Originally printed in . . .

Coming Attraction

The Fall 1992 issue of LMD will feature a discussion by attorney Beverly A. Clark about the Iowa Ombudsman Project, which is now in its third summer. Seed corn companies teamed up with Proteus Employment Opportunities, a migrant services provider in Iowa, to develop a new approach to timely trouble shooting and problem solving on migrant farm worker issues. The upcoming article will include a description of the project, observations from some of the ombudsmen and seed corn production personnel who have been involved, and consideration of other possible applications of the project model.

The Center for Public Resources (CPR) has awarded to Proteus and Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc., an Outstanding Practical Achievement Award for developing this project, particularly citing its uniqueness and its founders' willingness to take risks. CPR is a New York based organization promoting alternatives to litigation in dispute resolution. Its members are from major corporations, law firms, and universities throughout the United States.


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