During the coming months we will be forming a Board of Advisors to help set priorities, shape policies, and steer activities of the statewide UC Agricultural Personnel Management Program. Members will be appointed by W. Reg Gomes, Vice President of the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, upon recommendation of program staff. Expressions of interest and willingness to serve on the Board are being solicited through a few channels, and one of them is right here. We greatly appreciate the perspectives of LMD readers, whatever their other contact with the APMP may be, and would like to hear more from them. If you would like to consider an active part in guiding the APMP as a member of the Board, we cordially invite you to contact us by January 1, 1998. Please direct initial inquiries, self-nominations, or other recommendations to Betsey Tabraham at 510/642-2296 or via emailZ to tabraham@are.berkeley.edu.