Findings From the National Agricultural Workers Survey (NAWS) 1990, A Demographic and Employment Profile of Perishable Crop Farm Workers. Office of Program Economics Research Report No. 1, by Richard Mines, Susan Gabbard, and Beatriz Boccalandro. Undertaken to help determine the extent of need for additional workers to perform Seasonal Agricultural Services as required by the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, the survey collects includes information on demographics, migration, and employment patterns of farm workers in the United States. This publication reports summary characteristics of workers interviewed in 1990. Copies are available from: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy, U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Ave., N.W., Room S-2114, Washington, DC 20210 (phone 202/523-6049).
Health and safety training packet. A brochure and monthly calendar for an audience of 10 workers, plus a trainer's guide, are included in a packet for on-farm training of workers to reduce injury and illness. The packets address different topics each month. They are available from Agricultural Engineering Extension, Attn. Evett Stanghellini, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 (phone 916/752-0563).
Farm Labor Needs and Farm Workers in California, 1970 to 1989. California Agricultural Studies Report 91-2, by Juan Vicente Palerm, UC, Santa Barbara. The report, prepared for the California Employment Development Department (EDD), describes the formation of Chicano and Mexican "enclaves" in rural California, changes in California agriculture, and profiles of farm workers. Copies are available at no charge from: Special Projects Unit, Labor Market Information Division, Employment Development Department, 7000 Franklin Boulevard, Building 1100, Sacramento, CA 95823 (phone 916/424-7310).
Farm Labor Research Bibliography. California Agricultural Studies Report 91-4, prepared by Cheryl L. Brown, Grace Dote, Christopher M. Edmonds, Jeffrey M. Perloff, Howard R. Rosenberg, and Nanyan Xiong, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Berkeley, for the Labor Market Information Division (LMID) of EDD. The bibliography, available both on a computer database and in printed form, lists sources of information on such subjects as hiring and recruitment practices, federal programs, farm worker demographics, labor-management relations, and labor demand and supply. To obtain the printed version or request an individual data search, contact: Special Projects Unit, Labor Market Information Division, Employment Development Department, 7000 Franklin Boulevard, Building 1100, Sacramento, CA 95823 (phone 916/424-7310). Computer users can also arrange to receive a copy of the full bibliography on floppy disk (Macintosh or IBM-compatible, to be provided by the user); phone first to discuss software and other requirements.
Human resources management. Three updated volumes have been added to a series published jointly by BNA Books (Bureau of National Affairs, Inc.) and the Society for Human Resource Management (formerly American Society for Personnel Administration). The series now includes the following: Volume 1, Human Resource Management: Evolving Roles and Responsibilities; Volume 2, Human Resource Planning, Employment and Placement; Volume 3, Compensation and Benefits; Volume 4, Employee and Labor Relations; Volume 5, Developing Human Resources; and Volume 6, Managing Human Resources in the Information Age. Each volume is $25. BNA Books has also announced the availability of Gainsharing: Plans for Improving Performance, by Brian Graham-Moore and Timothy L. Ross, 300 pages, hardcover, $39, and Employee Discipline: Policies and Practices, by James R. Redeker, 426 pages, softcover, $32. Ordering information and a catalog that includes several other titles in personnel management, can be obtained from BNA Books Distribution Center, 300 Raritan Center Parkway, P.O. Box 7816, Edison, NJ 08818-7816 (phone 908/225-1900; FAX 908/417-0482).
Video Tape
Spanish version of video on milking. Utah State University has translated the Cornell University milker-training video, Proper Milking Procedures, into Spanish and plans to sell it for $25. USU also has prepared a glossary of dairy terms translated into Spanish. For information on ordering the video and the glossary, contact Dr. Wallace Taylor, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-4815 (phone 801/750-2164).
Radio Program
Agricultural Radio Service. APMP Area Farm Advisor Steve Sutter is hosting a new radio program from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. on the third Monday of each month on KMPO, 88.7 FM, an affiliate of Radio Bilingue in Modesto and Stockton. The monthly program, broadcast in English beginning November 18, features personnel management, business, and safety topics.
Agricultural Information Network
The Agricultural Labor Information System (ALIS) adds agricultural labor and safety information - including selected items from Labor Management Decisions - to the Advanced Technology Information Network (ATI-Net), a computer system operated by the California Agricultural Technology Institute (CATI) of California State Universiy, Fresno. There is no charge to use the system other than the regular telephone charges to one of the network's 19 access points in California. The user needs communications software and a modem installed on a telephone line. For more information, contact the ATI-Net office at CATI, School of Agricultural Sciences and Technology, California State University, Fresno, CA 93740 (phone 209/278-4872; FAX 209/278-4849).
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