Agricultural and Resource Economics 251 
Economics 270A 
Fall 2004

Department of Economics
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
at the University of California at Berkeley

Tu-Th: 3:30-5:00 pm, 2032 Valley LSB

This course is the first part of the Development sequence. It addresses issues in the microeconomics of development. The spring semester will be taught by Ted Miguel. It will focus on macroeconomic growth, inequality, political economy, and human resources.


Final examination is Monday December 13, 10:00-11:30 am in 201 Giannini Hall. You are allowed to 2 sheets of notes. You are responsible for the material covered in class and all 13 readings assigned. Last years's exam can be downloaded here

Jenny Lanjouw , Elisabeth Sadoulet , and Alain de Janvry
Jenny Lanjouw: Giannini Hall 219, Wednesday day 2-3:30pm; lanjouw@are.berkeley.edu; 
Elisabeth Sadoulet: Giannini Hall 213, Friday 2-3:30 pm; sadoulet@are.berkeley.edu
Alain de Janvry: Giannini Hall 211, Friday 2-3:30 pm; alain@are.berkeley.edu

Syllabus and Readings: 
Reading list - Lanjouw
Reading list - 2nd half-semester: pdf file , html file with links to papers
Reading assignments

The working paper version of the ELL poverty mapping paper
  • Handout on microfinance institutions
  • Handout on history of thought
  • Handout on sharecropping

  • Assignments: 
    Assignments due dates for the second half of the semester are:
    Referee report - Thursday November 4
    Problem solving - Thursday November 18
    Research proposal - Thursday December 2

    Links to the Development field:
    Development field web page in ARE
    Development seminar, Fall 2004 , Monday, 4:00-6:00 pm, 608-7 Evans

    Last update: October 2004