Ag Personnel Management Workshops. Wednesday and Thursday, November 19 and 20, 1997. Lakeport, California. Sponsored by UC Lake County Cooperative Extension and the Agricultural Personnel Management Program, the meetings will emphasize supervision of orchard and vineyard workers. Registration fees cover resource materials, lunch, and refreshments. For more information, phone 707/263-6838 or email Farm Advisor Rachel Elkins (
Employers' workshop (in English). November 19. Topics include a legal update (Steve Sutter), employee selection (Brian Linhardt), interpersonal relations on the job (Gregory Billikopf), and discipline and termination (Billikopf and Linhardt). Fee: $35.
Supervisory training workshop (in Spanish). November 20. The program includes interpersonal relations on the job; supervisory power, abuse of authority, and empowerment; and discipline and termination (presenter: Gregorio Billikopf). Fee: $15.
AgFresno Ag Employers' Seminar. Thursday, November 20, 1998. 8:30 a.m. to Noon. Fresno Fairgrounds: Fine Arts Building. The 8th annual seminar, presented by the UC Agricultural Personnel Management Program in cooperation with the AgFresno Farm Equipment Exposition, will cover payroll taxes, immigration, and labor law compliance, with panelists from state and federal agencies. Co-moderators are Michael C. Saqui, Attorney, and Steve Sutter, UC APMP Farm Advisor. The seminar is free, but there is a $4 admission fee at the gate. For information, contact Steve by phone (209/456-7560), fax (209/456-7575), or email (
Workshop on Disciplinary Action Policies (DAPs) for Enhancing Employee Compliance with WPS Training. November 25, 1997, beginning at 9:15 a.m. Modesto: County Center III Auditorium. Gregory Billikopf is presenting a continuing education session for certified private applicators and others licensed by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (e.g., PCAs, QALs, QACs). This session will cover effective employee discipline as a management tool to help agricultural employers reduce pesticide-related injury and illness. Attendance at this meeting will earn participants 2 hours of continuing education credit toward the total hours of credit. To receive credit, participants must arrive no later than 9:15 a.m., and Certified Private Applicators (CPAs) should bring their certification number. There is no cost for this meeting, but advance notice of plans to attend would be appreciated. Phone Gregory Billikopf at 209/525-6654 or send email to
Agricultural Supervision and Management (in Spanish). December 35, 1997. Stockton, California. The sixth annual 3-day agricultural supervision and management workshop will include conflict management, supervisory communication, and other topics for Spanish-speaking supervisors and foremen. Cost of $45 includes all three lunches ($35 for early registration postmarked by November 21). For more information, hone Gregorio Billikopf-Encina at 209/525-6654, or send email to
Cal/Work Summit. Friday, December 5, 1997. Downtown Fresno Holiday Inn. The rescheduled, day-long agricultural labor conference is intended to develop a comprehensive action plan linking agriculture to labor in the midst of welfare reform. For information, phone Manuel Cunha, Jr., Nisei Farmers League, at 209/251-8468.
Worker Protection Standard Train-the-Trainer Workshops. The next series of workshops for trainers of fieldworkers (4-hour courses) and for trainers of both pesticide handlers and fieldworkers (8-hour courses) will be offered by the Pesticide Education Program, UC Statewide IPM Project in January 1998. All workshops are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. For information, phone (530) 752-5273 (new area code) or send email to
Winters: January 7, English; January 8, Spanish
Carlsbad: January 13, English; January 14, Spanish
Napa: January 21, English; January 22, Spanish
Agricultural Supervision and Management (in English). February 24-26, 1998. Stockton, California. The third annual 3-day workshop for supervisors and managers will include employee selection, pay, conflict management, supervisory communication, and labor law. Cost of $45 includes all three lunches ($35 for early registration, postmarked by February 13, 1998). Contact Gregory Encina Billikopf by phone (209/525-6654) or email (