Liu. "Welfare gains under tradeable CO2 permits." July, 1999. (In AGRICULTURAL GLOBALIZATION, TRADE, AND THE ENVIRONMENT, ed. by Charles B. Moss, Gordon C. Rausser, Andrew Schmitz, Timothy G. Taylor and David Zilberman. Boston: Kluwer academic publishers, 2002, p.407-422)
898 P. Berck, C. Costello, S. Hoffman and L. Fortmann. "Poverty program participation and employment in timber-dependent counties." October, 1999. $9.75
899 P. Berck, G.E. Helfand and H.J. Kim. "Spatial variation in benefits and costs, or Why pollution isn't always for sale." October, 1999. $9.50
900 S. Brandt. "Productivity and industrial structure under market incentives and traditional regulation: a case study of tradable property rights in the Middle Atlantic surf clam fishery." October, 1999. $7.25
901R R. Goodhue, G. Rausser, S. Scotchmer and L. Simon. Rev. "Biotechnology, intellectual property and value differentiation in agriculture." Revised October 17, 2002. $5.75
903 L. Karp and X. Liu. "The clean development mechanism and its controversies." January, 2000. (In THE LONG-TERM ECONOMICS OF CLIMATE CHANGE; BEYOND A DOUBLING OF GREENHOUSE GAS CONCENTRATIONS, ed. by D.C. Hall and R.B. Howarth. Amsterdam: JAI/Elsevier science, 2001, p.265-285)
904 A. Zellner. "Bayesian analysis of golf." May, 1999. $5.75
905 A. Zellner. "Bayesian and non-Bayesian approaches to scientific modeling and inference in economics and econometrics." August, 1999. $8.75
906 J.J. McCluskey and G.C. Rausser. "Hazardous waste sites and housing appreciation rates." January, 2000. (In Journal of environmental economics and management, v.45:2, March 2003, p.166-176)
908 A.C. Fisher and U. Narain. Rev. "Global warming, endogenous risk, and irreversibility." July, 2002. (In Environmental and Resource Economics, v.25:4, August 2003, p.395-416)
909 U. Narain and A.C. Fisher. "The optimal control of a stock pollutant with sunk capital and endogenous risk of catastrophic damages." April, 2000. (In THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS: ESSAYS IN HONOUR OF KARL-GUSTAF LOFGREN, ed. by Thomas Aronsson, Roger Axelsson and Runar Brannlund. Cheltenham, U.K. and Northampton, MA: Elgar, 2006, p. 260-86)
910 A.C. Fisher. "Reflections on irreversibility: environmental science and environmental economics." May, 2000. $5.00
911 G.K. Agnew, T.K.M. Beatty, J.T. LaFrance and R.D. Pope. "The U.S. income distribution and Gorman Engel curves for food." September, 2000. (In Journal of Econometrics, v.107:1-2, Mar. 2002, p.235-257 and International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade. IIFET 2000 proceedings, Oregon state univ., Corvallis, July 10-14, 2000, p.1-7)
912 J.T. LaFrance, J. Shimshack and S. Wu. "Subsidized crop insurance and the extensive margin." October, 2000. $5.00
913 D.J. Chapman and W.M. Hanemann. "Environmental damages in court: the American Trader case." October, 2000. $11.00
914 L. Karp and C. Costello. "Dynamic quotas with learning." October, 2000. $5.00
915 C.M. Antinori and G.C. Rausser. "Vertical integration in Mexican community forestry." October, 2000.
916 L. Karp and J.M. Perloff. "Why promoters like scalpers." October, 2000. $8.50
917 K.v. Veld, G. Rausser and L. Simon. "Fitting the glass slipper: optimal capital structure in the face of liability." October, 2000. $7.50
918 M. Laukkanen. "Cooperative and non-cooperative harvesting in a stochastic sequential fishery." November, 2000. $7.75
919 L. Karp and I.H. Lee. "Time-consistent policies." November, 2000. (In Journal of Economic Theory, v.112:2, October 2003, p.189-371)
920 P. Berck and C. Costello. "Overharvesting the traditional fishery with a captured regulator." December, 2000. $6.50
921 J.C. Cooper, W.M. Hanemann and G. Signorello. "One-and-one-half-bound dichotomous choice contingent valuation." March, 2001. $7.75
922 T.K.M. Beatty and LaFrance, J.T. "Income elasticity and functional form." April, 2001. $5.00
923 P. Berck, P. Hess and B. Smith. "Estimation of household demand for goods and services in California's dynamic revenue analysis model." September, 1997. $5.00
924 P. Berck and P. Hess. "Developing a methodology for assessing the economic impacts of large scale environmental regulations." February, 2000. $12.00
925 G.D. Graff, G.C. Rausser and A.A. Small. "Agricultural biotechnology's complementary intellectual assets." August, 2001. $9.25
926 L. Karp and J. Zhang. "Bayesian learning and the regulation of greenhouse gas emissions." August, 2001. $10.25
927 L. Karp and M. Chen. "Environmental indices for the Chinese grain sector." September, 2001. $6.25
928 L. Karp and J. Zhang. "Controlling a stock pollutant with endogenous investment and asymmetric information." October, 2001. $9.00
929 G. Sethi, C. Costello, A. Fisher, M. Hanemann and L. Karp. Rev. "Fishery management under multiple uncertainty." Revised October 13, 2004. $7.75
930 A.C. Marco and G.C. Rausser. Rev. "Complementarities and spill-overs in mergers: An empirical investigation using patent data." June, 2002. $10.50
931 G.C. Rausser, G.D. Adams, W.D. Montgomery and A.E. Smith. "The social costs of an MTBE ban in California (Condensed version)." June, 2002. $13.50
932 G.C. Rausser, G.D. Adams, W.D. Montgomery and A.E. Smith. "The social costs of an MTBE ban in California (Long version)." August, 2002. $22.25
933 M. Laukkanen. "Regulatory objectives in the North Pacific halibut fishery: How far is the regulator from the economists' ideal?" June, 2002. $5.50
934 L.S. Karp. Rev. "Global warming and hyperbolic discounting." Revised July, 2004. $7.75
935 U. Narain, M. Hanemann and A. Fisher. Rev. "The temporal resolution of uncertainty and the irreversibility effect." Revised October, 2004. $7.25
936 W. Schlenker, W.M. Hanemann and A.C. Fisher. "The impact of global warming on U.S. agriculture: An econometric analysis." September, 2002. $13.00
937 W.M. Hanemann. "The Central Arizona project." October, 2002. $5.00
938 J.T. LaFrance. "Generalized rational random errors." December, 2002. $6.75
939 C. Antinori and G.C. Rausser. "Does community involvement matter? How collective choice affects forests in Mexico." January, 2003. $9.00
940 L. Karp, I.H. Lee and R. Mason. "A global game with strategic substitutes and complements." January, 2003. $5.75
941 W. Schlenker, W.M. Hanemann and A.C. Fisher. Rev. "Will U.S. agriculture really benefit from global warming?" Accounting for irrigation in the hedonic approach. Revised August 2004. $7.50
942 L. Karp. "Property rights, mobile capital, and comparative advantage." 2003. $5.75
943R5 S.B. Villas-Boas. "Vertical contracts between manufacturers and retailers: inference with limited data." (December 2002) 5th revision July, 2006. (In Review of Economic Studies, v.74:2, no.259, 625-652, April 2007)
944 R.C. Mittelhammer and G.C. Judge. "Combining estimators to improve structural model estimation under quadratic loss." 2003. $11.50
945 R.C. Mittelhammer, G. Judge and R. Schoenberg. "Empirical evidence concerning the finite sample performance of El-type structural equation estimation and inference methods." 2003. $9.00
946 G. Judge, D.J. Miller and W.K. Cho. "An information theoretic approach to ecological estimation and inference." 2003. $8.50
947 W.K. Cho and G. Judge. "Some empirical evidence on the impact of measurement errors in making ecological inferences." 2003. $5.75
948 G. Judge and R.C. Mittelhammer. "A semi-parametric basis for combining estimation problems under quadratic loss." 2003. $7.50
949 J.M. Perloff and E.Z. Shen. "Collinearity in linear structural models of market power." 2001. $5.00
950 X. Wu, J.M. Perloff and A. Golan. "Effects of government policies on income distribution and welfare." February 2002. $11.00
951 H. Chouinard and J.M. Perloff. "Gasoline price differences: taxes, pollution regulations, mergers, market power, and market conditions." September, 2002. $8.75
952 H. Chouinard and J.M. Perloff. "Incidence of federal and state gasoline taxes." 2003. $5.00
953 E. Moretti and J.M. Perloff. "Minimum wage laws lower some agricultural wages." November 2000. $10.75
954 K. Baylis and J.M. Perloff. "Perverse general equlibrium effects of price controls." February, 2003. $5.00
959R B. R. Beattie and J. T. LaFrance. "The law of demand versus diminishing marginal utility." (2003)Revised September 2005. (In Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (Review of Agricultural Economics) 28:2, 263-271,Summer 2006.)
968R M. Fowlie and J.M. Perloff. "Distributing pollution rights in cap-and-trade programs:are outcomes independent of allocation?" September, 2008.
972 E. Ligon. "Dynamic bargaining in households (with an application to Bangladesh)." May, 2002.
973 R.E. Goodhue, J.T. LaFrance and L.K. Simon. "We should drink no wine before its time." February, 2004. $6.50
974 J.T. LaFrance, T.K.M. Beatty and R.D. Pope. "Gorman Engel curves for incomplete demand systems." February, 2004. $5.00
975 S.M. Stohs and J.T. LaFrance. "A learning rule for inferring local distributions over space and time." March, 2004. (In SPATIAL AND SPATIOTEMPORAL ECONOMETRICS, ed. by J.P. LeSage & R.K. Kelley Pace. (Advances in econometrics, 18) Elsevier, 2004, p.299-335)
976 X. Wu, J.M. Perloff and A. Golan. "Government policy effects on urban and rural income inequality." February, 2004. $9.25
977 X. Wu and J.M. Perloff. "China's income distribution over time: reasons for rising inequality." February, 2004. $9.75
978 M. Goldstein, A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Is a friend in need a friend indeed? Inclusion and exclusion in mutual insurance networks in southern Ghana." June, 2003. $12.00
979 C. Dutilly-Diane, E. Sadoulet and A. de Janvry. "Household behavior under market failures: how natural resource management in agriculture promotes livestock production in the Sahel." March, 2003. $5.25
980 A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Optimal share contracts under theft." March, 2004. $5.00
981 P. Dubois, A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Effects on school enrollment and performance of a conditional transfers program in Mexico." April, 2003. $12.75
982 A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Beyond Bono: making foreign aid more efficient in putting into place the development fundamentals." January, 2003. $5.00
983 F. Finan, E. Sadoulet and A. de Janvry. "Measuring the poverty reduction potential of land in rural Mexico." October, 2002. $5.50
984 C. Munoz-Pina, A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Re-crafting rights over common property resources in Mexico." February, 2003. $8.25
985 E. Sadoulet and A. de Janvry. "Targeting and calibrating educational grants for greater efficiency." July, 2003. $6.75
986 M. Raymond and E. Sadoulet. "Educational grants closing the gap in schooling attainment between poor and non-poor." May, 2003. $6.50
987 C. McIntosh, A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "How rising competition among microfinance lenders affects incumbent village banks." 2003. $8.00
988 C. Aubert, A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Creating incentives for micro-credit agents to lend to the poor." June 2004. $8.75
989 E. Sadoulet and A. de Janvry. "Making conditional cash transfer programs more efficient." June 2004. (In World Bank Economic Review, v.20:1, 2006, p.1-29)
990 R. Vakis, E. Sadoulet, A. de Janvry and C. Cafiero. "Testing for separability in household models with heterogeneous behavior: a mixture model approach." August, 2004. $5.00
991 C. Araujo, A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Peer effects in employment: results from Mexico's poor rural communities." 2004. $6.50
992 K. Macours, A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Insecurity of property rights and matching in the tenancy market." August, 2004. $5.75
993 S. Villas-Boas and R. Hellerstein. "Identification of supply models of retailer and manufacturer oligopoly pricing." October, 2004. $5.00
994 P. Berck. "A note on the environmental costs of aggregates." January, 2005. $5.00
995 J.T. LaFrance. "On the solutions to full rank three Gorman systems." February, 2005. $5.00
996 T.K.M. Beatty, J.T. LaFrance and M. Yang. "A simple Lagrange multiplier F-test for multivariate regression models." February, 2005. $5.00
997 J.T. LaFrance, T.K.M. Beatty and R.D. Pope. "Aggregation theory for incomplete systems." February, 2005. $14.75
998 R. Mittelhammer, G. Judge, D. Miller and N.S. Cardell. "Semiparametric moment based estimation for binary response models." October, 2004. $15.25
998R R. Mittelhammer, G. Judge, D. Miller and N.S. Cardell. Rev. "Minimum divergence moment based binary response models: estimation and inference." August, 2005. $$10.00
999 A. de Janvry, F. Finan, E. Sadoulet and R. Vakis. "Can conditional cash transfers serve as safety nets to keep children at school and out of the labor market?" November, 2004. $7.75