Main » CUDARE List4a
1000 A. Parikh and E. Sadoulet. "The effect of parents occupation on child labor and school attendance in Brazil." February, 2005. $5.00
1001 A. de Janvry, E. Sadoulet and N. Zhu. "The role of non-farm incomes in reducing rural poverty and inequality in China." March, 2005. $7.50
1002R T.K.M. Beatty and J.T. LaFrance. "U.S. demand for food and nutrition in the 20th century."(May, 2005)Revised August 2005.(In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 87(5): 1159-1166.)
1003 W. Schlenker, W.M. Hanemann and A.C. Fisher. "The impact of global warming on U.S. agriculture: an econometric analysis of optimal growing conditions." October, 2004.
1004 J.T. LaFrance. "Energy efficiency and appliance replacement." 2005.
1005 W.M. Hanemann. "The economic conception of water." July, 2005. (In WATER CRISIS: MYTH OR REALITY?" ed. by Peter P. Rogers, M. Ramon Llamas, and Luis Martinez-Cortina. London: New York: Taylor & Francis, 2006, p.61-91)
1006 H.H. Chouinard, D.E. Davis, J.T. LaFrance and J.M. Perloff. "Milk marketing order winners and losers." August, 2005.
1007 H.H. Chouinard, D.E. Davis, J.T. LaFrance and J.M. Perloff. "Effects of a fat tax on dairy products." August, 2005. (In Forum for Health Economics & Policy.Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 1–28, as "Fat Taxes: Big Money for Small Change." January, 2012.)
1008R D.A. Newburn and P. Berck. "Modeling suburban and rural residential development beyond the urban fringe." Revised May, 2006. (In Land Economics, November 2006; 82: 481 - 499. November 2006.)
1009 M. Auffhammer. "The rationality of EIA forecasts under symmetric and asymmetric loss." December, 2005.
1010R J. Brown, J. Hastings, E.T. Mansur and S.B. Villas-Boas. "Reformulating competition? Gasoline content regulation and wholesale gasoline prices." Revised January 8, 2007.
1011R R. Huang, J.M. Perloff and S.B. Villas-Boas. "Effect of sales on brand loyalty." Revised May, 2006.
1012 M. Grendar and G. Judge. "Large deviations theory and empirical estimator choice." January, 2006. (In Econometric Reviews 27:4-6, 513-525, May 2008.)
1013R2 A. de Janvry, E. Sadoulet and S. Villas-Boas. "Short on Shots:Are Calls on Cooperative Restraint Effective in Managing the Scarcity of Flu Vaccines?" 3rd revision July, 2008. $8.25
1014 E. Aisbett, L. Karp and C. McAusland. "Regulatory takings and environmental regulation in NAFTA's Chapter 11." February, 2006.
1015 M. Auffhammer and R. Steinhauser. "The future trajectory of US CO2 emissions: the role of state vs. aggregate information." March, 2006.
1016R3 R. Hellerstein and S. Villas-Boas. "Outsourcing and Pass-Through." February 2010.
1017R3 S. Villas-Boas Rev. "An Empirical Investigation of the Welfare Effects of Banning Wholesale Price Discrimination." Revised October 7, 2008
1018 L. Karp. "Multiplicity of investment equilibria when pollution permits are not tradable." May, 2006.
1019 T. Fujii and L. Karp."Numerical analysis of non-constant discounting with an application to renewable resource management." May, 2006.
1020 S. Villas-Boas and J. Villas-Boas. "Learning, forgetting, and sales." June 2006. $7.25
1021 J.T. LaFrance and R.D. Pope. "Full rank rational demand systems." October 2006. $9.50
1022 M.J. Watts, J.P. Shimshack and J.T. LaFrance. "Grazing fees versus stewardship on federal lands." October 2006. $7.25
1023R3 W. Schlenker and S.B. Villas-Boas. Rev "Consumer and market responses to mad-cow disease." June 2008. $8.25
1024 K. Kiesel and S.B. Villas-Boas. "Accessing consumer valuations for milk labeling: implementation of the USDA organic seal." November 2006. $11.75
1025 S.A. Hoffmann and W.M. Hanemann. "Torts and the protection of 'legally recognized interests'." April 2005. $13.50
1026 W.M. Hanemann and C. Nauges. "Heterogeneous responses to water conservation programs: the case of residential users in Los Angeles." August 2005. $6.75
1027 removed 3/10/08
1028 F. Vasquez Lavin and W.M. Hanemann. "Utility consistent frameworks to model corner solutions with large demand systems." June 2006. $14.00
1029 W.M. Hanemann and L. Dale. "Economic damages from climate change: an assessment of market impacts." November 2006. $6.50
1030 S.B. Villas-Boas. Rev "Using retail data for upstream merger analysis." July 2007. $7.25
1031R P. Berck, J. Brown, J.M. Perloff and S.B. Villas-Boas. "Sales: tests of theories on causality and timing." February 2007. $10.00
1032 E. Aisbett. "Bilateral investment treaties and foreign direct investment: correlation versus causation." February 2007. $12.00
1034 R.E. Just and G.C. Rausser."General equilibrium in vertical market structures: overselling versus overbuying." March 2007.
1035 M. Grendar and G.G. Judge."A Bayesian large deviations probabilistic interpretation and justification of empirical likelihood."April 2007.
1036 A.C. Marco and G.C. Rausser.The role of patent rights in mergers: consolidation in plant biotechnology. April 2007.
1037 L. Karp and Y. Tsur. "Climate policy when the distant future matters: catastrophic events with hyperbolic discounting." February 2007. $11.00
1038 L. Karp and Y. Tsur. "Discounting and climate change policy." May 2007. $6.00
1039 R.E. Just and G.C. Rausser. "Predatory behavior in vertical market structures: a general equilibrium approach." May 2007.
1040 W.M. Hanemann. "How California came to pass AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006." March 2007. $7.25
1041 R.D. Pope, J.T. LaFrance and R.E. Just. "Agricultural arbitrage and risk preferences." May 2007.
1042 C. Chambolle and S.B. Villas-Boas. "Buyer power through producer's differentiation." June 2007.
1043 J.T. LaFrance and R.D. Pope. "Homogeneity and supply." June 2007.
1044R2 D. Gicheva, J. Hastings and S. Villas-Boas. Rev "Revisiting the income effect: gasoline prices and grocery purchases." March 2008.
1045R C.P. Traeger. "Sustainability, limited substitutability and non-constant social discount rates."(January 2004) revised November 2008.
1046R3 M. Draganska, D. Klapper, and S.B. Villas-Boas. "A larger slice or a larger pie? Empirical investigation of bargaining power in the distribution channel."(November 2007) November 2008.
1047 M. Auffhammer, A.M. Bento and S.E. Lowe. "Measuring the effects of environmental regulations: the critical importance of a spatially disaggregated analysis." August, 2007. $6.00
1048 M. Grendar, G.G. Judge and R.K. Niven. "Large deviations approach to Bayesian nonparametric consistency: the case of Polya urn sampling." September, 2007. $5.00
1049R3 J. Hilger, G. Rafert and S.B. Villas-Boas. "Expert Opinion and the Demand for Experience Goods: An Experimental Approach in the Retail Wine Market." August 5, 2010.
1050 L. Karp and J. Zhao. "A proposal to reform the Kyoto Protocol: the role of escape clauses and foresight." February, 2007.
1051 H. Wolff, H. Chong and M. Auffhammer. "Consequences of Data Error in Aggregate Indicators: Evidence from the Human Development Index." January, 2008.
1052 M. Grendar and G.G. Judge. "Consistency of empirical likelihood and maximum A-Posteriori probability under misspecification." February, 2008.
1053 G. Rausser and S. Hamilton. "Unintended consequences: the spillover effects of common property regulations." March, 2008.
1054 O. Hochman and G. Rausser. "Pollution and Land Use: Optimum and Decentralization." March, 2008.
Removed 6/14/10. 1055 M. Anderson and M. Marmot."The Effects of Social Status on Heart Disease:Evidence from Whitehall."
1056R3 M. Anderson and D. Matsa. "Are restaurants really supersizing America?" June 2009.
1057 G. Rausser and G. Roland. "Special Interests Versus the Public Interest: The Determination of Policy Instruments." June, 2008.
1058 G. Rausser and M. Zilberman. "Managing R&D Risk in Renewable Energy." June, 2008.
1059 R. Mittelhammer and G. Judge. "A Minimum Power Divergence Class of CDFs and Estimators for Binary Choice Models." July, 2008.
1060R K. Kiesel and S. Villas-Boas. "Another Nutritional Label - Experimenting with Grocery Store Shelf Labels and Consumer Choice." April 2009.
1061 E. Aisbett, L. Karp and C. McAusland. "Police-powers, regulatory takings and the efficient compensation of domestic and foreign investors." May 2008.
1062 L. Karp and Y. Tsur. "Time perspective and climate change policy." July 2008.
1063 L. Karp. "Correct (and misleading) arguments for using market based pollution control policies." August 2008.
1064 L. Karp and J. Zhang. "Taxes Versus Quantities for a Stock Pollutant with Endogenous Abatement Costs and Asymmetric Information." July 2008.
1065 L. Karp and J. Zhao. "A Proposal for the Design of the Successor to the Kyoto Protocol." June 2008.
1066 G. Rausser, L. Simon, and R. Stevens. "Public Versus Private Good Research at Land-Grant Universities." September 2008.
1067 G. Rausser., L. Simon, and J. Zhao. "Rational Exaggeration in Information Aggregation Games." October 2008.
1068 G. Casamatta, G. Rausser., and L. Simon. "Optimal taxation with joint production of agriculture and rural amenities ." November 2008.
1069 D. Roland-Holst. "Energy efficiency, innovation, and job creation in California". October 2008.
1070 F. Kahrl and D. Roland-Holst. "California Climate Risk and Resposne". November 2008.
1071 W.M. Hanemann. "What is the Economic Cost of Climate Change?". August 2008.
1072 J. Lee, W.K. Tam Cho, and G.G. Judge. "Stigler's approach to recovering the distribution of first significant digits in natural data sets." January 2009.
1073 J. Lee and G.G. Judge. "Identifying falsified clinical data." December 2008.
1074 J. Hilger and W.M. Hanemann. "The Impact of Water Quality on Southern California Beach Recreation: A Finite Mixture Model Approach". March 2008.
1075 F. Vasquez Lavin and W.M. Hanemann. "Taste Indicators and Heterogeneous Revealed Preferences for Congestion in Recreation Demand". June 2008.
1076 S. Brandt, F. Vasquez Lavin, and W.M. Hanemann. "Designing contingent valuation scenarios for environmental health: The case of childhood asthma". September 2008.
1077 S. Nataraj and W.M. Hanemann. "Does Marginal Price Matter? A Regression Discontinuity Approach to Estimating Water Demand". November 2008.
1078 F. Vasquez Lavin and W.M. Hanemann. "Functional forms in discrete/continuous choice models with general corner solution". December 30, 2008.
1079 G. Rausser. "The Giannini Foundation and the Welfare of California Agriculturists in a Changing State, Nation and World". February 2009.
1080 A. Fisher, M. Hanemann, M.J. Roberts and W. Schlenker. "Climate Change and Agriculture Reconsidered". Forthcoming.
1081 D. Sunding, S. Hamilton, and N. Ajami. "Groundwater Management and the Cost of Reduced Surface Water Deliveries to Urban Areas: The Case of the Central and West Coast Basins of Southern California". June 2009.
1082 P. Berck, E. Leibtag, S. Villas-Boas, and A. Solis. "Patterns of Pass-through of Commodity Price Shocks to Retail Prices". June 2009
1083 D. Sunding, N. Ajami, S. Hatchett, D. Mitchell, D. Zilberman. "Economic impacts of reduced delta exports resulting from the Wanger Interim Order for delta smelt". May 2009.
1084 L. Karp and J. Zhao. "International Environmental Agreements: Emissions trade, safety valves and escape clauses". May 2009.
1085 L. Karp and J. Zhao. "Suggestions for the Road to Copenhagen". May 2009.
1086 L. Karp. "Sacrifice, discounting and climate policy: five questions". June 2009.
1087 J. Sauer and D. Zilberman. "Innovation behavior at micro level - selection and identification". June 2009.
1088 E. Hallstein and S. Villas-Boas. "Are Consumers Color Blind? An Empirical Investigation of a Traffic Light Advisory for Sustainable Seafood". July 2009.
1089 C. Bonnet, P. Dubois and S. Villas-Boas. "Empirical Evidence on the Role of Non Linear Wholesale Pricing and Vertical Restraints on Cost Pass-Through". July 2009.
1090 M. Grendar and G. Judge. "Maximum Empirical Likelihood: Empty Set Problem". September 2009.
1091 G. Rausser, W. Balson, and R. Stevens. "Centralized Clearing for Over-the-Counter Derivatives". September 2009.
1092R2 C.P. Traeger. "Why uncertainty matters - discounting under intertemporal risk aversion and ambiguity". (December 2008) 2nd Revision January 2012.
1093R2 M.T. Schneider, C. Traeger, and R. Winkler. "Trading off generations: infinitely lived agent versus OLG". (March 2007) 2nd revision January 2012.
1094 M. Grendar and G. Judge. "Maximum Likelihood with Estimating Equations". January 2010.
1095 E. Ligon. "Measuring risk by looking at changes in inequality: vulnerability in Ecuador". January 2010.
1096 P. Dubois and E. Ligon. "Nutrition and risk sharing within the household". January 2010.
1097 G. Hochman and D. Zilberman. "OPEC and Cheap Oil Policies: the Expert Tax Paradigm". Forthcoming.
1098 J. Lifft, D. Roland-Holst and D. Zilberman. "A Field Experiment to Value Safety Labeled Free Range Chicken in Ha Noi". Forthcoming.
1099 G. Hochman, D. Rajagopal and D. Zilberman. "The Effect of Biofuel on the International Oil Market". March 2010.
1100 G. Hochman, S. Sexton and D. Zilberman. "The Economics of Trade, Biofuel, and the Environment". March 2010.
1101 P. Berck and R. Braennlund. "Green Regulations in Califorina and Sweden". April 2010.
1102 C. Traeger. "Intertemporal Risk Aversion - or - Wouldn't it be Nice to Tell Whether Robinson Crusoe is Risk Averse?". May 2010.
1103R2 C. Traeger. "Subjective Risk, Confidence, and Ambiguity". May 2011.
1104R B. Crost and C. Traeger. "Risk and Aversion in the Integrated Assessment of Climate Change". rev. July 2011.
1105 C. Antinori and G. Rausser. "The Mexican Common Property Forestry Sector". June 2010.
1106 M. Grendar and G.Judge. "Revised empirical likelihood". July 2010.
1107 S. Sexton. "Rationing public goods by cooperation or pecuniary incentives: evidence from the spare-the-air program". July 2010.
1108R R. Abrantes-Metz, S. Villas-Boas and G. Judge. "Tracking the Libor Rate". August 2010.
1109 S. Sexton and D. Zilberman. Title forthcoming.
1110 D. Zilberman, G. Hochman and D. Rajagopal. "Indirect land use change: a second best solution to a fist class problem". October 2010.
1111R D.M. Lemoine and C. Traeger "Tipping Points and Ambiguity in the Economics of Climate Change". revised December 2011.
1112 E. Ligon "Dynamics, risk, and vulnerability". February 2011.
1113 C. Adam, J. Hoddinott and E. Ligon "Dynamic intrahousehold bargaining, matrimonial property law and suicide in Canada". February 2011.
1114 P. Dubois and E. Ligon "Incentives and nutrition for rotten kids: intrahousehold food allocation in the Philippines". February 2011.
1115 E. Ligon and E. Sadoulet "Estimating the effects of aggregate agricultural growth on the distribution of expenditures". February 2011.
1116 E. Ligon and L. Schechter "The Value of social networks in rural Paraguay". February 2011.
1117R C. Traeger "Discounting and Confidence"(August 2011) revised September 2011.
1118 T. Havranek, Z. Irsova and K. Janda "Demand for gasoline is more price-inelastic than commonly thought" September 2011.
1119 K. Janda, L. Kristoufek and D. Zilberman "Biofuels: review of policies and impacts" October 2011.
1120 E. Ligon and L. Schechter "Motives for sharing in social networks" December 2011.
1121 C. Traeger "What's the rate? Disentangling the Weitzman and the Gollier effect" February 2012.
1122 K.R. Scott "Demand and price volatility: rational habits in international gasoline demand" March 2012.
1123 G. Judge "The Information theoretic foundations of a probabilistic and predictive micro and macro economics." April 2012.
1124 I. Ekeland, L. Karp and R. Sumaila "Equilibrium management of fisheries with altruistic overlapping generations." December 2011.
1125 L. Karp and J. Perloff "The iPhone goes downstream: mandatory universal distribution ." December 2011.
1126 L. Karp and M. Stevenson "Green industrial policy: trade and theory." January 2012.
1127 L. Karp and L.Simon "Participation games and international environmental agreements: a nonparametric model." February 2012.
1128 L. Karp and A. Rezai "The Political economy of environmental policy with overlapping generations." May 2012.
1129 F. Hong and L. Karp "International environmental agreements with mixed strategies and investment." May 2012.
1130R C. Traeger "A 4-stated DICE: quantitatively addressing uncertainty effects in climate change" revised December 2013.
1131 K.R. Scott "Demand and Price Uncertainty: Rational Habits in International Gasoline Demand" March 2013.
1132 C. Traeger "What's the option?" January 2013.
1133 G. Barrows, S. Sexton and D. Zilberman "The Impact of Agricultural Biotechnology on Supply and Land-Use" June 2013.
1134 M. Papineu "Energy Codes and the Landlord-Tenant Problem" June 2013.
1135 G. Judge "Some Thoughts on Econometric Information Recovery" August 2013.
1136 G. Hochmanm and D. Zilberman "Climate Change and Balance of Trade" March 2014.
1137 A. Fisher and P. Le "Climate Policy: Science, Economics, and Extremes" July 2014.
1138 Y. Xie and D. Zilberman "The Economics of Water Project Capacities under Optimal Water Inventory Management" August 2014.
1139 T. Havranek, Z. Irsova, K. Janda and D. Zilberman "Selective Reporting and the Social Cost of Carbon" August 2014.
1140 A. Fisher and P. Le "Climate Science and Climate Economics" November 2014.