Agricultural and Resource Economics 251
Economics 270A 
Fall 2003

Department of Economics
Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
at the University of California at Berkeley

Tu-Th: 3:30-5:00 pm, 2032 Valley LSB

This course is the first part of the Development sequence. It addresses issues in the microeconomics of development. The spring semester will be taught by Ted Miguel. It will focus on macroeconomic growth, inequality, political economy, and human resources.


Elisabeth Sadoulet , Alain de Janvry , and Jenny Lanjouw
Elisabeth Sadoulet: Giannini Hall 213, Friday 2-3:30 pm; sadoulet@are.berkeley.edu
Alain de Janvry: Giannini Hall 211, Friday 2-3:30 pm; alain@are.berkeley.edu
Jenny Lanjouw: Giannini Hall 219, Tuesday 1-2:30pm; lanjouw@are.berkeley.edu


Reading list I: pdf file , html file with links to papers

Calendar of classes and assignments

syllabus for second half

Readings for the second half-semester

Data for quantitative assignment


  • Handout on household models
  • Handout on microfinance institutions
  • Exam text from last two years: Fall 2001 and Fall 2002


    • Assignment #1: Referee report. Due Tuesday September 9, in class
      Guidelines for referee reports are given on the " Thesis Workshop " site and on the " Empirical Paper" site. Make sure to cast a balance between being too lenient and asking the author to write a different paper altogether.
    • Deadline for this first assignment is postponed to Thursday September 11. I will give you the subject for the first problem solving exercise on that day, September 11, and it will be due one week later on September 18.

    • Problem Solving #1. Due Thursday September 18, in class
      Conceptualizing the land rental market in the context of weak property rights: text and guidelines
    • Here are three different ways to set up the model: model 1, model 2, model 3

    • Assignment #2: Report on a Current Development Issue. Guidelines
      Reports due on the day of the presentation.
      Presentations will be on Wednesday October 8, from 5pm to 8pm. There will be no class on Thursday October 9.

    Links to the Development field:

    Last update: September, 2003