On August 2, 1993, Form I-551 will become the only type of Alien Registration Receipt Card acceptable as evidence of employment eligibility in completing the I-9 at time of hire. Aliens lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence will no longer be allowed to prove their eligibility by presenting older "green cards" - Forms I-151, AR-3, and AR-103. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) announced in June that aliens who possess a Form I-151 or older document will be required to apply for the replacement, Form I-551, from July 31, 1992, through August 2, 1993.
The INS and the Department of Labor (DOL) recently signed an agreement to coordinate enforcement of immigration and labor laws. The Employment Standards Administration (ESA) of DOL will be able to audit employer records for violations of the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA) and, for the first time, issue warnings for violations found and report them to INS. ESA will also advise employers about their responsibilities under IRCA. INS will report violations of labor laws to DOL, paying particular attention to agriculture, child labor, garment industry, and industrial homework violations. INS and ESA will refer cases of immigration-related employment discrimination to the Department of Justice, Office of Special Counsel.
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