In November 1991, Governor Wilson established the Farm Worker Services Coordinating Council (FWSCC) by executive order W-20-91. The Council is charged with helping state agencies that serve farm workers to develop more consistent policies and more effective delivery mechanisms. It is to deliver a report of policy recommendations to the Governor by November 15, 1992.
Membership stipulated in the executive order includes Secretaries or Directors, or their respective designees, of the following California agencies: Health and Welfare Agency (Council Chair), Department of Food and Agriculture, Department of Industrial Relations, Office of Child Development, Department of Education, Department of Finance, Employment Development Department, Department of Health Services, Department of Housing and Community Development, and Department of Economic Opportunity. Although the order does not provide a FWSCC seat to the Agricultural Labor Relations Board, it does authorize the Council Chair to appoint representatives from other state agencies, a Job Training Partnership Act grantee, and the agricultural industry.
The initial meeting of the Council was in Sacramento on February 24. Spoken or written testimony is invited from all interested parties at a series of six public hearings. The first two were in Calexico (April 14) and Santa Rosa (May 6), and three of the others are scheduled for Costa Mesa, Salinas, and Fresno (see Events, page 10).
Written testimony, offers to speak at the hearings, and questions about Council activities may be addressed to the attention of Roberta Valla or Dale Kooyman, FWSCC Support Unit, Employment Development Department, Job Service Division, MIC-37, 800 Capitol Mall, P.O. Box 826880, Sacramento, CA 94280-0001. Phone inquiries are welcome at 916/654-5911 or 916/654-6202.
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