Agricultural Personnel Management Workshop Held in February
Agricultural Personnel Management for Extension Educators, a special in-service program for Farm Advisors, Extension Agents, and Specialists, was held in Napa, California, February 26 28, 1992. Registrants came primarily from the western United States, but also from Kentucky, Texas, and British Columbia. The program, planned and co-sponsored by the APMP, included presentation and discussion of such topics as: federal and state labor management regulations; characteristics of the agricultural workforce; selection and supervision of employees; wage structures; and integrating family and business interests in personnel decisions. Each participant received a binder containing the speakers' presentation notes or text, handouts, and resource materials. The USDA has also distributed the binders for use as a basic reference in agicultural personnel management throughout the United States land grant system. An outgrowth of the February workshop is formation of a West Coast Committee on Farm Labor Management Education, with participation from California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia. Further interstate collaboration on educational materials development is also planned.
Future Events
Health and Safety Seminars. Presentations in the series held by the UC Agricultural Health and Safety Center at Davis have been scheduled for the remainder of May and June. All seminars are on Fridays at 12:00 noon in the Institute of Toxicology and Environmental Health Conference Room on Old Davis Road, Davis. For further information, phone Janice Abrinko, Ag Health and Safety Center, 916/752-4050.
May 22. James Grieshop, Specialist/Lecturer, Community Education, Department of Applied Behavioral Sciences, UC Davis, "Delivering Safety Training and Hazard Awareness Information to Agricultural Workers."
June 5. Ralph Lightstone, Attorney, California Rural Legal Assistance, topic to be announced.
June 19. Rob McConnell, Division of Environmental and Occupational Medicine, Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, "Peripheral Neuropathy of Methamidophos/Neurobehavioral Effects of Organophosphates."
California Agricultural Employment Work Group. Wednesday, May 13, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., at 750 N Street, Sacramento. For further details, phone Tony Bland at 916/741-4194.
Farm Worker Services Coordinating Council. The next two public hearings have been arranged, and details are being finalized for the third. For more information phone Dale Kooyman at 916/654-6202 or Roberta Valla at 916/654-5911.
May 20, 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. Costa Mesa: Orange County Office of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive.
June 3, 2:00 to 8:00 p.m. Salinas: Community Center, 940 North Main Street.
June 17. Fresno area. Details to be announced.
Free Seminar on Cal/EPA Agricultural Hazard Communication Standard. June 11, 8:30 a.m. to noon, at the University of California Kearney Agricultural Center, 9240 South Riverbend Avenue, Parlier. New employee communication, training, and documentation requirements accompany the new Cal/EPA standard. A short "down to earth" presentation on sexual harassment in agriculture will also be presented by a local attorney. The seminar is co-sponsored by the UC Cooperative Extension Agricultural Personnel Management Program and the Fresno County Agricultural Commissioner. Pre-registration is a must. Phone Chrys Moore or Steve Sutter at 209/488-3285.
Pesticide Training in Northern California. Hands-on pesticide applicator training workshops are being conducted in May by the California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project's Pesticide Education Program (PEP) in cooperation with Cooperative Extension county offices: May 12 at the Nichol's Estate in Arbuckle; May 14 at the Agricultural Practices Facility, UC Davis; and May 28 at a site to be announced in Yuba City. The May 12 and 14 workshops will be in English and Spanish; the May 28 workshop, in Punjabi language only, for Sikh agricultural workers. Topics will include: protective clothing and the pesticide label; pesticide mixing and loading; leaks and spills; first aid for pesticide exposure; application equipment components and calibration; environmental protection; cleanup and disposal. The workshop will comply with a significant portion of training mandated by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation for employees handling pesticides and will offer qualified applicator continuing education credit hours. Cost will be $40 for preregistration; and $50 for registration within 7 days of the workshop. For information, phone IPM/PEP at 916/752-2733.
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