California Agricultural Employment Work Group (CAEWG). October 27, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Sacramento: Leonard Carter Conference Room (Room 282), on the second floor of Office Building One, 915 Capitol Mall (directly opposite the State Library building). The agenda will include extensive discussion of Farm Worker Services Coordinating Council (FWSCC) initiatives. Emphasis will be given to the Targeted Industries Partnership Program (TIPP). Also planned is a comprehensive legislative update with the outlook for pending legislation. For more information on this and meetings scheduled for February and May 1994, call Tony Bland at 916/741-4194.
California Agricultural Safety Exposition. November 2, registration at 7:00 a.m. Modesto: Red Lion Inn and Convention Center. Sponsored by the Agricultural Personnel Management Association, UC Cooperative Extension, California Farm Bureau Federation and local farm and service organizations. Three groups of workshops will be given, and will include sessions on chemical safety, safety management, safety skills, and frontline safety. Steve Sutter will discuss "New EPA Pesticide Worker Safety Standards" in an afternoon workshop starting at 1:30. Expo registration is $80 at the door; $65 with discount. For more information contact California Agricultural Safety Exposition (CASE), 1601 Exposition Blvd., FB-7, Sacramento, CA 95815 (phone: 800/753-9073).
Research Seminar on Mexico and U.S.-Mexican Relations. Wednesdays, 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. La Jolla: UC San Diego Campus, conference room, 2nd floor, Institute of the Americas Building, 10111 N. Torrey Pines Road. The Fall Quarter series on new research and public policy perspectives is being conducted by the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, UC San Diego (phone: 619/534-4503), through December 8:
November 3. "Poverty in Contemporary Mexico: The Political Economy of Redistribution," J. Manuel Marroquín, economist, London School of Economics and Political Science, and guest scholar, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies.
November 17. "Producing Gender, Engendering Production: The Constitution and Control of Ciudad Juarez's Maquiladora Workforce," Leslie Salzinger, sociologist, UC Berkeley, and Visiting Research Fellow at the Center.
December 1. "The Working Poor in a Post-Industrial Economy: An Ethnographic Study of a Mexican Immigrant Barrio in California," Christian Zlolniski-Palacios, anthropologist, UC Santa Barbara, and Visiting Research Fellow at the Center.
December 8. "Industrial Policy and Technology Transfer: The Development of the Mexican Computer Software Industry," Jorge Borrego, Center for Information and Communication Technologies, University of Sussex, England, and Instituto Mexicano de Comunicaciones, and Visiting Research Fellow, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies.
Workshop. Thursday, November 4, 1992, starting at 8:30 a.m. Orland: Glenn County Fairgrounds, Arts and Crafts Building. Speakers will discuss regulations affecting agriculture, including pesticide use and worker safety. Sponsored by the California Rural Development Committee, UC Cooperative Extension, and Northern California Farm Bureau, the meeting is intended for anyone involved in agriculture or the economy of rural areas. For further information, contact L. Clair Christensen, Applied Behavioral Sciences Extension, University of California, Davis (phone: 916/752-3006).
Brown Bag Seminar Series, UC Agricultural Health & Safety Center. Fridays, at noon. UC Davis: ITEH Conference Room. Contact James Beaumont at 916/752-8036 to confirm dates and location.
November 5. "Mortality After Agricultural Illness and Injury Claims in California," James Beaumont, Associate Professor, Occupational/Environmental Medicine and Epidemiology, UC Davis.
December 3. "What Is the Workers' Compensation Rating Bureau and What Is Its Relationship to Agriculture?" Peter Murray, Senior Vice President, Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau (Tentative: Call to confirm.)
Agricultural Employer's Seminars. Two free meetings will focus on current legal and enforcement issues, including the Targeted Industries Partnership Program (TIPP). Contact Steve Sutter, UC Cooperative Extension, Fresno, at 209/488-3560 to preregister.
November 10, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., Porterville College, College Avenue at Main Street. The program will include: a brief sample training program to meet U.S. EPA field worker standards that become effective April 15, 1994, by Steve Sutter and Bobby Bonds, Tulare Deputy Ag Commissioner; tips on employment eligibility verification compliance (filling out Form I-9) by Steve Borup, U.S. Border Patrol; and compliance with hazardous-materials and community-right-to-know laws by Larry Dwoskin, Tulare County Health Department.
November 19, 8:30 to 10:15 a.m.. AgFresno, Special Events Building, Fresno County Fairgrounds. "Recollections About the TIPP" by panelists Joe Villarreal, Deputy Regional Administrator, U.S. Department of Labor, Wage and Hour Division, San Francisco; Manuel Cunha, Jr., Executive Vice President, Nisei Farmers League, Fresno; José Millan, Deputy Labor Commissioner, California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, San Francisco; and Marion I. Quesenbery, Attorney, Labor Practice Group, Thelen, Marrin, Johnson and Bridges, San Francisco. After opening statements, the panel members will respond to questions from the audience. The program is being presented by the Employment Development Department and UC Agricultural Personnel Management Program in cooperation with area farm organizations.
American Agricultural Law Association, 14th Annual Educational Conference. Thursday, November 11 to Saturday, November 13. San Francisco: Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason Street. General sessions, beginning Thursday at 1:45 p.m. and ending Saturday at 12:15 p.m., will include agricultural law (annual review); reorganization of the USDA; assuring water supplies, business and tax planning; environment, health and safety; mediation; estate planning; and ethical duties in representing elderly clients. Registration fees are: members $225 ($250 after November 1); students $90 ($115 after November 1); nonmembers, add $25. For information, contact William Babione, AALA, University of Arkansas School of Law, Fayetteville, AR 72701; phone 501/575-7389.
1993 Employment Law Conference. November 18-19. San Francisco: Stouffer Stanford Court Hotel (also being held in three other U.S. locations). The program will provide updates on developments in such areas as equal employment opportunity, wrongful termination, the Americans with Disabilities Act, employee benefits, investigation and defense of sexual harassment claims, and Family and Medical Leave Act. The conference is sponsored by the National Employment Law Institute, 444 Magnolia Ave., Suite 200, Larkspur, CA 94939 (phone: 415/924-3844; FAX: 415/924-2908). Registration fee is $600.
Supervisory Skills Training in Spanish. December 13, 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Dec. 1), 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Dec. 2), and 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Dec. 3). Modesto: UC Cooperative Extension office, 733 County Center 3 (Corner Scenic Dr. and Oakdale Rd.). The three-day meeting, organized by Gregory Billikopf, UC Area Labor Management Farm Advisor, will cover delegation, conflict resolution, interpersonal relations, discipline, and farm safety and other topics of interest to Spanish-speaking foremen, supervisors, and farm labor contractors. The fee is $35 for registration by November 24 and $45 thereafter. Lunch is included each day. For more information, phone Melynda Ange at 209/525-6654.
Financing Agriculture in California's New Risk Environment. December 1, 7:00 a.m. to 4:50 p.m. Sacramento: Holiday Inn, Capitol Plaza. Speakers will present findings on agricultural credit from a borrower's perspective, the supply of credit, risk considerations and management, and policy options, followed by discussion by panelists and the audience. The conference is sponsored by the Agricultural Issues Center, University of California, Davis, CA 95616; phone 916/752-2320. Registration is $95 ($50 for students, higher education affiliates, government, and nonprofit organizations) if mailed or phoned by November 22; $120 thereafter.
1994 Personnel Management Meetings. Gregory Billikopf has scheduled a series of meetings to be held early in 1994. To receive more details as arrangements are finalized, contact Gregory at 209/525-6654.
Improving Employee Performance. January 13. Stockton. (To be presented in English)
Farm Safety. February 15, Stockton. February 16, Modesto. February 17, Merced. (English and Spanish)
Labor Law Update. March 17, Merced. (English)
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