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CUDARE WORKING PAPER 600 (1991) – 799 (1996)
606R L.S. Karp and J. Perloff. Rev. "Legal requirements that artists receive resale royalties." Rev. June, 1992. (In International Review of Law and Economics, v.13, 1993, p.163-177)
607 J. Perloff. "Econometric analysis of imperfect competition and implications for trade research." April, 1991. (In NCRRP. Industrial organization and international trade..., ed. by I.M. Sheldon and D.R. Henderson. Columbus, OH st. univ., Dept. of agr. econ., 1992, p.59-105.)
608 L.S. Karp and J.M. Perloff. "Dynamic Models of Oligopoly in Agricultural Export Markets." April, 1991. (In COMPETITIVE STRATEGY ANALYSIS IN THE FOOD SYSTEM, ed. by Ronald W. Cotterill. Boulder, CO: Westview press, 1993, pp. 113-134) [Working Paper never received]
609 R. Hinojosa-Ojeda and S. Robinson. "Alternative scenarios of U.S.-Mexico integration: A computable general equilibrium approach." April, 1991. $13.50
610 I. Adelman, S. Morley, C. Schenzler and S. Vogel. "Education, mobility and growth." April, 1991. (In OPPORTUNITY FOREGONE: EDUCATION IN BRAZIL, ed. by Nancy Birdsall and Richard H. Sabot. Wash., DC, Pub. by IADB & distrib. by The Johns Hopkins Univ. Pr., 1996, p.319-336)
611 S. Devarajan, J.D. Lewis and S. Robinson. "External shocks, purchasing power parity, and the equilibrium real exchange rate." May, 1991. (In The World Bank Economic Review, v.7:1, January, 1993, p.45-63)
613 G.C. Rausser. "Predatory versus productive government: The case of U.S. Agricultural policies." June, 1991. (In Journal of Economic Perspectives, v.6:3, Summer 1992, p.133-157)
614 E. Sadoulet and A. de Janvry. Rev. "Agricultural trade liberalization for the low income countries: a general equilibrium-multimarket approach." Rev. October, 1991. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.74:2, May 1992, p.268-280)
615 G. Mythili. "A theoretical exposition of consumers' response to alternative food policies." August, 1991. $8.50
616 S. Devarajan, J.D. Lewis and S. Robinson. "From stylized to applied models: building multisector CGE models for policy analysis." September, 1991. (In North American Journal of Economics and Finance, v.10:1, 1999, p.5-38)
617 S. Robinson, M.E. Burfisher, R. Hinojosa-Ojeda and K.E. Thierfelder. "Agricultural policies & migration in a U.S.-Mexico free trade area: a computable general equilibrium analysis." December, 1991. (In U.S. International Trade Commission. Economy-wide modeling of the economic implications of a FTA with Mexico...; addendum.... Wash., D.C., 1992, p.457-507, (USITC publn. 2508) and Journal of Policy Modeling, v.15:5&6, Oct.-Dec. 1993, p.673-701)
618 L.S. Karp and S. Stefanou. "Polish agriculture in transition: does it hurt to be slapped by an invisible hand?" December, 1991. $21.25 [Also issued as Centre for Economic Policy Research Discussion Paper: 622, January 1992]
620 G.C. Rausser and L.K. Simon. "A noncooperative model of collective decision making: a multilateral bargaining approach." November, 1991. $11.25
621 P. Ardeni and G.C. Rausser. "Interactions among money, exchange rates, and commodity prices." March, 1992. $9.50
622 D. Buschena and D. Zilberman. "Risk attitudes over wealth under discrete status levels." April, 1992. $5.00
623 I. Adelman and K. Ralston. "Institutions and economic linkages at the village level in West Java, Indonesia." April, 1992. (In STATE, MARKET AND CIVIL ORGANIZATIONS, NEW THEORIES: NEW PRACTICES AND THEIR IMPLICATIONS FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT, ed. by A. de Janvry, S. Radwan, E. Sadoulet & E. Thorbecke. London, Eng., Macmillan Press Ltd., 1995, p.351-387)
624 R. Hinojosa-Ojeda, S. Robinson and J. Tesche. "Hungary, Austria, and the European Community: A CGE Model of economic reform and integration." April, 1992. $12.50
625 P. Berck. "Resource management under uncertainty: some informational issues." May, 1992. $5.00
626 S. Lane and K. Ralston. "Influences on egg consumption of young children." May, 1992. $5.00
627 D.K. Rubin and J. Perloff. "Who works for piece rates and why." June, 1992. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.75:4, November, 1993, p.1036-1043)
628 A.C. Fisher and W.M. Hanemann. Rev. "Assessing climate change risks: valuation of effects." Rev. May, 1993. (In ASSESSING SURPRISES AND NONLINEARITIES IN GREENHOUSE WARMING; PROCEEDINGS..., ed. by J. Darmstadter & M.A. Toman. Wash., D.C., RFF, 1993, p.133-154)
629 A.C. Fisher, D. Fullerton, N. Hatch and P. Reinelt. "Optimal response to periodic shortage: engineering/economic analysis for a large urban water district." June, 1992. $20.75
631 L.S. Karp and J.M. Perloff. "Helping by hurting: industrial policy as an alternative to trade policy." July, 1992. $9.00
632 R. Hinojosa-Ojeda and S. Robinson. "Labor issues in a North American free trade area." July, 1992. (In NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE, ed. by N. Lustig, B.P. Bosworth, and R.Z. Lawrence. Wash., D.C., The Brookings Inst., 1992, p.69-l08)
633 D. Buschena and D. Zilberman. "Not just another paper showing violations of the expected utility model: the effects of alternative similarity on risky choice." August, 1992. $16.25
635 G.C. Rausser and L.K. Simon. "Burden sharing and public good investments in policy reform." September, 1992. $10.00
636 I. Adelman, S. Morley, C. Schenzler and M. Warning. "Estimating income mobility from census data." September, 1992. (In Journal of Policy Modeling, v.16:2, April, 1994, p.187-214)
637 G.C. Rausser and L.K. Simon. "Burden sharing and public good provision: a numerical sensitivity analysis." February, 1991. $13.50
638 D. Christian and A. Schmitz. "The adoption of welfare-reducing policies: an alternative explanation from U.S. agriculture." September, 1992. $5.00
639 B.D. Wright and D. Zilberman. "Agricultural research structures in a changing world." September, 1992. (In U.S. AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH: STRATEGIC CHALLENGES AND OPTIONS, ed. by R.D. Weaver. Bethesda, MD, Agricultural Research Institute, 1993, p.289-310)
640 D. Brennan, B.D. Wright and J. Williams. "Is convenience yield a necessary hypothesis? Supply of storage in a wheat market." August, 1992. $9.00
642 J.B. Siebert. "Farmers' knowledge about cooperatives." February, 1993. $15.50
643 A.C. Fisher, D. Fullerton, N. Hatch and P. Reinelt. Rev.2 "Alternatives for managing drought: a comparative cost analysis." Rev. June, 1994. (In Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, v.29:3:1, Nov. 1995, p.304-320)
644 W.M. Hanemann. "Projected M&I demand in the LADWP service area 1990-2010." February, 1993. $5.25
645 M.E. Burfisher, S. Robinson and K.E. Thierfelder. "Wage changes in a U.S.-Mexico free trade area: migration versus Stolper-Samuelson effects." March, 1993. (In MODELING TRADE POLICY: APPLIED GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM ASSESSMENTS IN NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE, ed. by J.F. Francois and C.R. Shiells. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1994, p.195-222)
646 S. Robinson, S. Subramanian and J. Geoghegan. "A regional, environmental, computable general equilibrium model of the Los Angeles Basin." April, 1993. (In ECONOMIC INSTRUMENTS FOR AIR POLLUTION CONTROL, ed. by Ger Klaassen and Finn R. Forsund. Economy and environment series, v.9. Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer; Laxenburg, Austria: International institute for applied systems analysis, 1994, p. 46-72 with title "Modeling air pollution abatement in a market-based incentive framework for the Los Angeles Basin")
647 R.E. Just, G.C. Rausser and D. Zilberman. "A framework for analyzing specific agricultural policy reform." April, 1993. $14.25
648 R. Ball and G.C. Rausser. "Governance structures and the durability of economic reforms: evidence from inflation stabilizations." December, 1993. (In World Development, v.23:6, June 1995, p.897-912)
651 J. Liu and G.C. Rausser. "Can futures trading play a role in China's land allocation and food security policy?" April, 1993. $9.25
675 S.J. Rubio, C. Martinez and J.P. Castro. "Optimal management of groundwater with increasing demand." May, 1993. $10.50
676 J.B. Siebert. Rev. "Marketing California walnuts." Rev. April, 1994. $5.00
677 J.B. Siebert, K. Klonsky and V. Pradhan. "Marketing California cotton: an economic and policy overview." May, 1993. $8.50
678 T. Wallace, J. Moles and K. Rodrigues. "Proceedings of the panel discussion on property rights." June, 1993. $5.50
679R J. Perloff. Rev. "Tariffs and quotas that lower prices and raise welfare." Rev. September, 1993. $6.00
680 S. Ise and J.M. Perloff. "Legal status and earnings of agricultural workers." September, 1993. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.77:2, May, 1995, p.375-386)
682 W.M. Hanemann. "Marginal cost pricing and the new LADWP water rates." July, 1993. $5.00
684R L.S. Karp. Rev. "Depreciation erodes the Coase conjecture." Rev. January, 1995. (In European Economic Review, v.40, 1996, p.493-490)
685 G.D. Adams, G.C. Rausser and L.K. Simon. "Modelling natural resource negotiations: an application to California water policy." August, 1993. (In Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, v.30:1, June 1996, p.97-111 with title "Modelling multilateral negotiations: an application to California water policy")
686 W.M. Hanemann and I.E. Strand. "Natural resource damage assessment: economic implications for fisheries management." August, 1993. $5.00
687 B.D. Wright. "Dynamic perspectives on agricultural policy issues." August, 1993. $10.25
688 S. Robinson, S. Hoffmann and S. Subramanian. "Defense spending reductions and the California economy: a computable general equilibrium model." May, 1994. $30.00
689 C. Hyde and J.M. Perloff. "Can market power be estimated?" June, 1993. (In Review of Industrial Organization, v.10, 1995, p.465-485)
690 R. Carson, N. Flores and W.M. Hanemann. "On the creation and destruction of public goods: the matter of sequencing." November, 1993. $5.00
691 W.M. Hanemann. "Three approaches to defining "Existence" or "Non-Use" value under certainty." November, 1993. $5.00
692 K. Moulton, L. Garoyan and N. Hetland. Rev. "Dimensions of the global processing tomato industry." Rev. January, 1994. $5.00
693 H.R. Rosenberg. "More than an IRCA offshoot: growth of labor contracting in California agriculture." November, 1993. $5.75
694 K. Ralston and S. Lane. "Egg consumption of young children." November, 1993. $5.00
695 T.W. Chesnutt, A. Bamezai and W.M. Hanemann. "Revenue instability induced by conservation rate structures: an empirical investigation of coping strategies." November, 1993. $5.00
696R A. Golan, G.G. Judge and J.M. Perloff. Rev. "Estimating the size distribution of firms using government summary statistics." Revised April, 1995. (In Journal of Industrial Economics, v.44:1, March 1996, p.69-80)
697 W.M. Hanemann. "Contingent valuation and economics. March, 1994. (In ENVIRONMENTAL VALUATION: NEW PERSPECTIVES, ed. by K.G. Willis and J.T. Corkindale." Wallingford, Oxon, UK, CAB International, 1995, p.79-117)
698R P. Berck and J. Lipow. Rev. "Real and ideal water rights: the prospects for water-rights reform in Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank." Rev. March, 1994. (In Resource and Energy Economics, v.16, 1994, p.287-301)
699R P. Berck and M. Roberts. Rev. "Natural resource prices: will they ever turn up?" Rev. July, 1995. (In Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, v.31:1, July 1996, p.65-78)
700 P. Berck and J. Lipow. "Estimation in a long-run short-run model." February, 1994. $5.00
702 L. Lynch and J.M. Perloff. "Do women and minorities earn less due to occupational segregation, lower wages, or fewer hours?" February, 1994. $8.75
704 R.F. Lyons, G.C. Rausser and L.K. Simon. "Disruption and continuity in Bulgaria's agrarian reform." April, 1994. (In PRIVATIZATION OF AGRICULTURE IN NEW MARKET ECONOMIES, ed. by A. Schmitz, et al. Boston, Kluwer acad. publrs., 1994, p.87-117)
705 S.J. Rubio and A.C. Fisher. "Optimal capital accumulation and stock pollution: the greenhouse effect." February, 1994. (In Revista Espanola de Economia. Special Issue, 1994, p.119-140)
707 R.F. Lyons, G.C. Rausser and L.K. Simon. "Putty-clay politics in transition economies." May, 1996. (In CURRENT POLITICS AND ECONOMICS OF EUROPE, ed. by F. Columbus. Commack, NY, Nova Science, 2000, Chap. 14, p.245270) [New Title]
712 S.A. Hoffman. "The 1990s defense build-down in California and the United States." June, 1994. $9.75
715 A. Dabalen and G.E. Goldman. "Complexity, diversity and stability debate: evidence from California county data." June, 1994. $6.00
717 L.T. Wallace. "Process models and techniques for issue resolution." July, 1994. $8.00
718 G.C. Rausser, L. Simon and K. van't Veld. "Political-economic processes and collective decision making." December, 1994. (In AGRICULTURAL COMPETITIVENESS: MARKET FORCES AND POLICY, ed. by George H. Peters and Douglas D. Hedley. Aldershot, Hants, Eng. & Brookfield, VT, USA, Dartmouth, 1995, p.261-273)
719 S.R. Templeton and G.E. Goldman. Rev. "Economic impacts of urban forestry in California - 1992." Rev. July, 1994. $10.75
722 E. Sadoulet. "Political constraints on the developmental state: alternative theoretical explanations." July, 1994. (In STATE, MARKET AND CIVIL ORGANIZATIONS..., ed. by A. de Janvry, S. Radwan, E. Sadoulet, and E. Thorbecke. London, Eng., Macmillan press, ltd., 1995, p.54-85)
723 A. de Janvry, M. Fafchamps and E. Sadoulet. "The challenge of ruling over diversity: an extension of Pinhas Zusman's modeling of social power." July, 1994. $5.00
724 A. de Janvry, E. Sadoulet and B. Santos. "Project evaluation for sustainable rural development: Plan Sierra in the Dominican Republic." July, 1994. (In Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, v.28:2, Mar. 1995, p.135-154)
725 A. de Janvry, E. Sadoulet and G.G. de Anda. "NAFTA and Mexico's corn producers." July, 1994. (In World Development, v.23:8, August 1995, p.1349-1362 with title: "NAFTA and Mexico's Maize Producers")
726 E. Sadoulet, S. Fukui and A. de Janvry. "The meaning of kinship in sharecropping contracts." July, 1994. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.79:2, May 1997, p.394-406)
727 E. Ligon. "Risk-sharing under varying information regimes: theory and measurement in village economies." August, 1994. $10.00
728 W.M. Hanemann. "Valuing the environment through contingent valuation." August, 1994. (In Journal of Economic Perspectives, v.8:4, Fall , l994, p.19-43)
730 H.R. Rosenberg, J.M. Perloff and V.S. Pradhan. October, 1994. $30.25
731 L.S. Karp and T. Paul. "Labor adjustment and gradual reform: is commitment important?" October, 1994. (In Journal of International Economics, v.46:2, Dec. 1998, p.333-362 with title: Labor adjustment and gradual reform: when is commitment important?)
732 L.S. Karp. Rev. "Monopoly power can be disadvantageous in the extraction of a durable nonrenewable resource." Rev. March, 1995. (In International Economic Review, v.37:4, Nov. 1996, p.825-849)
733R L.S. Karp and J.M. Perloff. Rev. "The optimal suppression of a low-cost technology by a durable good monopoly." Revised October, 1994. (In RAND Journal of Economics, v.27:2, Summer 1996, p.346-364)
735 W.M. Hanemann. "Improving environmental policy: are markets the solution?" December, 1994. (In Contemporary Economic Policy, v.13:1, January, 1995, p.74-79)
736 D.D. Parker and D. Zilberman. "The adoption and use of information services; the case of CIMIS." December, 1994. (In Agribusiness; an International Journal, v.12:3, May/June, 1996, p.209-218 with title "Use of Information Services: the Case of CIMIS")
737 K. Moulton Competition and trade in canned peaches: the situation relative to Chile. January, 1995. $8.50
741 S. Hoffmann, S. Robinson and S. Subramanian. "The role of defense cuts in the California recession: computable general equilibrium models and interstate factor mobility." January, 1995. $10.75
744 K. Ralston and S. Lane. "Young children's egg consumption: determinants and policy implications." October, 1995. $7.50 [Title Change: Young children's egg consumption: determinants, policy & educative implications. June 1997]
745 L.S. Karp and L. Sioli. "Vertically related markets and trade policy in a bargaining framework." March, 1995. $15.50
746 L.S. Karp, C. Dumas, B. Koo and S. Sacheti. "International trade and the internalization of environmental damages." March, 1995. $33.50
747 L.S. Karp and S. Stefanou. "Prospects and policy for Central and East European agriculture." March, 1995. $18.00
748 L. Fernandez and L. Karp. "Wetlands mitigation banks: a developer's investment problem." March, 1995. (In Environmental and Resource Economics, v.12:3, Oct. 1998, p.323-344 with title "Restoring wetlands through wetlands mitigation banks")
749 R.U. Goetz. "Diversification and sustainable agricultural production-the case of soil erosion." May, 1995. $7.50
750 G.M. Michalska, R.E. Goodhue and A.A. Small Implications of GATT for Eastern Europe and the Baltics. May, 1995. $24.75
751 E.H. Golan, I. Adelman and S. Vogel. "Environmental distortions and welfare consequences in a social accounting framework." June, 1995. $24.00
752 K. Moulton and J. Liu. "Marketing table grapes and raisins in the global market." July, 1995. $23.25
753 K. Moulton. "The impacts on wine demand of balanced messages about wine and health." July, 1995. $5.00
754 L. Karp and O. Tahvonen. "International trade in exhaustible resources: a cartel-competitive fringe model." July, 1995. $9.50
755 L. Karp. "The direction and timing of agricultural trade reform in Central and East Europe." July, 1995. $8.25
756 H. Albers, A.C. Fisher and W.M. Hanemann. "Valuation and management of tropical forests: implications of uncertainty and irreversibility." July, 1995. (In Environmental and Resource Economics, v.8:1, July 1996, p.39-61)
758 E. Ligon. "Altruism and markets." August, 1995. $5.00
759 E. Ligon. "Computing private information equilibria: moral hazard in an Indian village." June, 1995. $5.00
761 K.M. Kletzer and B.D. Wright. "Sovereign debt as intertemporal barter." May, 1995. (In American Economic Review, v.90:3, June 2000, p.621-639)
763 L. Karp and S. Sacheti. Rev. "Limited cooperation in international environmental agreements." Rev. March 1996. $8.75
766 W.M. Hanemann and A.G. Keeler. "Economic analysis in policy evaluation, damage assessment and compensation: a comparison of approaches." May 1996. $5.00
767 P. Berck and A. Dabalen. "A CGE model for California tax policy analysis: a review of literature." December, 1995. $19.25
775 L. Lynch and K. Moulton. "Processing costs for canned peaches." December, 1995. $9.00
776 A.C. Fisher and S.J. Rubio. Rev. "Adjusting to climate change: implications of increased variability and asymmetric adjustment costs for investment in water." Rev. December, 1996. (In Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, v.34:3, Nov. 1997, p.207-227) [Title Change: Adjusting to climate change: implications of increased variability and asymmetric adjustment costs for investment in water reserves]
777 S. Gabbard and J.M. Perloff. "All it takes is confidence: job search confidence and farm workers' wages, benefits, and working conditions." February, 1996. $8.50
778 J.M. Perloff, V.Y. Suslow and P.J. Seguin. "Higher prices from entry: pricing of brand-name drugs." February, 1996. $9.75
779 E. Hashida and J.M. Perloff. "Duration of agricultural employment." February, 1996. $7.00
780 A. Golan, L.S. Karp and J.M. Perloff. "Estimating a mixed strategy employing maximum entropy." February, 1996. $11.00
781 E. Hashida and J.M. Perloff. "The effects of work histories on agricultural wages." February, 1996. $9.75
782 P. Kostov, K. Moulton, A. Buckwell and S. Davidova "Agricultural and rural employment in Bulgaria, 1989 and 1994." February, 1996. $5.75
783 J. McCluskey and G. Goldman. "Agriculture in Ventura county: its impact on the county economy." November, 1995. (In Ventura county agr'l land trust & conservancy. The value of agriculture to Ventura county: an economic analysis. Ventura, CA, 1996, p.21-56)
784 A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Growth, inequality, and poverty in Latin America: a causal analysis, 1970-94." February, 1996. (In Review of Income and Wealth, v.46:3, September 2000, p. 267-287)
785 P. Winters, R. Murgai, E. Sadoulet, A. de Janvry and G. Frisvold. "Climate change, agriculture, and developing economies." February, 1996. (In Environmental and Resource Economics, v.12:1, July 1998, p.1-24 with title: Economic and welfare impacts of climate change on developing countries)
786 E. Sadoulet, A. de Janvry and C. Benjamin. Rev. "Household behavior with imperfect labor markets." Rev. November, 1996. (In Industrial Relations, v.37:1, Jan. 1998, p.85-108)
787 A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet Household modeling for the design of poverty alleviation strategies. June, 1996. $5.00
788 R.E. Goodhue, G.C. Rausser and L.K. Simon Privatization, market liberalization and learning in transition economies. April, 1996. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.80:4, Nov. 1998, p.724-737)
789 A. Golan, L.S. Karp and J.M. Perloff. "Estimating firms' mixed price and advertising strategies: coke and pepsi." April, 1996. $12.00
789R A. Golan, L.S. Karp and J.M. Perloff. Rev. "Estimating Coke and Pepsi's price and advertising strategies." Rev. July, 1998. (In Journal of Business and Economic statistics, v.18:4, Oct. 2000, p. 398-409)
790 T.W. Jackson and J.M. Perloff. April, 1996. $10.00
791 C. Carletto, A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. Rev. "Knowledge, toxicity, and external shocks: the determinants of adoption and abandonment of nontraditional export crops by smallholders in Guatemala." Rev. May, 1996. $8.50
792 W.M. Hanemann. "Welfare analysis with discrete choice models." May, 1996. (In Herriges, J.A. & Kling, C.L., eds. VALUING RECREATION AND THE ENVIRONMENT: REVEALED PREFERENCE METHODS IN THEORY AND PRACTICE. Northampton, MA, Elgar, 1999, p.33-64)
793 C.-Z. Li, K.-G. Lofgren and W.M. Hanemann. "Real versus hypothetical willingness to accept: the Bishop and Heberlein model revisited." May, 1996. $5.00
794 W.M. Hanemann, B. Kristrom and C.-Z. Li. "Nonmarket valuation under preference uncertainty: econometric models and estimation." May, 1996. $5.00
796 K. Janda, G.C. Rausser and J. McCluskey. Rev. "Food import demand in the Czech Republic." Rev. May 1998. (In Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.51:1, Jan. 2000, p.22-44)
797 G.C. Rausser and A.A. Small. "The economic value of patents, licenses, and plant variety protection." June, 1996. $5.00
798 W.M. Hanemann and B. Kanninen. "The statistical analysis of discrete-response CV data." July, 1996. $32.00