Megan Lang and Ethan Ligon. SMS surveys of selected expenditures. Manuscript., 2019. [ bib ]

Zhimin Li and Ethan Ligon. Inferring informal risk-sharing regimes: Evidence from rural Tanzania. R&R from Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2019. [ bib ]

Stephen Hamilton, Ethan Ligon, and David Sunding. A structural model of emissions leakage from climate interventions: California’s AB32 and the tomato processing industry. Under review at American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2019. [ bib ]

Luc Christiaensen, Ethan Ligon, and Thomas Pave Sohneson. Using reduced consumption aggregates to track and analyze poverty. Under review at J. of Economic Inequality, 2019. [ bib ]

Ethan Ligon. Estimating household welfare from disaggregate expenditures. Unpublished manuscript, 2019. [ bib | http ]

Ethan Ligon. On the use of high frequency surveys to measure SDG indicators. Technical report, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia, 2018. [ bib ]

Elliott Collins and Ethan Ligon. Asset transfers and household neediness. CUDARE Working Paper, 2017. [ bib | http ]

Pierre Dubois and Ethan Ligon. Incentives & nutrition for rotten kids: The quantity & quality of food allocated within Philippine households. Unpublished Manuscript, 2012. [ bib ]

Chris Adam, John Hoddinott, and Ethan Ligon. Dynamic intrahousehold bargaining, matrimonial property law and suicide in Canada. CUDARE Working Paper No. 1113, 2011. [ bib | http ]

Ethan Ligon. Measuring risk by looking at changes in inequality: Vulnerability in Ecuador. CUDARE Working Paper No. 1095, 2010. [ bib | http ]

Pierre Dubois and Ethan Ligon. Nutrition and risk sharing within the household. CUDARE Working Paper No. 1096, 2010. [ bib | http ]

Ethan Ligon and Laura Schechter. Evaluating different approaches to estimating vulnerability. Social Protection Discussion Paper 0410, World Bank, Washington, DC, May 2004. [ bib | .pdf ]

Ethan Ligon and Laura Schechter. Measuring vulnerability: The director's cut. UN/WIDER Working Paper, 2003. [ bib | .pdf ]

Ethan Ligon. Dynamic bargaining in households (with an application to Bangladesh). Giannini Foundation Working Paper, 2002. [ bib | .pdf ]

Ethan Ligon. Panel data and Euler equations. 1997. [ bib | .pdf ]

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