Pesticide safety "novela," in Spanish. Protección de su Salud presents basic education on pesticide safety in colorful comic-book style. Underwritten by the Western Agricultural Chemicals Association (WACA) and National Agricultural Chemicals Association (NACA), the booklet is offered to growers for distribution to employees. Copies, as long as they last, can be obtained from Steve Sutter at the UC Cooperative Extension Fresno County office (209/488-3560).
B.C. Farm Employers' Handbook, 1993 edition. Titles of the five booklets in this guide for farm managers are: Personnel Planning and Regulations; Hiring; Supervising; Training, Motivating, and Evaluating; and Communications, Problem Solving, and Disciplining. Although published in British Columbia, most of the information is not location-specific. The handbook was prepared by Lorne Owen, Provincial Farm Management Specialist, B.C. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food; Pat Davidson, Extension Education Consultant; Howard R. Rosenberg, Director, APMP, University of California, Berkeley; and Lindsay Brooks, President, Strategic Quality Institute. The APMP has a limited number of sets available at no charge upon request to: Noreen Wong, Agricultural and Resource Economics, 207 Giannini Hall, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 (phone: 510/643-6359; FAX: 510/642-6108).
Revised poster booklet. Abundance of Posters (and Leaflets) Required in Agricultural Employment, first published by Steve Sutter in October 1990 is now in its seventh printing. The booklet includes 3 pages of text, 8 request cards covering up to 37 placards and brochures, and 5 required posters employers need to make themselves. To order, send Steve a check for $2 payable to "County of Fresno"; write "poster booklet" on the check margin. Mail to Steve at UC Cooperative Extension, 1720 S. Maple Ave., Fresno, CA 93702.
Instructor's Guide to Farm Safety Training - booklet and tape. The 6-page booklet, published in English and Spanish by the UC Agricultural Health and Safety Center, and accompanying audio cassette are available for $5 from Steve Sutter. Make check payable to "County of Fresno," write "Instructor's Cassette" on the margin, and send to APMP, 1720 S. Maple Ave., Fresno, CA 93702.
TIPP checklist, in Spanish as well as English. Steve Sutter's June 1993, 30-point Targeted Industries Partnership Program (TIPP) Checklist is now also available in a Spanish translation by Myriam Grajales-Hall, UC Riverside. For a free copy of the list in English or Spanish (Lista de Verificación de Trabajadores Agrícolas en California), write or phone Steve at 1720 S. Maple Ave., Fresno, CA 93702; 209/488-3560.
Sexual harassment information for employees. The California Chamber of Commerce has published an "employer-friendly" pamphlet that may be used in place of the Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) pamphlet. California law requires that employers post the DFEH poster (available from local DFEH offices) and distribute the DFEH pamphlet or "equivalent" information to employees. The Chamber of Commerce pamphlets, in English or Spanish, may be ordered at $10 for 25 copies by phoning 800/331-8877 and requesting the "Sexual Harassment Prevention Pamphlet."
Consumer education news briefs, in Spanish. Myriam Grajales-Hall, Spanish Broadcast and Media Information Representative, UC Cooperative Extension, Riverside, has prepared a series of "Cápsulas Informativas" as well as several news releases offering information for low-income Spanish-speaking consumers. Recent sets of news capsules, each of which is three or four paragraphs long, cover a wide range of subjects, including farm worker and family health, avoiding agricultural accidents, family nutrition, fruit and vegetable consumption, food safety, feeding of infants, guarding against fraud, qualifying for low-rate credit cards, and security deposits by tenants to landlords. For more information, phone Myriam Grajales-Hall at 909/787-4397.
Guide to Federal and State Requirements for Employee/Migrant Housing, a 14-page booklet, presents housing standards requirements in easy-to-read tabular form with state and federal regulations compared for each subject. Prepared jointly by the U.S. Department of Labor Wage and Hour Division, and the California Department of Housing and Community Development Division of Codes and Standards, the booklet has been reprinted by the UC Agricultural Personnel Management Program in Fresno County and can be obtained from Steve Sutter at 1720 S. Maple Ave., Fresno, CA 93702 (phone: 209/488-3560). The price is $1.50 per copy; make checks payable to "County of Fresno."
Recorded Information
Personnel management updates. The Fresno County UC Cooperative Extension "AgLine," a recorded news and information service, includes tapes on personnel management (tape 7110), field sanitation requirements (7310), and hazard communication (7320). The service, accessible by touch-tone phone, is free (other than normal telephone toll charges, if any). Phone 209/488-1940.
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