Video Tapes, Films and Slide Sets
A Systematic Approach to Employee Selection. Four California farmers and farm managers who have successfully used systematic procedures to recruit and hire agricultural employees describe the process and results in a new video produced by Lupe Sandoval, Agricultural Workers' Health Centers, Stockton, and Gregory Billikopf, UCCE, Modesto. All four growers had encountered serious problems with traditional selection processes before trying a more methodical approach.
The approximately 1-hour video uses narration, farmer testimony, and examples to introduce benefits and techniques of job analysis, structured interviews, ability tests, and medical exams in employment decisions. Step-by-step procedures used by the farmers are shown. The video has a large segment on practical tests and a section on medical screening showing the various exams that can be conducted by qualified medical facilities.
The video is being sold for $20, or is available on loan for $5 in California ($7.50 out of state). Make checks payable to the UC Regents and mail to: Selection Video #V90-Y, Visual Media, University of California, Davis, CA 95616-8748 (phone 916/757-8980).
Safety Training Films, Videos, and Slide Sets. The Farm Safety Program has a library of safety training materials for loan at no charge. Contact the Farm Safety Library, Agricultural Engineering Extension, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 (phone 916/752-0563. Slide sets and additional pesticide safety videos are also available for purchase or for loan at a nominal charge from Visual Media, Davis 95616-8980 (phone 916/757-8980).
Labor Management Laws in California Agriculture. Publication No. 21404, by Howard R. Rosenberg and Daniel L. Egan, published November 1990, 136 pages, $10. Integrated summary of state and federal laws clarifies what is required, allowed, and prohibited with respect to (1) specific terms of employment (such as wages, rest periods, and safety standards), and (2) interactions between employers and workers (as in pre-hire screening, collective bargaining, and dismissal). Specific statutes, administrative rules, and case precedents are discussed within the context of the types of management decisions they affect. Footnote references, a directory of government agencies, a list of court cases cited, and an extensive subject index are included.
The book is available from ANR Publications, University of California, 6701 San Pablo Ave., Oakland, CA 94608-1239 (phone 415/642-2431). Order with check payable to the UC Regents for $10, which includes tax and handling.
Application of the Makewhole Remedy under California's Agricultural labor Relations Act: Litigious Refusals to Bargain. Monograph and Research Series: 50, by Walter Fogel, published 1989, 145 pages, $11. The study focuses on technical refusal to bargain cases involving a newly or recently certified union, showing how the remedy has been applied over the years and under the changing composition of the Agricultural Labor Relations Board. Also discussed is the larger issue of litigation challenging union representation of employees.
Copies may be purchased from the UC Institute of Industrial Relations Publications, 1001 Gayley Avenue, 2nd floor, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1478 (phone 213/825-9191). Order with check payable to the UC Regents for $11 per copy, plus $1.50 postage and handling (plus 50¢ each additional book ordered). California residents add 6% sales tax (7% in Los Angeles).
The Illustrated Guide to Pesticide Safety. Worker's Packet (Publication 21488), $4, includes five copies of 6 x 9 edition (48 pages). Instructor's Packet (Publication 21489), $5, includes one copy of 8.5 x 11 instructor's edition (80 pages) plus five copies of 6 x 9 worker's edition. Both are written in easy-to-read style with comic book illustrations and captions in English and Spanish. The instructor's edition also provides space for employers to customize training data to each operation and contains ready-to-use training records and other required forms, as well as tables of acute toxicities, special hazards, and requirements for medical monitoring, reentry level, and protective clothing and equipment.
Send check or money order payable to UC Regents (price includes tax and handling) to: ANR Publications, University of California, 6701 San Pablo Avenue, Oakland, CA 94608-1239 (phone 415/642-2431).
Written Injury and Illness Prevention Program. Booklet including abstracts of several presentations at a safety workshop last February is available at no charge from Gregory Billikopf (for address, see page 15).
Written Accident and Illness Prevention Programs. A free booklet distributed at the Visalia and Five Points safety workshops, contains a model guideline safety program in English and Spanish, sample forms, information on the law, inspection checklists, and a list of UC Cooperative Extension safety videos. Write or phone Steve Sutter (see page 15).
Selected Safety Orders Affecting Agricultural Employers. Numerous Cal/OSHA orders related to worker protection, access to medical records, operation of equipment, use of tools, and the like have been compiled by Steve Sutter in a 30-page booklet. The orders are presented as published in source volumes, without interpretation or annotation. For a free copy, contact Sutter or Betsey Tabraham (see page 15).
Labor management. APMP Farm Advisors Gregory Billikopf and Steve Sutter both publish newsletters several times a year on all aspects of personnel management. Recent issues have provided information on such subjects as labor laws, farm safety, worker legalization, work-site poster requirements, wage rates, tax withholding, and workers' compensation. To be added to the mailing list for People in Ag: Managing Farm Personnel, write or phone Gregory Encina Billikopf. For the Agricultural Personnel Management Newsletter, contact Steve Sutter.
Safety and Health. Safety and Occupational Health in Agriculture, a newsletter published by the Farm Safety Program, of the UC Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, is available at no charge. It presents information on developing and implementing safety programs in agricultural workplaces. Contact William E. Steinke, Director, Farm Safety Program, Agricultural Engineering Extension, University of California, Davis, CA 95616 (phone 916/752-1613).
Farm Labor Information. Voice of the Fields (La Voz del Campo), now in its second year, provides agricultural labor market information, consumer education articles, and reports on legal matters, health and safety, events, and other subjects of interest to farm workers. It is published bi-weekly by La Cooperativa, 2222 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95816, with support from the U.S. Department of Labor through California Employment Development Department. It is distributed by several worker training organizations and is posted in EDD offices and various community establishments.
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