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CUDARE WORKING PAPER 001 (1976) – 199 (1982)
001 R.E. Just. "Agricultural sector models and their interface with the general economy." September, 1976. In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.59:1, February, 1977, p.137-140.
002 G. Feder, R.E. Just and A. Schmitz. "Storage with price uncertainty in international trade." July, 1976. In International Economic Review, v.18:3, October, 1977, p.553-568
003 R.E. Just. "Estimation of an adaptive risk model with auto-correlated errors." July, 1976. In International Economic Review, v.18:3, October, 1977, p.629-644 with title: Estimation of an adaptive expectations model
004 R.E. Just. "Existence of stable distributed lags." April, "Stochastic specification of production functions and econometric implications." May, 1976. In Journal of Econometrics, v.7:1, February, 1978, p.67-86 with title: Stochastic specification of production functions and economic implication
005 E. Hochman, D. Zilberman and R.E. Just. "Internalization in a stochastic pollution model." 1976. In Water Resources Research, v.13:6, December, 1977, p.877-881
006 E. Hochman, D. Zilberman and R.E. Just. "Two-goal regional environmental policy: the case of the Santa Ana River basin." January, 1976. In Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, v.4:1, March, 1977, p.25-39
007 G. Feder and R.E. Just. "A study of debt servicing capacity applying logit analysis." August, 1976. In Journal of Development Economics, v.4:1, March, 1977, p.25-38
008 R.E. Just, E. Lutz, A. Schmitz and S.J. Turnovsky. "The distribution of welfare gains from price stabilization: an international perspective." June, 1976. In Journal of International Economics, v.8:4, November, 1978, p.551-563
009 A. Schmitz and R.E. Just. "Semiprice discrimination." October, 1976. In Economic Record, December, 1977, p.559-564
010 G. Feder and R.E. Just. "The Eurodollar market: a theoretical study of lending under default risk." 1976. N/A
011 R.E. Just and D.L. Hueth. Rev. "Welfare measures in a multi-market framework." Rev. November, 1977. In American Economic Review, v.69:5, 1979, p.947-954
012 S. Fletcher, R.E. Just and A. Schmitz. "The impact of exchange rates and other factors on North American wheat export demand." December, 1976. N/A
013 R.E. Just and R.D. Pope. "Stochastic specification of production functions and econometric implications." May, 1976. (In Journal of Econometrics, v.7:1, February, 1978, p.67-86 with title: Stochastic specification of production functions and economic implications)
014 R.E. Just and D. Zilberman. "Asymmetry of taxes and subsidies with stochastic pollution." November, 1976. (In Quarterly Journal of Economics, v.93:1, February, 1979, p.139-148 with title: Asymmetry of taxes and subsidies in regulating stochastic mishap)
015 R.E. Just and A. Schmitz. Rev. "The instability-storage-cost tradeoff and nonoptimality of price bands in stabilization policy." Rev. December, 1977. $7.00
016 R.E. Just and R.D. Pope. "On the relationship of input decisions and risk." March, 1976. $8.00
017 R.E. Just, A. Schmitz and D. Zilberman. "Optimal import policies in a noncompetitive environment." November, 1976. $5.00
019 R.D. Pope and R.E. Just. "Production function estimation and related risk considerations." January, 1977. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.61:2, May, 1979, p.276-284)
020 R.E. Just, E. Lutz, A. Schmitz and S.J. Turnovsky. "The distribution of welfare gains from international price stabilization under distortions." November, 1976. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.59:4, November, 1977, p.652-661)
021 L. Hall, A. Schmitz and J. Cothern. "A theoretical and statistical model of the beef wholesale-retail marketing margin." October, 1976. $5.00
022 A. Schmitz and J. Bieri. "Compensation criteria in welfare economics." 1976? $10.00
023 A. Schmitz and E. Lutz. "The distribution of welfare gains from international price stabilization under distortions." September, 1976. $5.00
024 P. Berck. "Hard driving and efficiency: iron production in 1890." February, 1977. (In Journal of Economic History, v.38:4. December, 1978, p.879-900)
025 E. Hochman, D. Pines and D. Zilberman. "The effects of pollution taxation on the pattern of resource allocation: the downstream diffusion case." August, 1975. (In Quarterly Journal of Economics, v.91:4, November, 1977, p.625-638)
026 E. Hochman and D. Zilberman. "Two-goal environmental policy: an integration of micro- and macro-ad hoc decision rules." January, 1977. (In Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, v.6:2, p.152-174)
027 E. Hochman and D. Zilberman. "Examination of environmental policies using production and pollution microparameter distributions." January, 1977. (In Econometrica, v.46:4, July, 1978, p.739-760)
028 R.E. Just and D. Zilberman. "Optimal environmental safety with dwindling resources." February, 1977. $5.00
029 E.P. LeVeen. "The prospects for small-scale farming in an industrial society: a critical appraisal of SMALL IS BEAUTIFUL." February, 1977. (In APPROPRIATE VISION..., ed. by R.C. Dorf & Y.L. Hunter, p.106125)
030 H. Leland, R.B. Norgaard and S. Pearson. "An economic analysis of alternative outer continental shelf petroleum leasing policies." September, 1974. $20.00
031 D.C. Hall. "Natural production functions: theory and application." June, 1976. (In Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, v.4:3, September, 1977, p.258-264)
032 D. Hall. "Kenneth Arrow's example considered." 1976. $5.00
033 R.B. Norgaard. "Efficiency and economics of scale in the production of agricultural pest management." 1975. $5.00
034 P. Berck. "Open access and extinction." 1977. (In Econometrica, v.47:4, July, 1979, p.877-882)
035 D. Hall. "Soil quality indices as explanatory variables for yield differences." June, 1977. $5.00
036 R.E. Just. "Theoretical and empirical possibilities for determining the distribution of welfare gains from stabilization." July, 1977. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.59:5, December, 1977, p.912-917)
037 R.D. Pope and R.E. Just. "Simultaneous equation bias in production function estimates." 1977. $5.00
038 R.E. Just. "Estimation of a risk response model with some degree of flexibility." November, 1975. (In Southern Economic Journal, v.42:4, April, 1976, p.675-684)
039 R.E. Just and M. Salkin. "Welfare effects of a stabilization in a vertical market chain." November, 1975. (In Southern Economic Journal, v.42:4, April,1976, p.633-643)
040 G. Feder and R.E. Just. "Default risk indicators and the terms of commercial credits to less-developed countries in the Eurocurrency market." November, 1975. $7.75
041 L.J. Moffitt, J.B. Siebert, D. Zilberman, R.E. Just and E. Hochman Water quality versus productions: the case of the dairy industry in the Santa Ana river basin. March, 1976. (In GF info. series no.77-4; also, Calif. Univ. Div. of agr. sci. Bul. 1885)
042 R.E. Just. "Spectral analysis of stochastic properties in regression: an application in supply response identification." April, 1976. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.58:4, November,1976, p.712-720)
044 R.E. Just. "Some welfare effects of medical school enrollment restrictions." August, 1976. $7.50
045 S. Fletcher and R.E. Just. "The impact of currency realignment on U.S. wheat export demand." August, 1976. $5.00
046 J. Opaluch and R.E. Just. "Institutional affiliation of authors of contributions in agricultural economics, 1968-1972." October,1976. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.59:2, May, 1977, p.400-403)
047 G. Feder and R.E. Just. "An analysis of credit terms in the Eurodollar market." February, 1977. (In European Economic Review, v.9:2, May, 1977, p.221-243)
048 R.E. Just, A. Schmitz and D. Zilberman. "Price controls and optimal export policies under alternative market structures." April, 1977. (In American Economic Review, v.69:4, September, 1979, p.706-714)
049 G. Feder. Rev. 2 "A model for analyzing lenders' perceived default risk." 1980. Rev. July, 1980. $8.50
050 L.J. Moffitt, D. Zilberman and R.E. Just. "A 'putty-clay' approach to aggregation of production/pollution possibilities: an application in dairy waste control." June, 1977. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.60:3, August, 1978, p.452459)
051 P. Berck. "Rational expectations and biological feasibility in the projection of supply and demand for Douglas fir stumpage." October, 1977.
052 G. Feder, R.E. Just and A. Schmitz. "Futures markets and the theory of the firm under price uncertainty." December, 1977. (In Quarterly Journal of Economics, v.94:2, March, 1980, p.317-328)
053 B.F. Hall and E.P. LeVeen. "Farm-size and economic efficiency: the case of California." February, 1978. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.60:4, November, 1978, p.589-600)
054 E.P. LeVeen. Rev. "The advantages of large crop farms in California." Rev. September, 1978. $10.00
055 E.P. LeVeen. Rev "Enforcing the Reclamation act and rural development in California." Rev. September, 1978. (In Rural sociology, v.44:4, Winter 1979, p.667-690)
056 E.P. LeVeen. "Some economic implications of the current and future administration of the Reclamation Act of 1902." 1978.
057 E.P. LeVeen. "Reclamation policy and rural development: a necessary contradiction." April, 1978. $9.00
058 R.G. Chambers and R.E. Just. "A critique of exchange rate treatment in agricultural trade models." March, 1978. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.61:2, May, 1979, p.249-257)
059 A. de Janvry and R. Ground. "The achievements and limitations of land reform in Latin America." August, 1977. (In Latin American Perspectives, v.5:4, Issue 19, Fall 1978, p. 90-112 with title: Types and consequences of land reform in Latin America)
060 A. de Janvry and C.D. Deere. "A theoretical framework for the empirical analysis of peasants." June, 1978. $9.00
061 D. McEntire. "Rural development: policy for people or policy for places?" July, 1978. $6.25
062 L. Hall. "The effects of P.L. 480 wheat in Latin American countries." September, 1978. $19.25
063R P. Berck. Rev. "Optimal management of renewable resources with growing demand and stock externalities." Rev. September, 1979. (In Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, v.8:2, June, 1981, p.105-117)
064 F. Kramer and A. de Janvry. "The limits of unequal exchange." February, 1979. (In Review of Radical Political Economics, v.11:4, Winter 1980, p.3-15)
065 C. Carter, N. Gallini and A. Schmitz. "Producer-consumer trade-offs in export cartels." March, 1979. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.62:4, November, 1980, p.812-818)
066 G.C. Rausser and R.E. Just. "Agricultural commodity price forecasting accuracy: futures markets versus commercial econometric models." May, 1979.
067 G.C. Rausser and J. Yassour. "Multiattribute utility analysis and decision support systems: the case of Filipino rice policy." May, 1979. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.63:3, August, 1981, p.484-494 with title: Multiattribute utility analysis: the case of Filipino rice policy)
068 R.G. Chambers, R.E. Just, L.J. Moffitt and G.A. Rowe Disequilibrium analysis for fluid milk. January, 1979. $5.00
069 R.G. Chambers, R.E. Just, L.J. Moffitt and A. Schmitz International markets in disequilibrium: a case study of beef. October, 1978. $5.50
070 L. Crouch and A. de Janvry. "The class basis of agricultural growth." June, 1979. (In Food Policy, v.5:1, February, 1980, p.3-13)
071 D. Zilberman, R.E. Just and P.H. Greenwood. Rev. "Risk aversion and liability rules." Rev. November, 1982. $10.50
072 R.E. Just and G.C. Rausser. Econometric model and futures markets commodity price forecasting (a revision in October, 1980, entitled: "Large-scale econometric model and futures markets commodity price forecasting." was subsequently published in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.63:2, May, 1981, p.197-208, with title: Commodity price forecasting with large scale econometric models and the futures market)
073 P. Berck. "Zoning and the distribution of income." January, 1977.
074 P. Berck. "A note on price stabilization." January, 1979.
076 Y. Mundlak and G.C. Rausser. "Structural change, parameter variation, and agricultural forecasting." November, 1979.
077 R.E. Just and J.A. Hallam. "New developments in econometric valuations of price stabilizing and destabilizing policies." November, 1979. $9.75
078 C.A. Benito. "Peasant economies and rural development--an annotated bibliography." December, 1979. $6.25
079 G.C. Rausser. "Hedging and joint production: theory and illustrations." December, 1979.
080R4 G.C. Rausser, D. Zilberman and R.E. Just. "An equilibrium model of distributional effects of land controls in agriculture: theoretical implications of programming models." Rev. November, 1983. (In Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.9:2, December, 1984, p.215-232, with title: The distributional effects of land controls in agriculture)
081 W.M. Hanemann and R.L. Farnsworth. "Risk preferences and perceptions in the use of IPM.]]" March, 1980. $5.00
082 D. Zilberman and R.E. Just. "A dynamic putty-clay model of pollution control." August, 1980. $10.50
083 C. Carter, D.L. Hueth, J. Mamer and A. Schmitz. "Labor strikes and grower returns: the case of lettuce." May, 1980. (In Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.6:1, July, 1981, p.1-14, with title: Labor strikes and the price of lettuce)
084 G.C. Rausser, R.E. Just and D. Zilberman. "Prospects and limitations of operations research applications in agriculture and agricultural policy." March, 1980. (In OPERATIONS RESEARCH IN AGRICULTURE AND WATER RESOURCES, ed. by D. Yaron and C. Tapiero. Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1980, p.17-40.)
085R P. Berck and J.M. Hihn. Rev. "A note on a one-sided, Chebychev-type inequality." Rev. November, 1980.
086 G.C. Rausser, A. de Janvry, A. Schmitz and D. Zilberman. "Principle issues in the evaluation of public research in agriculture." May, 1980.
087 P. Berck. "Portfolio theory and the demand for futures: theory and the case of California cotton." May, 1980. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.63:3, Aug, 1981, p.466-474)
088 G.C. Rausser, A. Schmitz and R. Warner. "Tax implications of foreign direct investment in U.S. farmland." June, 1980.
089 G.C. Rausser and H.E. Lapan. [["Natural resources, goods, bads, and alternative institutional frameworks." June, 1980. (In Resources & Energy, v.2, 1979, p.293-324)
090 A.H. Sarris. "A disaggregated simulation model for evaluating international wheat reserve systems." June, 1977. $9.75
091 A. de Janvry. "Social differentiation in agriculture and the ideology of neopopulism." May, 1979. (In THE RURAL SOCIOLOGY OF THE ADVANCED SOCIETIES... ed. by Frederick H. Buttel, Montclair, NJ 1980, p.155-168)
092 A.H. Sarris. "Public intervention in speculative commodity markets." May, 1979. $10.00
093 A. de Janvry. "Agriculture in the crisis and the crisis in agriculture." June, 1979. $5.00
094 I. Adelman. "Income distribution, economic development, and land reform." April, 1979. (In American Behavioral Scientist, v.23:3, Jan./February, 1980, p.437-456)
095 A.H. Sarris. "Empirical models of international trade in agricultural commodities." July, 1979. (In IMPERFECT MARKETS IN AGRICULTURAL TRADE, by A.F. McCalla. Montclair, NJ, Allanhead, Osmun, 1981, p.87-112)
096 A. de Janvry and L. Crouch. "Beyond dependency theory: new directions in Latin American political economy." May, 1980. $10.50
097 I. Adelman. "Some thoughts on the restructuring of North-South interactions." August, 1979. (In Journal of Public Modeling, v.2:2, May, 1980, p.291-305)
098 A.H. Sarris and A. Schmitz. "Price formation in international agricultural trade." July, 1979. $8.25
099 I. Adelman and P. Whittle. "Restricted rank regression with prior information." September, 1979. $7.00
100 R.E. Just, D. Zilberman and G.C. Rausser. "A putty-clay approach to the distributional effects of new technology under risk." April, 1980. (In OPERATIONS RESEARCH IN AGRICULTURE & WATER RESOURCES., ed. by Yaron & Tapiero. North-Holland, 1980, p.97-121)
100R R.E. Just, D. Zilberman and G.C. Rausser. "The distributional effects of new technology under risk". Rev. May, 1981.
101 A.H. Sarris. "Grain imports and food security in an unstable international market." November, 1979. (In Journal of Development Economics, v.7, 1980, p.489-500)
102 S.R. Johnson and G.C. Rausser. "Composite forecasting in commodity systems." April, 1980.
103 A.H. Sarris. "Optimal international commercial policies under uncertainty." November, 1979. $6.75
104 G.C. Rausser and C. Riboud. "Price supports and demand in commodity market modeling". 1981.
105 A.H. Sarris. "Commodity price theory and public stabilization stocks." May, 1980. (In FOOD SECURITY: THEORY, POLICY & PERSPECTIVES FROM ASIA AND THE PACIFIC RIM, ed. by A.H. Chisholm & R. Tyers. Lexington, MA, Lexington books, 1980, p.105-128)
106R G.C. Rausser and A. Schmitz. "Foreign direct investment in U.S. farmland". Revised October, 1980.
107 K.D. Christou and A.H. Sarris. Rev. "The impact on Greek agriculture from membership in the European economic community." Revised February, 1980. (In European Economic Review, v.14:2, 1980, p.159-188)
108 G.C. Rausser and J. Yassour. "Construction of decision support systems for agricultural marketing boards and other public agencies in less developed countries: Parts 1 and 2." October, 1978.
109 K.D. Christou and A.H. Sarris. "Trade effects of the Greek association with the European economic community, 1963-1977." January, 1980. $7.00
110 R.B. Norgaard. "The significance of the potential to produce paddy rice on the Amazon Varzea." October, 1979. $8.75
111 A.H. Sarris. "Geographical substitution possibilities in the European economic community's imports of fruit and vegetable products in view of the next enlargement." June, 1980. $8.00
112 R.B. Norgaard. "Agricultural development and environmental transformation in Terra Firme Amazonia." November, 1979. $5.25
113 W.M. Hanemann. "A note on the value of lifesaving." August, 1979. $5.00
114 D. McEntire. "Alternative perspectives on rural policy." May, 1980. $8.75
115 R.E. Just and W.S. Chern. "Tomatoes, technology, and oligopsony." February, 1980. (In Bell Journal of Economics, v.11:2, Autumn 1980, p.584-602)
116 W.M. Hanemann. Rev. 2 "Quality changes, consumer's surplus, and hedonic price indices." Rev. November, 1980. $9.75
117 G.C. Rausser and D. Pekelman. "Management science implications of adaptive control methods". April, 1980.
119 G.C. Rausser, S.R. Johnson and C. Willis. May, 1980.
120 W.M. Hanemann. "Consumer's surplus without apology: another comment." November, 1979. $5.00
121 G.C. Rausser. "New conceptual developments and measurements for modeling the U.S. agricultural sector". June, 1982. (In NEW DIRECTIONS IN ECONOMETRIC MODELING AND FORECASTING IN U.S. AGRICULTURE, ed. by G.C. Rausser. NY, North-Holland, 1982. Chapter 1)
122 I. Adelman and J.M. Hihn. "The political economy of investment in human capital." June, 1980. (In International Economic Assoc. Human resources, employment and development. v.2: Concepts, measurement, and long-run perspective. NY, St. Martin's, 1983, p.117-146.)
123 P. Berck and G.C. Rausser. "Consumer demand, grades, brands, and margin relationships." July, 1980. (In NEW DIRECTIONS IN ECONOMETRIC MODELING AND FORECASTING IN U.S. AGRICULTURE, ed. by G.C. Rausser. NY, North-Holland, 1982, p.99-130.)
126 G. Feder and R.E. Just. Rev. "Debt crisis in an increasingly pessimistic international market: the case of Egyptian credit, 1862-1876." Rev. February, 1983. $8.25
127 R. Chambers and R.E. Just. "An empirical note on various exchange rate models." July, 1980. $5.00
128 G.C. Rausser, E. Lichtenberg and R. Lattimore. "Developments in theory and empirical applications of endogenous governmental behavior." March, 1981. $17.25
129 R. Chambers and R.E. Just. "An investigation of the effect of monetary factors on agriculture." July, 1980. $17.25
131 W.S. Chern and R.E. Just. "Regional analysis of electricity demand growth." July, 1980. (In Energy, v.5:1, 1980, p.35-46)
132 R. Chambers and R.E. Just. "Reduced form estimation in semirecursive simultaneous equation systems." July, 1980. $5.00
133 C. Carter, G.C. Rausser and A. Schmitz. Rev. "Efficient asset portfolio and the theory of normal backwardation." Rev. January, 1982. (In Journal of Political Economy, v.91:2, April, 1983, p.319-331)
134 L.J. Moffitt and R.E. Just. "Finite sample properties of the maximum likelihood estimator for a disequilibrium market model: some Monte Carlo results." July, 1980. $7.00
135 W.S. Chern and R.E. Just. "An econometric study of electric power demand in the Pacific states." July, 1980. $9.00 136 G.C. Rausser and D. Zilberman. "Public research in agriculture: an alternative institutional framework." April, 1982. (In ECONOMIC MODELS, ESTIMATION, AND SOCIOECONOMIC SYSTEMS: ESSAYS IN HONOR OF KARL A. FOX, ed. by T.K. Kaul and J.K. Sengupta. NY, Elsevier, 1991, p.33-53)
137 W.S. Chern and R.E. Just. "A generalized model for fuel choice with application to the paper industry." July, 1980. (In Energy Systems & Policy, v.4:4, 1980, p.273-294)
138 W.S. Chern and R.E. Just A regional econometric model for assessing the need for power. July, 1980. $7.50
139 C. Carter and G.C. Rausser. Rev. 3 "Futures market efficiency in the soybean complex." Rev. March, 1982. (In Review of Economics & Statistics, v.65:3, August, 1983, p.469-478)
140 R.G. Chambers, R.E. Just and L.J. Moffitt. "Estimation methods for markets characterized by threshold price regulation." July, 1980. $7.00
141 R.G. Chambers and R.E. Just. "A dynamic analysis of the role of exchange rates in agriculture." October, 1978. $7.50
142 A. Schmitz, R.S. Firch and J.S. Hillman. "Exports of Mexican winter vegetables to the United States: a case study of agricultural dumping." July, 1980. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.63:4, November, 1981, p.645-654, with title: Agricultural export dumping: the case of Mexican winter vegetables in the U.S. market)
143 A.H. Sarris. "Commodity price stabilization with private storage and futures markets." July, 1980. $11.25
144 R.B. Norgaard. "Sociosystem and ecosystem coevolution in the Amazon." July, 1980. (In Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, v.8:3, September, 1981, p.238-254)
145 A. de Janvry. "The role of land reform in economic development: policies and politics." August, 1980. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.63:2, May, 1981, p.384-392)
146 G.C. Rausser and E. Lichtenberg. "Conservation and development of natural resources." August, 1980. $5.00
147 A. de Janvry and L. Crouch. "Technological change and peasants in Latin America." June, 1980. $25.00
148 R. Mines and A. de Janvry. "Changing patterns of Mexican migration to the United States: a case study." September, 1980. $8.00
149 A. de Janvry and C.D. Deere. "Demographic and social differentiation among northern Peruvian peasants." September, 1980. (In Journal of Peasant Studies, v.8:3, April, 1981, p.335-366)
150 J. La France, A. Schmitz and D. Zilberman. Rev. "Price leadership and market shares." rev. April, 1981. $5.00
151 D. Zilberman and R.E. Just. "Agricultural product markets and the demand for seasonal labor." January, 1980. $6.25
152 R.E. Just and W.S. Chern. "Aggregation and specification of durable choice and durable use equations for market level econometric analysis." August, 1980. $8.75
153 P. Berck, A. Liebhold and N. Williams. "Economic evaluation of forest pest management strategies." November, 1979. $5.00
154R J. Perloff and S. Salop. Rev. "Firm-specific information, product differentiation, and industry equilibrium." Rev. March, 1985. (In Oxford Economic Papers, v.38:suppl., Nov. 1986, p. 184-202. Also in Morris, D.J., et al., ed., STRATEGIC BEHAVIOR AND INDUSTRIAL COMPETITION. Oxford: Oxford univ. press, Clarendon press, 1986, p. 184-202)
155 J. Yassour, D. Zilberman and G.C. Rausser. "Optimal choices among alternative technologies with stochastic yield." September, 1980. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.63:4, November, 1981, p.718-723)
156 W.M. Hanemann. "A qualitative-quantitative model of consumer choice with an application to recreation demand." September, 1980. $11.25
157 J.N. Boles. "The measurement of productive efficiency: the Farrell approach." October, 1980. $7.00
158 P. Berck and S.G. Cecchetti. "Portfolio choice with uncertain consumption prices: a mean-variance approach." October, 1980. $5.00
159 D. Zilberman and E. Gutkind. "An economic approach to the diffusion process." January, 1980. $5.00
160 A.H. Sarris. "Speculative storage, futures markets, and the stability of commodity prices." February, 1981. (In Economic Inquiry, v.22:1, January, 1984, p.80-97. Also published in INTERNATIONAL AGRICULTURAL TRADE, edited by G.G. Storey, A. Schmitz, and A.H. Sarris. Boulder, CO, Westview, 1984, p.65-97)
161 P. Berck. "A note on the real cost of tractors in the 20s and 30s." February, 1981. (In Agricultural History, v.59:1, January, 1985, p.66-71)
162 A.H. Sarris and I. Adelman. "Incorporating uncertainty into planning of industrialization strategies for developing countries." 1981. $15.00 [Also published as World Bank staff working paper 503
163 R.B. Norgaard. "Coevolutionary agricultural development." March, 1981. $8.75
164 W.M. Hanemann. "Water quality and the demand for recreation." March, 1981. $14.25
165 I. Adelman and J.M. Hihn. Rev.2 "A catastrophe theory model of politics in Latin America." Rev. July, 1981. (In Journal of Conflict Resolution, v.26:4, December, 1982, p.592-620, with title: Politics in Latin America: a catastrophe theory model)
166 J. La France, T. Reardon and A. Schmitz. "The gains from trade and the Stolper-Samuelson theorem: a welfare analysis." May, 1981. $5.00
167 G.C. Rausser and M.F. Caswell. "Implications of U.S. experience for water resource planning in Egypt." May, 1981. (In The economic challenges of peace: agriculture and the economic transition in Egypt; proceedings of a conference, Alexandria, Egypt, July 7-9, 1980.)
168 A.H. Sarris. Rev. "European community enlargement and world trade in fruits and vegetables." rev. March, 1982. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.65:2, May, 1983, p.235-246)
169 J.M. Hihn. "Modeling rural household behavior." June, 1981. $7.50
170 C.D. Deere. Rev. "Agrarian reform in Central America and U.S. foreign policy: El Salvador and Nicaragua." Rev. August, 1981. $15.25
171R P. Berck and A. Schmitz. Rev. "The simple analytics of price supports in the context of international trade." Rev. November, 1981. $7.50
172R P. Berck and T. Bible. Rev. "Solving and interpreting large-scale harvest scheduling problems by duality and decomposition." Rev. August, 1982. (In Forest Science, v.30:1, 1984, p.173-182)
173 W.M. Hanemann. "Applied welfare analysis with quantal choice models." June, 1981. $9.00
174 A.H. Sarris. Rev. "Export taxes versus buffer stocks as optimal export policies under uncertainty." Rev. January, 1982. (In Journal of Development Economics, v.11:2, October, 1982, p.195-213)
175 P. Berck and S.G. Cecchetti. "An equilibrium approach to the theory of futures markets." July, 1981. $6.50
176 J.M. Hihn and I. Adelman. "Aggregate measures of nutritional status." July, 1981. $5.00
177 A. de Janvry, E.P. LeVeen and D. Runsten. "The political economy of technological change: mechanization of tomato harvesting in California." July, 1981. $9.75
178 W. Gibson and D. McLeod. "Nonproduced means of production in Sraffa's system." August, 1981. (In Cambridge Journal of Economics, v.7:2, June, 1983, p.141-150)
179R2 J. Perloff and S.C. Salop. Rev.2 "Equilibrium with product differentiation." Rev. June, 1984. (In Review of Economic Studies, v.52:1, January, 1985, p.107-120)
180 J. Perloff. "The general equilibrium effects of a minimum wage on training." June, 1981. $6.00
181 J. Perloff. "Can health warnings and nutritional information lower welfare." June, 1981. $7.00
182 B. Gibson. "A diagrammatic approach to Sraffa's production of commodities." August, 1981. $16.25
183 A. de Janvry. "The transmission of cost inflation in agriculture with subsistence production: a case study in northern India." May, 1981. (In Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.36:3, July-September, 1981, p.1-14)
184 R.B. Norgaard. "Resource scarcity, intertemporal allocation, and co-evolutionary development." September, 1981. $5.25
185 A. de Janvry (with the cooperation of G. Siam & O. Gad). Rev. "The impact of forced deliveries on Egyptian agriculture." Rev. December, 1982. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.65:3, August, 1983, p.493-501)
186 S. Nassar (with A. de Janvry & A.H. Sarris). "Determinants of agricultural price policy in Egypt." October, 1981. $7.75
187R J. Perloff and P. Berck. Rev. "An open-access fishery with rational expectations." Rev. December, 1982. (In Econometrica, v.52:2, March, 1984, p.489-506)
188 J.-J. Dethier and H. Esfahani. "Macro effects of alternative price policies in Egypt." October, 1981. $11.00
189 A.H. Sarris. "Agricultural crop pattern and Egyptian food security: some preliminary results." November, 1981. $7.00
190 W.M. Hanemann. "Some further results on exact consumer's surplus." November, 1981. $5.00
191 R. Allen, C. Dodge and A. Schmitz. Rev.2 "Voluntary export restraints as protection policy: the U.S. beef case." Rev. August, 1982. (In American Journal of Agricultural Economics, v.65:2, May 1983, p.291-296)
192 I. Adelman and J.M. Hihn. "The dynamics of political change." (Revised by Working Paper 255 with Title Crisis politics in developing countries). January, 1982. (In Economic development & Cultural Change, v.33:1, October, 1984, p.1-22)
193 R.E. Just, D. Zilberman and G.C. Rausser. "The role of governmental policy in agricultural land appreciation and wealth accumulation." March, 1982. $11.25
194 G.C. Rausser and D. Zilberman. "The distributional impacts of agricultural programs." January, l982. (In Maryland Univ. Center of Adult Educ. Proceedings from Perspectives on food & agricultural policy research workshop, College Park, MD, October, 4-7, 1981. Oak Brook, IL, Farm foundation, 1981, p.33-60.)
195 W.M. Hanemann and Y. Tsur. "Econometric models of discrete/continuous supply decisions under uncertainty." March, 1982. $8.75
196 R. Allen and A. Schmitz. "Protection and domestic monopoly." March, 1982. $5.00
197 A. Schmitz. "Alternative agricultural trade strategies." March, 1982. (In Wisconsin International Law Journal, v.1, August, 1983, p.57-69)
198 W.M. Hanemann. Rev. "Discrete/continuous models of consumer demand." Rev. December, 1982. In Econometrica, v.52:3, May, 1984, p.541-561
199 A.H. Sarris. "A theory of the bias in futures markets of storable commodities." March, 1982. $6.00