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CUDARE WORKING PAPER 200 (1982) – 399 (1986)
200 A.H. Sarris and J. Freebairn. "Endogenous price policies and their impact on the level and variability of international wheat prices." April, 1982. $8.50
201 A. de Janvry and D. Runsten. "Political economy of technological change and agricultural research: further notes." April, 1982. $9.00
202 P. Berck and T. Bible. "Futures markets and the reservation price of stumpage." May, 1982. $5.00
203 R.B. Norgaard. Rev. "Resource economics and development economics: synthesis or reformulation?" Rev. September, 1982. $8.50
204 R. Chambers, O. Doering and A. Schmitz. "The subsidy component of U.S. agricultural exports." June, 1982. $7.00
205 A. de Janvry and K. Subbarao. "Welfare effects of forced deliveries and area requirements in Egyptian agriculture." June, 1982. $8.50
206 O. Doering, A. Schmitz and J. Miranowski. "The full costs of farm exports." June, 1982. $7.25
207 D. Zilberman and R.E. Just. Rev. "Labor supply uncertainty and technology adoption." Rev. April, 1982. (In SEASONAL AGRICULTURAL LABOR MARKETS IN THE UNITED STATES, ed. by R.D. Emerson. Ames, Iowa state univ., 1984, p.200-224.)
208 D. Zilberman. "On consumption indivisibilities, the demand for durables, and income distribution." March, 1982. $11.75
209 G.C. Rausser and J. Yassour. "An evaluative framework for research and development strategies." August, 1980. $5.00
210 G.C. Rausser and D. Zilberman. "Compensation under uncertainty: ex ante versus ex post rules." August, 1981. $5.00
211 O. Hochman and G.C. Rausser. Rev.3 "The role of taxes and zoning in the effective control of pollution." Rev. May, 1990. $11.25
212 R. Chambers and R.E. Just. "Qualitative econometric analysis in agriculture." August, 1982. (In NEW DIRECTIONS IN ECONOMETRIC MODELING AND FORECASTING IN U.S. AGRICULTURE, ed. by G.C. Rausser. NY, North-Holland, 1982, p.238-318)
213 G.C. Rausser and R.E. Just. "Principles of policy modeling in agriculture." September, 1981. (In Modeling agriculture for policy analysis in the 1980s; a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, September 2425, 1981. Kansas City, Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, 1981, p.139-174)
214 E. Hochman and D. Zilberman. "Optimal exploitation of energy resources: solar power and electricity generation in below sea level basins." November, 1981. (In Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, v.12:4, December, 1985, p.322-337)
215 J.W. Freeman, G.C. Rausser and H. de Gorter. "Government intervention and food price inflation." December, 1981. (In Summary published in U.S. E.R.S.(1981-) Consortium on trade research: imperfect competition .... Wash., D.C., 1983, p.6-8.)
216 D. Zilberman and G.C. Rausser. "Comments on Richard Day's 'Farm output decisions and adaptive economic behavior: recent theoretical considerations'." November, 1981. $5.00
217 R. Chambers and R.E. Just. "Exchange rates and welfare considerations in individual sectors." December, 1981. $5.00
218 G.C. Rausser. "Food grain policy in Bangladesh." February, 1981. (In PLANNING AND DECISION IN AGRIBUSINESS: PRINCIPLES AND EXPERIENCES, ed. by C.H. Hanf and G.W. Schiefer. New York, Elsevier Scientific publ. co., 1982, p.241-262.)
219 G. Feder, R.E. Just and K. Ross. "Projecting debt servicing capacity of developing countries." December, 1981. (In Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, v.16:5, December, 1981, p.651-669.)
220 G.C. Rausser. "Simple quantitative models for integrative planning frameworks." February, 1982. (In PLANNING AND DECISION IN AGRIBUSINESS: PRINCIPLES AND EXPERIENCES, ed. by C.H. Hanf and G.W. Schiefer. New York, Elsevier Scientific publ. co., 1982, p.335-369.)
221 A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Social articulation as a condition for equitable growth." January, 1982. (In Journal of Development Economics, v.13:3, December, 1983, p.275-303)
222 R.D. Pope, J.-P. Chavas and R.E. Just. "Economic welfare evaluation for producers under uncertainty." January, 1982. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.65:1, February, 1983, p.98-107)
223 J.A. Hallam, R.E. Just and R.D. Pope. "Positive economic analysis and risk considerations in agricultural production." March, 1982. (In NEW DIRECTIONS IN ECONOMETRIC MODELING AND FORECASTING IN U.S. AGRICULTURE, ed. by G.C. Rausser. NY, North-Holland, 1982, p.179-202)
224 E. Hochman, G.C. Rausser, R.E. Just and D. Zilberman. "The role of agricultural price support and land controls in technological adoption under uncertainty." July, 1982. $10.50
225 G. Feder, R.E. Just and D. Zilberman. "Adoption of agricultural innovations in developing countries: a survey." June, 1982. [Issued also as World bank staff working paper no.444]. (In Economic Development and Cultural Change, v.33:2, January, 1985, p.255-298)
226 J. Perloff and P. Berck. "The commons as a natural barrier to entry: why there are so few fish farms." September, 1982. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.67:2, May, 1985, p.360-363)
227 R.E. Just and D. Zilberman. "Stochastic structure, farm size, and technology adoption in developing agriculture." June, 1982. (In Oxford Economic Papers, v.35:2, July, 1983, p.307-328)
228 W.M. Hanemann. "Information and the concept of option value." October, 1982. (In Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, v.16:1, January, 1989, p.23-37)
229 G.C. Rausser, R.E. Just and D. Zilberman. "Equity and efficiency in agricultural production systems." August, 1982. $14.00
230 R.B. Norgaard. and G.J. Leu. Rev. 2 "Petroleum accessibility and drilling technology: an analysis of U.S. development costs from 1959 to 1978." Rev. June, 1985. (In Land Economics, v.62:1, February, 1986, p.14-25)
231 G.C. Rausser. "Political economic markets: PESTS and PERTS in food and agriculture." July, 1982. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.64:5, December, 1982, p.821-833)
232 J. La France and H. de Gorter. "Regulation in a dynamic market: the U.S. dairy industry." July, 1982. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.67:4, November, 1984, p.821-832)
233 A.H. Sarris, H. Esfahani, M. Mansour and F. Moustafa. "Evolution of crop pattern, yields, and profitability in Egyptian agriculture." August, 1982. $20.25
234 H. Shalit, A. Schmitz and D. Zilberman. "Uncertainty, instability, and the competitive firm." August, 1982. $5.00
235 A.H. Sarris, M.R. El-Amir, M. Mansour, F. Moustafa and A. Ghazal. "Supply response for the major crops in Egyptian agriculture." August, 1982. $9.00
236 A.H. Sarris. "Egyptian food security: an optimization approach." August, 1982. $7.00
237 W.M. Hanemann and Y. Tsur. "Econometric models of discrete/continuous agricultural supply decisions." August, 1982. $5.00
238 M.S. Andrews and A. de Janvry. "Intersectoral terms of trade, income distribution and growth." September, 1982. (In RURAL DEVELOPMENT, ed. by B.L. Greenshields and M.A. Bellamy. Aldershot, Hants, Eng., Gower, 1983. I.A.E.E. Occ. pap. 3. p.3-8 with title: Intersectoral terms of trade in three political economic structures) [Working paper no longer available.]
239 K. Subbarao and A. de Janvry. "Wages, prices, and farm mechanization in rural Egypt: the need for an integrated policy." September, 1982. (In MIGRATION, MECHANIZATION AND AGRICULTURAL LABOR MARKETS IN EGYPT, ed. by A. Richards and P.L. Martin. Boulder, CO, Westview, 1983, p.237-264.)
240 R.D. Boynton and J. Perloff. "The short- and long-run effects of the vector grocery store consumer price information program." September, 1982. $12.50
241 W.M. Hanemann. "Applied welfare analysis with qualitative response models." October, 1982. $6.75
242 A. de Janvry. "Historical forces that have shaped world agriculture: a structuralist perspective." October, 1982. (In NEW DIRECTIONS FOR AGRICULTURE AND AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, ed. by Kenneth A. Dahlbert. Totowa, NJ, Rowman & Allanheld, 1986, p.83-104.)
243 W.M. Hanemann. "Welfare analysis based on systems of partial demand functions." November, 1982. $6.00
244 R.E. Just, D. Zilberman and E. Hochman. "Estimation of multi-crop production functions." March, 1983. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.65:4, November, 1983, p.770-780)
245 R.B. Norgaard. Rev. "Coevolutionary development potential." Rev. September, 1983. (In Land Economics, v.60:2, May, 1984, p.160-173)
246 A. de Janvry and A. Vandeman. "The macrocontext of rural development: lessons from the United States experience." November, 1982. $12.00
247 R.E. Just and W. Candler. "Production functions and rationality of mixed cropping: the Nigerian case." February, 1983. (In European Review of Agricultural Economics, v.12:3, 1985, p.207-231 with title: Production functions and rationality of mixed cropping)
248 W.M. Hanemann. "Marginal welfare measures for discrete choice models." February, 1983. (In Economics Letters, v.13, 1983, p.129-136)
249 A.H. Sarris. "Food security and agricultural production strategies under risk in Egypt." March, 1983. (In Journal of Development Economics, v.19:1/2, Sept.-October, 1985, p.85-111)
250 P. Berck and A. Levy. "The costs of equal land distribution: the case of the Israeli Moshavim." March, 1983. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.68:3, August, 1986, p.605-614)
251 I. Adelman, P. Berck and K. Gordon. "Food security: a mean variance approach." March, 1983. $7.25
252 I. Adelman and L. Cheng. "A dynamic model of personal wealth and income distribution in a growing closed economy." April, 1983. $10.75
254 I. Adelman and C.T. Morris. "Contrasts and similarities of contemporary and 19th century development experiences." April, 1983. $11.25
255 I. Adelman and J.M. Hihn. "Crisis politics in developing countries." April, 1983 (Revision of Working Paper 192). (In Economic Development & Cultural Change, v.33:1, October, 1984, p.1-22. Reprinted in Developpement et Economie, 37/38, Dec. 1982, p.135-158. Also in INSTITUTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES: THE SELECTED ESSAYS...., by I. Adelman. Brookfield, VT, Edward Elgar, 1995, v.1, p.180-201)
256 I. Adelman and A. Levy "Decomposing Theil's index of income inequality into between and within components: a note." April, 1983. (In Review of Income & Wealth, Series 30, no.1, March, 1984, p.119-121)
257 I. Adelman and T.F. Head. "Economic development and institutional change: toward a modeling framework." April, 1983. $9.75
258 I. Adelman and A. Levy. Rev. "The equalizing role of human resource intensive growth strategies: a theoretical model." Rev. August, 1983. (In Journal of Policy Modeling, v.6:2, May, 1984, p.271-287)
259 I. Adelman. Rev. "Promising developments for conceptualizing and modeling institutional change." Rev. April, 1983. (In International Journal of Development Planning Literature, v.1:1, Jan.-Mar. 1986, p.19-37. Also in INSTITUTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES: THE SELECTED ESSAYS...., by I. Adelman. Brookfield, VT, Edward Elgar, 1995, v.1, p.64-82)
260 I. Adelman "Redistribution before growth: a theoretical model." April, 1983. $7.00
261 I. Adelman and J.M. Hihn. "The estimation and modeling of discontinuous change." April, 1983. $6.25
262 I. Adelman and L. Cheng. "The lack of pareto superiority of unegalitarian wealth distributions." April, 1983. (In Metroeconomica, v.35:1-2, Feb.-June, 1983, p.105-122)
263 H.S. Esfahani. "Agricultural supply response in Egypt: a system-wide differential approach." June, 1983. $8.50
264 J. Perloff and G.C. Rausser. "The effect of asymmetrically held information and market power in agricultural markets." July, 1983. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.65:2, May, 1983, p.366-372)
265 M. Caswell and D. Zilberman. "The economics of land-augmenting irrigation technologies." July, 1983. $10.50
266 J.W. Freebairn, G.C. Rausser and H. de Gorter. "Monetary policy and U.S. agriculture." July, 1983. (In INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL TRADE, ed. by G.G. Storey, A. Schmitz, and A.H. Sarris. Boulder, CO, Westview, 1984, p.99-123)
267 C.A. Carter and G.C. Rausser. "Lead-lag price relationships between thinly and heavily traded commodity futures markets." July, 1983. (In Applied commodtiy price analysis, forecasting, and market risk management; proceedings of the NCR-134 conference, Des Moines, Iowa, 1983. [Ames, IA State univ. Dept. of agric. econ., 1983], p. 241251)
268 R.E. Just and G.C. Rausser. "Expectations and intertemporal pricing in commodity futures and spot markets." July, 1983. (In Applied commodity price analysis of forecasting and market risk management; proceedings of the NCR134 conference, Des Moines, Iowa, 1983. [Ames, IA State univ., Dept. of agric. econ., 1983], p.252-279)
269 A.C. Fisher and W.M. Hanemann. "Option value and the extinction of species." October, 1984. (In Advances in Applied Microeconomics, v.4, 1986, p.169-190)
270 W.M. Hanemann. "Entropy as a measure of consensus in the evaluation of recreation site quality." July, 1983. (In Journal of Environmental Economics, v.18:3, April, 1984, p.241-251)
271 R. Mines and A. de Janvry. "Patterns of migration to the U.S. and rural development in Mexico: a case study." July, 1983. $8.75
272 W.M. Hanemann. "Econometric models of the demand for quality-differentiated goods." July, 1983. $10.75
273 A. de Janvry. "Why do governments do what they do? The case of food price policy." July, 1983. (In THE ROLE OF MARKETS IN THE WORLD FOOD ECONOMY, ed. by D.G. Johnson and G.E. Schuh. Boulder, CO, Westview, 1983, p.185-212)
274 A. de Janvry and K. Subbarao. "Agricultural price policy and income distribution in India." July, 1983. (In Economic and Political Weekly, v.19:52 & 53, p.A166-167; 169-171; 173-175; 177-178)
275 A. de Janvry and A. Vandeman. "Patterns of proletarianization in agriculture: an international comparison." July, 1983. $9.75
276 W.M. Hanemann. "Welfare evaluations with simulated and hypothetical market data: Bishop and Heberlein revisited." July, 1983. (In American journal of agricultural economics, v.66:3, August 1984, p.332-341 with title: Welfare evaluations in contingent valuation experiments with discrete responses.)
278 A. de Janvry. "Growth and equity: a strategy for reconciliation." July, 1983. $6.00
279 A. Schmitz. "Supply management in Canadian agriculture." July, 1983. (In Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.31:2, July, 1983, p.135-152)
280 "L. Crouch and A. de Janvry Latin America agriculture from import substitution industrialization to neo-liberal authoritarianism." July, 1983. $6.25
281 Y. Tsur. "On efficient estimation of some limited dependent variables models." July, 1983.
282 R.B. Norgaard. Rev. "Equilibria, environmental externalities, and property rights: a coevolutionary view." Rev. September, 1983. $8.25
283 J.M. Hihn and C.R. Johnson. "Evaluation techniques for paired ratio-comparison matrices in a hierarchical decision model." August, 1983. $10.00
284 H.S. Esfahani. "Technical change, employment, and supply response of agriculture in the Nile delta: a system-wide approach." August, 1983. $10.75
285 R.E. Just, G.C. Rausser and D. Zilberman. "Modeling equity and efficiency of agricultural policy." August, 1983. (In Growth and equity in agricultural development; proceedings, 18th International conference of agricultural economists, Jakarta, Indonesia, 1982, ed. by A. Maunder and K. Ohkawa. Aldershot, Gower, 1983, p.120-135, with title: Modelling equity and efficiency in agricultural production systems, by R.E. Just, G.C. Rausser, and D. Zilberman)
286 L. Malassis. "Food systems analysis." October, 1983. $9.00
287 J. Chalfant. Rev. "Selecting functional forms for cost functions: background." February, 1984. $16.75
288 A.C. Fisher and J.V. Krutilla. "The economic theory of nature preservation." July, 1983. (In HANDBOOK OF NATURAL RESOURCE AND ENERGY ECONOMICS, vol. 1, ed. by Allen V. Kneese and James L. Sweeney. Amsterdam and Oxford: North-Holland; distributed in North America by Elsevier Science, 1985, p.165189 with title "Economics of Nature Preservation")
289 J. Chalfant. "Comparison of alternative functional forms with application to agricultural input data." December, 1983. $5.00
290 R.B. Norgaard. "The sensitivity of hydropower benefits and costs to alternative futures: a case study of the Clavey-Wards ferry project on the Tuolumne river." January, 1984. $8.75
291 S. Robinson, L.D. Tyson and M. Dewatripont. "Yugoslav economic performance in the 1980s: alternative scenarios." January, 1984. $8.50
292 R.N. Collender and D. Zilberman. Rev.2 "Land allocation under uncertainty for alternative specifications of return distributions." Rev. January, 1985. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.67:4, Nov. 1985, p.779-786)
293 P. Berck and J. Perloff. "A dynamic analysis of marketing orders, voting, and welfare." February, 1984. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.67:3, August, 1985, p.487-496)
294 H.A. Love, G.C. Rausser and J. Freebairn. "Agricultural output and effectiveness of government policy." February, 1984. $16.75
295 W.M. Hanemann. Rev. "On reconciling different concepts of option value." Rev. July, 1984. $7.75
296 R.N. Collender and J. Chalfant. "An alternative approach to decisions under uncertainty: the empirical moment generating function." April, 1984. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.68:3, August, 1986, p.727-731. Published with title: An alternative approach to decisions under uncertainty using the empirical moment-generating function.)
298 N. Lustig. "Fiscal cost and welfare impacts of the corn subsidy scheme in Mexico." May, 1984. (In Southwestern Review of Management and Economics, v.4:2, Summer 1985, p.59-76)
299 R.B. Norgaard. "Environmental economics: an evolutionary critique and a plea for pluralism." June, 1984. (In Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, v.12:4, December, 1985, p.382-394)
300 W.M. Hanemann. "A critique of 'Identifying structural equations through the nonlinearity of a single price gradient' and 'Identifying structural equations with single market data' by Rob Mendlesohn." June, 1984. $5.75
301 W.M. Hanemann, Y. Tsur and D. Zilberman. "Pesticide usage and the choice of pest control strategy: a switching regression analysis." June, 1984. $8.25
302 I. Adelman and J.M. Hihn. "The estimation of catastrophe manifolds: technique and applications." July, 1983. $6.50
303 R.E. Just and D. Zilberman. Rev. "Equity implications of agricultural policies." Rev. February, 1985. $8.25
304 E. Lictenberg and D. Zilberman. Rev. "The econometrics of damage control: why specification matters." Rev. January, 1985. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.68:2, May, 1986, p.261-273)
305 I. Adelman. "Migration, auspices, and fertility: a discussion." February, 1984. $5.00
306 K.M. Gordon and G.C. Rausser. "Country hedging for real income stabilization: a case study of South Korea and Egypt." March, 1984. (In Journal of Futures Markets, v.4:4, Winter 1984, p.449-464)
307 R.E. Just and D. Zilberman. "The role of micro-risk behavior in aggregate relationships." April, 1984. (In Risk analysis for agricultural firms: concepts, information requirements and policy issues; proceedings.... Urbana, Univ. of Ill., Dept. of agr. econ., 1984, p.40-73. AE-4574)
308 D. Zilberman and H. de Gorter. "The political economy of public good provision." April, 1984. $6.00
309 I. Adelman. " Beyond export-led growth." April, 1984. (In World Development, v.12:9, September, 1984, p.937-949. Also published in: THE DESIGN OF ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES, ed. by I. Adelman and J.E. Taylor. Rohtak, 1986, p.242-262; and INSTITUTIONS AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES: THE SELECTED ESSAYS...., by I. Adelman. Brookfield, VT, Edward Elgar, 1995, v.1, p.290-302) ''' 310''' R.E. Just and D. Zilberman. "The effects of agricultural development policies on income distribution and technological change in agriculture." May, 1984. $9.25
311 J. Perloff. "Union and demographic wage, hours, and earnings differentials among Californian and other U.S. agricultural workers." May, 1984. $7.25
312 R.E. Just and D. Zilberman. "Does the law of supply hold under uncertainty?" May, 1984. (In Economic Journal, v.96:382, June, 1986, p.514-524)
313 I. Adelman. "Computable general equilibrium models: retrospective and prospective." May, 1984. $5.00
314 W. Foster and R.E. Just. Rev. "Measuring welfare effects of product contamination with consumer uncertainty." Rev. March, 1985. $7.75
315 R.E. Just and G.C. Rausser. "Uncertain economic environments and conditional policies." June, 1984. (In ALTERNATIVE AGRICULTURAL FOOD POLICIES AND THE 1985 FARM BILL, ed. by G.C. Rausser and K.R. Farrell. Berkeley, Giannini found. of agr. econ., [1984], p.101-132)
316 W.M. Hanemann. "Specification of the individual's demand function: the treatment of time." November, 1984. $11.75
317 I. Adelman. "Policy uses of household budget surveys." June, 1984. $19.50
318 R.E. Just, G.C. Rausser and D. Zilberman. "Modeling the effects of policy on farmers in developing agriculture." May, 1983. $6.75
321 P. Berck and K.T. Rosen. "Hedging with a housing starts futures contract." July, 1984. $12.50
322 W.M. Hanemann. "Some issues in continuous- and discrete-response contingent valuation studies." July, 1984. (In Northeastern Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, v. 14:1, April, 1985, p.5-13)
323 D. Zilberman and M. Caswell. "The choices of irrigation technologies in California." July, 1984. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.67:2, May, 1985, p.224-234)
324 S. Robinson and L.D. Tyson. "Foreign trade, resource allocation, and structural adjustment in Yugoslavia: 1976-1980." July, 1984. (In Journal of Comparative Economics, v. 9, 1985, p.46-70)
328 W.M. Hanemann. Rev. "Willingess to pay and willingness to accept: how much can they differ?" Rev. April, 1989. (In American Economic Review, v.81:3, June, 1991, p. 635-647)
329 A.C. Fisher and W.M. Hanemann. "Endangered species: the economics of irreversible damage." July, 1984. (In ECONOMICS OF ECOSYSTEMS MANAGEMENT, ed. by D.O. Hall, N. Myers and N.S. Margaris. Dordrecht, Neth., Dr W. Junk Publrs., 1985, p.129-138)
330 R.B. Norgaard. "Traditional agricultural knowledge: past performance, future prospects, and institutional implications." July, 1984. $5.00
331 J. de Melo and S. Robinson. "Product differentiation and trade dependence of the domestic price system in computable general equilibrium trade models." August, 1984. $5.00
332 R.B. Norgaard, G. Possio and S.B. Hecht. Rev. "The economics of cattle ranching in eastern Amazonia." Rev. October, 1984. $5.00
333 R.B. Norgaard and J.A. Dixon. Rev. "Pluralistic project design: an argument for combining economic and coevolutionary methodologies." (In Policy Sciences, v.19, 1986, p.297-317)
334 P. Berck and J. Perloff. "Fish farming in competition with an open-access fishery." October, 1984. $5.00 [Revised version of #226]
335 A.C. Fisher and W.M. Hanemann. Rev. "Environmental damages and option values." Rev. November, 1984. (In Natural Resources Modeling v.1:1, Fall 1986, p.111-124)
336 W.M. Hanemann. "Multiple site demand models. PART I: Some preliminary considerations." November, 1984. $7.25
337 W.M. Hanemann. "Multiple site demand models. PART II: Review of existing models and development of new models." November, 1984. $19.50
338 W.M. Hanemann. "Introducing site quality into recreation demand functions." November, 1984. $5.00
339 S. Lane. "Food programs and nutrient demand." February, 1985. $20.50
340 J. Chalfant. Rev.2 "A globally flexible, almost ideal demand system." Rev. August, 1986. (In Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, v.5:2, April, 1987, p.233-242)
341 A. de Janvry and J.-J. Dethier. Rev. "The political economy of rate and bias of technological innovations in agriculture." Rev. March, 1985. (Published as "Technological innovation in agriculture: the political economy of its rate and bias", by A. de Janvry and J-J. Dethier. Wash., D.C., IBRD, 1985. Also issued as Consultative group on international agricultural research rept. no. CGlAR-1.)
342 A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. Rev.3 "Agricultural price policy in general equilibrium models: results and comparisons." Rev. July, 1986. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.69:2, May, 1987, p.230-246)
343 L.S. Karp, C. Fawson and C.R. Shumway. "Impact of expectation formation on dynamic investment decisions: an application to U.S. agriculture." March, 1985. $7.25
344 A. de Janvry. "Latin American agriculture from import substitution industrialization to debt crisis." May, 1985. (In PURSUING FOOD SECURITY, ed. by W.L. Hollist. Boulder, CO, Lynne Rienner publrs., 1987, p.197229)
345 I. Adelman. "A poverty-focused approach to development policy." May, 1985. (In DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES RECONSIDERED, ed. by J.P. Lewis and V. Kallab. Wash., D.C., ODC, 1986, p.49-65. Also published in THE POLITICAL ECONOMY OF DEVELOPMENT AND UNDERDEVELOPMENT, ed. by C.K. Wilber. 4th ed. NY, Random House, 1987, p.493-507 and in THE SELECTED ESSAYS OF IRMA ADELMAN, v.2. Dynamics and income distribution. Brookfield, VT, Edward Elgar, 1995, p.365381)
346 I. Adelman. "The world distribution of income." May, 1985. (In Weltwirtschaftediches archiv, September, 1985, p.110-120) ''' 347''' I. Adelman. "Development strategies and the size distribution of world income." May, 1985. (In THE SELECTED ESSAYS OF IRMA ADELMAN, v.2. Dynamics and income distribution. Brookfield, VT, Edward Elgar, 1995, p.283-299)
348 P. Berck and G. Johns. Rev. "Policy consequences of better stock estimates in Pacific halibut fisheries." Rev. August, 1985. (In American Statistical Association. Proceedings of the business and economic statistics section, 1985. Wash., D.C., 1986, p.139-145)
349 A. de Janvry and S. Subramanian. "The politics and economics of food and nutrition policies and programs: an interpretation." June, 1985. $14.50
350 J. Perloff and R.G. Wolf. "The effect of privity and liability sharing on product safety and vertical integration." September, 1984. $10.25
351 G.C. Rausser and W.E. Foster. "Agricultural policy: a synthesis of major studies and options for 1985." December, 1984. $5.00
352 A. de Janvry and E. Sadoulet. "Disarticulation as a theory of inequitable growth; articulation as a strategy for equitable growth or why countries should beware of jumping the stages of consumption." January, 1985. $17.00
353 L.S. Karp. Tariffs with dynamic supply response. January, 1985. $9.00
354 E. Lichtenberg and D. Zilberman. "Heterogeneous production and input regulation in agriculture: a conceptual framework for welfare analysis." January, 1985. $8.75
355 H. de Gorter and D. Zilberman. Rev. "On the private and social value of public good inputs." Rev. January, 1986. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.72:1, Feb. 1990, p.131-137 with title: On the political economy of public good inputs in agriculture)
356 L.S. Karp. "Higher moments in the linear-quadratic-Gaussian problem." February, 1985. $5.50
357 A. de Janvry. "The search for styles of development: lessons from Latin America and implications for India." March, 1984. $7.75
358 G.C. Rausser. "Macroeconomics and U.S. agricultural policy." March, 1985. (In U.S. AGRICULTURAL POLICY, ed. by B.L. Gardner. Wash., D.C., AEI, 1985, p.207-252)
359 G.C. Rausser, J. Chalfant and K. Stamoulis. "Instability in agricultural markets: the U.S. experience." March, 1985. (In AGRICULTURE IN A TURBULENT WORLD ECONOMY, ed. by A. Maunder. Aldershot, Hants, Eng., Gower, 1986, p.595604)
360 A. de Janvry. "Integration of agriculture in the National and world economy: implications for agricultural policies in developing countries." July, 1985. (In AGRICULTURE IN A TURBULENT WORLD ECONOMY, ed. by A. Maunder. Aldershot, Hants, Eng., Gower, 1986, p.595-604) ''' 362''' R.E. Just and D. Zilberman. "Determination of the predominance of various expectations patterns in commodity futures and spot markets." April, 1985. $7.00
363 R.E. Just and D. Zilberman. "Equity implications of market policies." April, 1985. $8.50
364 E. Sadoulet and A. de Janvry. Rev. "Compatible investment strategies and income policies for equitable growth." Rev. November, 1985. $11.75
365 R.E. Allen and J. Perloff. "Alternate bearing in Californian pears and avocados." May, 1985. $6.75
369 G.C. Rausser, J. Perloff and P. Zusman. "The food marketing system: the relevance of economic efficiency measures." May, 1985. (In ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY IN AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD MARKETING, ed. by R.L. Kilmer. Ames, IA state univ. press, 1987, p.3-31)
370 B.A. Babcock, J. Chalfant and R.N. Colender. "Input allocation under uncertainty: an expected-utility, moment-gathering function approach." June, 1985. $5.00
371 L.S. Karp. "Dynamic hedging with uncertain production." June, 1985. $7.75
372 K.G. Stamoulis, J. Chalfant and G.C. Rausser. "Monetary policies and the overshooting of flexible prices: implications for agricultural policy." June, 1985. $5.00
373 G.C. Rausser. "Macroeconomic environment for U.S. agricultural policy." June, 1985. $49.75
374 A.C. Fisher and W.M. Hanemann. "Quasi-option value: some misconceptions dispelled." July, 1985. (In Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, v.14:2, June, 1987, p.183-190. Also published in ENVIRONMENTAL AND RESOURCE ECONOMICS: SELECTED ESSAYS OF ANTHONY C. FISHER, by A.C. Fisher. Brookfield, VT, Edward Elgar, 1995, p.195-202)
375 M. Dewatripont and S. Robinson. "The impact of price rigidities: a computable general equilibrium analysis." July, 1985.
378 L.S. Karp and T.F. Cosimano. Rev. "A comment on market structure and the durability of goods." Rev. January, 1986. $5.00
379 I. Adelman, K. Subbarao and P.S. Vashishtha. "Some dynamic aspects of rural poverty in India." July, 1985. (In Economic and Political Weekly, v.20:39, September 28, 1985)
380 B.A. Babcock, R.E. Allen and A. Schmitz. "U.S. agriculture and manufacturing: the net cost of government intervention." September, 1985. $5.75
381 G.M. Leu, A. Schmitz and R.D. Knutson. "Gains and losses of sugar program policy options." September, 1985. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.69:3, August 1987, p.591-602)
382 D. Hayes and A. Schmitz. "Hog cycles and counter-cyclical production response." October, 1985. $7.75
383 P. Berck and J. Perloff. "The dynamic annihilation of a rational competitive fringe by a low-cost dominant firm." September, 1985. (In Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, v. 12:4, Nov. 1988, p. 659-78)
383R P. Berck and J. Perloff. Rev. "The dynamic annihilation of a rational competitive fringe by a low-cost dominant firm." December, 1987.
384 A. Schmitz, D. Sigurdson and O. Doering. "Domestic farm policy and the gains from trade." March, 1986. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.68:4, November, 1986, p.820-827)
385 I. Adelman and S. Robinson. "Macroeconomic adjustment and income distribution: alternative models applied to two economies." April, 1987. (In Journal of Development Studies, v.29:1, July, 1988, p.23-44)
386 D. Hayes and A. Schmitz. "Trade and welfare effects of agricultural policies in the European community." January, 1986. $10.50
387 J. Perloff. "Union and demographic wage, hours and earnings differentials in the agricultural labor market." January, 1986. $7.50
388 A.C. Fisher. "Aspects of species extinction: habitat loss and over-exploitation." January, 1986. $5.00
390 R.E. Just and D. Zilberman. "Equity implications of environmental policy decisions in agriculture." January, 1986. (In Land Economics, v.64:1, February, 1988, p.37-52)
391 R.B. Norgaard. "The scarcity of resource economics." January, 1986. $5.00
392 R.B. Norgaard. "A speculation on environmental evaluation techniques and optimization in an uncertain world." January, 1986. $5.00
393 G.C. Rausser, J. Chalfant, H.A. Love and K. Stamoulis. "Macroeconomic linkages, taxes, and subsidies in the U.S. agricultural sector." January, 1986. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.68:2, May, 1986, p.399-412)
394 P. Kis, S. Robinson and L.D. Tyson. "Computable general equilibrium (CGE) models for socialist economies." January, 1986. (In Bergman, Lars; Jorgenson, Dale W.; Zalai, Erno, eds. GENERAL EQUILIBRIUM MODELING AND ECONOMIC POLICY ANALYSIS. Cambridge, MA, Blackwell, 1990, p. 405-430)
395 J.M. Hihn and S. Lane. "Economic and sociodemographic variables affecting nutritional quality of diets: a review." February, 1986. $6.75
396 A. de Janvry. "Peasants, capitalism, and the state in Latin American agriculture." January, 1986. (In PEASANTS AND PEASANT SOCIETIES: selected readings, ed. by T. Shanin. 2d ed. Oxford, Eng., Blackwell, 1987, p.391-404)
397 A. de Janvry, E. Sadoulet and L. Wilcox. "Rural labor in Latin America." May, 1986. $30.00
398 R.B. Norgaard. "Bureaucracy, systems management, and the mythology of science." March, 1986. $9.25
399 D.S. Putler and D. Zilberman. "The use of computer technology in California agriculture." March, 1986. $5.00