last updated: March, 1998
NAME: David Zilberman BUSINESS ADDRESS: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics 207 Giannini Hall University of California Berkeley, California 94720 (510) 642-6570 HOME ADDRESS: 2728 Elmwood Avenue Berkeley, California 94705 (510) 849-4605 BIRTHPLACE: Jerusalem, Israel DATE OF BIRTH: May 9, 1947 EDUCATION: Tel Aviv University, Israel B. A. 1969-1971 in Economics, Statistics University of California at Berkeley Ph.D.* 1973-1979 in Agricultural and Resource Economics *Dissertation topic: "A Putty-Clay Approach to Environmental Quality
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1994- Chair, Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Berkeley; Director, Center for Sustainable Resource Development. 1989-1994 Vice Chairman, Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Berkeley. 1987- Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Agricultural and Resource Economist in the Agricultural Experiment Station, University of California at Berkeley. 1983-1987 Associate Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Associate Agricultural and Resource Economist in the Agricultural Experiment Station, University of California at Berkeley. 1979-1983 Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Resource Economics and Assistant Agricultural and Resource Economist in the Agricultural Experiment Station, University of California at Berkeley. 1977-78 Postgraduate Research Agricultural Economist, University of California at Berkeley. 1977-78 Lecturer (part time), School of Business, San Francisco State University (subjects: Managerial Economics, Operation Management), 1976-1978; Lecturer (part time), School of Business, Lincoln University, San Francisco (subjects: Computer Programming, International Trade). 1973-1976 Research Assistant, University of California at Berkeley. 1971-1973 Teaching Assistant, Department of Economics, Tel Aviv University, Israel (subject: Econometrics). 1968-1973 Programmer and Systems Analyst, Koor Computers, Tel Aviv, Israel. AWARDS American Agricultural Economics Association Honorable Mention, Quality of Research Discovery Award (1984) for "Stochastic Structure, Farm Size, and Technology Adoption in Developing Agriculture." Western Agricultural Economics Association, Outstanding Published Research in Agricultural Economics Award (1984) for "Estimation of Multi-Crop Production Functions." American Agricultural Economics Association Honorable Mention, Quality of Research Discovery Award (1990) for "Input Allocation in Multicrop Systems." RESEARCH INTERESTS Agricultural and Nutrition Policy; Economics of Technological Change; Economics of Natural Resources; Microeconomic Theory DISSERTATION COMMITTEES (Chair or Member) Margriet F. Caswell, "The Diffusion of Low-Volume Irrigation Technology in California Agriculture," 1983 (Chairman of Committee). Jeffrey T. La France, "The Economics of Nutrient Content and Consumer Demand for Food," 1983 (Chairman of Committee). Best Dissertation Award, American Agricultural Economics Association. Robert N. Collender, "Optimal Land Allocation Under Uncertainty: A Generalized Portfolio Approach," 1984 (Chairman of Committee). Claudia A. (Dodge) Parliament, "Utility Maximizing and Game Laying Behavior in Agricultural Production Cooperatives: Theory and Applications," 1984 (Member of Committee). J. Edward Taylor, "Migration and Village Development: The Interaction Between Mexico-U. S. Migration and Socioeconomic Change in Rural Mexico," 1984 (Member of Committee). Best Dissertation Award, American Agricultural Economics Association Kenneth Bogen, "Uncertainty in Health Risk Estimation," 1986 (Outside Member, School of Public Health). Harry de Gorter, "Agricultural Policies," 1986 (Member of Committee). Robert Innes, "Agricultural Policy Analysis in Economics with Incomplete Markets," 1986 (Member of Committee). Best Dissertation Award, American Agricultural Economics Association . Tarek Moursi, "Government Intervention and the Impact of Agriculture: The Case of Egypt," 1986 (Chairman of Committee). Carolyn Harper, "Optimal Regulation of Agricultural Pesticides: A Case Study of Chlordimeform in the Imperial Valley," 1987 (Chairman of Committee). John Beghin, "A Game Theoretical Model of Agricultural and Food Price Policies in Senegal," 1988 (Member of Committee). Linda Calvin, "Distributional Consequences of Agricultural Commodity Policy," 1988 (Chairman of Committee). Gloria Helfand, "Standards Versus Standards: The Incentive and Efficiency Effects of Pollution Control Restriction," 1988 (Member of Committee). Daniel Putler, "Reference Price Theory: A Behavioral Analysis of Consumer Reference to Price Changes," 1988 (Chairman of Committee). Gail Simpson, "A Case Study in Applied Econometrics: Statistical Identification of Cheaters," 1988 (Chairman of Committee). Ziv Bar-Shira, "Behavior Under Uncertainty: The Decision Criterion, the Attitude Toward Risk, and the Choice of Labor Supply," 1989 (Chairman of Committee). George Frisvold, "Transactions Costs, Labor Contracts, and Labor Productivity in Rural South India," 1989 (Member of Committee). Israel Finkelshtain, "Aversion to Income Risk in the Presence of Other Risks: Theory and Applications," 1989 (Member of Committee). Douglas Parker, "The Economics of Marketing Agricultural Product Quality," 1990 (Chairman of Committee). Honorable Mention, Best Dissertation Award, American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Farhed Ali Shah, "Technological Change, Economic Growth, and Exhaustible Resources," 1990 (Chairman of Committee). Timothy Howell Brown, "The Effects of Consumer Demand on Pesticide Regulation in the Market for Apples," 1991 (Member of Committee). Teruo Taniguchi, "An Economic Analysis of Naturally Grown Rice in Japan," 1991 (Chairman of Committee). Gary Casterline, "The Economics of Discrete Changes to the Technological Environment," 1992 (Chairman of Committee). David E. Buschena, "The Effects of Alternative Similarity on Choice Under Risk: Toward a Plausible Explanation of Independence Violations of the Expected Utility Model," 1992 (Chairman of Committee). Hai-Yen Sung, "Perception of Health Risk and the Demand for Cigarette Consumption," 1993 (Chairman of Committee). Susan Gabbard, "Farm Workers' Labor Supply Decisions," 1993 (Member of Committee). Gregory Adams, "Three's a Crowd: Multilateral Game Theoretical Analysis of Environmental Policy," 1994 (Member of Committee). Madhu Khanna, ìTechnology Adoption and the Abatement of Greenhouse Gases: The Thermal Power Sector in India,î 1995 (Chairman of Committee). Gary Green, "Technology Adoption and Water Management in Irrigated Agriculture," 1995 (Chairman of Committee). Nobuhiko Fuwa, ìSocial Stratification and Mobility in a Philippine Village, 1962-1994,î 1995 (Member of Committee). Bruce McWilliams, ìEssays on Learning and Technology Adoption,î 1995 (Chairman of Committee). Seung Jick Yoo, ìEssays on Environmental Economics,î 1995 (Chairman of Committee). Stephen F. Hamilton, "Product Quality and Environmental Health Issues in Agricultural Production," 1996 (Chairman of Committee). Loretta M. Lynch, "Agricultural Trade and Environmental Concerns: Three Essays Exploring Pest Control, Regulations, and Environmental Issues," 1996 (Chairman of Committee). Linda Fernandez, ìManaging Environmental Quality: Three Essays in Applied Environmental Economics,î 1996 (Member of Committee). Calogero Carletto, ìNon-Traditional Agro-Exports among Smallholders in Guatemala,î 1996 (Member of Committee). Cheryl Brown, ìThree Essays on Issues of Agricultural Sustainability,î 1997 (Chairman of Committee). Sabrina Isé, ìThe Use of Voluntary Conservation Programs for the Preservation of Agriculture and the Environment at the Urban Fringe,î 1997 (Chairman of Committee). Jinhua Zhao, ìEssays on Natural Resource Development, International Trade, and the Environment,î 1997 (Chairman of Committee). Christopher Dumas, ìCross-Media Pollution and a Common Agency,î 1997 (Member of Committee). Tracy Hart, ìSpatially Efficient Management of a Sea Water Intruded Aquifer,î 1997 (Chairman of Committee). PUBLICATIONS Books E1. Ariel Dinar and David Zilberman, editors. The Economics and Management of Water and Drainage in Agriculture. Norwell, Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers (1991). E2. Gerald A. Carlson, David Zilberman, and John A. Miranowski, editors.
and Environmental Resource Economics. New York: Oxford University Press
Journal Articles A1. L. Joe Moffitt, David Zilberman, and Richard E. Just, "Economic Impact of Water Quality Regulation on Dairying in the Santa Ana River Basin," California Agriculture, Vol. 30, No. 9 (September, 1976), pp. 17-19. A2. Eithan Hochman, David Zilberman, and Richard E. Just, "Two-Goal Regional Environmental Policy: The Case of the Santa Ana River Basin," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 4, No. 1 (January, 1977), pp. 25-39. A3. Eithan Hochman, David Pines, and David Zilberman, "The Effects of Pollution Taxation on the Pattern of Resource Allocation: The Downstream Diffusion Case," Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 91, No. 4 (November, 1977), pp. 625-638. A4. Eithan Hochman, David Zilberman, and Richard E. Just, "Internalization in a Stochastic Pollution Model," Water Resources Research, Vol. 13, No. 6 (December, 1977), pp. 877-881. A5. Eithan Hochman and David Zilberman, "Examination of Environmental Policies Using Production and Pollution Microparameter Distributions," Econometrica, Vol. 46, No. 4 (July, 1978), pp. 739-760. A6. L. Joe Moffitt, David Zilberman, and Richard E. Just, "A 'Putty Clay' Approach to Aggregation of Production/Pollution Possibilities: An Application in Dairy Waste Control," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 60, No. 3 (August, 1978), pp. 452-459. A7. Richard E. Just and David Zilberman, "Asymmetry of Taxes and Subsidies in Regulating Stochastic Mishap," Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. 93, No. 1 (February, 1979), pp. 139-148. A8. Eithan Hochman and David Zilberman, "Two-Goal Environmental Policy: An Integration of Micro and Macro Ad Hoc Decision Rules," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 6, No. 2 (June, 1979), pp. 152-174. A9. Richard E. Just, Andrew Schmitz, and David Zilberman, "Price Controls and Optimal Export Policies Under Alternative Market Structures," American Economic Review, Vol. 69, No. 4 (September, 1979), pp. 706-714. A10. Richard E. Just, Andrew Schmitz, and David Zilberman, "Technological Change in Agriculture," Science, Vol. 206, No. 4424 (December 14, 1979), pp. 1277&endash;1280. A11. Joseph Yassour, David Zilberman, and Gordon C. Rausser, "Optimal Choices Among Alternative Technologies with Stochastic Risk," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 63, No. 4 (November, 1981), pp. 718-723. A12. David Zilberman, "The Use and Potential of Optimal Control Models in Agricultural Economics," Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 7, No. 2 (December, 1982), pp. 395-405. A13. Richard E. Just and David Zilberman, "Stochastic Structure, Farm Size, and Technology Adoption in Developing Agriculture," Oxford Economic Papers, Vol. 35, No. 2 (July, 1983), pp. 307-328. A14. Richard E. Just, David Zilberman, and Eithan Hochman, "Estimation of Multicrop Production Functions," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 65, No. 4 (November, 1983), pp. 770-780. A15. Chhotan Singh and David Zilberman, "Allocation of Fertilizer Among Crops Under Risk--A Quadratic Programming Approach," Indian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. XXXIX, No. 1 (January-March, 1984), pp. 77&endash;84. A16. Jeffrey T. La France, Andrew Schmitz, and David Zilberman, "Small Leading Firms," Economic Record, Vol. 60, No. 169 (June, 1984), pp. 160-164. A17. Margriet Caswell, David Zilberman, and George E. Goldman, "Economic Implications of Drip Irrigation," California Agriculture, Vol. 38, No. 7-8 (July-August, 1984), pp. 4 and 5. A18. David Zilberman, "Dynamic Supply Response and Agricultural Investment: Discussion," North Central Journal of Agricultural Economics (October, 1984), pp. 179-180. A19. Eithan Hochman, Jeffrey La France, and David Zilberman, "Solar Energy and Hydroelectric Power Generation in the Dead Sea: A Dynamic Analysis," Water Resources Research, Vol. 20, No. 11 (November, 1984), pp. 1469-1476. A20. Gordon C. Rausser, David Zilberman, and Richard E. Just, "The Distributional Effects of Land Controls in Agriculture," Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 9, No. 2 (December, 1984), pp. 215-232. A21. David Zilberman, "Technological Change, Government Policies, and Exhaustible Resources in Agriculture," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 66, No. 5 (December, 1984), pp. 634-640. A22. Gershon Feder, Richard E. Just, and David Zilberman, "Adoption of Agricultural Innovations in Developing Countries: A Survey," Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 32, No. 2 (January, 1985), pp. 255-298. A23. Margriet Caswell and David Zilberman, "The Choices of Irrigation Technologies in California," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 67, No. 2 (May, 1985), pp. 224-239. A24. Richard E. Just and David Zilberman, "Risk Aversion, Technology Choice, and Equity Effects of Agricultural Policy," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 67, No. 7 (May, 1985), pp. 435-440. A25. Robert N. Collender and David Zilberman, "Land Allocation Under Uncertainty for Alternative Specifications of Return Distributions," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 67, No. 4 (November, 1985), pp. 779&endash;786. A26. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "Efficient Regulation of Environmental Health Risks: The Case of Groundwater Contamination in California," Ricerche Economiche, Vol. XXXIX, No. 4 (October-December, 1985), pp. 540-549. A27. Eithan Hochman and David Zilberman, "Optimal Exploitation of Energy Resources: Solar Power and Electricity Generation in Below Sea Level Basins," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 12, No. 4 (December, 1985), pp. 322-337. A28. Richard E. Just and David Zilberman, "Income Distributional Implications of Water Policy Decisions," Western Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 10, No. 2 (December, 1985), pp. 170-182. A29. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "The Econometrics of Damage Control: Why Specification Matters," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 68 (1986), pp. 262-273. A30. Richard E. Just and David Zilberman, "Does the Law of Supply Hold Under Uncertainty?" The Economic Journal, Vol. 96 (June, 1986), pp. 514-524. A31. Richard E. Just, Gordon C. Rausser, and David Zilberman, "Modelling the Effects of Policy on Farmers in Developing Agriculture," International Journal of Development Planning Literature, Vol. 1 No. 3 (July-September, 1986), pp. 287&endash;300. A32. Margriet Caswell and David Zilberman, "The Effects of Well Depth and Land Quality on the Choice of Irrigation Technology," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 68, No. 4 (November, 1986), pp. 798-811. A33. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "Regulating Environmental and Human Risks from Agricultural Residuals," Applied Agricultural Research (December, 1986) (also published in University of California Systemwide Proceedings). A34. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "The Welfare Economics of Price Supports in U. S. Agriculture," American Economic Review, Vol. 76, No. 5 (December, 1986), pp. 1135-1141. A35. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "Regulation of Marine Contamination Under Environmental Uncertainty: Shellfish Contamination in California," Marine Resource Economics, Vol. 4 (1987), pp. 211-225. A36. Richard E. Just and David Zilberman, "The Effects of Agricultural Development Policies on Income Distribution and Technological Change in Agriculture," Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 28 (1988), pp. 193-216. A37. Richard E. Just and David Zilberman, "A Methodology for Evaluating Equity Implications of Environmental Policy Decisions in Agriculture," Land Economics, Vol. 64, No. 1 (February, 1988), pp. 37-52. A38. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "Efficient Regulation of Environmental Health Risks," Quarterly Journal of Economics, Vol. CIII (February, 1988), pp. 167-178. A39. David Zilberman, "The Economics of Irrigation Technological Choices," Irrinews No. 35 (1-3), (1988). A40. David Bigman, David Newbery, and David Zilberman, "New Approaches in Agricultural Policy Research: Discussion," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 70, No. 2 (May, 1988), pp. 460-461. A41. Daniel S. Putler and David Zilberman, "Computer Use in Tulare County Agriculture," California Agriculture, Vol. 42, No. 4 (July-August, 1988), pp. 16&endash;18. A42. Richard E. Just, David Zilberman, and Eithan Hochman, "Estimation of Multicrop Production Functions: Reply," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 70, No. 3 (August, 1988), pp. 733 and 734. A43. Erik Lichtenberg, Douglas D. Parker, and David Zilberman, "Marginal Analysis of Welfare Costs of Environmental Policies: The Case of Pesticide Regulation," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 70, No. 4 (November, 1988), pp. 867-874. A44. Daniel S. Putler and David Zilberman, "Computer Use in Agriculture: Evidence from Tulare County, California," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 70, No. 4 (November, 1988), pp. 790-802. A45. Robert N. Collender and David Zilberman, "Land Allocation Under Uncertainty for Alternative Specifications of Return Distributions: Reply," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 71, No. 2 (May, 1989), pp. 441 and 442. A46. Carolyn R. Harper and David Zilberman, "Pest Externalities from Agricultural Inputs," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 71, No. 3 (August, 1989), pp. 692-702. A47. Erik Lichtenberg, David Zilberman, and Kenneth T. Bogen, "Regulating Environmental Health Risks under Uncertainty: Groundwater Contamination in California," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 17 (1989), pp. 22-34. A48. Claudia Parliament, Yacov Tsur, and David Zilberman, "Cooperative Labor Allocation under Uncertainty," Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 13, (1989), pp. 539-552. A49. Harry de Gorter and David Zilberman, "On the Political Economy of Public Good Inputs in Agriculture," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 72, No. 1 (February, 1990), pp. 131-137. A50. Richard E. Just, David Zilberman, Eithan Hochman, and Ziv Bar-Shira, "Input Allocation in Multicrop Systems," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 72, No. 1 (February, 1990), pp. 200-209. A51. Margriet Caswell, Erik Lichtenberg, and David Zilberman, "The Effects of Pricing Policies on Water Conservation and Drainage," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 72 (November, 1990), pp. 883-890. A52. Ariel Dinar and David Zilberman, "The Economics of Resource-Conservation, Pollution-Reduction Technology Selection: The Case of Irrigation Water," Energy and Resources, Vol. XIII (1991), pp. 323-348. A53. Douglas D. Parker, David Zilberman, and Kirby Moulton, "How Quality Relates to Price in California Fresh Peaches," California Agriculture, Vol. 45, No. 2 (March-April, 1991), pp. 14-16. A54. David Zilberman and Andrew Schmitz, Letter to the Editor. Re: Ayer and Conklin vs. Knutson, et al. "Chemical Wars" (Fourth Quarter, 1990, and First Quarter, 1991, Choices), Choices (Second Quarter 1991), p. 40. A55. David Zilberman, Andrew Schmitz, Gary Casterline, Erik Lichtenberg, and Jerome B. Siebert, "The Economics of Pesticide Use and Regulation," Science, Vol. 253, No. 5019 (August 2, 1991), pp. 518-522. A56. Ariel Dinar, Mark Campbell, and David Zilberman, "Adoption of Improved Irrigation and Drainage Reduction Technologies under Limiting Environmental Conditions," Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 2 (1992), pp. 373-398. A57. Bruce A. Babcock, Erik Lichtenberg, and David Zilberman, "Impact of Damage Control and Quality of Output: Estimating Pest Control Effectiveness," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 74, No. 1 (February, 1992), pp. 165-172. A58. Carolyn R. Harper and David Zilberman, "Pesticides and Worker Safety," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 74, No. 1 (February, 1992), pp. 68-78. A59. Gerald Carlson, Mark Cochrane, Michelle Marra, and David Zilberman, "Agricultural Resource Economics and the Environment," Review of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 14, No. 2 (July, 1992), pp. 313-326. A60. David Zilberman, "Environmental Aspects of Economic Relations Between Nations," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 74, (December, 1992), pp. 1144-1149. A61. Douglas D. Parker and David Zilberman, "University Technology Transfers: Impacts on Local and U. S. Economies," Contemporary Policy Issues, Vol. XI (April, 1993), pp. 87-99. A62. Douglas D. Parker and David Zilberman, "Hedonic Estimation of Quality Factors Affecting the Farm-Retail Margin," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 75 (May, 1993), pp. 458-466. A63. Alyssa Postlewait, Douglas D. Parker, and David Zilberman, "The Advent of Biotechnology and Technology Transfer in Agriculture," Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Vol. 43, No. 3-4 (May/June, 1993), pp. 271-287. A64. Erik Lichtenberg, Robert C. Spear, and David Zilberman, "The Economics of Reentry Regulation of Pesticides," American Journal of Agricultural Economics Vol. 75 (November, 1993), pp. 946-958. A65. Douglas D. Parker and David Zilberman, "Biotechnology in a Regulated World," International Journal of Technology Management, Special Issue, Biotechnology Review No. 1 (November, 1993), pp. 95-109. A66. Margriet F. Caswell, David Zilberman, and Gary Casterline, "The Diffusion of Resource-Quality-Augmenting Technologies: Output Supply and Input Demand Effects," Natural Resource Modeling, Vol. 7, No. 4 (Fall, 1993), pp. 305-329. A67. Richard Just and David Zilberman, "In Defense of Fence to Fence: Can the Backward Bending Supply Curve Exist," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 17, No. 2 (Winter, 1993), pp. 277-285. A68. David Zilberman, Andrew Schmitz, Ariel Dinar, and Farhed Shah, "A Water Scarcity or a Water Management Crisis?" Canadian Water Resources Journal, Vol. 18, No. 1 (1993). A69. Glynis Gawn, Robert Innes, Gordon Rausser, and David Zilberman, "Nutrient Demand and the Allocation of Time: Evidence from Guam," Applied Economics (1993), Vol. 25, pp. 811-830 A70. David Zilberman, Neal MacDougall, and Farhed Shah, "Changes in Water Allocation Mechanisms for California Agriculture," Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol. 12, No. 1 (January, 1994), pp. 122-133. A71. Cherisa Yarkin, David Sunding, David Zilberman, and Jerry Siebert, "Cancelling Methyl Bromide for Postharvest Use to Trigger Mixed Economic Results," California Agriculture, Vol. 48, No. 3 (May-June, 1994), pp. 16-21. A72. Cherisa Yarkin, David Sunding, David Zilberman, and Jerry Siebert, "Methyl Bromide Regulation . . . All Crops Should Not Be Treated Equally," California Agriculture, Vol. 48, No. 3 (May-June, 1994), pp. 10-15. A73. David Zilberman, "Economics and Interdisciplinary Collaborative Efforts," Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 26, No. 1 (July, 1994), pp. 35-42. A74. David Zilberman and Federico Castillo, "Economic and Health Consequences of Pesticide Use in Developing Country Agriculture: Discussion," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 76 (August, 1994), pp. 603 and 604. A75. David Zilberman, David Sunding, Richard Howitt, Ariel Dinar, and Neal MacDougall, "Water for California Agriculture: Lessons from the Drought and New Water Market Reform," Choices (Fourth Quarter, 1994), pp. 25-28. A76. Renan U. Goetz and David Zilberman, "Mining the Soil: Agricultural Production Systems on Peatland," Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 4 (1994), pp. 1-20. A77. David E. Buschena and David Zilberman, "What Do We Know About Decision Making Under Risk and Where Do We Go From Here?" Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 19, No. 2 (December, 1994), pp. 425-445. A78. Farhed Shah, David Zilberman, and Erik Lichtenberg, "Optimal Combination of Pollution Prevention and Abatement Policies: The Case of Agricultural Drainage," Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 5, No. 1 (1995), pp. 29-49. A79. Farhed Shah, David Zilberman, and Ujjayant Chakravorty, "Technology Adoption in the Presence of an Exhaustible Resource: The Case of Ground Water Extraction," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 77, No. 2 (May, 1995), pp. 291-299. A80. David Sunding, David Zilberman, and Neal MacDougall, "Water Markets and the Cost of Improving Water Quality on the San Francisco Bay/Delta Estuary," The Hastings West-Northwest Journal of Environmental Law and Policy, Vol. 2, No. 3 (Spring, 1995), pp. 159-165. A81. Ujjayant Chakravorty, Eithan Hochman, and David Zilberman, "A Spatial Model of Optimal Water Conveyance," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 29 (March, 1995), pp. 25-41. A82. David Sunding, David, Zilberman, Gordon Rausser, and Alan Marco, "Flexible Technology and the Cost of Improving Groundwater Quality," Natural Resource Modeling, Vol. 9, No. 2 (Spring, 1995), pp. 177-192. A83. Douglas D. Parker and David Zilberman, "Biotechnology and the Future of Agriculture and Natural ResourcesóAn Overview," Technological Forecasting and Social Change: An International Journal, Special Issue, Biotechnology and the Future of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Douglas D. Parker and David Zilberman (Guest Editors), Vol. 50, No. 1 (September, 1995). A84. David Buschena and David Zilberman, "Performance of the Similarity Hypothesis Relative to Existing Models of Risky Choice," Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Vol. 11 (November, 1995), pp. 233-262. A85. Bruce McWilliams and David Zilberman, "Time of Technology Adoption and Learning by Using," Economics of Innovation and New Technology, Vol. 4 (1996), pp. 139-154. A86. Douglas D. Parker and David Zilberman, ìThe Use of Information Services: The Case of CIMIS,î Agribusiness, Vol. 12, No. 3 (1996), pp. 209-218. A87. Gary Green, David Sunding, David Zilberman, Doug Parker, Cliff Trotter, and Steven Collup, "Does Water Price Influence Irrigation Technology Adoption?" California Agriculture 50 (March/April, 1996), pp. 36-40. A88. Bruce A. Babcock, P. G. Lakshminarayan, JunJie Wu, and David Zilberman, "The Economics of a Public Fund for Environmental Amenities: A Study of CRP Contracts," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 78 (November, 1996), pp. 961-971. A89. Gareth Green, David Sunding, David Zilberman, and Doug Parker, "Explaining Irrigation Technology Choices: A Microparameter Approach," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 78 (November, 1996), pp. 1064-1072. A90. David Zilberman, Madhu Khanna, and Leslie Lipper, ìEconomics of New Technologies for Sustainable Agriculture,î Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 41, No. 1 (1997), pp. 63-80. A91. David Zilberman and Katti Millock, "Financial Incentives and Pesticide Use," Food Policy, Vol. 22, No. 2 (1997), pp. 133-144. A92. Ujjayant Chakravorty and David Zilberman, ìWater Markets in California: Lessons of a Drought,î Down to Earth, Vol. 6, No. 3 (June 30, 1997), pp. 33-37. A93. Bruce A. Babcock, P. G. Lakshminarayan, Junjie Wu, and David Zilberman, ìTargeting Tools for the Purchase of Environmental Amenities,î Land Economics, Vol. 73, No. 3 (August, 1997), pp. 325-339. A94. David Zilberman and Katti Millock, ìPesticide Use and Regulation: Making Economic Sense Out of an Externality and Regulation Nightmare,î Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 22, No. 2 (1997), pp. 321-332. A95. Daniel R. Cohen and David Zilberman, ìActual versus Stated Willingness to Pay: A Comment,î Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 22, No. 2 (1997), pp. 376-381. A96. Madhu Khanna and David Zilberman, ìIncentives, Precision Technology and Environmental Quality," Ecological Economics, Vol. 23, No. 1 (October, 1997), pp 25-43. A97. Janis Olmstead, David Sunding, Douglas Parker, Richard Howitt, and David Zilberman, ìWater Marketing in the ë90ís: Entering the Electronic Age,î Choices, (Third Quarter, 1997), pp. 24-28. A98. Eyal Brill, Eithan Hochman, and David Zilberman, ìAllocation and Pricing at the Water District Level,î American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 79 (August, 1997). A99. Doug Parker, David Zilberman, and Federico Castillo, ìOffice of Technology Transfer, the Privatization of University Innovations, and Agriculture,î Choices, (First Quarter, 1998), in press. A100. David Zilberman and Amir Heiman, ìThe Value of Economic Research,î American Journal of Agricultural Economics, forthcoming, 1998. A101. Bruce McWilliams, Yacov Tsur, Eithan Hochman, and David Zilberman, ìCount-Data Regression Models of the Time to Adopt New Technologies,î Applied Economics Letters, forthcoming, 1998. A102. U. Regev, A. P. Gutierrez, S. J. Schreiber, and
D. Zilberman, ìBio-Economic Foundations of Renewable Resource Exploitation,î
Economics, forthcoming, 1998.
Book Chapters and Reviews Book Chapters C1.1. Richard E. Just, Andrew Schmitz, and David Zilberman, "The Social Impact of Technological Change in Agriculture," Technological Change, Farm Mechanization and Agricultural Employment, University of California at Davis Kellogg Program, Cooperative Extension, and the Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, University of California, Berkeley, July, 1978. C1.2. Richard E. Just, David Zilberman, and Gordon C. Rausser, "A Putty-Clay Approach to the Distributional Effects of New Technology Under Risk," Operations Research in Agriculture and Water Resources, ed. Daniel Yaron and Charles Tapiero (Amsterdam: North Holland, Inc., 1980). C1.3. Gordon C. Rausser, Richard E. Just, and David Zilberman, "Prospects and Limitations of Operations Research Applications in Agriculture and Agricultural Policy," Operations Research in Agriculture and Water Resources, ed. Daniel Yaron and Charles Tapiero (Amsterdam: North Holland, Inc., 1980). C1.4. Gordon C. Rausser, David Zilberman, and Richard E. Just, "The Distributional Impacts of Agricultural Programs," in Proceedings from Perspectives on Food and Agricultural Policy Research Workshop, ed. Walter J. Armbruster (Oak Brook, Illinois: Farm Foundation, 1982). C1.5. Richard E. Just, Gordon C. Rausser, and David Zilberman, "Modelling Equity and Efficiency in Agricultural Production Systems," Growth and Equity in Agricultural Development, Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of Agricultural Economists, ed. Allen Maunder and Kazushi Ohkawa (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983). C1.6. David Zilberman and Gordon C. Rausser, "A Proper Perspective for Considering Adaptive Economics" (Discussion of Chapter 2), Modeling Farm Decisions for Policy Analysis, ed. Kenneth H. Baum and Lyle P. Schertz (Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1983). C1.7. David Zilberman and Richard E. Just, "Labor Supply Uncertainty and Technology Adoption," Seasonal Agricultural Labor Markets in the United States, ed. Robert D. Emerson (Ames: Iowa State University Press, 1984). C1.8. Eithan Hochman, Gideon Vitkon, and David Zilberman, "The Arava: Development Model of an Arid Zone Under Conditions of Uncertainty," Human Settlement and Regional Development (Jerusalem: Keter Press, International, 1984). C1.9. David Zilberman and Harold O. Carter, "Structural Dimensions of Agricultural Policies," Alternative Agricultural and Food Policies and the 1985 Farm Bill, ed. Gordon C. Rausser and Kenneth R. Farrell (Berkeley: Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, University of California; Washington, D. C.: Resources for the Future; and San Leandro, California: Blaco Publishers, 1984). C1.10. David Zilberman, Amos Golan, and Bonnie Stern, "Labor in Israeli Agriculture," Migrant Labor in Agriculture: An International Comparison, ed. Philip L. Martin (Davis: Giannini Foundation of Agricultural Economics, University of California, and Washington, D. C.: German Marshall Fund of the United States, 1984). C1.11. Eithan Hochman, Gideon Vitkon, Richard E. Just, and David Zilberman, "The Dynamics of Agricultural Development in Sparsely Populated Areas: The Case of the Arava," Desert Development: Man and Technology in Sparselands, ed. Yehuda Gradus (Dordrecht, Holland: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1985). C1.12. Gary Casterline, Ariel Dinar, and David Zilberman, "The Adoption of Modern Irrigation Technologies in the United States," Free Trade and Agricultural Diversification: Canada and the United States, ed. Andrew Schmitz (Boulder, San Francisco, and London: Westview Press, 1989), pp. 222-248. C1.13. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "The Economics of Waste Management in Agricultural Production Systems," Risk Analysis and Management of Natural and Man-Made Hazards, ed. Yacov Y. Haimes and Eugene Z. Stakhiv (New York: American Society of Civil Engineers, 1989), pp. 175-189. C1.14. Ujjayant Chakravorty, Eithan Hochman, and David Zilberman, "Dynamic Considerations in the Design of Drainage Canals," The Economics and Management of Water and Drainage in Agriculture, ed. Ariel Dinar and David Zilberman (Norwell, Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991), Chapter 33. C1.15. Ariel Dinar and David Zilberman, "Effects of Input Quality and Environmental Conditions on Selection of Irrigation Technologies," The Economics and Management of Water and Drainage in Agriculture, ed. Ariel Dinar and David Zilberman (Norwell, Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991), Chapter 12. C1.16. Richard E. Just, Nancy Bockstael, Ronald G. Cummings, John Miranowski, and David Zilberman, "Problems Confronting the Joint Formulation of Commercial Agricultural and Resource Policies," Commodity and Resource Policies in Agricultural Systems, ed. R. E. Just and N. Bockstael (Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991). C1.17. Richard E. Just, Erik Lichtenberg, and David Zilberman, "Effects of the Feed Grain and Wheat Programs on Irrigation and Groundwater Depletion in Nebraska," Commodity and Resource Policies in Agricultural Systems, ed. R. E. Just and N. Bockstael (Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991). C1.18. Richard E. Just, Erik Lichtenberg, and David Zilberman, "Joint Management of Buffer Stocks for Water and Commodities," Commodity and Resource Policies in Agricultural Systems, ed. R. E. Just and N. Bockstael (Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991). C1.19. Richard E. Just, Erik Lichtenberg, and David Zilberman, "The Interaction of Agricultural Policies and Health Regulation: The Case of Tobacco," Commodity and Resource Policies in Agricultural Systems, ed. R. E. Just and N. Bockstael (Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991). C1.20. Gordon C. Rausser and David Zilberman, "Public Research in Agriculture: An Alternative Institutional Framework," Economic Models, Estimation, and Socioeconomic Systems: Essays in Honor of Karl Fox, ed. T. K. Kaul and J. K. Sengupta (Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1991). C1.21. Farhed Shah and David Zilberman, "Government Polices to Improve Intertemporal Allocation of Water Use in Regions with Drainage Problems," The Economics and Management of Water and Drainage in Agriculture, ed. Ariel Dinar and David Zilberman (Norwell, Massachusetts: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991), Chapter 32. C1.22. David E. Buschena and David Zilberman, "Similarity of Choices and the Performance of the Expected Utility Approach: Empirical Results," Quantifying Long Run Agricultural Risks and Evaluating Farmer Responses to Risk, Proceedings of a Seminar sponsored by Southern Regional Project S-232, Orlando, Florida, March 22-25, 1992 (Tucson: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Arizona, September, 1992). C1.23. Richard E. Just, Gordon C. Rausser, and David Zilberman, "Environmental and Agricultural Policy Linkages and Reforms in the United States Under the GATT," Improving Agricultural Trade Performance Under the GATT, eds. Tilman Becker, Richard Gray, and Andrew Schmitz (Kiel, West Germany: Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk, 1992). C1.24. David Zilberman, Ariel Dinar, Cheryl Brown, Federico Castillo, Madhu Khanna, and Neal MacDougall, "Lessons From California's Response to the Drought: On Behavior Under Uncertainty," Quantifying Long Run Agricultural Risks and Evaluating Farmer Responses to Risk, Proceedings of a Seminar sponsored by Southern Regional Project S-232, Orlando, Florida, March 22-25, 1992 (Tucson: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Arizona, September, 1992). C1.25. Farhed Shah, David Zilberman, and Ujjayant Chakravorty, "Water Rights Doctrines and Technology Adoption," The Economics of Rural Organization: Theory, Practice, and Policy, ed. Karla Hoff, Avishay Braverman, and Joseph E. Stiglitz (New York: Oxford University Press, 1993), pp. 478-499. C1.26. David Zilberman, David Sunding, and Gordon Rausser, "Managing Groundwater Quality Under Uncertainty," Quantifying Long-Run Agricultural Risks, ed. M. Marra (Orono: University of Maine, 1993). C1.27. David Zilberman, N. Naidenov, and F. Castillo, "Agriculture and the Environment," Privatization of Agriculture in New Market Economies: Lessons from Bulgaria, eds. Andrew Schmitz, Kirby Moulton, Allan Buckwell, and Sofia Davidova (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994), Chapter 8. As part of the book series, Natural Resource Management and Policy, Ariel Dinar and David Zilberman, editors. C1.28. David Zilberman, David Sunding, Michael Dobler, Mark Campbell, and Andrew Manale, "Who Makes Pesticide Use Decisions: Implications for Policymakers," Pesticide Use and Product Quality, ed. Walter Armbruster (Oak Brook: Farm Foundation, 1994), pp. 23-39. C1.29. Richard E. Just, Gordon C. Rausser, and David Zilberman, "Compensation and Political Feasibility: Facilitating Welfare Improving Policies," GATT Negotiations and the Political Economy of Policy Reform, ed. Gordon C. Rausser (New York: Springer, 1995). C1.30. Richard E. Just, Gordon C. Rausser, and David Zilberman, "Modeling Policy Reform in the U. S. Wheat and Feed Grain Sectors," GATT Negotiations and the Political Economy of Policy Reform, ed. Gordon C. Rausser (New York: Springer, 1995). C1.31. Farhed Shah and David Zilberman, "Political Economy of the Transition from Water Rights to Water Markets," Water Quantity/Quality Management and Conflict Resolution, eds. Ariel Dinar and Edna Tusak Loehman (Westport, Connecticut: Praeger, 1995), pp. 369-383. C1.32. Ariel Dinar, David Sunding, and David Zilberman, "Changes in Irrigation Technology and the Impact of Reducing Agricultural Water Supplies," Advances in the Economics of Environmental Resources, ed. Darwin C. Hall (Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, Inc., 1996), pp. 167-183. C1.33. David Zilberman, "Institutional and Policy Reform in Water Resource Management," Security and Sustainability in a Mature Water Economy: A Global Perspective, ed. John J. Pigram (Armidale, Australia: Centre for Water Policy Research, 1996), pp. 1-10. C1.34. David Sunding, David Zilberman, Neal MacDougall, Richard Howitt, and Ariel Dinar, ìModeling the Impacts of Reducing Agricultural Water Supplies: Lessons from Californiaís Bay/Delta Problem,î Decentralization and Coordination of Water Resource Management, eds. Douglas D. Parker and Yacov Tsur (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997), Chapter 22. As part of the book series, Natural Resource Management and Policy, Ariel Dinar and David Zilberman, editors. C1.35. Daniel Osgood, Daniel Cohen, Doug Parker, and David Zilberman, ìForcasting the Production Benefits and Incidence of a Public Program: An Integrated Survey and Estimation Procedure Applied to Study the California Irrigation Management Information System,î Advances in Econometrics, eds. Thomas B. Fomby and R. Carter Hill (Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press, Inc., Vol. 12, 1997), pp. 303-317. C1.36. Julian Alston and David Zilberman, ìScience and Technology in California Agriculture,î California Agriculture: Issues and Challenges, ed. Jerome B. Siebert (University of California, Giannini Foundation, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, August, 1997), pp. 101-124. C1.37. David Zilberman, Jerome B. Siebert, and Joshua Zivin, ìEnvironmental Issues in California Agriculture,î California Agriculture: Issues and Challenges, ed. Jerome B. Siebert (University of California, Giannini Foundation, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, August, 1997), pp. 195-214. C1.38. Joshua Zivin, David Zilberman, and Jerome B. Siebert, ìAgriculture at the Urban Fringe: A Competition for Scarce Resources,î California Agriculture: Issues and Challenges, ed. Jerome B. Siebert (University of California, Giannini Foundation, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, August, 1997), pp. 215-230. C1.39. David Zilberman, David Sunding, and Madhu Khanna. "The Changing Nature of Agricultural Markets: Implications for Privatization of Technology, Information Transfer, and the Role of Land Grant Research and Extension." Privatization of Information and Agricultural Industrialization, ed., Steve Wolf (Boca Raton Florida: CRC Press, 1998), pp. 257-284. C1.40. David Zilberman and Douglas Parker. ìInternal Water Disputes: Causes and Solutions.î Conflict and Cooperation on Trans-Boundary Water Resources, eds. Richard Just and Sinaia Netanyahu (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998), pp. 89-107. As part of the book series, Natural Resource Management and Policy, Ariel Dinar and David Zilberman, editors. C1.41. Richard Just, George Frisvold, Verna Harrison,
Joe Oppenheimer, and David Zilberman. ìUsing Bargaining Theory and
Economic Analysis as an Aid to Trans-Boundary Water Cooperation.î
and Cooperation on Trans-Boundary Water Resources, eds. Richard Just
and Sinaia Netanyahu (Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998), pp. 411-426.
As part of the book series, Natural Resource Management and Policy,
Ariel Dinar and David Zilberman, editors.
Book Reviews C2.1. Review of Lectures on Macroeconomic Planning by Leif Johansen (Amsterdam and New York: North-Holland Publishing Company, 1977), in Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 75, No. 369 (March, 1980), p. 245. C2.2. Review of The Economics of Agricultural Policies by Bruce L. Gardner (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1982), in American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 70 (November, 1988), pp. 966 and 967. C2.3. Review of Agricultural Household Models: Extensions, Applications, and Policy by Inderjit Singh, Lyn Squire, and John Strauss, eds. (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986) in Growth and Change, Vol. 19, No. 2 (Spring, 1988), pp. 94 and 95. C2.4. Review of Irrigation-Induced Water Quality Problems:
What Can Be Learned from the San Joaquin Valley Experience? by the
Committee on Irrigation-Induced Water Quality Problems, Water Science and
Technology Board, Commission on Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Resources,
National Research Council (Washington, D. C.: National Academy Press, 1989)
in AAEA (December, 1991).
Technical Reports F1. L. Joe Moffitt, David Zilberman, Richard E. Just, and Eithan Hochman, "Water Quality Versus Production: The Case of the Dairy Industry in the Santa Ana River Basin," University of California, Giannini Foundation Information Series No. 77-4, November, 1977. F2. Peter Berck, David Zilberman, and E. Phillip LeVeen, "Economic Impact Modeling," Supplemental Report to the Public Interest Economic West Task I Report, submitted to the State of California, Air Resources Board, May, 1980. F3. Gershon Feder, Richard E. Just, and David Zilberman, "Adoption of Agricultural Innovation: A Survey," World Bank, Staff Working Paper No. 444, Washington, D. C., February, 1981. F4. Robin R. Marsh and David Zilberman, "Profile of the United States Artichoke Industry: Production, Marketing and Pest Management Characteristics," Report prepared for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Project: Modeling the Impacts of Pesticides Use in Specialty Crop Markets, August, 1989. F5. Richard E. Just, David Zilberman, Douglas Parker, and Mark Phillips, "The Economic Impacts of BARD Research on the U. S.," Report prepared for the Commission to Evaluate BARD, June, 1988. F6. Sandra O. Archibald, Timothy H. Brown, and David Zilberman, "Modeling Impacts of Fungicide Cancellations in the U. S. Apple Market," Report prepared for the Western Consortium for Public Health, September, 1989. F7. W. Michael Hanemann, Erik Lichtenberg, David Zilberman, David Chapman, Lloyd Dixon, Gregg Ellis, and Janne Hukkinen, Economic Implications of Regulating Agricultural Drainage to the San Joaquin River, Technical Committee Report to the State Water Resources Control Board, Sacramento, California, 1987. F8. State Water Resources Control Board, Regulation of Agricultural Drainage to the San Joaquin River, Final Report, Technical Committee Report, SWRCB Order No. W085-1, August, 1987 (David Zilberman and W. Michael Hanemann, among others, were the main authors of this report). F9. Erik Lichtenberg, Douglas Parker, and David Zilberman, Economic Impacts of Canceling Parathion Registration for Almonds, Report prepared for the Western Consortium for the Health Professions, Inc., and the Environmental Protection Agency, May, 1987. F10. Erik Lichtenberg, Douglas Parker, David Zilberman, and Robert A. Van Steenwyck, Economic Impacts of Canceling Parathion Registration for Plums and Prunes, Report prepared for the Western Consortium for the Health Professionals, Inc., and the Environmental Protection Agency, May, 1987. F11. Erik Lichtenberg, Douglas Parker, and David Zilberman, Economic Impacts of Canceling Parathion Registration for Lettuce, Report prepared for the Western Consortium for the Health Professionals, Inc., and the Environmental Protection Agency, June, 1987. F12. David Zilberman and Erik Lichtenberg, "Adoption of Modern Irrigation Technologies: Theory, Evidence, and Implications for the California Drainage Problems," Report submitted to the San Joaquin Valley Drainage Program, 1988. F13. Douglas D. Parker, Kirby Moulton, and David Zilberman, "The Effects of Quality Characteristics on Fruit Prices: The Case of Peaches, Nectarines and Plums," Report presented to the California Tree Fruit Agreement, June, 1989. F14. Douglas D. Parker, Kirby Moulton, David Zilberman, and Scott Johnson, "The Profitability of Gearing Production Toward Selected Quality Characteristics in Tree Fruit," Report presented to the California Tree Fruit Agreement, June, 1990. F15. Douglas D. Parker and David Zilberman, "Issues in Applying Economics to Agricultural Biotechnology," Report presented to the Maryland Biotechnology Institute, September, 1990. F16. Douglas D. Parker and David Zilberman, "The Political Economy of Alternative Mechanisms of R&D Management in Agriculture," Report presented to the Maryland Biotechnology Institute, February, 1991. F17. David Zilberman, Philip Haney, and Seung Jick Yoo, "The Impact of Energy Price Changes on Citrus Growers and California Agriculture," Report produced for the California Energy Commission, presented at the CEC Workshop, Economic Implications of Higher Electricity Rates to Agricultural Class Customers and the Various Alternatives Available to Reduce Their Electricity Demands, Sacramento, March 27, 1992 (Berkeley: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, March, 1992). F18. David Zilberman, Neal MacDougall, Richard E. Howitt, and L. Tim Wallace, "Analysis of the Economic Impacts of the Central Valley Improvement Act," Report supported by the agricultural water contractors who receive water from the Central Valley Project (Berkeley: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, March 10, 1992). F19. Neal MacDougall, W. Michael Hanemann, and David Zilberman, "The Economics of Agricultural Drainage," Report submitted to the Central Valley Regional Water Control Board, Standard Agreement No. 0-132-150-0 (Berkeley: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, October, 1992). F20. Goldman, George, Farhed Shah and David Zilberman, "A Preliminary Report on the Economic Analysis of University of California Cooperative Extension Activities: The Case of Stanislaus County, California." Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley, 1990. F21. David Zilberman, Ronald C. Griffin, Douglas D. Parker, Marisa J. Mazzotta and James J. Opaluch, William F. Hyde, Douglas M. Larson, and Anthony C. Fisher, Review of Principles and Guidelines, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley, October, 1994. F22. David Zilberman and Cherisa Yarkin, "The Economics of Development and Adoption of Pest Control Products with Emphasis on Biologically Based Controls." Report prepared for the Environment Program, Office of Technology Assessment, U. S. Congress. Contract No. M3-1016.0. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, U. C. Berkeley, October 1994. F23. Ariel Dinar, Richard E. Howitt, and David Zilberman, "Irrigated Agriculture and Environmental Pollution: Lessons from the Westside San Joaquin Valley, California," Resources and Technology Division, Economic Research Service, U. S. Department of Agriculture. Staff Report No. AGES 9427 (December 1994). F24. David Zilberman, "The Economics of Water Resources." Report submitted to the OECD Development Centre, Paris, France (February, 1995). F25. David Zilberman, "Responses to and Management of Droughts," in Donald A. Wilhite and Deborah A. Wood (editors), Drought Management in a Changing West: New Directions for Water Policy, Proceedings of the Conference and Workshops, Portland, Oregon, May 10-13, 1994. IDIC Technical Report Series 94-1, November 1994. F26. David Zilberman et al, ìData Task Force Final Report,î American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA), February, 1997. F27. David Zilberman, ìThe Economic Approach to
Pesticide Policy,î in Agriculture Pesticides and the the Environment:
Policy Options Annexes, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
(OECD), Paris, France, 1997.
Videos V1. David Zilberman, "What are You Willing to Pay?" Video on the Economics of willingness to pay (approx. 30 min.), 1995. V2. David Zilberman, "Water." Video on water resource management in California (approx. 30 min.), 1995. V3. David Zilberman, "The Transition from Hunting to Farming"
(approx. 30 min.), 1995.
Working Papers and Manuscripts WP1. Efraim Gutkind and David Zilberman, "An Economic Approach to the Diffusion Process," University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Berkeley, January, 1980. WP2. David Zilberman and Richard E. Just, "A Dynamic Putty-Clay Model of Pollution Control," University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Berkeley, September, 1980. WP3. Gordon C. Rausser, David Zilberman, and Richard E. Just, "An Equilibrium Model of Distributional Effects of Land Controls in Agriculture," University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Working Paper No. 80. Berkeley, February, 1981. WP4. Gordon C. Rausser and David Zilberman, "Public Research in Agriculture: An Alternative Institutional Framework," University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Working Paper No. 136. Berkeley, April, 1981. WP5. David Zilberman, "On Consumption Indivisibilities: The Demand for Durables and Income Distribution," University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Berkeley, November, 1981. WP6. Richard E. Just, David Zilberman, and Gordon C. Rausser, "The Role of Government Policy in Agricultural Land Appreciation and Wealth Accumulation," University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Working Paper No. 193. Berkeley, January, 1982. WP7. Haim Shalit, Andrew Schmitz, and David Zilberman, "A Note on Uncertainty, Instability, and the Competitive Firm," University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Berkeley, August, 1982. WP8. Margriet Caswell and David Zilberman, "The Economics of Land Augmenting Irrigation Technologies," University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Berkeley, June, 1985 (accepted, subject to revision for Journal of Environmental Economics and Management). WP9. Gordon C. Rausser, David Zilberman, and Richard E. Just, "The Distributional Effects of Land Controls in Agriculture: Theoretical Implications of Programming Models," University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Working Paper No. 80. Berkeley, November, 1983. WP10. David Zilberman and Harry de Gorter, "The Political Economy of Public Good Provision," University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Berkeley, April, 1984. WP11. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "Optimal Health Risk Regulation," University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Berkeley, July, 1984. WP12. Richard E. Just and David Zilberman, "Equity Implications of Agricultural Policies," University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Berkeley, July, 1984. WP13. David Zilberman, J. M. Hihn, and Gordon C. Rausser, "A Model of Nutrient Demand and the Allocation of Time," University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Berkeley, July, 1984. WP14. Richard E. Just and David Zilberman, "The Effects of Agricultural Development Policies on Income Distribution and Technological Change in Agriculture," University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Berkeley, July, 1984. WP15. Bruce Babcock, Erik Lichtenberg, and David Zilberman, "The Impacts of Damage Control on the Quantity and Quality of Output: Estimating Pest Control Effectiveness," University of Maryland, Working Paper No. 88-39, September, 1989. WP16. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "The Economics of Spoilage Retardants," University of Maryland, Working Paper No. 89-22, August, 1989. WP17. Alyssa Postlewait, Douglas D. Parker, and David Zilberman, "Technology Transfer and Biotechnology in the Bay Area," Berkeley: University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, (September, 1991). WP18. Brian D. Wright and David Zilberman, "Agricultural Research Structures in a Changing World," Berkeley: University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Working Paper No. 639 (September, 1992). WP19. David E. Buschena and David Zilberman, "The Effects of Alternative Similarity on Risky Choice: Implications for Violations of Expected Utility," Berkeley: University of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics (October 7, 1992). WP20. David Zilberman and Jerome B. Siebert, editors.
Perspectives on Pesticide Use in California. Berkeley:
of California, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics,
Working Paper No. 564 (October, 1990).
Presentations P1. Eithan Hochman and David Zilberman, "Two-Goal Environmental Policy: An Integration of Micro and Macro Ad Hoc Decision Rules," paper presented at the Third World Conference of the Econometric Society, Toronto, Canada, August 20-26, 1975. P2. Eithan Hochman, Richard E. Just, and David Zilberman, "The Use of Putty Clay Models for Dynamic Environmental Planning," paper presented at the Western Economic Association Meeting, Honolulu/Kona, Hawaii, June 20-26, 1978. P3. Richard E. Just, Andrew Schmitz, and David Zilberman, "Price Controls and Optimal Export Policies Under Alternative Market Structures," paper presented at the Western Economic Association Meeting, Honolulu/Kona, Hawaii, June 20-26, 1978. P4. Richard E. Just, David Zilberman, and Gordon C. Rausser, "A Putty-Clay Approach to the Distributional Effects of New Technology Under Risk," paper presented at the Operations Research Society of Israel, International Conference on Operations Research in Agriculture and Water Resources, Jerusalem, Israel, November 25-29, 1979. P5. Gordon C. Rausser, Richard E. Just, and David Zilberman, "Prospects and Limitations of Operations Research Applications in Agriculture and Agricultural Policy," paper presented at the Operations Research Society of Israel, International Conference on Operations Research in Agriculture and Water Resources, Jerusalem, Israel, November 25-29, 1979. P6. David Zilberman and Richard E. Just, "Agricultural Product Markets and the Demand for Seasonal Labor," paper presented at the U. S. Department of Labor Conference, "Toward a Research Strategy on the Agricultural Labor Market in the United States," Washington, D. C., January 9-11, 1980. P7. Gordon C. Rausser, Alain de Janvry, Andrew Schmitz, and David Zilberman, "Principal Issues in the Evaluation of Public Research in Agriculture," paper presented at the Symposium on Methodology for Evaluation of Agricultural Research, Minneapolis, Minnesota, May, 1980. P8. Gordon C. Rausser, Richard E. Just, and David Zilberman, "Econometric vs. Programming: Choosing the Tool for the Problem," invited paper presented at the Symposium on Economic Modeling and Forecasting for Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada, May 22 and 23, 1980. P9. Gordon C. Rausser, David Zilberman, and Richard E. Just, "The Distributional Impacts of Agricultural Programs," invited paper presented at the Workshop on Perspective on Food and Agricultural Policy Research, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, October 4-7, 1981. P10. David Zilberman and Gordon C. Rausser, "Comment: A Proper Perspective on Adaptive Economics," paper presented at the U. S. Department of Agriculture Conference on Modeling and Evaluating Policy and Institutional Impacts on Farm Firms: Theory, Research, and Extension Applications, Arlington, Virginia, November 18-20, 1981. P11. Richard E. Just, David Zilberman, and Gordon C. Rausser, "The Role of Governmental Policy in Agricultural Land Appreciation and Wealth Accumulation," invited paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Economics Association, Washington, D. C., December 27-29, 1981. P12. David Zilberman, "The Use of Potential Optimal Control Models in Agricultural Economics," invited paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Agricultural Economics Association and the Western Agricultural Economics Association, Logan, Utah, August 1-4, 1982. P13. Richard E. Just, Gordon C. Rausser, and David Zilberman, "Equity and Efficiency in Agricultural Production Systems," invited plenary paper for the International Association of Agricultural Economics Meetings, Jakarta, Indonesia, August 23-September 2, 1982. P14. David Zilberman, "The Implications of the Economic Treadmill and Putty-Clay Models," paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Symposium on "Agricultural Investment, Asset Fixity, and the Agricultural Treadmill: Modern Approaches to Solving Some Old Problems," Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, August, 1983. P15. David Zilberman, "Seasonal Labor Arrangement in Israeli Agriculture," paper presented at the Giannini Foundation Symposium on International Comparison of Seasonal Farm Labor Management, Davis, California, 1984. P16. David Zilberman and Harold O. Carter, "Structural Dimensions of Agricultural Policies," paper presented at the Conference on Alternative Agricultural and Food Policies and the 1985 Farm Bill, Berkeley, California, June, 1984. P17. David Zilberman, "Technological Change, Government Policies, and Exhaustible Resources in Agriculture," invited paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Meeting, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, August, 1984. P18. David Zilberman, "Comment on Modeling Dynamic Supply Response in Agriculture," discussant in invited session, American Agricultural Economics Meeting, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, August, 1984. P19. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "The Econometrics of Pesticide Use: Why Specification Matters," contributed paper for the American Agricultural Economics Association Meeting, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, August, 1984. P20. Richard E. Just and David Zilberman, "Income Distributional Implications of Natural Resource Policy Decisions," paper presented at the Western Agricultural Economics Association Meeting, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, July, 1985. P21. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "Efficient Regulation of Environmental Health Risks," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Economic Association, Anaheim, California, July, 1985. P22. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "Heterogeneous Production and Input Regulation in Agriculture: A Conceptual Framework for Welfare Analysis," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Iowa State University, Ames, August, 1985. P23. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "Regulating Environmental Health Risks Efficiently in Developing Countries: The Case of Latin America," paper presented at the First Conference on Environmental Economics in Mexico and Latin America, Monterrey, Mexico, September, 1985. P24. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "Efficient Regulation of Environmental Health Risks: The Case of Drinking Water Contamination in California," paper presented at the International Conference on Man's Role in Changing the Global Environment, Venice, Italy, October, 1985. P25. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "Heterogeneous Production and Input Regulation in Agriculture: A Conceptual Framework for Welfare Analysis," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southern Economic Association, Dallas, Texas, November, 1985. P26. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "Regulating Environmental and Human Health Risks from Agricultural Residuals," paper presented at the Conference on Decision Criteria for Residuals Management in Agriculture, Sacramento, California, April 17 and 18, 1986 (also published in its Proceedings). P27. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "Problems of Pesticide Regulation: Health and Environment versus Food and Fiber," paper presented at the Conference on Agricultural and Environment, National Center for Food and Agricultural Policy, Resources for the Future, Washington, D. C., April 21-22, 1986. P28. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "Efficient Management of Contamination Under Environmental Uncertainty: Shellfish Contamination in California," presented at the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Workshop on Marine Pollution and Environmental Damage Assessment, Narragansett, Rhode Island, June 5 and 6, 1986. P29. Erik Lichtenberg, Douglas D. Parker, and David Zilberman. "Marginal Analysis of Welfare Effects of Environmental Policies: The Case of Pesticide Regulation," presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Lansing, Michigan, August 3-5, 1987. P30. Erik Lichtenberg and David Zilberman, "The Economics of Waste Management in Agricultural Production Systems," invited paper presented at the Engineering Foundation Conference on Risk Analysis of Natural and Man-Made Hazards, Santa Barbara, California, November 8-13, 1987. P31. Erik Lichtenberg, and David Zilberman, "Quantifying Toxic Risks from Agriculture," invited paper presented at the Conference on Regional Environmental Quality and Externalities from Production Agriculture sponsored by the Consortium for Research on Crop Production Systems, Airlie House, Virginia, January 21-22, 1988. P32. David Zilberman, "Pesticide Economics," invited paper presented at the 32nd Annual Conference of Australian Agricultural Economics Society, Melbourne, Australia, February 3, 1988. P33. David Zilberman, "The Present and Future of Agricultural Resources Economics," invited paper presented at the University of Maryland Commercial Agricultural and Resource Policy Program, May 14, 1988. P34. Bruce A. Babcock, Erik Lichtenberg, and David Zilberman, "Estimating the Productivity of Pesticides in Controlling Yield and Quality Damage," presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Knoxville, Tennessee, August 1-3, 1988. P35 David Bigman, David Newbery, and David Zilberman, "New Approaches in Agricultural Policy Research: Discussion," presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Economics Association, Chicago, Illinois, December 28, 1987. P36. Richard E. Just, Erik Lichtenberg, and David Zilberman, "Joint Management of Buffer Stocks for Water and Commodities," presented at the University of Maryland Commercial Agricultural and Resource Policy Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, May 4-5, 1989. P37. Richard E. Just, Erik Lichtenberg, and David Zilberman, "Effects of the Feed Grain and Wheat Programs on Irrigation and Groundwater Depletion in Nebraska," presented at the University of Maryland Commercial Agricultural and Resource Policy Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, May 4-5, 1989. P38. Richard E. Just, Erik Lichtenberg, and David Zilberman, "Effects of Commodity Programs on Health: The Case of Tobacco," presented at the University of Maryland Commercial Agricultural and Resource Policy Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, May 4-5, 1989. P39. Erik Lichtenberg, Robert C. Spear, and David Zilberman, "The Economics of Re-Entry Regulation in Controlling Pesticide-Induced Illness Among Farmworkers," invited paper presented at the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Workshop on Estimating and Valuing Morbidity in a Policy Context, Research Triangle, North Carolina, June, 1989. P40. Michael Hanemann, Erik Lichtenberg, and David Zilberman, "Conservation Versus Cleanup in Agricultural Drainage Control," presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, July 30-August 2, 1989. P41. Richard E. Just, Erik Lichtenberg, and David Zilberman, "Joint Management of Buffer Stocks of Commodities and Groundwater," presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Atlanta, Georgia, December 27-30, 1989. P42 David Zilberman, "The Appropriate Model for the Choice of Agricultural Inputs: Primal, Dual, or Other," invited paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Economics Association, Atlanta, Georgia, December 27-30, 1989. P43. David Zilberman and Margriet Caswell, "The Management of Drainage in California," presented at the Western Economics Association Meeting, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, June 14, 1989. P44. David Zilberman, "Health and Production Tradeoffs in Pesticide Regulation," paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Symposium, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 3, 1990. P45. David Zilberman, "Impacts of Environmental Considerations on Agricultural Policy Formulations," paper presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Symposium, Vancouver, British Columbia, August 3, 1990. P46. Douglas D. Parker and David Zilberman, "Price Transmission Across Marketing Levels in a Hedonic Framework," American Agricultural Economics Association Conference, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 1990. P47. David Zilberman, "Pesticide Tradeoffs: Economic, Welfare, and Health," paper presented at the Symposium on Economics of Reducing Pesticide Use, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California at Berkeley, October 26, 1990. P48. David Zilberman, "The Dynamics of Regional Management of Water and Drainage," paper presented at the International Workshop and Conference: Food Problems in Developing Countries and the Potential Contribution of R&D to their Solution, BARD-US-Israel Agricultural Research and Development Fund, the Phillipe Monaster Center for Economics Research, and the Center for Research in Agricultural Economics, in collaboration with CINADCO-Ministry of Agriculture, Israel, December 10 - 13, 1990. P49. David Zilberman, "Water Rights and Technology Adoption," invited paper presented at the Department of Economics, University of Chicago, April 29, 1991. P50. David Zilberman, Andrew Schmitz, Ariel Dinar and Farhed Shah, "A Water Scarcity or a Water Management Crisis?" paper presented at Waterscapes '91: International Conference on Water Management for a Sustainable Environment (organized by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Water Resources Association) Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, June 2-8, 1991. P51. David Zilberman (Chair), "Pesticide Policy and Regulation" (Contemporary Policy Issues Session), Challenges of the Changing Global Environment, Western Economic Association, 66th Annual Conference, Seattle, June 29 - July 3, 1991. P52. David Zilberman (discussant), Individually Organized Session: "Economics of Food Labeling," Challenges of the Changing Global Environment, Western Economic Association, 66th Annual Conference, Seattle, June 29 - July 3, 1991. P53. David E. Buschena and David Zilberman, "Risk Attitudes Over Income Under Discrete Status Levels," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, August 4-7, 1991. P54. Farhed Shah and David Zilberman, "Environmental Degradation and Technological Change," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, August 4-7, 1991. P55. David Zilberman (discussant), "Evaluating Programs that Save Lives," Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, August 4-7, 1991. P56. Bruce McWilliams, David Zilberman, and George B. Frisvold, "Estimating Adoption Behavior From Time of Adoption Data: The Case of Computers in California," paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS, August 4-7, 1991. P57. David Zilberman (facilitator), Workshop on Economics for the Conference on Urban Pesticide Spraying: Charting a Course for Public Health Protection, Santa Monica, CA, Oct. 2-4, 1991. P58. Ariel Dinar, Anthony Fisher, and David Zilberman, "Impact of Global Climate Change on California's Agriculture," invited paper presented at the Peder Sather Symposium on Global Change: European and American Policy Responses, U. C. Berkeley, Oct. 16-18, 1991. P59. David Zilberman, "The Economics of Pesticide Use," paper presented at the Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Georgia, April 30, 1991; the Department of Agricultural Economics, Cornell University, May 24, 1991; the Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Maryland, October 4, 1991; and the Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Connecticut, October 21, 1991. P60. David Zilberman, "The Economics of Drainage Management," paper presented at the University of Massachusetts, Oct. 22, 1991 and the University of California at Davis, Nov. 21, 1991. P61. David Zilberman and Ujjayant Chakravorty, "Efficient Management of Water in Agriculture," paper presented at the International Conference on Natural Resources and Environmental Management in an Interdependent World, sponsored by IICA and Resources for the Future, San Jose, Costa Rica, January 22-24, 1992. P62. David Zilberman, "The Economic Implications of the Sweetpotato Whitefly for Consumers, Growers, and the Farm Credit Industry," presented at the Conference on The Economic Impacts of the Sweetpotato Whitefly, University of California at Riverside, January 17, 1992. P63. David Zilberman, Philip Haney, and Seung Jick Yoo, "The Impact of Energy Price Changes on Citrus Growers and California Agriculture," Report produced for the California Energy Commission, presented at the CEC Workshop, Economic Implications of Higher Electricity Rates to Agricultural Class Customers and the Various Alternatives Available to Reduce Their Electricity Demands, Sacramento, March 27, 1992 (Berkeley: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, March, 1992). P64. Douglas D. Parker and David Zilberman, "Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: Evidence and Analysis," presented at the Western Economic Association International Conference, San Francisco, California, July, 1992. P65. David Zilberman, "Transaction Costs and the Political Economy of Water Markets," presented at the Western Economic Association International Conference, San Francisco, California, July, 1992. P66. David Zilberman (moderator), Chemical vs. Biological Control of Pests: An International Comparison, Organized Symposium at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, August, 1992. P67. David Zilberman, "Environmental Dimensions of Grains from Trade," (subsequently retitled "Environmental Aspects of Economic Relations Between Nations") presented at the American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, August, 1992. P68. David Zilberman, Ariel Dinar, Cheryl Brown, Federico Castillo, Madhu Khanna, and Neal MacDougall, "Lessons From California's Response to the Drought: On Behavior Under Uncertainty," Quantifying Long Run Agricultural Risks and Evaluating Farmer Responses to Risk, Proceedings of a Seminar sponsored by Southern Regional Project S-232, Orlando, Florida, March 22-25 1992 (Tucson: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Arizona, September, 1992). P69. David E. Buschena and David Zilberman, "Similarity of Choices and the Performance of the Expected Utility Approach: Empirical Results," Quantifying Long Run Agricultural Risks and Evaluating Farmer Responses to Risk, Proceedings of a Seminar sponsored by Southern Regional Project S-232, Orlando, Florida, March 22-25 1992 (Tucson: Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Arizona, September, 1992). P70. David Zilberman (panelist), "Implications of Environmental/Food Safety Regulations for Agriculture," panel held at the Agricultural, Food and Environmental Policy Interface, Bennett Agricultural Round Table Program, sponsored by the Farm Foundation, Sacramento, CA, Summer 1992. P71. David Zilberman (panelist), "Economic Implications of Higher Electricity Rates on California Agriculture," at the Workshop on Assembly Bill 2236, Economic Implications of High Electricity Rates to Agricultural Class Customers and the Various Alternatives Available to Reduce Their Electricity Demands, sponsored by the California Energy Commission, March 27, 1992. P72. David Zilberman and Richard Howitt. "The Economics of Water Supply Restrictions: Impacts of Miller/Bradley on California Agriculture." At the Conference on Regional Water Management, Regional Water Constraints: Physical, Institutional and Economic Differences. Sponsored by the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley; College of Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley; the Water Resources Center, University of California, System; and the Water and Resource Economics Consortium. Berkeley, California, October 15-16, 1993. P73. David Zilberman (moderator). "The Economics of Water for Environmental and Recreational Purposes." At the Conference on Regional Water Management, Regional Water Constraints: Physical, Institutional and Economic Differences. Sponsored by the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley; College of Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley; the Water Resources Center, University of California, System; and the Water and Resource Economics Consortium. Berkeley, California, October 15-16, 1993. P74. David Zilberman. "Agricultural Water Conservation and Quantity Constraints in California." At the session, "Agricultural Water Conservation Strategies," Conference on Regional Water Management: Regional Water Constraints: Physical, Institutional and Economic Differences. Sponsored by the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley; College of Natural Resources, University of California, Berkeley; the Water Resources Center, University of California, System; and the Water and Resource Economics Consortium. Berkeley, California, October 15-16, 1993. P75. David Zilberman (discussant). "The Future of Water Markets: Emerging Institutions, Shifting Paradigms, and Organizations." At the Conference on Market Approaches to Environmental Protection. Sponsored by the Center for Economic Policy Research (with the Koret Foundation and Cain Conference Fund) and the Institute for International Studies, Stanford University. Stanford University, Dec. 3-4, 1993. P76. David Zilberman (presenter). "Case Studies and Solutions: Economic Impacts." At the UC Wetlands/Agricultural Workshop. Organized by the Integrated Natural Resources Workgroup and the Agricultural/Wildlife Workgroup, University of California Cooperative Extension. Sponsored by the Salinity Drainage Program, U. C., DANR Council of Deans and Directors, Santa Nella California, April 28-29, 1994. P77. David Zilberman (discussant). "Emergency Response vs. Preparedness: Opportunity for Change." At the conference, Drought Management in a Changing West: New Directions for Water Policy. Sponsored by the Western Regional Climate Center, Desert Research Institute; West National Technical Center, Soil Conservation Service/USDA; International Drought Information Center, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Western States Water Council; Institute for Water Resources, Corps of Engineers; Bureau of Reclamation, Department of Interior; Climate Analysis Center, NOAA; and the High Plains Climate Center, University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Portland, Oregon, May 11-13, 1994. P78. David E. Buschena and David Zilberman. "Testing the Effects of Similarity on Risky Choice Utility," at the session "Information and Uncertainty," The 69th Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International, Markets and the Environment, Vancouver, B.C., June 29- July 3, 1994. P79. Bruce McWilliams and David Zilberman. "Learning by Using and Technology Adoption." At the session "Economics of Technology Adoption in Agriculture," 1994 Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Western Agricultural Economics Association, and Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, San Diego, CA, August 7-10, 1994. P80. David Zilberman (moderator). Session: "Welfare Economics Applications: Property Rights and Animal Health." 1994 Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Western Agricultural Economics Association, and Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, San Diego, CA, August 7-10, 1994. P81. Douglas D. Parker and David Zilberman. "The Distributional Effects of Private Sector R&D Management: In-House and At Public Institutions," At the session "U. S. Agricultural Policy," 1994 Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Western Agricultural Economics Association, and Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, San Diego, CA, August 7-10, 1994. P82. David Zilberman (speaker). Who Owns the Water? A Look at the Middle East Water Crisis. Council Program, World Affairs Council of Northern California, September 11, 1994. P83. David Zilberman and Terry Roe (discussants). "The Political Economy of Water Allocation: Lobbying, Negotiations and Other Game-Theoretic Approaches." At the International Conference on Coordination and Decentralization in Water Resource Management. Sponsored by the Center for Agricultural Economic Research and the Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Center for International Food and Agricultural Policy, University of Minnesota; and the Water Resources Economics Consortium with The Brian Y. Davidson Center for Agribusiness, The Jerusalem School of Business Administration; the Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD); Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Center for International Cooperation (MASHAV); and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Rehovot, Israel, October 3-6, 1994. P84. David Zilberman. "Environmental Qualities and Environmental Policies." At the International Conference on Coordination and Decentralization in Water Resource Management. Sponsored by the Center for Agricultural Economic Research and the Department of Agricultural Economics and Management, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Center for International Food and Agricultural Policy, University of Minnesota; and the Water Resources Economics Consortium with The Brian Y. Davidson Center for Agribusiness, The Jerusalem School of Business Administration; the Binational Agricultural Research and Development Fund (BARD); Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Center for International Cooperation (MASHAV); and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Rehovot, Israel, October 3-6, 1994. P85. David Zilberman, ìCoordinated Approaches to Trade and Environment Policy in the Pacific Basin: Initial Results for Mexico, A Comment,î International Conference on Economic Development and Cooperation in the Pacific Basin, Berkeley, CA, June 30-July 1, 1995. P86. David Zilberman, ìLegislating Reductions in Pesticide Use: Universal Paradigm or Silly Idea?î Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economic Association, Indianapolis, IN, August 6-9, 1995. P87. Steve Hamilton, David Sunding, and David Zilberman, ìVoting on Environmental Health Risks,î Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economic Association, Indianapolis, IN, August 6-9, 1995. P88. David Zilberman, Gareth Green, and David Sunding, ìThe Effects of Land Allocation, Soil Quality, and Water Cost on Irrigation Technology Adoption,î Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economic Association, Indianapolis, IN, August 6-9, 1995. P89. Jinhua Zhao and David Zilberman, ìEndogenous Investment, Restoration and Nature of Irreversibility,î Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economic Association, Indianapolis, IN, August 6-9, 1995. P90. David Zilberman, ìWorkshop Wrap-up,î Privatization of Technology and Information Transfer in U.S. Agriculture: Research and Policy Implications, Madison, WI, October 25-26, 1995. P91. David Zilberman, Madhu Khanna, and Leslie Lipper, ìEconomics of Sustainable Agriculture,î paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the Austrailian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Melbourne, Australia, February 11-16, 1996. P92. David Zilberman (organizer of session), ìGeographic Information Systems and Environmental Policy Analysis,î 71st Annual Western Economic Association International Conference, San Francisco, California, June 28-July 2, 1996. P93. Bruce Babcock, P. G. Lakshminarayan, Junjie Wu, and David Zilberman, ìThe Economics and Environmental Impact of the CRP,î paper presented at the 71st Annual Western Economic Association International Conference, San Francisco, California, June 28-July 2, 1996. P94. David Zilberman, David Sunding, Gordon Rausser, and Alan Marco, ìWhat Happens After a Pesticide is Banned?î paper presented at the 71st Annual Western Economic Association International Conference, San Francisco, California, June 28-July 2, 1996. P95. Madhu Khanna and David Zilberman, ìPrecision Technology and Nonpoint Pollution Control,î paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, San Antonio, TX, July 28-31, 1996. P96. David Zilberman, ìPesticide Use and Regulation: Making Economic Sense out of an Externality and Regulation Nightmare,î paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, San Antonio, TX, July 28-31, 1996. P97. Chris Dumas and David Zilberman (organizers of session), Free Session: ìUsing the World Wide Web to Teach Agricultural, Resource and Environmental Economics: A Set of Tools and Experiences to get you Started,î Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, San Antonio, TX, July 28-31, 1996. P98. David Zilberman, ìAgriculture, Technology, and Rural Development,î Annual Meeting of the Federal Reserve System Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development. Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, October 3-4, 1996. P99. David Zilberman, ìThe Economics of Precision Agriculture,î Workshop on Remote Sensing of Agriculture in the 21st Century. Sponsored by NASA, National Institute for Global Environmental Change, and the College of Agriculture at UC Davis, Davis, CA, October 23-25, 1996. P100. David Zilberman, ìAgricultural and Resource Economics Works on Risks,î University of California Risk Workshop, Berkeley, CA, October 31-November 1, 1996. P101. David Zilberman, Madhu Khanna, and Leslie Lipper, ìEconomics, Technology, and Sustainability,î paper presented at the World Food Summit. Sponsored by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy, November 13-17, 1996. P102. David Zilberman, ìThe Economics of Improved Irrigation Technologies,î California Irrigation Institutes 35th Annual Meeting, Fresno, CA, January 29, 1997. P103. David Zilberman and Amir Heiman, ìMoney-Back Guarantees As Options,î 1997 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, Berkeley, CA, March 21-24, 1997. P104. David Zilberman and Amir Heiman, ìThe Value of Economic Research,î Measuring the Benefits of Policy-Oriented Social Science Research. Sponsored by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Washington, D.C., April 4-5, 1997. P105. David Zilberman, ìThe Problems of Pesticide Regulation--The dilemma associated with Safe and Plentiful Food,î 2nd Seminar on Environmental and Resource Economics. Sponsored by the University of Girona, Girona, Spain, May 19-20, 1997. P106. Madhu Khanna, Katti Millock, and David Zilberman, ìSustainability, Technology, and Incentives,î paper presented at Flexible Incentives for the Adoption of Environmental Technologies in Agriculture. Sponsored by the University of Florida, Gainsville, Florida, June 8-10, 1997. P107. David Zilberman, ìCapital, the Humanís Edge,î paper presented at the 72nd Annual Conference of the Western Economic Association International, Seattle, Washington, July 9-13, 1997. P108. Madhu Khanna and David Zilberman, ìAgricultural Policies, Precision Farming, and Environmental Protection,î paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Toronto, Canada, July 27-30, 1997. P109. David Zilberman, ìEvaluating Social Science Research: Benefits and Costs,î paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Toronto, Canada, July 27-30, 1997. P110. David Zilberman, ìResults from the AAEA Survey and Data Task Force,î paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Toronto, Canada, July 27-30, 1997. P111. Jinhua Zhao and David Zilberman, ìTiming of Technology Adoption and Empirical Test of Real Option Theory,î paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Toronto, Canada, July 27-30, 1997. P112. David Zilberman, ìNew Approaches for the Management of Natural Resources,î paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Toronto, Canada, July 27-30, 1997. P113. David Zilberman, Cherisa Yarkin, and Amir Heiman, ìAgricultural Biotechnology: Economic and International Implications,î paper presented at the XXIII International Conference of Agricultural Economists, ìFood Security, Diversification, and Resource Management: Refocusing the Role of Agriculture?, Sacramento, California, August 10-16, 1997. P114. David Zilberman, ìIntellectual Property Rights,
Technology Transfer and Genetic Resource Utilization,î paper presented
at International Conference on Building the Basis for Economic Analysis
of Genetic Resources in Crop Plants, Sponsored by International Maize
and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) and Stanford University, Palo Alto,
CA, August 17-19, 1997.
Conference Organization CO1. David Zilberman and Jerome Siebert, Symposium on the Economics of Reducing Pesticide Use, University of California at Berkeley, October 26, 1990. CO2. David Zilberman, Eithan Hochman, and David Bigman, Internation |