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CUDARE WORKING PAPER 400 (1986) – 599 (1991)
400 S. Devarajan, J.D. Lewis and S. Robinson. "A bibliography of computable general equilibrium (CGE) models applied to developing countries." March, 1986. $5.50
401 S. Robinson. "Multisectoral models of developing countries: a survey." April, 1986. $24.50
402 J. Chalfant and J.M. Alston. Rev. 2 "Accounting for changes in tastes." Rev. February, 1987. (In Journal of Political Economy, v.96:2, April, 1988, p.390-410)
403 R.N. Collender and J. Chalfant. "Sparse data and risk-efficient choice under uncertainty." April, 1986. $5.00
404 L.S. Karp. "Risk aversion in a dynamic trading game." January, 1986. $6.25
405 L.S. Karp. "Methods for selecting the optimal dynamic hedge when production is stochastic." February, 1986. $8.25
406 G.C. Rausser. "Important developments in economics." September, 1985. (In AGRICULTURE AND RURAL AREAS APPROACHING THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY.... ed. by R.J. Hildreth. Ames, IA state univ. press, 1988, p.257-264)
407 G.C. Rausser. "Agriculture, trade, and macroeconomics." October, 1985. $5.00
408 M.F. Andrews and G.C. Rausser. "Some political aspects of macroeconomic linkages with agriculture." December, 1985. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.68:2, May 1986, p.413-417. With title: Some political economy aspects of macroeconomic linkages with agriculture.)
409 J. Chalfant, H.A. Love, G.C. Rausser and K.G. Stamoulis. "The effects of monetary policy on U.S. agriculture." January, 1986. $12.75
412 G.C. Rausser and W.E. Foster. "A coherent policy for U.S. agriculture." April, 1986. $16.75
413 J. Chalfant, G.C. Rausser and K.G. Stamoulis. "Monetary policy and relative farm prices". November, 1986. $7.00
414 B.D. Wright and J.C. Williams. "Measurement of consumer gains from market stabilization." April, 1986. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.70:3, August, 1988, p.616-627)
415 B. Babcock, R.E. Allen and A. Schmitz. "Government intervention in U.S. agriculture and manufacturing." May, 1986. $5.75
416 L. Tyson, S. Robinson and L. Woods. "Conditionality and adjustment in Hungary and Yugoslavia." June, 1986. $13.50
417 R. Innes. "Brannan plan agricultural supports in a world of uncertainty and incomplete markets: pareto superiority and distribution." June, 1986. $13.25
418 R. Innes. "Moral hazard and the genesis of farm debt." June, 1986. $12.25
419 J. de Melo and S. Robinson. "The treatment of foreign trade in computable general equilibrium models of small economies." June, 1986. (In Journal of International Economics, v.27:1-2, August 1989, p.47-67 with title "Product differentiation and the treatment of foreign trade in computable general equilibrium")
420 A.C. Fisher and W.M. Hanemann. "Information and the dynamics of environmental protection: the concept of the critical period." June, 1986. (In The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, v.92:3, 1990, p.399-414)
421 J.M. Alston and J. Chalfant. "Weak separability and a test for the specification of income in demand models with an application to the demand for meat in Australia." July, 1986. (In Australian Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.31, no.1, April, 1987, p.1-15)
422 J.M. Alston and J. Chalfant. "A note on causality between money, wages, and prices in Australia." July, 1986. (In Economic Record, June, 1987, p.115-119)
423 I. Adelman and S. Robinson. "The application of general equilibrium models to analyze U.S. agriculture." July, 1986. $11.25
424 A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "The conditions for harmony between third-world agricultural development and U.S. farm exports." July, 1986. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.68:5, December, 1986, p.1340-1346) [AAEA paper]
425 M.T. Belongia and J. Chalfant. "The changing empirical definition of money: some estimates from a model of the demand for money substitutes." September, 1986. $7.25
426 I. Adelman, A.H. Sarris and D.W. Roland-Holst. "Adjustment under uncertainty with computable general equilibrium models." October, 1986. (In International Economic Journal, v.4:2, Summer 1990, p.1-20)
427 G.M. Ellis and A.C. Fisher. "Valuing the environment as input." October, 1986. (In Journal of Environmental Economics, v.25, 1987, p.149-156)
428 A.C. Fisher. "Wither oil prices: the evidence from theory." October, 1986. (In Natural Resource Modeling, v.2:1, Summer 1987, p.5-22)
429 A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "A study in resistance to institutional change: the lost game of Latin American land reform." December, 1986. (In World Development, v.17:9, September, 1989, Spec. issue, p.1397-1407)
430 A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "The conditions for compatibility between aid and trade in agriculture." January, 1987. (In Economic Development and Cultural Change, v.37:1, October, 1988, p.1-30)
431 G. Frisvold, R. Mines and J. Perloff. "The effects of job site sanitation and living conditions on the health and welfare of agricultural workers." January, 1987. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.70:4, November, 1988, p.875-885)
432 A. de Janvry. "Farm structure, productivity, and poverty." March, 1987. (In FOOD, POLICY, AND POLITICS, ed. by G. Horwich and G.J. Lynch. Boulder, CO, Westview press, 1989, p.132-172)
433 I. Adelman and C.T. Morris. "Agriculture industry interactions." September, 1986. $5.00
434 C.T. Morris and I. Adelman. "Economic development and institutional change in the 19th century." November, 1986. $5.50
435 I. Adelman, J.M. Bournieux and J. Waelbroeck. "Agricultural development led industrialization in a global perspective." December, 1986. (In THE BALANCE BETWEEN INDUSTRY AND AGRICULTURE IN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, v.2. SECTOR PROPORTIONS, ed. by J.C. Williamson and V.R. Panchamukhi. NY, Macmillan press, 1989, p.320-39. Also in INSTITUTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES: THE SELECTED ESSAYS...., by I. Adelman. Brookfield, VT, Edward Elgar, 1995, v.1, p.303-322)
436 I. Adelman and S. Robinson. "Income distribution and development: a survey." March, 1987. $23.00
437 E. Lichtenberg and D. Zilberman. "The welfare economics of regulation in revenue-supported industries." March, 1987. $10.00
438 A. de Janvry. "International economic development and U.S. agriculture." April, 1987. $7.25
439 I. Adelman, J.B. Lohmoller and C.T. Morris. "A latent variable regression model of nineteenth century economic development." April, 1987. $14.25
440 S. Robinson and D.W. Roland-Holst. "Modelling structural adjustment in the U.S. economy: macroeconomics in a social accounting framework." April, 1987. $12.50
441 G.C. Rausser and B.D. Wright. "Alternative strategies for trade policy reform." April, 1987. (In POLICY COORDINATION IN WORLD AGRICULTURE, ed. by H. von Witzke, et al. Kiel, Ger., Wissenschaftverlag Vauk, 1989, p.117-159.)
442 A. de Janvry, E. Sadoulet and M. Fafchamps. "Agrarian structure, technological innovations, and the state." June, 1987. (In THE ECONOMIC THEORY OF AGRARIAN INSTITUTION, ed. by Pranab Bardhan. Oxford, Eng., Clarendon Press, 1989, p.356-382)
444 D.S. Putler and D. Zilberman. "Computer use in agriculture: evidence from Tulare county, California." September, 1987. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.70:4, November, 1988, p.790-802)
445 L.S. Karp and J. Perloff. "Estimating market structure and tax incidence: the Japanese television market." August, 1987. (In Journal of Industrial Economics, v. 37:3, March 1989, p. 225-239)
446 A. Fargeix and J. Perloff. "The effect of tariffs in markets with vertical restraints." August, 1987. (In Journal of International Economics, v.26:1/2, Feb. 1989, p.99-117)
447 G.G. Judge, R. Bohrer and T. Yancey. "Power and pre-test risk comparisons for conventional and joint one sided tests." August, 1987. $7.25
448 D.S. Putler. "The effect of health information on shell egg consumption." August, 1987.
449 D.S. Putler. "A framework for analyzing the effects of health information on product demand with an application to shell egg consumption." August, 1987. $8.00 [Longer version of WP448]
450 S. Robinson and D.W. Roland-Holst. "Macroeconomic structure and computable general equilibrium models." September, 1987. $5.75
451 A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Agricultural growth and import demand in the LDCs." September, 1987. $5.00
452 I. Adelman, J.E. Taylor and S. Vogel. "Life in a Mexican village: a SAM perspective." October, 1987. (In Journal of Development Studies, v.25:1, October, 1988, p.5-24)
453 I. Adelman and S. Robinson. "Macroeconomic shocks, foreign trade, and structural adjustment: a general equilibrium analysis of the U.S. economy, 1982-1986." October, 1987. (In ELASTICITIES IN INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL TRADE, ed. by C.A. Carter and W.H. Gardiner. Boulder, CO, Westview press, 1988, p.137-162)
454 J. Chalfant and K.J. White. "Estimation and testing in demand systems with concavity constraints." November, 1987. $5.25
455 P. Berck and G. Helfand. "Reconciling the von Liebig and differentiable crop production functions." November, 1987. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.72:4, November, 1990, p.985-996)
455a P. Berck and G. Helfand. "Mathematical appendices for: Reconciling the von Liebig and differentiable crop production functions." January, 1990. $5.00
456 P. Berck and W.R. Bentley. "Hotelling's theory, enhancement, and the taking of the Redwood National park." November, 1987. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.79:2, May 1997, p.287-298)
457 R.D. Innes and G.C. Rausser. "Agricultural policy in economies with uncertainty and incomplete markets." December, 1987. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.71:4, Nov. 1989, p.915-931 with title: Incomplete markets and government agricultural policy)
458 G.C. Rausser. "Stability issues in policy analysis." January, 1988. $10.00
459 A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. Rev. "Investment strategies to combat rural poverty in Latin America." May, 1989. $8.00
460 A. de Janvry, A. Fargeix and E. Sadoulet. "The welfare effects of stabilization policies and structural adjustment programs analyzed in CGE frameworks: results and agenda." February, 1988. $13.50
461 A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Land-labor interlinkages in a Latin American context." February, 1988. (In American Economic Review, v.82:4, Sept. 1992, p.1031-1042 with title "Labor-service tenancy contracts in a Latin American context")
462 T.A. Yancey, G.G. Judge and R. Bohrer. "Sampling performance of some joint one-sided preliminary test estimators under squared error loss." February, 1988. (In Econometrica, v.57:5, September, 1989, p.1221-1228)
463 A. de Janvry, D. Runsten and E. Sadoulet. "Toward a rural development program for the United States: a proposal." November, 1987. (In Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison. Coll. of Agr'l & Life Sci. AGRICULTURE AND BEYOND: RURAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ed. by G.F. Summers, et. al. Madison, 1988. p.55-93)
464 A. de Janvry. "The economics of investment in rural development: private and social accounting experiences from Latin America." March, 1988. $5.75
465 S. Robinson, M. Kilkenny and I. Adelman. "The effect of trade liberalization in agriculture on the U.S. economy: projections to 1991." April, 1988. $13.00
466 J. Chalfant, R.N. Collender and S. Subramanian. Rev. "The mean and variance of the mean-variance decision rule." June, 1989. $9.75
467 G.E. Helfand. "The effects on production and profits of different forms of pollution control standards." April, 1988. $5.00
468 L.S. Karp and J. Perloff. "Dynamic oligopoly: estimation and tests of market structure (empirical version)." May, 1988. $10.25
469 A. Ozcam and G.G. Judge. "The analytical risk of a two stage pretest estimator in the case of possible heteroscedasticity." April, 1988. $8.75
470 I. Adelman, J.B. Lohmoeller and C.T. Morris. "Economic development then and now." April, 1988.
471 G.C. Rausser and D.A. Irwin. "Political economy of agricultural policy reform." May, 1987. (In European Review of Agricultural Economics, v.15:4, 1988, p.349-366)
472 L.S. Karp and J. Perloff. "Open-loop and feedback models of dynamic oligopoly." May, 1988. (In International Journal of Industrial Organization, v.11, 1993, p.369-389)
473 I. Adelman and E. Yeldan. "Optimal adjustment to trade shocks under alternative development strategies." May, 1988. (In Journal of Policy Modeling, v.11:4, Winter 1989, p.451-505)
474 A.C. Fisher and M.H. Rothkopf. "Market failure and energy policy: a rationale for selective conservation." May, 1988. (In Energy Policy, v.17:4, 1989, p.397-406. Also in Fisher, Anthony C., ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS: SELECTED ESSAYS OF ANTHONY C. FISHER. Aldershot, UK: Elgar; distributed in the U.S. by Ashgate, Brookfield, VT, 1995 p. 328-337)
475 I. Adelman. "Prometheus unbound and developing countries." May, 1988. (In FAVORITES OF FORTUNE: technology, growth, and economic development since the industrial revolution, ed. by P. Higonnet, et al. Cambridge, MA, Harvard UP, 1991, p.482-510)
476 P. Berck and J. Perloff. "Dynamic dumping." June, 1988. (In International Journal of Industrial Organization, v.8:2, June 1990, p. 225-243)
477 J.B. Persons and J. Perloff. "Generality of the relationship between attributions and depression across attributional dimensions and across samples." June, 1988. $7.75
478 I. Adelman and P. Berck. "Food security policy in a stochastic world." July, 1988. (In Journal of Development Economics, v.34:1/2, November, 1990, p.25-55)
479 A.C. Fisher and K.A. Despotakis. "Energy taxes and economic performance: a regional general equilibrium analysis." August, 1988. (In Energy Economics, v.11:2, April 1989, p.153-157)
480 P. Berck. "Adjusting prices for volume: a test of the Hotelling valuation principle." August, 1988. $5.25
481 A.C. Fisher. "Energy and environment in the long term." August, 1988. (In Energy Policy, April 1989, p.84-87)
482 G.C. Rausser and H. de Gorter. "Endogenizing policy in models of agricultural markets." August, 1988. (In AGRICULTURE AND GOVERNMENTS IN AN INTERDEPENDENT WORLD, ed. by A. Maunder and A. Valdes. Aldershots, Eng., 1989, p.259-273 and International Association of Agricultural Economists, Invited Papers; 20th...conference...1988, V.1)
483 J. Chalfant and R.S. Gray. "Evaluating prior beliefs in a demand system: the case of meats demand in Canada." January, 1989. $7.00
484 I. Finkelshtain and J. Chalfant. "On the behavior of the competitive producer under multivariate risks." September, 1988. (In TX A&M Univ. Syst. Dept. Agr. Econ. Quantifying long-run agr'l risks & evaluating farmer responses to risks....College St., 1989, p.178-202)
485 I. Adelman and S. Robinson. "U.S. competitiveness and the exchange rate: a general equilibrium analysis of the U.S. economy, 1982-1986." September, 1988. (In INTERNATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY AND COMPETITIVENESS, ed. by B.G. Hickman. NY, Oxford UP, 1992, p.276-298)
486 A.C. Fisher. "Water supply options for the East Bay Municipal Utility District: a critical analysis." October, 1988. $5.00
487R J. Perloff. Rev. "There's no such thing as free housing for hired agricultural workers." Rev. March, 1990. (In Land Economics, v.67:2, May 1991, p. 203-212 with title Choice of housing tenure and wage compensation of hired agricultural workers)
488 W.E. Foster and G.C. Rausser. Rev. "Farmer behavior under risk of failure." Rev. October, 1990. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.72:3, May, 1991, p.276-288)
489 J. Kitchen and G.C. Rausser. "Arbitrage conditions, interest rates, and intertemporal commodity price relationships." March, 1988. (In USDA. Journal of Agricultural Economics Research, v.41:2, Spring 1989, p.5-11 with title Interest rates and commodity prices)
490 G.C. Rausser. "The macroeconomic dimension of agriculture and food policy reform." June, 1988. (In WORLD FOOD CONFERENCE, 1988, ed. by J.W. Helmuth. Ames, IA st. UP, 1989, v.II, p.90-110)
491 G.C. Rausser and N. Walraven. "Dynamic welfare analysis and commodity futures markets overshooting." October, 1988. $6.50
493 K.G. Stamoulis and G.C. Rausser. "Overshooting of agricultural prices." October, 1987. (In MACRO-ECONOMICS, AGRICULTURE, AND EXCHANGE RATES, ed. by Philip L. Paarlberg. Boulder, CO, Westview press, 1988, p.163-320)
494 H.A. Love and G.C. Rausser. "Flexible public policy: the case of the United States wheat sector." September, 1988. (In Journal of Policy Modeling, v.19:2, April 1997, p.207-236)
495 G.C. Rausser, K.G. Stamoulis, H.A. Love and J. Chalfant. "Modeling alternative trade and macroeconomic scenarios: implications for U.S. agriculture." June, 1986. (In IMPACTS OF FARM POLICY AND TECHNOLOGICAL CHANGE ON U.S. AND CALIFORNIA AGRICULTURE, ed. by H.O. Carter. Davis, UC. Agr. issues ctr., 1986, p.91-136)
497 J. Beghin and L.S. Karp. "Tariff reform in the presence of sector-specific distortions." December, 1988. (In Canadian Journal of Economics, v.25:2, May 1992, p.294-309)
498 W.E. Foster and G.C. Rausser. "A political-economic rationale for coupled welfare transfer policies." April, 1989. $11.00
499 J. Callahan, A.C. Fisher and S. Templeton. "The San Francisco Bay/Delta striped bass fishery: anatomy of a decline." February, 1989. $24.25
500 I. Adelman and J.E. Taylor. Rev. "Is structural adjustment with a human face possible? The case of Mexico." Rev. July, 1989. (In Journal of Development Studies, v.16:3, April, 1990, p.387-407)
501 A. Keeler, A.C. Fisher and W.M. Hanemann. "The San Francisco Bay/Delta chinook salmon fishery: a review and analysis of recent trends." February, 1989. $8.50
502 I. Adelman. "What is the evidence on income inequality and development?" April, l989. $9.75
503 A.C. Fisher and W.M. Hanemann. "Option value: theory and measurement." May, 1989. (In European Review of Agricultural Economics, v.17:2, 1990, p.167-180.)
504 H. de Gorter and G.C. Rausser. "Endogenizing U.S. milk price supports." May, 1989. $8.00
505 I. Finkelshtain and J. Chalfant. "Portfolio choices in the presence of other risks." June, 1989. $7.25
506 A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Path dependent policy reforms: from land reform to rural development in Colombia." July, 1989. (In INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT, ed. by C.K. Eicher and J.M. Staatz. 3rd ed. Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins univ. press, 1998, p.571-585) ''' 507''' E. Sadoulet, S. Fukui and A. de Janvry. Rev. "Efficient Share Tenancy Contracts Under Risk: The Case of Two Rice-Growing Villages in Thailand." Rev. July, 1994. (In Journal of Development Economics, v.45:2, December 1994, p.225-243)
508 A. de Janvry, A. Fargeix and E. Sadoulet. "The political feasibility of rural poverty reduction." July, 1989. (In Journal of Development Economics, v.37:1/2 November, 1991, p.351-367)
509 R.E. Just and G.C. Rausser. "An assessment of the agricultural economics profession." Aug, 1989. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.71:5, December 1989, p.1177-1190)
510 K. Hanson, S. Robinson and S. Tokarick. "United States adjustment in the 1990's: a CGE analysis of alternative trade strategies." Aug, 1989. $9.25
511 G. Gawn, G.C. Rausser and D. Zilberman. "A model of nutrient demand and the allocation of time." June, l989. $5.00
512 P. Berck, D. Burton, G. Goldman and J. Geoghegan. "Instability in forestry and forestry communities." September, 1989. $7.50
513 S. Robinson. "Computable general equilibrium models of developing countries: stretching the neoclassical paradigm." September, 1989. $11.00
514 I. Adelman and P. Berck. "A modern view of Joseph's policy: food stocks as financial assets." October, 1989. $7.25
515 D.D. Parker and D. Zilberman. "Price transmission across marketing levels in a hedonic framework." October, 1989. (In American journal of agricultural economics, v.75:2, May 1993, p.458-466 with title: Hedonic estimation of quality factors affecting the farm-retail margin)
516 G.C. Rausser, M.B. Rose and D.W. Irwin. "World commodity prices: the role of external debt and industrial country policies." November, 1989. (In AGRICULTURAL TRADE LIBERALIZATION: Implications for Developing Countries, ed. by I. Goldin and O. Knudsen. Paris, OECD, l990, p. 415-445)
518 D. Buschena and J. Perloff. "The creation of dominant firm market power in the coconut oil export market." December, 1989. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.73:4, November, 1991, p.1000-1008)
519 B.D. Wright and D.M.G. Newbery. "Commodity bonds with put options for consumption smoothing by commodity-dependent exporters." December, 1989. $5.00
520 J. de Melo and S. Robinson. "Productivity and externalities: models of export-led growth." December, 1989. $11.25
521 A.C. Fisher and L.S. Karp. "On the existence and optimality of competitive equilibria in nonrenewable resource industries." December, 1989. $5.25
523 I. Adelman, D. Vujovic, P. Berck and M. Labus. "Adjustment under different trade strategies: a mean-variance analysis with a CGE model of the Yugoslav economy." January, 1990. (In TRADE THEORY AND ECONOMIC REFORM, ed. by J. de Melo and A. Sapir. Cambridge, MA, Blackwell, 1991, p.265-287)
524 S. Robinson. "Analyzing agricultural trade liberalization with single-country computable general equlibrium models." January, 1990. (In AGRICULTURAL TRADE LIBERALIZATION: IMPLICATIONS FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, ed. by Ian Goldin and Odin Knudsen. Paris: OECD; Washington, DC: World Bank, 1990, p. 201-224)
525 I. Adelman. "Should there be a Marshall Plan for Eastern Europe?" December, 1989. (In Review of Black Political Economy, v.19:2, Fall 1990, p. 17-42; also in Davidson, Paul & Kregel, J.A., eds. ECONOMIC PROBLEMS OF THE 1990S: EUROPE, THE DEVELOPING COUNTRIES AND THE UNITED STATES. Brookfield VT, Ashgate, 1991, p. 134-158)
526 M. Kilkenny and S. Robinson. "Economywide implications of agricultural liberalization in the United States." February, 1990. $5.00
527 A. Vandeman, E. Sadoulet and A. de Janvry. "Labor contracting and a theory of contract choice in California agriculture." February, 1990. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.73:3, August, 1991, p.681-692)
528 P. Zusman and G.C. Rausser. Rev.2 "Intraorganizational influence relations & the optimality of collective action." Rev. August, 1992. $6.75
532 A.C. Fisher, W.M. Hanemann and A. Keeler. Rev. "Integrating fishery and water resource management: a biological model of a California salmon fishery." Rev. July, 1990. (In Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, v.20:3, May, 1991, p.234-261)
532 A.C. Fisher, W.M. Hanemann and A. Keeler. "A model of the impacts of water flows, hatchery operations, and harvest regulations on the California central valley salmon fishery." April, l990. (In West. reg. proj. W-133. Benefits and costs in natural resources planning, ed. by J.P. Hoehn. East Lansing, MI, 1990, p.60-79)
533R2 L.S. Karp and J. Perloff. Rev.2 "Why industrial policies fail: limited commitment." Rev. September, 1993. (In International Economic Review, v.36:4, November, 1995, p.887-905)
534 I. Adelman, S. Morley, C. Schenzler and M. Warning. "Measuring income mobility with census data." April, 1990. (In Journal of Policy Modeling, v.16:2, April 1994, p. 187-213 with Title: Estimating income mobility from census data)
535 S. Devarajan, J. Lewis and S. Robinson. "Policy lessons from two-sector models." May, 1990. (In Journal of Policy Modeling, v.12:4, Winter 1990, p.625-657. With title: "Policy lessons from trade-focused, two-sector models")
537 P. Zusman and G.C. Rausser. "Endogenous policy theory: the political structure and policy formation." July, 1990. $11.00
538 G.C. Rausser and C.D. Bazelon. "LCD debt and policy linkages in the determination of world commodity prices." June, 1990. $5.00
539 H. de Gorter, D. Nielson and G.C. Rausser. "Commodity policy and underinvestment in agricultural research." June, 1990. $5.00
544 K.A. Hanson and S. Robinson. "Data, linkages, and models: U.S. national income and product accounts in the framework of a social accounting matrix." July, 1990. (In Economic Systems Research, v.3:3, 1991, p.215-232)
545 P. Berck, S. Robinson and G.E. Goldman. "The use of computable general equilibrium models to assess water policies." July, 1990. (In THE ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT OF WATER AND DRAINAGE IN AGRICULTURE, ed. by Ariel Dinar and David Zilberman. Norwell, MA: KluwerAcademic, 1991, p. 489-509)
546 H. de Gorter, D.J. Nielson and G.C. Rausser. "Redistributive policies and the provision of public goods in agriculture." July, 1990. (In GATT NEGOTIATIONS AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF POLICY REFORM, by G.C. Rausser, assoc., P.G. Ardeni [et al.] Berlin, Ger., S-V, 1995, p.85-106. With title: The political economy of redistributive policies and the provision of public goods in agriculture)
547 J.B. Siebert and V. Pradhan. Rev. "The potential impact of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wied.), upon establishment in California: an update." Rev. September 1, 1991. $11.00
548 P. Zusman. "Political-econometrics: the quantitative investigation of a political-economy." August, 1990. $7.25
549 G.C. Rausser and W.E. Foster. "Public goods and wealth transfer tradeoffs." August, 1990. (In GATT NEGOTIATIONS AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF POLICY REFORM, by G.C. Rausser, assoc., P.G. Ardeni [et al.] Berlin, Ger., S-V, 1995, p.125-144. With title: Public goods and welfare transfer tradeoffs)
550 W.E. Foster, R. Gray and G.C. Rausser. Rev. "Resource mobility, diversification, and the compensation requirements of trade reform." Rev. August, 1991. (In GATT NEGOTIATIONS AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF POLICY REFORM, by G.C. Rausser, assoc., P.G. Ardeni [et al.] Berlin, Ger., S-V, 1995, p. 145-173. With title: Mobility, Diversification, and Sustainability of Trade Reform)
551 D.J. Nielson, G.C. Rausser and H. de Gorter. "A supply model for studying change in the U.S. dairy industry." August, 1991. (In GATT NEGOTIATIONS AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF POLICY REFORM, by G.C. Rausser, assoc., P.G. Ardeni [et al.] Berlin, Ger., S-V, 1995, p.253-274. With title: The determination of technology and commodity policy in the US dairy industry)
552 R. Gray, W.E. Foster and G.C. Rausser. "Resource mobility, diversification of ownership, and political rent-seeking incentives." August, 1991. $5.00
553 H. de Gorter, D.J. Nielson and G.C. Rausser. "The political economy of productive and predatory policies: a case study from agriculture." August, 1990. $9.50
554 D. Buschena and J. Perloff. "The creation of dominant firm market power in the coconut oil export market." August, 1990. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.73:4, November, 1991, p.1000-1008)
555R L.S. Karp and J. Perloff. Rev. "A dynamic model of oligopoly in the coffee export market." Rev. August, 1990. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.75:2, May, 1993, p.448-457)
557 J. Perloff. "The impact of wage differentials on choosing to work in agriculture." September, 1990. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.73:3, August, 1991, p.671-679) 558 G.C. Rausser and S. Thomas Market politics and foreign assistance. September, 1990. (In Development Policy Review, v.8, 1990, p.365-381)
559 S. Robinson. "Pollution, market failure, and optimal policy in an economywide framework." August, 1990. $5.00
560 W.E. Foster and G.C. Rausser. "Coalition breaking and policy reform." October, 1990. (In GATT NEGOTIATIONS AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF POLICY REFORM, by G.C. Rausser, assoc., P.G. Ardeni [et al.] Berlin, Ger., S-V, 1995, p.107-123)
561 R.E. Just, G.C. Rausser and D. Zilberman. "Modeling policy reform in the U.S. wheat and feed grain sectors." September, 1990. (In GATT NEGOTIATIONS AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF POLICY REFORM, by G.C. Rausser, assoc., P.G. Ardeni [et al.] Berlin, Ger., S-V, 1995, p. 175-252)
562 I. Finkelshtain and J. Chalfant. "Marketed surplus under risk: do peasants agree with Sandmo?" October, 1990. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.73:3, August, 1991, p.557-567)
563 A. Schmitz and J. Vercammen. "Trade liberalization in the world sugar market: playing on a level field?" November, 1990. $15.50
564 D. Zilberman and J.B. Siebert, eds. "Economic perspectives on pesticide use in California: a collection of research papers, ed. by D. Zilberman and J.B. Siebert." October, 1990. $57.75
565 R.E. Just, G.C. Rausser and D. Zilberman. "Compensation and political feasibility: facilitating welfare improving policies." October, 1990. (In GATT NEGOTIATIONS AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF POLICY REFORM, by G.C. Rausser, assoc., P.G. Ardeni [et al.] Berlin, Ger., S-V, 1995, p.65-83)
566 P.G. Ardeni and G.C. Rausser. "Alternative subsidy reduction paths: the role of fiscal and monetary policy linkages." September, 1990. (In GATT NEGOTIATIONS AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF POLICY REFORM, by G.C. Rausser, assoc., P.G. Ardeni [et al.] Berlin, Ger., S-V, 1995, p.315-357)
567 W.E. Foster and G.C. Rausser. "Price-distorting compensation serving the public interest." July, 1990. (In Public Choice, v.77:2, Oct. 1993, p.275-291 with title "Price-distorting compensation serving the consumer and taxpayer interest")
568 G.C. Rausser. "Implications of the structural adjustment experience in the developing world for Eastern Europe: discussion." August, 1990. $5.00
569 G.C. Rausser, H. de Gorter and D.J. Nielson. "The political economy of commodity and public good policies in European agriculture: implications for policy reform." November, 1990. (In European Review of Agricultural Economics, v.18:3-4, 1991, p.485-504)
570 B.S. Labson and G.C. Rausser. "Modelling phased reductions of distortionary policies in the U.S. wheat sector: the role of macroeconomic shocks." November, 1990. (In GATT NEGOTIATIONS AND THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF POLICY REFORM, by G.C. Rausser, assoc., P.G. Ardeni [et al.] Berlin, Ger., S-V, 1995, p.275- 314. With title: Modeling phased reduction of distortionary policies in the US Wheat Market under alternative macroeconomic environments.)
571 H.A. Love, G.C. Rausser and D.M. Burton. Rev. "Policy preference functions: grand themes and new directions." Rev. May 1990. $10.00
572 G.C. Rausser and N.A. Walraven. "Linkages among commodity futures markets and dynamic welfare analysis." July, 1990. (In Review of Economics and Statistics, v.72:4, Nov.1990, p.631-639)
573 K.S. Moulton and J. Liu. "Import demand for canned peaches, pears and tomato products." November, 1990. $5.75
574 A.C. Fisher and L.S. Karp. Rev. "Nonconvexity, efficiency and equilibrium in exhaustible resource depletion." Rev. November, 1991. (In Environmental and Resource Economics, v.3:1, February, 1993, p.97-106)
576 A.C. Fisher and W.M. Hanemann. "Valuation of tropical forests." January, 1991. (In THE ENVIRONMENT AND EMERGING DEVELOPMENT ISSUES, ed. by P. Dasgupta and K.-G.Maler. Oxford, Eng: Clarendon press, 1997, v.2, p.505-528)
577 A. de Janvry, M. Fafchamps, M. Raki and E. Sadoulet. "Structural adjustment and the peasantry in Morocco: a computable household model approach." January, 1991. (In European Review of Agricultural Economics, v.19:4, 1992, p.427-453)
578 A. de Janvry, M. Fafchamps and E. Sadoulet. "Peasant household behavior with missing markets: some paradoxes explained." January, 1991. (In Economic Journal, v.101:409, November, 1991, p.1400-1417)
583 I. Finkelshtain and J. Chalfant. "Aversion to income risk in the presence of multivariate risk." January, 1991. $5.00
584R L.S. Karp and J. M. Perloff. Rev. "The failure of strategic industrial policies due to manipulation by firms." Rev. September, 1993. (In International Review of Economics and Finance, v.4:1, 1995, p.1-16)
585 J. Chalfant and N.E. Wallace. "Testing the translog specification with the Fourier cost function." March, 1991. $11.25
586 I. Adelman, P. Berck and D. Vujovic. "Designing gradual transition to market economies." March, 1991. (In EUROPEAN ECONOMIC INTEGRATION, ed. by M. Dewatripont and V. Ginsburgh. Amsterdam, N-H, 1994, p.239-282)
587 I. Adelman, H. Fetini and E. Hardy. Rev. "Development strategies and the environment." 1997. (In THE ENVIRONMENT AND EMERGING DEVELOPMENT ISSUES, v.1, ed. by P. Dasgupta and K.-G. Maler. Oxford, Eng., Clarendon Press, 1997, p.161-197)
588 I. Adelman and P. Berck. "Financial considerations of public inventory holdings in developing countries." March, 1991. (In FOOD SECURITY AND FOOD INVENTORIES IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES, ed. by P. Berck and D. Bigman. Wallingford, Oxon, Eng., CABI, 1993, p.93-105. With title: Financial considerations of public-inventory holdings.)
589 I. Adelman. "Long term economic development." March, 1991. (In Journal of Evolutionary Economics, v.5, Special issue, 1995, p.189-208 with title: "The Long Term Impact of Economic Development in Developed Countries on Developing Countries Since 1820")
590 I. Adelman and S.J. Vogel. "The relevance of ADLI for Sub-Saharan Africa." March, 1991. (In African Development Perspectives Yearbook, 1990/91, v.II. Munster, Lit, 1992, p.258-279)
591 I. Adelman, P. Berck and D. Vujovic. "Using SAM's to account for distortions in non-market economies." March, 1991. (In Economic Systems Research, v.3:3, 1991, p.269-298)
593 S. Lane and C.G. Bruhn. "Food safety: consumer concerns and consumer behavior." March, 1991. $5.00
597 I. Adelman and J.E. Taylor The use of farm level data for policy analysis. April, 1991. $33.75