Labor Law Compliance Seminars. The joint state-federal "TIP" described in our previous issue of LMD (v.2, no. 3, p. 7) has added a "P" to become the Targeted Industries Partnership Program, a coordinated effort to increase compliance with labor laws in agriculture and garment manufacturing. The enforcement component was launched on November 17 with a sweep in Imperial County, followed by another in Imperial and the Coachella Valley in late January. The Division of Labor Standards Enforcement reports that these actions included a total of 195 inspections of agricultural employers and ancillary farm worker services, resulting in 98 citations, 2 lawsuits, and assessed penalties of more than $500,000.
In anticipation of similar investigatory pushes further north this summer, various organizations have scheduled informational meetings to help employers understand their legal obligations and potential liabilities. The California Farm Bureau is presenting a series of seminars. Phone local Farm Bureau offices for program details:
On April 28, 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Kerman: Fresno West Golf and Country Club, 23986 West Whitesbridge. State and federal agency representatives will provide information to help employers and supervisors develop employment practices that conform to legal standards and reporting requirements. Topics include sexual harassment and discrimination; transportation, housing, payroll records, and preparing for the TIPP; completing I-9s; pesticide worker safety; and common pitfalls in payroll tax filing. Presented by Edie Hatton, employee benefits consultant, with UC Cooperative Extension. Registration fee of $20 covers materials and lunch. Contact Edie Hatton at 209/225-6805 or Steve Sutter at 209/488-3285.
On April 29 California Women for Agriculture (CWA) is presenting an employer seminar in Coachella. Information is available from CWA at 619/393-3036.
On June 3, two half day sessions will be held: 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. in Fresno at the Hacienda Convention Center; 2:00 to 5:00 p.m in Visalia at the Visalia Convention Center. Sponsoring organizations include the Center for Agricultural Business of California State University, Fresno, Agricultural Producers, Fresno and Tulare County Farm Bureaus, Western Growers Association, Agricultural Personnel Management Association, UC Cooperative Extension, the California Grape and Tree Fruit League, and several other agricultural organizations. Scheduled speakers include Lloyd Aubry, Jr., Director, California Department of Industrial Relations; Victoria Bradshaw, State Labor Commissioner; José Millan, Senior Deputy Labor Commissioner; and Tim Reardon, Area District Director, U.S. Department of Labor. Cost to attend either session is $20 for advance registration on or before May 28 or $25 at the door. For details, call Kimberly Naffziger at the Center for Agricultural Business at 209/278-4405.
Health and Safety Seminars. The remaining two Friday noontime seminars in the current series presented by UC Agricultural Health and Safety Center at Davis are scheduled for May and June in the Institute of Toxicology and Environmental Health Conference Room on Old Davis Rd., Davis. For more information, phone Janice Abrinko at 916/752-4050.
May 7. "Agricultural Studies at DHS: The Farm Family Health and Hazards Survey, and Nurses Using Rural Sentinel Events (NURSE)." Carol Conroy, California Department of Health Sciences.
June 4. "Health Beliefs of Mixtec Migrants." James Grieshop, Applied Behavioral Sciences, UC Davis.
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