Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA): Challenges and Opportunities. Tuesday, November 17, 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Modesto: UC Cooperative Extension office at 733 County Center 3, corner of Oakdale Road and Scenic Drive. Lee Tarkington-Lundrigan, Growers Harvesting Committee attorney, will review ADA provisions, challenges, and effects on employment decisions. Gregory Encina Billikopf, Area Labor Management Farm Advisor, will discuss opportunities: job analysis; job descriptions; design of tests in hiring. Co-sponsored by UC Cooperative Extension Agricultural Personnel Management Program, Growers Harvesting Committee, and Western Growers Association. Meeting is free, but please pre-register by phoning Melynda at UC Cooperative Extension (209/525-6654) or Vera at Growers Harvesting Committee (209/527-4404).
California Agricultural Employment Work Group (CAEWG). Three meetings are scheduled for the fall, winter, and spring. CAEWG was established in 1983 by the director of the Employment Development Department (EDD), at the urging of the agricultural industry, to serve as a forum for discussion of agricultural labor issues. The group's members include growers, representatives of agricultural associations, farm worker advocates, farm labor contractors, representatives of state and federal agencies, and academics.
The Fall meeting will be Wednesday, November 18, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in Sacramento: Hearing Room B, first floor of State Energy Commission, 1516 9th Street (between O and P streets). Agenda topics will include: the Targeted Industries Program (TIP) of labor law enforcement and the North American Free Trade Agreement. Other subjects planned for discussion at this or future meetings include the Farm Worker Services Coordinating Council report, the Commission on Agricultural Workers report, and the new Arvin farm worker housing project.
Scheduled dates for the Winter and Spring meetings in 1993 are Wednesday, February 3, and Wednesday, May 5. All interested persons are welcome to attend. For additional details, phone Tony Bland at 916/741-4194.
Agricultural Employers' Seminar. Friday, November 20, 1992, 7:30 to 10:30 a.m. To be held in conjunction with AgFresno Farm Equipment Exposition in Fresno, November 19 21 (AgFresno gates open at 7:00; $3 admission; free parking; use Chance Street entrance). Topics will include EDD in agriculture, Cal/EPA pesticide regulations, federal payroll withholding deposits, and the Americans with Disabilities Act. APMP and EDD are co-sponsors; UC APMP Area Farm Advisor Steve Sutter will be moderator. Please pre-register by phoning Steve at 209/488-3285 or Ralph Juanti, EDD Agri-Business Representative in Sanger, 209/875-7501.
Skills for Spanish-Speaking Supervisors and Farm Labor Contractors. Thursday, December 3, 1992, 8:30 a.m. to 3:10 p.m. Modesto: UC Cooperative Extension, 733 County Center 3 (corner of Scenic Drive and Oakdale Road). In Spanish only. Topics will include: effective discipline; conflict resolution; communication about hazards; sexual harassment; interpersonal relations (diez puntos claves hacia la disciplina; resolución de conflictos y agravios, entrenamiento para la comunicación de riesgos, como evitar cargos de hostigamiento sexual, relaciones interpersonales). Sponsored by Agricultural Personnel Management Association (APMA). Cost is $25 per person for non-APMA members, $20 for APMA members (in either case, deduct $5 per person for pre-registration by November 25). Lunch is included. Phone Gregory Billikopf, UC APMP Area Farm Advisor, at 209/525-6654.
Hazard Communication Standard Seminar. Thursday, December 10, 1992, 1:30 to 4:00 p.m. Parlier: UC Kearney Agricultural Center, 9240 South Riverbend Avenue. Seminar is free. To pre-register, phone Steve Sutter, UC Cooperative Extension, Fresno, at 209/488-3285.
Handling Discipline and Termination Gracefully. Thursday, January 14, 1993, 8:30 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Merced: UC Cooperative Extension office, 2145 West Wardrobe Avenue. Speakers including APMP staff, as well as representatives of legal and medical professions and labor, will discuss wrongful discharge, effective discipline, the disciplinary interview, "at-will" and "for-cause" internal employment policies, dealing with chemical dependency, drug testing, grievance procedures, and nondisciplinary responses to performance problems. Cost of $10 per person ($8 for pre-registration by January 7) includes lunch. For more information phone Gregory Billikopf or Melynda Ange at UC Cooperative Extension in Modesto (209/525-6654).
FLC Personnel Management Conference. From 10:00 a.m. Thursday, February 4, to 4:00 p.m. February 5, 1993 (reception with snacks and no-host bar scheduled for Thursday evening). Visalia: Radisson Hotel and the Visalia Convention Center. The conference is primarily for farm labor contractors, secondarily for growers who use FLC services. The intent is to provide practical, immediately useful information on FLC-grower relations (form of contract, joint employment issues, invoicing), personnel management (employee selection, training, discipline, pay), and public regulation of FLC activity (registration and licensing, insurance, worker safety). Presentations will be in English with simultaneous translation to Spanish via wireless receivers. Registration fee of $50 covers two lunches, break refreshments, and reference materials. For information and registration, contact Elvin Chong at 916/262-2219.
Agricultural Personnel Management Association Forum (13th annual). March 10-12, 1993. Buellton/Solvang: Holiday Inn Resort and Conference Center. Workshop topics include: EEO practices, health insurance, workers' compensation, evaluation interviews, supervisory communication, employment procedures, labor law update. For information, phone 805/686-1954.
Improving Your Supervisory Skills. Wednesday, March 24, 1993, 8:30 a.m. to 3:05 p.m. Stockton: UC Cooperative Extension office, 420 South Wilson Way. Topics include delegation and task assignment; conflict resolution; the supervisor as a hazard communications trainer, avoiding sexual harassment; and interpersonal relations. Cost of $10 ($8 for pre-registration by March 17) includes lunch. For more information, phone Gregory Billikopf or Melynda Ange at UC Cooperative Extension, Modesto (209/525-6654).
Immigration Reform and U.S. Agriculture. Symposium, March
29-30, 1993. USDA Economic Research Service Building, 1301 New York
Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. Members of USDA Coordinating Committee on
Immigration Reform (WRCC-76) will present papers on effects of IRCA in farm
labor markets throughout the nation. Discussants and other participants
will include federal agency and legislative staff members, agricultural
industry and worker organization representatives, journalists, and academicians.
All interested persons are welcome. Contact Jim Duffield, 202/219-0931.
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