Social Security offers booklets and other information. As part of a public awareness campaign targeting agriculture in California, Texas, Arizona, and Florida, the Social Security Administration (SSA) has published two bilingual booklets: A Guide to Social Security for Farmers, Growers, and Crew Leaders (Una Guía de Seguro Social Para Agricultores, Cultivadores y Contratistas o Capataces), SSA Publication No. 05-10025, and If You Are a Farm Worker . . . Your Wage Record Book and Guide to Social Security (Si Usted Es un Trabajador Agrícola . . . Libro de Registro Para Su Salario y Guía del Seguro Social). SSA has found that wages of many farm workers are not being properly reported or that their FICA taxes are not being withheld and matched by their employers. The campaign also includes a mailing of letters to registered crew leaders and farm labor contractors outlining their wage reporting responsibilities and a joint project with the United Farm Workers (UFW) to encourage the union's members to check their wage records with those of Social Security. Workers and employers can obtain information about reporting requirements from their nearest Social Security office. Copies of the booklets may be obtained from Social Security Administration Office of Public Affairs, P.O. Box 17743, Baltimore, MD 21235 (phone 410/965-0945; FAX 410/965-0696).
A card is available for requesting a "personal earnings and benefit estimate" statement summarizing all wages reported and Social Security taxes paid under one's Social Security number and projecting amounts of benefit under the Social Security Retirement, Survivors, and Disability programs. This request card, Form SSA-7004PC-OP1, may be obtained by phoning 800/772-1213.
Labor Management Laws in California Agriculture. Publication 21404. By Howard R. Rosenberg and Daniel L. Egan. Published in October 1990; 128 pages. Now $5 per copy, plus postage and handling, through UC Cooperative Extension county offices. The book presents an integrated summary of state and federal laws regarding specific terms of employment (such as wages, rest periods, and safety standards) and interactions between employers and workers (as in pre-hire screening, collective bargaining, and dismissal). Specific statutes, administrative rules, and case precedents are discussed within the context of management decisions they affect. An updated edition is planned for publication in late 1993. Order the current edition through local county offices, or contact Gregory Billikopf at 209/525-6654 or Steve Sutter at 209/488-3285.
A Summary of Federal Laws and Regulations Affecting Agricultural Employers, 1992. Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 652. By Jack L. Runyan, Agriculture and Rural Economy Division, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Cost is $8 per copy. In 30 pages, the booklet summarizes the Fair Labor Standards Act, Occupational Safety and Health Act, Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act, Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, and discusses workers' compensation, federal laws on equal employment opportunities, and tax laws. To order, phone 800/999-6779, or mail check (payable to ERS-NASS) or purchase order (specify title and AIB No. 652) to: ERS-NASS, P.O. Box 1608, Rockville, MD 20849-1608.
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