@unpublished{lang-ligon19, author = {Megan Lang and Ethan Ligon}, title = {{SMS} Surveys of Selected Expenditures}, year = 2019, note = {Manuscript.} }
@unpublished{li-ligon19, author = {Zhimin Li and Ethan Ligon}, title = {Inferring Informal Risk-Sharing Regimes: Evidence from Rural {T}anzania}, year = 2019, note = {R\&R from \emph{Journal of Economic Behavior \& Organization}} }
@unpublished{hamilton-etal19, author = {Stephen Hamilton and Ethan Ligon and David Sunding}, title = {A Structural Model of Emissions Leakage from Climate Interventions: {C}alifornia’s {AB32} and the Tomato Processing Industry}, year = 2019, note = {Under review at \emph{American Journal of Agricultural Economics}} }
@techreport{ligon18:un, author = {Ethan Ligon}, title = {On the Use of High Frequency Surveys to Measure {SDG} Indicators}, type = {Technical Report}, institution = {United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia}, year = 2018 }
@unpublished{christiaensen-etal17, author = {Luc Christiaensen and Ethan Ligon and Thomas Pave Sohneson}, title = {Using Reduced Consumption Aggregates to Track and Analyze Poverty}, year = {2019}, note = {Under review at \emph{J. of Economic Inequality}} }
@unpublished{ligon19:estimating_imue, author = {Ethan Ligon}, title = {Estimating Household Welfare from Disaggregate Expenditures}, note = {Unpublished manuscript}, url = {https://escholarship.org/uc/item/3ts0g5tn}, year = 2019 }
@unpublished{collins-ligon17, author = {Elliott Collins and Ethan Ligon}, title = {Asset transfers and household neediness}, note = {CUDARE Working Paper}, url = {http://escholarship.org/uc/item/24t720fk}, year = 2017 }
@unpublished{ligon10, author = {Ethan Ligon}, title = {Measuring Risk by Looking at Changes in Inequality: Vulnerability in {E}cuador}, note = {CUDARE Working Paper No. 1095}, year = 2010, url = {http://www.escholarship.org/uc/item/8vj75725} }
@unpublished{dubois-ligon10, author = {Pierre Dubois and Ethan Ligon}, title = {Nutrition and Risk Sharing within the Household}, note = {CUDARE Working Paper No. 1096}, year = 2010, pdf = {http://escholarship.org/uc/item/2td8z1g3} }
@unpublished{dubois-ligon12, author = {Pierre Dubois and Ethan Ligon}, title = {Incentives \& Nutrition for Rotten Kids: The Quantity \& Quality of Food Allocated within {P}hilippine Households}, note = {Unpublished Manuscript}, year = 2012 }
@techreport{ligon-schechter04, author = {Ethan Ligon and Laura Schechter}, title = {Evaluating Different Approaches to Estimating Vulnerability}, institution = {World Bank}, year = 2004, type = {Social Protection Discussion Paper}, number = 0410, address = {Washington, DC}, month = {May}, url = {http://siteresources.worldbank.org/SOCIALPROTECTION/Resources/SP-Discussion-papers/Social-Risk-Management-DP/0410.pdf} }
@unpublished{adam-etal04, author = {Chris Adam and John Hoddinott and Ethan Ligon}, title = {Dynamic Intrahousehold Bargaining, Matrimonial Property Law and Suicide in {C}anada}, note = {CUDARE Working Paper No. 1113}, year = 2011, pdf = {http://escholarship.org/uc/item/4dm5w8v1} }
@unpublished{ligon-schechter02wp, author = {Ethan Ligon and Laura Schechter}, title = {Measuring Vulnerability: The Director's Cut}, note = {UN/WIDER Working Paper}, year = 2003, url = {http://are.berkeley.edu/~ligon/Papers/vulnerability.long.pdf} }
@unpublished{ligon02, author = {Ethan Ligon}, title = {Dynamic Bargaining in Households (with an Application to {B}angladesh)}, note = {Giannini Foundation Working Paper}, year = 2002, url = {Papers/intra-household.pdf} }
@unpublished{ligon97, author = {Ethan Ligon}, title = {Panel Data and {E}uler Equations}, year = 1997, pdf = {Papers/euler_estimation.pdf} }
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