

Import Elasticities.xls


The import elasticities used were estimated Armington Elasticities for U.S. manufacturing sectors.  The elasticities are pasted on the ‘SAM Sorting’ page, which also include a description of the corresponding sectors.  The sectors were sorted using SAM120_NAICS_Bridge.xls and were assigned to the closest matching SAM120 sector.


The second sheet 'SAM Elasticity' sorts the results by the SAM120 sectors and takes an average elasticity for each SAM120 sector.


The third sheet 'NAICS Sorting' sorts the SAM120 sectors according to the first digit of the NAICS code.  The average elasticity for the NAICS groups is determined by taking the averages of all the corresponding SAM120 elasticities.


The fourth sheet 'NAICS Elasticity' shows the NAICS codes and descriptions with its determined elasticity.


The 'For Bill' sheet is for Bill.  It contains the new elasticities for the matching SAM120 sectors.  The results from 'SAM elasticity' and the further NAICS sorting of the remaining SAM120 sectors were combined together to achieve this.  There no Armington elasticities determined for NAICS 1st digits 4, 6, 7, and 8, so those sectors were left blank. 



Export Elasticities.xls


The export elasticities used in the file described 26 industrial sectors.  In ‘Sorting’ sheet, the elasticities were disaggregated to match its closest corresponding SAM120 sectors.  Column E shows the SAM120 sectors that were matched with each elasticity.  Columns H and I shows all the SAM120 sectors and are color coded to show the group of SAM120 sectors that correspond to an elasticity in column E.  Column K and L take the SAM120 sectors that had multiple elasticities and show its average elasticity.


The ‘For Bill’ worksheet shows a complete listing of the SAM120 sectors with its new export elasticities.