Originally printed in . . .


Personnel Decisions in the Family Farm Business, Special Publication 3357. 61 pages. $6.00. Written by Dr. Amy R. Lyman, Lecturer, Department of Applied Behavioral Sciences, University of California, Davis, with support from the APMP. Six case studies show how family considerations can influence decision making and business results in family owned and managed farms. Each case focuses on a different situation - responsibilities and job descriptions, retirement, choosing a successor, displacing a nonfamily employee, linking pay to performance, and separation of a family member from the firm - followed by questions and discussion of key points. The booklet is available from ANR Publications, University of California, 6701 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland, CA 94608-1239 (phone 415/642-2431). Order with check (payable to the UC Regents) for $6, which includes tax, postage, and handling,

Report of the Commission on Agricultural Workers. The commission, created by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) to answer several questions related to the special agricultural worker (SAW) program and the demand for and supply of farm labor, has submitted its final report to the U.S. Congress. In preparing its report, the commission reviewed results of both existing and new studies and conducted public hearings, workshops, and field tours. For more information on obtaining the 219-page report and separately printed record of the hearings and studies, or the 13-page executive summary, write the Commission on Agricultural Workers, 1825 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 511, Washington, D.C. 20009, phone 202/673-5348, or FAX 202/673-5354.

Sexual Harassment Information, Investigation, and Compliance Guide. Prepared by Steve Sutter for the UCCE "Improving Your Supervisory Skills" seminar in Stockton in March, the 22-page publication includes a discussion of sexual harassment (see page 10), the DFEH pamphlet and poster order form, a sample written policy against harassment in English and Spanish, a supervisor's guide to investigating a complaint of sexual harassment, and the EEOC Sexual Harassment Regulations with examples. It is available for $2 (checks payable to County of Fresno) from Steve at UC Cooperative Extension, 1720 South Maple Avenue, Fresno, CA 93702 (phone: 209/488-3285 or 800/742-1011, ext. 3285).

HIV/AIDS information available A 14-page booklet compiled by Steve Sutter, Starting an HIV/AIDS Program - HIV/AIDS Education for Agricultural Employers and Supervisors, includes statistics, medical, and legal information, a sample English/Spanish HIV/AIDS policy guideline for employers, and a comprehensive English/Spanish reference list. Contact Steve for a free copy.

The Agricultural Personnel Management Program has purchased a 37-minute video, AIDS: The Workplace and the Law, with Leader's Guide and Participant's Workbook, produced by MTI Film and Video. To take out on loan, contact Steve at 209/488-3285.

Audio cassette gives Cal/EPA pesticide safety information in Spanish. Steve Sutter has co-produced, with station KGST, Fresno, an audio tape of Pesticide Safety Information leaflets A-8 and A-9 read in Spanish. The Spanish narration is by Jenny Rodriguez, UC Ag Health and Safety Center Representative, and Steve has added short introductory and closing statements in English. Cal/EPA's hazard communication standards for pesticide handlers and field workers require the employer to read, upon request, leaflet A-8 (for handlers) or A-9 (for field workers) "in a language understandable to that employee." Cal/EPA is distributing Spanish and English versions of the leaflets through County Agricultural Commissioners' offices. The audio cassette can be obtained from Steve for $5 (checks payable to County of Fresno) at UC Cooperative Extension, 1720 South Maple Avenue, Fresno, CA 93702.

Workforce is a quarterly magazine published by the Interstate Conference of Employment Security Agencies (ICESA) and International Association of Personnel in Employment Security (IAPES). ICESA, Washington, DC, represents officials who administer the Employment Service, Unemployment Insurance, Labor Market Information, Job Training Partnership Act, and Job Opportunities and Basic Skills training programs throughout the United States. IAPES, Frankfort, KY, is a professional association of employees in the programs administered by ICESA members. Articles in the Fall 1992 Workforce included a special feature by then Vice President Dan Quayle on workforce and workplace issues; features on affirmative action compliance, reasonable accommodation, skill shortages; articles on evaluation/performance; and a commentary on workplace literacy programs. Subscriptions at $15 per year or single copies at $5 can be obtained from IAPES, 1801 Louisville Road, Frankfort, KY 40601 (phone 502/223-4459).

The Measure of California Agriculture: Its Impact on the State Economy, Leaflet 21517. Farming and related activities are responsible, directly and indirectly, for nearly 1.4 million, or 9.8 percent, of the state's total number of jobs (13.8 million in 1990), according to the 62-page report by Harold O. Carter, Director, Agricultural Issues Center, University of California, Davis, and George Goldman, Economist, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley. The report, now in its second printing, includes chapters on farms and farmer characteristics, employment, and aggregate measures of the food and fiber sector. To order Leaflet 21517, contact ANR Publications, University of California 6701 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland, CA 94608-1239 (phone 415/642-2431). Price is $10 for one copy; $8 per copy for 10 to 50 copies; and $6 per copy for 51 or more; make checks payable to the UC Regents.


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