Workbook: CA Household industry demand.xls  (and aggcons.xls)


Notes / Method: aggcons.xls


·         This workbook feeds into the ‘CA Household industry demand.xls’ workbook by calculating the allocation of each industry’s final goods production amongst the aggregate consumption categories.

·         The far right hand sheet, ‘Household Commodity demand’, contains the raw data output from IMPLAN.  Added to this raw data are two columns: ‘Model Code’ and ‘HH consumption category’.  These columns assign and industrial sector name and aggregate consumption category name to each consumption sector output by IMPLAN.

·         The sheet ‘Pivot Table’ rearranges the data from ‘Household Commodity Demand’ so that each row of the table indicates how much of each consumption category is produced by a given industry.  At the right hand side of the sheet, the pivot table is normalized to a percentage basis.

·         The ‘Aggregation matrix’ sheet is a reformatting of the ‘Pivot table’ so that the data can be easily copied into ‘CA Household industry demand.xls’


Notes / Method: CA Household industry demand.xls


·         As with aggcons.xls, the far right hand sheet, ‘Household Commodity demand’, contains the raw data output from IMPLAN.  SAM industrial sector names are assigned to each IMPLAN consumption category.

·         The sheet ‘Demand by final model codes’ aggregates the raw data from IMPLAN into the SAM sectors.

·         The sheet ‘CA personal income data’ contains 2003 data from BEA that will be used to bring the year 2000 data from IMPLAN up to date.

·         The sheet ‘National personal income data’ contains 2003 data from BEA that will be used to estimate 2003 CA personal saving.

·         The sheet ‘Tax data’ is a direct copy from ‘PIT0304.xls’

·         The sheet ‘Bridge to Disposable Income’ calculates total CA 2003 HH consumption expenditure.  First, disposable income is calculated as the difference between CA personal income (from BEA) and the CA personal tax take.  2003 CA consumption is then disposable income less personal saving, which is estimated from the national saving rate.

·         The sheet ‘HH commodity consumption’ multiplies the table from ‘Demand by final model codes’ by the ratio of 2003 CA consumption to 2000 CA consumption from IMPLAN

·         The sheet ‘PIT relevant data’ is a direct copy from ‘PIT0304.xls’

·         The sheet ‘Sector revisions’ provides the calculations to map consumption data from the IMPLAN household categories to the SAM household categories.  It uses the number of tax returns in each income group to determine the weighing of each SAM HH category within each IMPLAN HH category.

·         The sheet ‘HH commodity consumption revised’ uses the ‘Sector revisions’ to map ‘HH commodity consumption’ to the SAM HH categories.

·         The sheet ‘Aggregation matrix’ is a direct copy from ‘aggcons.xls’

·         The sheet ‘Aggregate Industry Consumption’ takes the total consumption per SAM sector from ‘HH commodity consumption revised’ and allocates it out to the aggregate consumption sectors based on the percentages in aggcons.xls.  This sheet therefore provides the amount of each aggregate consumption good produced by each SAM industrial sector.

·         The sheet ‘Aggregate Household Consumption’ matrix multiplies the transpose of the ‘aggregation matrix’ by the ‘HH commodity consumption revised’ worksheet to yield the consumption of each aggregate consumption good by each household group.  Note that the consumption of each aggregate consumption good is checked against production of each aggregate consumption good from the ‘Aggregate Industry Consumption’ sheet to ensure balance.