Incentive Pay Workshop
Held in February
Speakers at a workshop held in Modesto on February 5 discussed aspects of dairy science, such as quality and productivity measurement, while giving practical suggestions for employee incentives related to reproduction, calf health, milk quantity and quality, and feeding. Topics presented by a University of California Cooperative Extension Labor Management Farm Advisor, Dairy Farm Advisors, and an Animal Scientist included steps in creating an effective incentive pay program, as well as motivating employees to work toward decreasing days open, reducing calf mortality, enhancing milk production, maintaining milking equipment, increasing milk quality, and improving feeding management. Three dairy farmers spoke on their experiences with incentive pay.
A free publication, Employee Incentive Pay in Dairies , with abstracts from most of the presentations, is available from Gregory Billikopf.
Agricultural Labor Research Symposium. June 5 and 6, 1991, at Sterling Suites, Napa Valley, 1075 California Boulevard, Napa, California. Co-sponsored by the California Employment Development Department (EDD) and University of California, the conference will be organized around three panels discussing farm workers, agricultural labor management, and labor contractors. Conference registration is $60. For more information, phone EDD, Labor Market Information Divison: Fran Styron (916/427-4685), or El Chong (916/427-4936). Hotel information: Sterling Suites (707/253-9540).
Establishing Accident and Illness Prevention Programs. June 20, 8:30 a.m. to noon, at the UC West Side Field Station, Five Points. Program will cover SB198 requirements (Dan Dobrinen, Cal/OSHA Consultation Service), establishing and practicing a safety policy (Steve Sutter), and pesticide safety (Manuel Jimenez, Farm Advisor, Visalia). For more details, or to reserve space, contact Steve Sutter.
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