Making Every Dollar Count (Su Dinero Puede Rendir Mas). A 44-page money management guide for farm workers, prepared by Connie Costello, Karen P. Varcoe, and Myriam Grajales-Hall, University of California, Riverside, with funds from the APMP. In easy-to-read language, the illustrated bilingual booklet provides advice on cutting expenses and saving money, as well as instructions for setting up a year-round spending plan. It gives tips on how to stay out of financial trouble, deal with unemployment, and cope when bills cannot be paid, and includes a list of community resources. Copies are free, but a shipping fee is charged on orders of six or more ($2 for 6 25 copies; $3 for 26 50 copies; $6 for 51 160 copies). Order from Consumer Economics Program, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 (phone 714/787-5241).
El Ingles Necesario Para Vivir y Trabajar en Los Estados Unidos (English Needed to Live and Work in the United States). The 122-page pocket-size booklet of useful English words and phrases for Spanish speakers covers basic grammar and usage, as well as English pronunciation. It includes lists of useful words and expressions, as well as a basic Spanish-English dictionary, to help in tasks such as looking for work, being on the job and at home, handling medical problems, shopping, eating out, and dealing with money, the post office, schools, and government offices. Publication and distribution was funded by a grant through the UC Riverside Foundation. For information, contact Myriam Grajales-Hall, Spanish Media Service, Cooperative Extension, Highlander Hall, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 (phone 714/787-4397).
Agricultural Labor Research Symposium: June 1991 Proceedings, California Agricultural Studies 91-6, contains panel presentations and general discussion on studies of farm workers, farm labor contractors, and agricultural labor management. The research conference, held June 56, 1991, in Napa, California, was organized by the California State Employment Development Department (EDD) and co-sponsored by the University of California and U.S. Department of Labor. A free copy of the 170-page proceedings can be obtained from Special Projects Unit, Labor Market Information Division, MIC 57, Employment Development Department, Box 942880, Sacramento, CA 94280-0001 (phone 916/424-7310).
Hired Hands in California's Farm Fields, Giannini Foundation Special Report, June 1991. Essays by Varden Fuller on California farm labor history and policy, although most have been published elsewhere, are collected for the first time in a 194-page publication by the Agricultural Issues Center, University of California, Davis. Part One presents a condensed version of Professor Fuller's 1939 Ph.D. dissertation, "The Supply of Agricultural Labor as a Factor in the Evolution of Farm Organization in California." Part Two includes essays on labor-management relations, 195564, and Part Three covers development of a national and state farm labor policy. Copies are available from ANR Publications, University of California, 6701 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland, CA 94608-1239 (phone 510/642-2431).
ADA Guides: EEOC in Washington, D.C., offers a handbook, in binder format, for employers: A Technical Assistance Manual on the Employment Provisions (Title I) of the Americans with Disabilities Act (in two volumes, a manual and a resource directory). Employers may obtain a single copy of the manual at no charge by writing: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Office of Communications, 1801 L Street, N.W., 9th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20507 (phone 1-800-669-EEOC). Other booklets and fact sheets that can be obtained from local or district offices, or from Washington include: The Americans with Disabilities Act: Questions and Answers; The Americans with Disabilities Act: Your Responsibilities as an Employer; The Americans with Disabilities Act: Your Employment Rights as an Individual with a Disability. Local EEOC offices are in Fresno, Oakland, San Jose, San Diego, and district offices are: 901 Market Street, Suite 500, San Francisco, CA 94103 (phone 415/744-6500) or 3660 Wilshire Blvd., 5th Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90010 (phone 213/251-7178).
Farmers Tax Guide, Publication 225, from the Internal Revenue Service is a useful year-round reference explaining how federal tax laws apply to farming. Topics covered by the free, 95-page booklet include tax changes, deductible expenses, depreciation, casualty and theft losses, employment taxes, the examination and appeals process, and farm accounting. A copy can be ordered by phoning 1-800-TAX-FORM, or through Steve Sutter, UC Cooperative Extension, 1720 South Maple Avenue, Fresno, CA 93702 (phone 209/488-3285).
Catalog of Selected Safety Materials and Resources to help agricultural employers develop injury and illness prevention programs has been prepared by Steve Sutter and Jenny Rodriguez in English and Spanish. The booklet gives titles, addresses, and phone numbers for several hundred free and low-cost safety resources. Cost is $2, payable to the County of Fresno, 1720 South Maple Avenue, Fresno, CA 93702 (phone 209/488-3285).
Hired Farmworkers: Health and Well-Being at Risk, reports findings of a study, by the U.S. General Accounting Office, comparing federal health and safety protections for migrant and seasonal farm workers with those for other workers. The study, conducted through interviews with farm worker advocates, migrant health programs, and agricultural employer organizations, was requested by Representative Edward R. Roybal (D Los Angeles), chair of the House Select Committee on Aging. One free copy of the report, HRD-92-46, may be obtained by phoning GAO at 202/275-6241.
Posters for Translation. Spanish/English for Landscaping/Agriculture and Spanish/English for the Equestrian contain lists and pronunciation guides for commonly used words. The landscaping/agriculture poster includes plant types, food crops, gardening equipment, hand tools, weather, and planting and cleanup procedures. The equestrian poster includes tack, feeds, common chores and procedures, and parts of the horse. Posters are $9.95 each, plus shipping and tax, from Translation Posters, P.O. Box 1745, Lucerne Valley, CA 92356 (phone 619/248-9018).
Video Tape. Dairy Safety - It's No Accident is a 26-minute video tape for training dairy employees in safety. A segment on cattle handling covers moving cattle, working with dams and calves, artificial insemination, working with bulls, and safety in the milking parlor. A general dairy segment includes hazardous chemicals, feeding livestock, facility safety, and vertical silo and manure pit safety. The tape is available for $95 plus tax, shipping, and handling from AgAmerica Communications, P.O. Box 370, Carpinteria, CA 93014 (phone 800/678-GROW).
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