Jeremy Magruder's Research
Working Papers:
Highly Powered Analysis Plans (with Michael Anderson) (2023)
stata code to implement optimus index
Split Sample Strategies for Avoiding False Discoveries (with Michael Anderson) (2024)
Published and Accepted Papers:
How do Digital Platforms Affect Employment and Job Search? Evidence from India (with Erin Kelley and Christopher Ksoll) (2024) Journal of Development Economics , vol 166 (January, 2024)
Factor Market Failures and the Adoption of Irrigation in Rwanda (with Maria Jones, Florence Kondylis, and John Loeser) (2022) The American Economic Review vol 112(7) pp 2316-52
VoxDevUrban Networks and Targeting: Evidence from Liberia (with Lori Beaman, Niall Keleher, and Carly Trachtman) (2021) AEA: Papers and Proceedings vol 111 pp 572-576
Monrovia Targeting Appendix
Can Network Theory-based
Targeting Increase Technology Adoption? (with Lori Beaman, Ariel
BenYishay, and A. Mushfiq Mobarak) (2021) The American Economic Review vol 111(6) pp 1918-43.
Stay in the Game: A Randomized Controlled Trial of a Sports and Lifeskills Program for Vulnerable Youth in Liberia (with Lori Beaman, Sylvan Herskowitz, and Niall Keleher) (2021). Economic Development and Cultural Change, vol 70(1) pp 129-158
Labor Market Changes in Response to Immigration: Evidence from Internal
Migration Driven by Weather Shocks (with
Marieke Kleemans) (2018) the Economic Journal vol 128(613) pp 2032-65.
Do Job Networks Disadvantage Women? Evidence from a Recruitment Experiment in Malawi (with Lori Beaman and Niall Keleher) (2018) Journal of Labor Economics, vol 36(1) pp 121-57.
An Assessment of Experimental Evidence on Agricultural Technology Adoption in Developing Countries (2018). Annual Review of Resource Economics vol 10: 299-316
Minding Small Change: Limited Attention
Among Small Firms in Kenya (with Lori Beaman and Jonathan Robinson)
(2014) Journal of Development
Economics, vol 108 pp 69-86
Survey Instrument
Can Minimum Wages Cause a Big Push?
Evidence from Indonesia (2013). Journal
of Development Economics, vol
100(1) pp 48-62.
Minimum Wages Big Push Appendix
Who gets the Job Referral?
Evidence from a Social Networks Experiment (with Lori Beaman)
(2012). The American Economic
Review, vol 102(7) pp 3574-93.
Kolkata Networks Appendix
Learning from the Crowd:
Regression Discontinuity Estimates of the Effects of an Online Review
Database (with Michael Anderson) (2012), The Economic Journal, vol 122(563)
pp 957-89
High Unemployment Yet Few Small Firms: The Role
of Centralized Bargaining in South Africa (2012).
AEJ: Applied Economics,
vol 4(3) pp 138-66.
Centralized Bargaining Model Appendix
Marital Shopping and Epidemic AIDS (2011).
Demography, vol 48(4) pp.
Marital Shopping Web Appendix
Intergenerational Networks, Unemployment, and
Persistent Inequality in South Africa (2010). AEJ: Applied Economics, vol 2(1)
pp 62-85.
Appendix: Intergenerational Networks
Attrition Bias: The Case of the Khayelitsha Panel Study (2000- 2004)” (with Nicoli Nattrass)
(2006). The South African Journal of Economics, vol
74(4) pp. 769-781.