Jeffrey M.
Some Papers
Industrial Organization
Larry S. Karp and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Vertical Contracts and Mandatory Universal Distribution," B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 13(2), October 2013:595-626.
Rui Huang and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "WIC Contract Spillover
Effects," 2012. Review of Industrial Organization, 44(1), February 2014:49-71, next to last PDF version: WIC.
Jeffrey M. Perloff, Jeffrey T. LaFrance, and Hayley H. Chouinard, "
Brand Name and Private Label Price Setting by a Monopoly Store," PDF version: Private Label, Economics Letters, 116(3), September 2012:508-511, online.
Jeffrey M. Perloff, and Edward Z. Shen, "Collinearity in Linear Structural Models of Market Power," PDF version: Linear, Review of Industrial Organization, 40(2), March 2012:131-138, online.
Peter Berck, Jennifer Brown, Jeffrey M. Perloff, Sofia Berto Villas-Boas, "Sales: Tests of Theories on Causality and Timing,"
(last pre-publication version), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 26(6),
November 2008:1257-1273, Published
Jeffrey M. Perloff and Ximing Wu, "Tax Incidence Varies across the
Price Distribution," May, 2006. PDF version: Tax
Incidence. Revised version in
Economic Letters, 96(1), July 2007:116-19.
Hayley Chouinard and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Incidence of Federal and
State Gasoline Taxes," PDF version: Pre-publication,
revised version in Economic Letters, 83(1), April 2004:55-60.
Larry S. Karp and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "When Promoters Like
Scalpers," February 2003 PDF version: Scalpers (prepub);
March 2004, Journal of Economics and Management
Strategy,14(2), 2005:477-508.
Kathy Baylis and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Price Dispersion on the Internet:
Good Firms and Bad Firms," March 2002. PDF version: Internet,
in Review of Industrial Organization, 21(3), November 2002:305-24. Proof pages posted with
permission of RIO.
Michael B. Ward, Jeffrey M. Perloff, Jay P. Shimshack, J. Michael Harris,
"Effects of the Private-Label Invasion in Food Industries,"
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, November 2002:91-73.
Copyright is held by the American Agricultural Economics
Association, but is made available on this site for personal use free of charge by
permission of the Association. October 2001, PDF version:
Private Label.
Amos Golan, Larry S. Karp, Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Estimating Coke and Pepsi's Price
and Advertising Strategies," working paper March 1999. Final
version in Journal
of Business & Economic Statistics, 18(4), October 2000: 398-409. PDF version: Pepsi.
Jeffrey M. Perloff, and Michael B. Ward, "Welfare, Market Power, and
Price Effects of Product Diversity: Canned Juices," working paper June
2003. PDF version: Welfare.
Amos Golan, Larry S. Karp, Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Estimating a Mixed Strategy:
United and American Airlines," working paper June 1998. PDF version: Air.
Jeffrey M. Perloff, Valerie Y. Suslow, and Paul J. Seguin "Higher Prices from
Entry: Pricing of Brand Name Drugs," working paper December 1996. PDF version: Spatial paper, Spatial
figures. Working paper 2006. PDF version:
2006 version
Elisa Duran-Micco, and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "How Large Are Double Markups?" paper, 2022
Amos Golan, Jeffrey T. LaFrance, Jeffrey M. Perloff, and Skipper Seabold, "Estimating a Demand System with Choke Pris," 2017 PDF version: Choke Price.
Ximing Wu and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Information-Theoretic
Deconvolution Approximation of Treatment Effect Distribution,"
PDF version: Deconvolution.
Ximing Wu and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "GMM Estimation of a Maximum
Entropy Density with Interval Data," Journal of
Econometrics, 138(2), June 2007:532-546. March 2005
prepublication PDF version: Group.
Amos Golan and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Superior Forecasts of the U.S.
Unemployment Rate Using a Nonparametric Method,"
Review of Economics and Statistics, 86(10), February 2004:433-438. prepublication PDF
version: Pre-publication, or Publication.
Amos Golan and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Comparison of Maximum Entropy and
Higher-Order Entropy Estimators," Journal of Econometrics, March
2002, 107(1-2):195-211. Working paper PDF
version: High
Edward Z. Shen and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Maximum Entropy and Bayesian
Approaches to the Ratio Problem," Journal of Econometrics.
104(2), September 2001: 289-313, PDF
version, Journal
version. Science
Amos Golan, Jeffrey M. Perloff, Edward Z. Shen, "Estimating a Demand System
with Nonnegativity Constraints: Mexican Meat Demand,"
Review of Economics and Statistics. 83(3), August 2001: 541-50,
PDF version: Meat.
Amos Golan, Enrico Moretti, and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "A Small-Sample Estimator for
the Sample-Selection Model," working paper March 2001. PDF version:
Pre-Publication, or
Labor and Income Distribution
Maoyong Fan, Anita Alva Pena, and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Effects of the Great Recession on the U.S. Agricultural Labor Market," IRLE Working Paper #104-15.
Guojun He and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Does Customer Auditing
Help Chinese Workers?" Industrial Labor Relations Review; Last prepublication version, June2012,
Published online.
Amos Golan, William Greene, and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "U.S. Navy Promotion and Retention by Race and Sex," working paper 2010. PDF Version:
Ximing Wu, Jeffrey M. Perloff, and Amos Golan, "Effects of Taxes and
other Government Policies on Income Distribution and Welfare," working paper
2006. PDF version: Policies
and Welfare. Summary data from this study: documentation,
Ximing Wu, and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "China's Income Distribution,
Review of Economics and Statistics; February 2005
last working paper
PDF version:
Ximing Wu, Jeffrey M. Perloff, and Amos Golan, "Effects of Government Policy on
Urban and Rural Income Inequality," Review of Income and
Wealth, 52(2), June 2006:213-235; pre-publication PDF version:
Amos Golan, Jeffrey M. Perloff, and Ximing Wu, "Welfare Effects of
Minimum Wage and Other Government Policies," working paper February
2001. PDF version: MW
and Welfare.
Lien H. Tran and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Turnover in U.S. Agricultural
Labor Markets," forthcoming American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Copyright is held by the American Agricultural Economics
Association, but is made available on this site for personal use free of charge by
permission of the Association. July 2001, PDF version:
Enrico Moretti, and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Efficiency Wages and Deferred Payments
in Agriculture," forthcoming American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Copyright is held by the American Agricultural Economics
Association, but is made available on this site for personal use free of charge by
permission of the Association. October 2001, PDF version:
Enrico Moretti, and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Minimum Wage Laws Lower Some
Agricultural Wages," November 2000. PDF version: Minimum Wage.
Kwabena B. Donkor and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "The Effects of the Affordable Care Act on Seasonal Agricultural Workers" Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 2022: article.
Agricultural Economics
Hayley H Chouinard, David Davis, Jeffrey T LaFrance, and Jeffrey M Perloff,
"Fat Taxes: Big Money for Small Change,"
Forum for Health Economics & Policy, 10(2, 2), June 2007.
Hayley Chouinard, David E. Davis, Jeffrey T. LaFrance, and Jeffrey M. Perloff,
" Milk Marketing Order Winners and Losers; PDF version: Marketing Order,
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 32(1), 2010:59-76.
Kathy Baylis and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Trade Diversion from
Tomato Suspension Agreements," August 2007 version. PDF version: tomato. Published version: Canadian Journal of Economics, 43(1), February 2010.
Meredith Fowlie, and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Distributing Pollution Rights
in Cap-and-Trade Programs: Are Outcomes Independent of Allocation? "
September 2012.
PDF version: Allocation.
Steven Chin, Mayoung Fan, Guido Imbens, and Jeffrey M. Perloff,
"Evaluation of a Program to Help Minorities Succeed at College Math: U.C.
Berkeley's Professional Development Program," May 2006.
PDF version: PDP.
Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Cartels," Journal of Industrial Organization Education:
Vol. 1, No. 1, Article 6, 2006.
Kathy Baylis and Jeffrey M. Perloff, "Capacity-Constrained Monopoly," Journal of Industrial Organization Education, 2008, www.bepress.com/jioe/vol3/iss1/art1/.
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updated: 2/05