Drugs in the Workplace. Labor Management Workshop, Tuesday, December 3, 1991, 9:00 a.m. to 2:15 p.m., at University of California Cooperative Extension, 420 South Wilson Way, Stockton. Topics include whether or not to use drug testing to screen employees; drug testing after employees are hired; recognizing and dealing with chemical dependency; and employee discipline. Registration fee of $10 includes lunch; fee is $8 if preregistered by mail. Send checks payable to "Farm and Home Advisors' Office" to Gregory E. Billikopf, UC Cooperative Extension, 733 County Center III Court, Modesto, CA 95355 (phone 209/525-6654).
Pesticides and the Health and Safety of the Agricultural Work Force. December 1011, 1991, at the Stockton Hilton, 2323 Grand Canal Boulevard, Stockton. Panel discussions and participant workshops will address promotion of the safe use of pesticides, strategies for source reduction, and pesticide-related health care issues. Co-sponsored by University of California, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, California Department of Health Services, California Environmental Protection Agency, Western Agricultural Chemicals Association, and California Hispanic Health Care Association. Registration fees: $80 for both days or $50 for one day only, if received by December 2; $100, and $60, respectively, after December 2. Conference information is available from: Pesticide Conference, IPM Education and Publications, University of California, Davis, CA 95616-8620 (phone 916/752-2733; FAX 916/752-9336. Hotel information: Stockton Hilton (209/957-9090).
Annual Meeting of WRCC-76, Agricultural Experiment Station Coordinating Committee on "Immigration Reform and U.S. Agriculture." January 16-18, 1992, at the Imperial Valley Agricultural Center, El Centro, California. Agenda will include: (1) reports on current immigration-related research by participants from land grant universities, (2) updates on legislative and public agency activity, and (3) field trip to day-haul assembly points, field and packing house operations. For information, contact Philip Martin, UC Davis, 916/752-1530.
Leadership and Supervision of Ag Labor. Labor Management Workshop, January 23, 1992, 9:00 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., at University of California Cooperative Extension, 2145 West Wardrobe Avenue, Merced. Topics include conflict resolution and negotiation skills, leadership power and abuse of power, and how workers view the boss. Registration fee of $10 includes lunch; fee is $8 if preregistered by mail. To register or obtain further information, call Gregory Billikopf, 209/525-6654.
California Agricultural Safety Expo. February 19, 1992, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Red Lion Inn, Modesto. The expo will include seminars, information on written safety programs and compliance with SB-198, demonstrations by vendors of safety products, and exhibits, in a repeat of last year's successful inaugural at the same location. Some sessions will be in Spanish. Advance registration fee is $65. For information, phone 209/278-6113.
Agricultural Personnel Management for Extension Educators. February 2628, 1992, at the Clarion Inn, Napa, California. This in-service workshop, co-sponsored by the Farm Foundation and USDA Extension Service, is open to educators throughout the U.S. land grant system and to others interested in developing programs on farm personnel management. Most sessions will present concepts and techniques in a form generally appropriate to agricultural audiences. Among topics are: employee selection, pay administration, first-line supervision, performance reviews, corrective action and discipline, family-business issues, and laws that apply to labor management. Registration is $60 if received by November 27,1991, $75 after November 27. For program brochure or further information, contact Agricultural Personnel Management Workshop, 319 Giannini Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 (phone 510/642-2296; FAX 510/642-6108). Hotel information: Clarion Inn Napa Valley (800-CLARION or 707/753-7433).
Annual Forum of the Agricultural Personnel Management Association. March 11-13, 1992, at the Marriott Hotel, San Diego. For information on content and registration, phone the association office, 805/837-1778.
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